Привет (Priviet) (Hello) Forest,
Thanks for your comment.
Do you have any idea of what such a "magic rod" could look like

You seems very cryptic and, as far as I can feel it, a little bit scoffing towards me.
RU not

Off topic, as often - but while I'm at a post-what about these statements:
"Static" electricity is almost useless" (or something like that).
Yep! Just have a look at the Testatika device...
"Displacement current is fictitious.
"Displacement Current Example 2"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tnyl8Gj-plk 7:51: "..the actual current in the circuit and the displacement current in the circuit
are exactly the same..""
"The effects of centrifugal force are not real". Really?
You can see the following picture (E.I. Linevich's device) and also
the attached pdf (Kanarev_Correcting_The_First_Law_Of_Dynamics.pdf)

Now, you can also consult William Beaty "A 'GERM THEORY' OF EDUCATION"
http://amasci.com/miscon/germ.htmlSounds intresting. Not fully read.

до свидания (do svidaniya) Bye,
PS: I'm fed up not being able to understand the Russian comments/explanations in some circuits/sketches.
So, instead of complaining of my ignorance, I have recently decided to get some smatterings of this
very 'bizarre' language and the strange alphabet thereto.
Hence some trials.
I do not expect at all to speak any Russian (too many declensions).
I would be happy to be able to consult a Russian/French-or-English dictionnay without too much pain.
Being capable of catching some words in a Russian vid would be a real bliss.