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Author Topic: Tariel kapanadze's Energy Generator  (Read 383077 times)
Group: Ambassador
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Posts: 4052
Ben says IT WORKS [Stiffler replication?]



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Just a guess at this point, but the Kapanadze Green Box Device appears to use the particles or energy directly, has a ground connection, and the only magnetic field that appears to be of any use is the magnetic field of the thick ground cable that goes through the coil.

The AVEC Device (purported to be related to the TPU) has no ground and has a ring of coils that rotate the particles/energy.

The Avec device, I have not seen it yet, but the has no gnd is a good thing.   

Lets say that these other devices, that need a gnd, I would suppose that the particles leaving the emitter coil to be positive and gnd negative?
If it is, then the emitter coil maybe is losing something that it regains from gnd also?  Pardon me asking, does Kaps device in any info have 2 gnds, and probably separated from each other enough so they dont affect eachother?

So if this were the case, then our groundless gnd could be the emitter coil.  But can it emit and receive at the same time? If it is pulses, could we use a filter circuit to change the phase of the feedback so that the emitter coil receives a delayed feedback.   Just a theory. ;]

Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
I will preface this post with a comment,
Grumpy I will delete Posts you feel are Off topic here
Or I won't post anything here if you wish!
And no offence will be taken [even if implied!:}

Q2 Comments on a post from Wattsup, where he  made some observations on Q2

If you were not so completely ignorant and crazy, you would be conscious enough to realize I am a lap ahead of you on this.

The foam coming out the end of the coil is the dielectric insulator. It is called a home made HV polystyrene capacitor {deleted Nasty]


In the SR193 device and others, they are using bifilar wound coils and using the inductive capacitance between winds as a capacitor {Same Nasty with more vitriol "deleted"]

When the spark gap fires, it is the same effect as explosive used the flux compression generator just like I stated {concentrated Nasty Deleted]

I guess you were one of those people that was too stupid to notice that there is a tan wire going into the first layer of the SR193 device on one end and it magically comes out as a blue wire on the other end weren't you [The last Nasty in this theme Deleted ]

I'm not going to disclose any more on how this thing works because quite frankly, you are too stupid to work with high voltage and compressed magnetic energy and don't deserve the help.

If you want to help, stop posting since all you do is drive the smart people away.

Yeah... Just ignore Kapanadze's finger pointing at a cold war EMP device while he explians how it works and where he got the information...  Just ignore that coper 1 turn tube running through the center of the coil... Just ignore that high voltage GTK wire being used on his coil... just ignore the same coil shape and parts configuration between the Russian EMP and Los Alamos devices... and instead, believe a rumor that some idiot calling himself wattsup heard on-line... That a magical hidden spark gap is what makes it all work.

{Deleted A gardening tip From Q2 here {Off Topic}

EDIT  { edit to edit ,thats not my edit its Q2's]

I told you to read the Vladimir Utkin stuff. Maybe Wattsup was too stupid to find a link. Here:



also I asked q2 a question His responce,

Whats A "magnetic seed"?
Home Depot doesn't seem to stock any?

Q2 quote:

You just don't know where to look. You need something to produce a magnetic field to move the voltage field. Notice on the 3K kapanadze device how the ends of the coil are larger? Seeds? I would look at the ferrite ring magnet section near the fasteners.

Ferrite ceramic ring magnets used in speakers have coils wound around them but do not lose their magnetic fields because they are tough like me.

The people you need to be listening to are DOLE, StiveP and a few others. I moved on from this days ago and am back to working on another project. I just stopped in to see what was going on and happened to notice the { a nasty deleted here] was trying to defend his inability to back up his claim by dismissing my claim that is backed up by Kapanadzi himself.

Here, I'll make it easy on you. Search and find this file. "free-energy.geo.avi"

Go to 90% towards the end and you see the part that was not on youtube. Kapanadze explains how it works or where he got the idea when he apparently sold out.


The How its Done post

The principle of operation of the Kapanadze device is simple. You build up an electrostatic field between windings of a bilar coil, or a steyrofoam capacitor in the core, or many other methods. Then you blast that down the core and pickup coil with a electromagnetic field.

If you look at that last schematic I re-posted, you see how the modulation coil opposes the blast coil (Bloch wall) and how the blast coil is wound unidirectional I.e., like Norm Wootan coil from years ago. (Acceleration???) Notice how SR193 has a stack of ring magnets on the end acting as backing iron.
« Last Edit: 2011-02-27, 00:08:55 by ramset »

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
"Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me"

I don't believe anything that Quarktard says.   He makes posts just to stir up people and make it loud and obnoxious.  He ranks lower than IST.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
You can take a thin walled copper box ( or tube ) and insert a noble gas ampoule.
You can coat the ampoule in Phosphorescent Powder to get a slower but more effective result.
If using a copper tube put a solid end cap one one end, on the other end drill two small holes for the leads of a photo detector.
Mount the detector inside the cap where the leads exit holes.
Seal the tube with the modified end cap.
Measure the output of the photo detector.

Forgot to say > copper is grounded, and ampoule is insulated from copper with poly sheet protector material or other suitable insulator.

It will work like a Tritium tube when hit with the right energy.




With solid copper sheet or foil and poly insulation, only hard beta will get through and gamma rays.

Any thoughts on what we are dealing with here?
Sr. Member

Posts: 479
What is the effect IST shown us long time ago ? One frequency interrupted and a lot of signal copies on scope...
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
Unfortunately,In the "coil shorting department"
ist is the pink elephant in the room!But Grumpy always said it was "Flea farts" for power!

Perhaps if we get enough Fleas ?{so Ismael has harnest the power of the Fleeather?}


Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
Alot of compelling statements here.
Some of the statements sound very much like Marco including some of the hints and snaps.
Gardening hints / seed field
Morse code: I once had an stream of posts with Marco like this.
IST was always snapping sparks. Hmmmmm.

I will preface this post with a comment,
Grumpy I will delete Posts you feel are Off topic here
Or I won't post anything here if you wish!
And no offence will be taken [even if implied!:}

Q2 Comments on a post from Wattsup, where he  made some observations on Q2

If you were not so completely ignorant and crazy, you would be conscious enough to realize I am a lap ahead of you on this.

The foam coming out the end of the coil is the dielectric insulator. It is called a home made HV polystyrene capacitor {deleted Nasty]


In the SR193 device and others, they are using bifilar wound coils and using the inductive capacitance between winds as a capacitor {Same Nasty with more vitriol "deleted"]

When the spark gap fires, it is the same effect as explosive used the flux compression generator just like I stated {concentrated Nasty Deleted]

I guess you were one of those people that was too stupid to notice that there is a tan wire going into the first layer of the SR193 device on one end and it magically comes out as a blue wire on the other end weren't you [The last Nasty in this theme Deleted ]

I'm not going to disclose any more on how this thing works because quite frankly, you are too stupid to work with high voltage and compressed magnetic energy and don't deserve the help.

If you want to help, stop posting since all you do is drive the smart people away.

Yeah... Just ignore Kapanadze's finger pointing at a cold war EMP device while he explians how it works and where he got the information...  Just ignore that coper 1 turn tube running through the center of the coil... Just ignore that high voltage GTK wire being used on his coil... just ignore the same coil shape and parts configuration between the Russian EMP and Los Alamos devices... and instead, believe a rumor that some idiot calling himself wattsup heard on-line... That a magical hidden spark gap is what makes it all work.

{Deleted A gardening tip From Q2 here {Off Topic}

EDIT  { edit to edit ,thats not my edit its Q2's]

I told you to read the Vladimir Utkin stuff. Maybe Wattsup was too stupid to find a link. Here:



also I asked q2 a question His responce,

Whats A "magnetic seed"?
Home Depot doesn't seem to stock any?

Q2 quote:

You just don't know where to look. You need something to produce a magnetic field to move the voltage field. Notice on the 3K kapanadze device how the ends of the coil are larger? Seeds? I would look at the ferrite ring magnet section near the fasteners.

Ferrite ceramic ring magnets used in speakers have coils wound around them but do not lose their magnetic fields because they are tough like me.

The people you need to be listening to are DOLE, StiveP and a few others. I moved on from this days ago and am back to working on another project. I just stopped in to see what was going on and happened to notice the { a nasty deleted here] was trying to defend his inability to back up his claim by dismissing my claim that is backed up by Kapanadzi himself.

Here, I'll make it easy on you. Search and find this file. "free-energy.geo.avi"

Go to 90% towards the end and you see the part that was not on youtube. Kapanadze explains how it works or where he got the idea when he apparently sold out.


The How its Done post

The principle of operation of the Kapanadze device is simple. You build up an electrostatic field between windings of a bilar coil, or a steyrofoam capacitor in the core, or many other methods. Then you blast that down the core and pickup coil with a electromagnetic field.

If you look at that last schematic I re-posted, you see how the modulation coil opposes the blast coil (Bloch wall) and how the blast coil is wound unidirectional I.e., like Norm Wootan coil from years ago. (Acceleration???) Notice how SR193 has a stack of ring magnets on the end acting as backing iron.


Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
I will pose this question again which never got attention.

Who are the 2 young men in the SM videos and where did they go?
With all they saw don't you think they would be here?
They look to be 25 years old or less. Their exhuberance would not be contained.

Group: Guest
I will pose this question again which never got attention.

Who are the 2 young men in the SM videos and where did they go?
With all they saw don't you think they would be here?
They look to be 25 years old or less. Their exhuberance would not be contained.

Maybe it is a scam and they are embarrassed to be associated with it.
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
Unless I've really missed something
This is Quite an observation by Quarktoo!
From Here

 Go up to the photo of the copper coil and look at what is on the ends of the tubes and think about it. There is you big secret and it is not complex.

Don't get too cocky girls. There is a few frames of a video I have not posted that blows this wide open. No way in hell would you use uninsulated copper tubing with no spacing on an inductor but Kapanadzi is using it and lots of it. So did Hubbard and it is the mother of all free energy devices.

There is also a video that I have pointed out before of the Russian wood working factory running on a free energy device where they are using uninsulated copper tubing for coils. I tried to get people to notice but it went right past them.

In every instance, they try to hide the fact that they are using tightly wound uninsulated copper tubing by covering it with tape. The cost of copper tubing far exceeds that of wire and there is no way to use it without insulation unless they are pulsing a gas in that tubing to produce a quick high current pulse and that is exactly how they are pulsing this magnetic compression coil and what it requires. That would explain why a wire goes INSIDE the tubing on one end and attaches to the OUTSIDE on the other end.

If you think a flyback is going to magically transform into 5000 watts of power with a earth ground and a coil, you need to study more physics and stop watching the magical Jim and Tammy Fey show.

I could spend the next half hour posting photos of devices that use copper tubing in coils and it is not because they are Tesla type primaries. The reason people most likely could not get the results Tesla did back in the day is, Tesla never disclosed what was in the tube. Note how in all the devices the tube need not be insulated?

FACT: Under the tape of those three Kapanadze inductors are two layers of uninsulated copper tubing. Brew that--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 tube 1.jpg (15.86 KB, 455x190 - viewed 36 times.)

 Meyer gas plasma2.jpg (3.08 KB, 133x75 - viewed 35 times.)

 Meyer gas plasma3.jpg (78.28 KB, 552x638 - viewed 37 times.)

 tube2.jpg (9.16 KB, 412x256 - viewed 35 times.)
 Logged Free EnergyRe: Selfrunning Free Energy devices up to 5 KW from Tariel Kapanadze
« Reply #5990 on: Today at 12:37:40 AM »Sponsored links:

Hero Member

Posts:  »Quote from: wattsup on Today at 12:21:18 AM@forest

In your post here;

Is it possible that the brightness is due to an internal spark gap housed inside the coil. He then plugged the end to not show it but had to make a small hole for aeration. I will have to take a closer look at that.

Unlike what @QT says about it being a "magnetic short". What is a magnetic short. Nothing as usual.


Quarktoo responce

Wrap a thick band of copper around any part of an inductor and you have a magnetic block or what I call a magnetic short. That magnetic short forces all the magnetic energy to go in the other direction just like the EMP gun that Kapanadze pointed to when he disclosed how it works.

Electro-magnetics 101
Logic 101
Reason 101

 - Verses -

Your attempt to suppress this at an elementary level. Anyone with two eyes can see that is a copper end cap. You people doing suppression are so obvious. This web site has a reputation for being nothing more than that and that is why so many other web sites have sprung up. It is only going to get worse if you continue to do your thing. Logged Free EnergyRe: Selfrunning Free Energy devices up to 5 KW from Tariel Kapanadze
« Rep »quarktoo
Note the man standing there with the coil in his hand. Notice how the end of the tubing is crimped closed? That is so the gas does not escape.

Normally I would not have disclosed this as I have known of gas coils for years. That was my way of getting some payback. You push, I push back. People read this stuff and start noticing things and thinking.

Quote from: ramset on Today at 01:08:08 AMQ2
I don't think you pushed back hard enough!
Whats the gas?

Quarktoo responce,

I call it "Ramset Gas" because it is so magnetic.  


Dole is the sharpest pencil in the box. Notice how he crimped the ends of that coil closed? Maybe he figured out the composition of Ramset gas, maybe not.

I was able to cobble together my own version of DOLE's cold electricity demonstration. That is by far the most exciting thing I have learned in the last 5 years. If I had his address, I would send him flowers. That process needs to be explored in full.

If this web site had any sense, it would offer DOLE money to start threads on his projects. DOLE worries that people will get electrocuted since he uses a 10K neon transformer and a MOT in some of his experiments. He is not only smart, he is a decent person. A class act all the way.

Well Ramset, sorry I have to ban myself for a week or two but I need to rebuild my gas lab left over from my Stan Meyer stuff and do some experiments. Here is a good place to start. http://www.magnegas.com/

Meyer's first patent is also a good reference.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
I would not be surprised if Q2 is SM's alter ego.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
One of the pictures shows Q2 holding a coil.
He is chubby and his hands are that of a 35 - 40 year old.
Could not be SM. SM would be in his 70s now.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
One of the pictures shows Q2 holding a coil.
He is chubby and his hands are that of a 35 - 40 year old.
Could not be SM. SM would be in his 70s now.

post that pic
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
Those pics are from The guy this thread is named after!
I don't think this Q2 is Marco or Steven!

But Lately [24 hrs] I think he's pointed in a very interesting direction!

Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
I named the file Buzz bomb

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
Well what interests me is this guy Q2, amidst all the vitriolic diatribe, is posting some very heavy nuggets.
The gas, the expanding foam of the homemade capacitor, the back iron, and more.
And that multilayer copper core build! It is either true or the guy is OU van Gogh.

Too bad he is upset or maybe that is smoke and mirrors to post clues without getting shafted by mib-whoever.
There was a spell on OU of screaming for a while and there were alot of people who got caught up emo about it.

Anybody who had a deaf ear and sighted eye really harvested alot of good info then. ;)
Like Pix and myself.

The pic could also be xDole. Oh well. I read on.

Hero Member

Posts: 805
there is a patent already on this,  why are we scrutinizing the images and people in the videos?     :-\


P.S.   Chet, there is no copper pipe or any other conducting pipe inside the coil.  Just think about it, the pipe will act as a one turn shorted loop and the transformer will not work!    This is in fact an open core transformer, and if it is formed on a conducting pipe, that pipe better be split down the middle to stop current flow.
« Last Edit: 2011-02-28, 22:01:04 by EMdevices »
Group: Guest
In the book 'Tesla on his work with Alternating Currents' by Leland Anderson does anybody know what device the cover diagram is for. It is pictured next to the Magnifying transmitter but I do not think that is it. The diagram shows capacitors charged in parallel and discharged in series. I might be missing the patent that this one is for. Any help would be great.



Cover diagram.

Group: Guest
That was the driver for the single wire primary that went around the perimeter of teslas lab. It allowed him to walk around the lab with tuned devices that would run off the primary discharge.
Group: Guest

  As far as you know is there any additional data on this? This is one of the very few diagrams that show a core material. Also to power a tuned device would one end need to be grounded?


Group: Guest
The first transformer with core is a low frequency step up transformer like a neon sign transformer.
It feeds resonant charging inductors, then capacitors.
When the rotary gap fires the long single wire is in LC with the capacitors and a high frequency is established.
No ground is needed, however a ground will increase the output of the tuned receiver.
Adding a ground allows you to use the electrostatic component between the top of the receiver and ground
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
As far as you know is there any additional data on this? This is one of the very few diagrams that show a core material. Also to power a tuned device would one end need to be grounded?
This is Tesla's hairpin circuit with a mechanical break or a better term would be rotary spark gap which disrupts the circuit. The capacitors are charged in series through chokes to limit current from the secondary and when the break fires the capacitors are discharged through this same path. The changing potential on the capacitors produces a sharp impulse in the loop (a single turn coil) which induces the device(the receiver) in the center of the loop which has a break as well fired at a rate in proportional to the primary break. A variable inductance can also be seen in the loop for tuning the device to resonance.

Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Guest
In the book 'Tesla on his work with Alternating Currents' by Leland Anderson does anybody know what device the cover diagram is for. It is pictured next to the Magnifying transmitter but I do not think that is it. The diagram shows capacitors charged in parallel and discharged in series. I might be missing the patent that this one is for. Any help would be great.




I found this little write up regarding the picture you posted:

"Figure 35.
Apparatus with mechanical break as installed on a large scale in the laboratory at South Fifth Avenue and subsequently at 46 East Houston Street.  Described in U.S. Patent No. 645,576 of March 20, 1900.  Application filed September 2, 1897.

This [Fig. 35] is the apparatus I had at 35 South Fifth Avenue and also Houston Street.  It shows the whole arrangement as I had it for the demonstration of effects which I investigated.
  • This cable you see [square loop in top half of Fig. 35] is stretched around the hall.  These are my condensers.  There is the mechanically operated break, and that is a transformer charged from the generator.  That is the way I had it for the production of current effects which were rather of damped character because, at that period, I used circuits of great activity which radiated rapidly.  In the Houston Street laboratory, I could take in my hands a coil tuned to my body and collect 3/4 horsepower anywhere in the room without tangible connection, and I have often disillusioned my visitors in regard to such wonderful effects.  Sometimes, I would produce flames shooting out from my head and run a motor in my hands, or light six or eight lamps.  They could not understand these manifestations of energy and thought that it was a genuine transmission of power.  I told them that these phenomena were wonderful, but that a system of transmission, based on the same principle, was absolutely worthless.  It was a transmission by electromagnetic waves.  The solution lay in a different direction.  I am showing you this [diagram] simply as a typical form of apparatus of that period, and if you go over the literature of the present day you will find that the newest arrangements have nothing better to show.


What was the make and break frequency that you got from that apparatus?


It was 5,000, 6,000—sometimes higher still.  I had two oppositely rotating discs which I will show you and with which I could have reached, probably, 15,000 or 18,000.


What wave frequencies did you develop?


I could operate from a few thousand up to a million per second, if I wanted.


What did you actually use?


In these demonstrations, which I showed these effects, these most powerful effects that were the sight of New York at that time, I operated with frequencies from 30,000 to 80,000.  At that time I could pick up a wire, coil it up, and tell what the vibration would be, without any test, because I was experimenting day and night."


Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
Has the magnification mechanism of Tesla's Magnifier ever been satisfactorily resolved?
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