Let me leave you with one last bit of information that you may wish to contemplate.
- The resulting E field is non-conservative, meaning it does not equal 0 when traveling the entire loop. No one disagrees with this.

- The circular E field is evenly distributed around the circumference if the path has uniform resistance.
- A circular wire path with two resistors causes the E field to bunch or concentrate at the nodes of least charge carriers, i.e. the resistor terminals. The E field induces emf's in the adjacent wire segments (solenoid configuration).
I agree,as i stated this in a previous post.
- There is no E field across an inductor (hence why when the measuring probes are across the wire segments and in the same plane, the measurement is 0V (solenoid config)).
I agree with this as well,as the E field would be around the inductor,on the same plane as the windings.
- The E field causes an induced emf in the material with the most charge carriers, i.e. the excited wire segment(s).
- The total induced emf is equal to, but opposite polarity to the total E field.
I would say no.
If we look at a transformer where the B field of the primary induces current flow in a loaded secondary,then that secondary's magnetic field will appose that of the primary. Oddly enough,the two fields have to be of the same polarity (E.G,N and N)to appose each other.
I would say the same applies when the secondary is induced via the E field,and there polarities will be the same and in phase.
- Current in a closed loop can not exist without a source of emf.
In every day stuff like we do,then i agree.
But if a magnet is placed on top of a toroid ring,and then that toroid ring is cryocooled to a super conductive state,and then the magnet is removed,then a current will continue to flow around that toroid for as long as it remains in a super conductive state.
- Current in the loop, either the toroid or solenoid configs, is a result of the induced emf.
I some what agree.
But F6FLT had a more accurate description.
- The induced emf(s) in a conductive loop (or segments of) is measurable.
Yes,except for the example i gave above,regarding the superconductive ring.
- The E field distribution and resistor voltage drops due to the induced emf current are equal.
I agree that the E field distribution is equal ,but the voltage drops across different value resistors will not be equal.
- The solenoid config is eloquent, in that it is uniform in all ways and symmetrical. All conductive material produces an induced emf (the vast majority being in the wire segments).
- The toroid config is non-uniform, and asymmetrical. The emf is induced in the one wire segment that threads the toroid.
Certainly do not agree with that.
See video below.
- The E field in the toroid config is limited to the area near the excited wire segment, and mostly on the inner side of the toroid.
I don't agree with that either.
- The E field around the toroid itself is circular and uniform, but from the perspective of one side of the hole to the other side of the hole (the path the loop wire travels), the E field is concentrated and presents an influence to the charge carriers in the wire segment running through its centre. This is what induces the source of emf in that wire segment for the loop current.
Nor do i agree with that.
See video below.
- With the solenoid configuration, care must be taken when measuring the 4 voltages. In the horizontal plane, all the measurements are of the E field only, and are therefore non-conservative (KVL does not apply, nor do we try to make it so). With the leads in the vertical plane, all the measurements are of the induced emf(s), and resistor voltage drops due to the induced current. These measurements are conservative, i.e. KVL applies and holds.
Not to sure on this one yet.'
I will wait until i have tested my new setup this weekend before i agree.
- In the toroid configuration, all the measurements are of the emf, and resistor voltage drops due to the induced emf. It is only if the measurement lead is fed through the toroid centre that the measurement of this wire segment is of the E field only, and since an inductance can not have an E field across it, 0V will be measured.
- The voltage must be measured without threading the lead through the toroid, otherwise only the E field will be measured for that wire segment, and KVL does not apply to E fields alone (and we don't try to make it so). It must include the induced emf(s) as well.
Ok,KVL only holds if the voltage around the loop equal 0.
I have also measured the voltage across the conductor that threads the toroid via the differential method. This means that the measuring lead was not also threaded through the toroid. The voltage value was exactly the same as that of the other resistors link.
So as i understand it,you agree that the voltages around the actual loop do not sum to zero. In order for it to sum to 0,we have to subtract the total induced EMF from the sumed voltage around the loop.
This makes no sense at all,nor is it right.
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