Agreed TK is using resistance heating of the filaments.
Barring any deception, this means that TK is lighting his bulbs with "conduction current", and when the battery is removed, there is no apparent conventional power source. Just the green box, inverter, load, and "something in a can" that converts the output to battery voltage. In his interview, TK claims 5kw capability with this generator. 5kw will power a home and get you off the grid. 1. The basic starting point is to wind a large coil, synonymous with TK's primary coil. He used HV wire that looks to have a silicone jacket, I used magnet wire (high temp insulation). 2. Then, build a HV DC pulser that you can drive with a freq generator so you can sweep through the frequencies to find what works best. You need HV not high current. 3. Use Tesla's Radaint Energy reciever as a detector. Start with a tube or sheet rolled around your coil, or loop a bare wire around it - could be like TK's secondary...  Connect the other end of the HV cap to a good ground and keep an eye on the gap or use a electrostatic detector to check the cap for charging. Tesla mentions all of this in his two patents. Very few people every experiment with this, and it's really sad since this is so important. Until you can charge the capacitor, you got nothing. This is the most basic test. Don't expect some 5kw motherload to magically appear, as it won't, unless lightining hits your arial -