Thanks GL
Actually i see he fixed those resistor values on the later circuit with the push pull pre driver transistors. R6 = 220R was 210R R5 = 4K7 was 4.02K R9 = 4K7 was 4.02K R10 = 6K8 was 6.98K C5 = 3n3 was 3nF
but as you say if he was using 5% or 10% probably wont matter. 
Peter, I did use the first circuit drawing I found, I think, attached here. The changes I did was to use a smaller core. This because the core I did choose is well capable of shuffling 30 Watt. And the core from EPCOS, ETD29 can be delivered with different core material. I have ordered N27 and N87 Ferrite cores to my bobbin, so I can try both. The other change I did was to make the R2/C4 combo tunable. But if people do not want that then it is possible to just solder in a fixed value resistor and capacitor. BTW, the "Bread board" type board is "air snail mailed" to members. The boards look like in the attachment under. GL.
« Last Edit: 2014-04-08, 10:45:12 by Groundloop »