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2025-03-31, 22:40:58
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Author Topic: Akula0083 30 watt self running generator.  (Read 1002403 times)

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 2782

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Why not try on breadboard first?

Dear 4Tesla.

As quite a few members here know I am more at home with a Lathe and Milling machine, than a breadboard !!  :)

No it's not for me I would rather wait. Groundloop has made such a nice job of the PCB I am really looking forward to putting the transformer through it's paces !!

Cheers Grum.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)
Group: Guest

Hi Grumage,

I'm very often game to purchase things.

But, a PCB is just a printed CCT. No?
You need extra components. No?
Where can we find them?
Are you sure that this AKula's device will work?
This said, what I can propose you is the following:
You purchase the PCB and all the components.
You test the AKula's device. So, all the initial (hard)  work is on you.
In compensation, I agree to send you, via Paypal, saying $100.
If enough persons are doing the same, you should be able to purchase all the stuffs
and make the tests.

For my part, should you fail, I would not ask you anything...
I have already given some money for some vanishing projects in the 4Th dimension.

If, as I do wish to you, you succeed, then it would be the time to think about any
'kit' or whatever.

I am mot kidding at all.
Please, send me a private (or not) message with your "Paypal address". Please, creates it if needed.
I will dispatch you $100.
So, perhaps? This will start something?

Bien cordialement,
Group: Guest
Привет (Priviet) (Hello) Forest,

Thanks for your comment.
Do you have any idea of what such a "magic rod" could look like :o
You seems very cryptic and, as far as I can feel it, a little bit scoffing towards me.
RU not C.C
Off topic, as often - but while I'm at a post-what about these statements:
"Static" electricity is almost useless" (or something like that).
Yep! Just have a look at the Testatika device...

"Displacement current is fictitious.
"Displacement Current Example 2"
7:51: "..the actual current in the circuit and the displacement current in the circuit
are exactly the same..""

"The effects of centrifugal force are not real". Really?
You can see the following picture (E.I. Linevich's device) and also
the attached pdf (Kanarev_Correcting_The_First_Law_Of_Dynamics.pdf)


Now, you can also consult William Beaty "A 'GERM THEORY' OF EDUCATION"
Sounds intresting. Not fully read. :-X

до свидания (do svidaniya) Bye,
PS: I'm fed up not being able to understand the Russian comments/explanations in some circuits/sketches.
So, instead of complaining of my ignorance, I have recently decided to get some smatterings of this
very 'bizarre' language and the strange alphabet thereto.
Hence some trials.

I do not expect at all to speak any Russian (too many declensions).   
I would be happy to be able to consult a Russian/French-or-English dictionnay without too much pain.
Being capable of catching some words in a Russian vid would be a real bliss.
« Last Edit: 2014-03-10, 00:39:36 by NerzhDishual »
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
your Model for proceeding has merit [to underwrite the builders].
of course this would be up to Grum he seems to have a few concerns ,however I would offer to assist there also [financially].
or perhaps he can subcontract to another builder up to the task?

Group: Guest
So I studied the different schematics by Akula.. I don't know electronics well enough to completely understand them.  Basically I see it as a signal generator feeding a special "magical" transformer that somehow recaptures more energy than is put in and I am assuming that the frequency is the resonance of the transformer.

Can anyone offer a clearer understanding of these devices for me?

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3030
I'll match Nerzh's $100 to you for your effort, Grum:

Hi Grumage,

I'm very often game to purchase things.

But, a PCB is just a printed CCT. No?
You need extra components. No?
Where can we find them?
Are you sure that this AKula's device will work?
This said, what I can propose you is the following:
You purchase the PCB and all the components.
You test the AKula's device. So, all the initial (hard)  work is on you.
In compensation, I agree to send you, via Paypal, saying $100.
If enough persons are doing the same, you should be able to purchase all the stuffs
and make the tests.

For my part, should you fail, I would not ask you anything...
I have already given some money for some vanishing projects in the 4Th dimension.

If, as I do wish to you, you succeed, then it would be the time to think about any
'kit' or whatever.

I am not kidding at all.
Please, send me a private (or not) message with your "Paypal address". Please, creates it if needed.
I will dispatch you $100.
So, perhaps? This will start something?

Bien cordialement,

Sr. Member

Posts: 479
Could you be more patient ? Why don't you wait a moment for any replicators to stand up and say : yes, it works! ..or... do not bother, it's fake ! Time, my friends and patience. I'm sure a lot of people work on it right now. I think the correct procedure would be to replicate 2-4 times, ideally 2 devices by one person (to learn what is important) then the second person can succesfully build the same using own parts (own made transformer) with the correct method of adjustment.
I hate looking people throw money to the trash can.
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
Much time and resource has already been spent,now it goes to production ,the idea of offering to help cover some of the costs has little to do with Patience and more to do with gratitude.

To burden a few for the benefit of many is unfair.Also to "hope" that someone will share their results when we have an offer on the table to contribute towards a well organized "replication"and spread the cost around for the benefit of all.

Sounds like a good plan.

Thanks for all you do Grum and Groundloop and others....
And You too Forest!

« Last Edit: 2014-03-10, 22:19:29 by Chet K »

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 2782

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Dear All.

I have spent most of the day thinking and coil winding too !! :)

Chet also phoned me. Your offers to help financially are really generous but I feel I must decline.

I would rather have Mr RMC get things moving and each member could then purchase a ready built board from him. We now have the first price come in !! £5.00 per PCB for a minimum of 10. Not bad really !!

I passed on the component list to Farnell and am waiting on their reply.

Earlier on I put the transformer to a PWM but I found nothing of any consequence to report. I wound the transformer to the schedule posted below.

Once again, thank you all.

Cheers Grum.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)
Group: Guest
Hi Grum,

May we please see some photos of your transformer?  What frequencies did you run through it? 5khz?

Even though I have never heard of making PCB without testing circuit first, I'll buy one if I can use Paypal.

« Last Edit: 2014-03-11, 04:04:59 by 4Tesla »
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
when I was growing up we had a nursery rhyme that they taught us,it was the story of the Little red hen.

I can't physically help you with your chore [if I could you know I would] and my offer of assistance holds no unseen cost or obligation [no strings attached],I just feel lead to "help" ,

so know that the offer is there and know that we appreciate your efforts "come what may".

some may think us a bit crazy or silly but one thing is for certain this example of cooperation between yourself and Groundloop ,two men from completely different countries and backgrounds will bare fruit way beyond the outcome of this project,for it is selfless behavior such as this with a commitment beyond just typing and talking which will ultimately bring about the change we all seek.

thanks for your wonderful example and all your hard work.
with all respect and appreciation

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 2782

Buy me a cigar
Dear 4Tesla , Chet and all.

Ok here is a photo of the transformer that I wound yesterday. I used ECW as there was no way you could get the 30 turn first layer with any other wire. This might have a crucial bearing on how it is wound in relation to the photo that I posted on page one !!

cheers Grum.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)
Group: Guest
Dear 4Tesla , Chet and all.

Ok here is a photo of the transformer that I wound yesterday. I used ECW as there was no way you could get the 30 turn first layer with any other wire. This might have a crucial bearing on how it is wound in relation to the photo that I posted on page one !!

cheers Grum.

Looks good!  Thanks for posting!
Group: Guest
The 1W reminds me of this "Micro TPU" circuit.

Component Values:

2.5 hour configuration
R = 1 Mohm and C = 1.5 uF
The main electrolytic is 1000 uF.

Ferrite core 2 inches

Number of turns:
   15 for Recapture coil,
   30 for Collector coil (2 coils of 15 turns each),
   7   for Trigger coil
« Last Edit: 2014-03-15, 04:18:06 by 4Tesla »

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 2782

Buy me a cigar
Dear All.

My apologies !! I have been a little busy over on the thread I started at OU.com.

I would first like to welcome dllabarre to OUR and I would also like to mention, and welcome RichMo who is the MD of RM Cybernetics.

I have been "bashing the transformer" with square wave pulses of varying frequency and duty cycle. To those that don't visit OU.com I have attached a scope shot of a linear ring !!

Not much further news to share. But looking forward to seeing some results from other experimenters.

Cheers Grum.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 2782

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Dear All.

This appeared on OU.Com overnight.


We are way behind !!  :)

Cheers Grum.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)
Group: Guest
Great!  Anyway we can get this guy to tell us how he wound the transformer?

Edit: uhg.. not the original author of video.

Edit2: asked for link to original video.
« Last Edit: 2014-03-15, 16:36:03 by 4Tesla »

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3975

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In post 30 by T1000 there's a picture of a transformer, if this is what you are trying to replicate i can see it is standard enameled copper wire but it has high temperature white sleeving covering the wire, it must be required to run hot.
If that's a MNZN core you maybe looking at NAR as a method of energy production  8)

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 2782

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In post 30 by T1000 there's a picture of a transformer, if this is what you are trying to replicate i can see it is standard enameled copper wire but it has high temperature white sleeving covering the wire, it must be required to run hot.
If that's a MNZN core you maybe looking at NAR as a method of energy production  8)

Dear Peter.

Your simple statement just kicked a memory response !!  Old Age is creeping in !!  ;D

T-1000 mentioned in passing, having spoken to someone that the transformer ran very hot !! A clue ??

Cheers Grum.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)
Group: Guest
In post 30 by T1000 there's a picture of a transformer, if this is what you are trying to replicate i can see it is standard enameled copper wire but it has high temperature white sleeving covering the wire, it must be required to run hot.
If that's a MNZN core you maybe looking at NAR as a method of energy production  8)

I've seen all we have.  I don't think it is accurate.  We need more info.

Group: Experimentalist
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Posts: 3024

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Dear Peter.

Your simple statement just kicked a memory response !!  Old Age is creeping in !!  ;D

T-1000 mentioned in passing, having spoken to someone that the transformer ran very hot !! A clue ??

Cheers Grum.

Grum, I would say that is a big clue. I have always said that when dealing with RF at most frequencies, you can develop huge eddy currents, just a simple loop antenna can create hundreds of amps on the surface, the trick is knowing how to utilise them ??? You can see on the circuit there is an RF blocking choke on the return before the voltage regulator, so this must be generating RF.

My two pence worth ;D


Mike 8)

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident."
Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860

As a general rule, the most successful person in life is the person that has the best information.

Group: Administrator
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Posts: 3975

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Your simple statement just kicked a memory response !!  Old Age is creeping in !!  Grin

Old age, I'm blaming all those hamburgers i ate during the 80's, BSE if my legs start giving way i will really start worrying  ;D

The TPU was also supposedly known to run hot, strange thing is copper enamelled wire can be good up to 250 Degrees C or less depends on type.

That fiberglass sleeving is good up to 600 Degrees C although i would not think he would go above the enamel temp without clouds of smoke and a nasty smell, it cant be for extra insulation because the sleeving is woven.

Maybe he wants to run the core cold and wire hot, and is using the sleeving as a sort of high temp insulation
Sr. Member

Posts: 479
Can you explain why my R3 on Akula circuit burned ?

Group: Administrator
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Posts: 3975

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I have not been following this too much, which post is the circuit diagram?

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Dear Peter.

Here is a replacement !!

Cheers Grum.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)
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