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Author Topic: Akula0083 30 watt self running generator.  (Read 1002404 times)
Group: Guest
  Looking at related youtube vids, came across this by Wasaby:


Screen shot shows some detail, but no ckt diagram is given:

I hate it when they say "What is your opinion? is it reall or fake?"  makes me guess fake.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4236
I see Itsu worked on the 1W a bit.. anyone else?  I noticed the schematics he used didn't have the transistors marked, but the one in this thread that I got from OU.com does.. maybe that will help Itsu.

Hi 4Tesla,

thanks for this new diagram, its as Grumage mentioned again different.
None of the mentioned transistors there seems to resemble the big 2n3055-like transistor on the heatsink though.
They do however match the description of a red/brown capacitor i made in the other thread when looking at the video of the device.

Biggest problem as i see it is not the transistors, but the make up of the coils which in your diagram has an added 4th (dual) coil.

Thanks for looking into this,  regards Itsu


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Posts: 2782

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Dear All.

I am providing a link to a Firm (UK Based) that has supplied me on many occasions with Ferrite products.


From their very useful inductance calculator you can go on to the shop!!  Today I bought    ETD49-CF139  TIMES 2   And 1  by    ETD49-90794-20P.  All under £10.00 inc shipping !! Probably dearer for other countries!!
I decided to go with a gapless core as it is easier to make a gap than fill one !!  :)

I have not heard from my friend yet as regards the PCB's, but the info is with him.

I have a good feeling with this one. As I have heard some whisperings !!  ;)

Cheers Grum.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)
Sr. Member

Posts: 352
I found the forum that Akula posts on.. only if I knew Russian


While it doesn't always translate 100% clear just use the Google Chrome browser and it will automatically translate any page for you.   
Sr. Member

Posts: 352
  Looking at related youtube vids, came across this by Wasaby:


Screen shot shows some detail, but no ckt diagram is given:

The first thing I would ask is what kind of light bulb that is made to fit your common 120VAC socket can run off a single AA battery as he shows at one point directly hooking it to the battery?   Of course the answer is it's a very modified light bulb.   I can think of some ways this is faked and am fairly certain it is fake.   
Group: Guest
The first thing I would ask is what kind of light bulb that is made to fit your common 120VAC socket can run off a single AA battery as he shows at one point directly hooking it to the battery?   Of course the answer is it's a very modified light bulb.   I can think of some ways this is faked and am fairly certain it is fake.  
too fantastic to be real see also the same bulb in the fan video and the magic effect of the magnet !!.
who is this FE man Houdini?
Sr. Member

Posts: 479

Thank you for this thread and please concentrate on Akula schematic. I have an idea of the principle of working of this circuit and it was previously posted on ou.com as a overunitymethod.pdf. Akula seems to be slightly modified implementation of this principle. The collapsing magnetic field in coil sustain current flow in forward direction throught both diodes and back to the source capacitor while inducing again in transformer proper current . Note the important factor of 1:3 transformer ratio stepping down the flyback spike. I believe this circuit is genuine and working after some corrections. I will check maybe next week. Good thing if this circuit works there is only very few possible principles involved...

Group: Moderator
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Posts: 2782

Buy me a cigar
Dear forest.

I have to agree with you, my own feelings are these circuits are closely related to the ones posted below. In fact when I joined OUR there was some interest in the bottom schematic.

Cheers Grum.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)
Sr. Member

Posts: 479
Group: Guest
Have to go.. when I get back on the weekend, I'll try and study the schematics (all versions 1 - 80 watt).. find what is common in them.  The frequencies used, windings of the transformers, etc.  We need the basic understanding.. some here might know, but I don't.
Group: Guest
Group: Guest

Ciao a tutti,

One more PDF in attached file. Should anybody be interested in.
Actually, my aim is to write one single document about "Caps and possible 'OU'?"
A personal and apparently off topic message to PhysicsProf:
You must remember this Prof. "Nenad Savic" boiler claimed 'OU' very apparatus that
you get and I tested, a couple of years ago, without success. :(

Failure is mine, of course, but I wish I were more helped by this dear Nenad.
It is not complicated! I soon as I asked Prof. Savic a good question, I was not answered.
Finally, this gave me some clues by not enough at the moment.

My last unanswered question to Prof Savic was something like:
"Is it of any importance that one part of the apparatus is ferromagnetic?"
This actually is the case.
I was also told about some cryptic "standing wave".

Now (thanks to Vladimir Utkin) my understanding is, basically:
- This Nenad Savic's device *is* a capacitor.
- Charging and discharging a cap with the grid cost almost nothing. Right?
- But, between the plate of a cap there is a "displacement current" and a variable electric field. Right?
- This variable electric field generate a variable magnetic field at right angle. OK?
- This variable magnetic field is able to move (vibrate) the ferromagnetic capacitor "plate". Right?
- The second non ferromagnetic "plate" acts as a "base".
- This vibrating "plate "should be able to heat water. No?

This for practically no power consumption. Hence, the "OU" behavior, should any "resonance" (between one "plate" of the device and the grid freq) is achieved.

Now, to behave as a "real" capacitor there must be no "real current" between the capacitor plates.
So, this device must only work in distilled water. This was not specified.
Unless the "standing wave" and the following picture?
I, in fact, observed this "Water Rim" but it was a transient phenomenon,

Any feedback, PhysicsProf?

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3030
  Excellent detective work, Jean.  O0
  I like your reasoning and want to put this to a test.
We left home yesterday, now traveling to visit family, but when I return to my home lab, I will give it a try -- OK?  and I will use distilled water. 
I wonder though-  if the ferromagnetic cap vibrates, it seems there must be SOME power consumption.
Worth some testing!

I am also very interested in the Akula device.

My last unanswered question to Prof Savic was something like:
"Is it of any importance that one part of the apparatus is ferromagnetic?"
This actually is the case.
I was also told about some cryptic "standing wave".

Now (thanks to Vladimir Utkin) my understanding is, basically:
- This Nenad Savic's device *is* a capacitor.
- Charging and discharging a cap with the grid cost almost nothing. Right?
- But, between the plate of a cap there is a "displacement current" and a variable electric field. Right?
- This variable electric field generate a variable magnetic field at right angle. OK?
- This variable magnetic field is able to move (vibrate) the ferromagnetic capacitor "plate". Right?
- The second non ferromagnetic "plate" acts as a "base".
- This vibrating "plate "should be able to heat water. No?

This for practically no power consumption. Hence, the "OU" behavior, should any "resonance" (between one "plate" of the device and the grid freq) is achieved.

Now, to behave as a "real" capacitor there must be no "real current" between the capacitor plates.
So, this device must only work in distilled water. This was not specified.
Hero Member

Posts: 1582

You must remember this Prof. "Nenad Savic" boiler claimed 'OU' very apparatus that
you get and I tested, a couple of years ago, without success. :(

The moment I saw your picture, It reminded me of Peter Daysh Davey and his device. Back in the fifties (I think), he has two bicycle bells which are tuned to the AC frequency being fed to them (or an octave - but not a harmonic).

The tuning is crucial.

[I'm not sure how this slots in to this thread - but I offer it anyway]
« Last Edit: 2014-03-06, 16:19:04 by Paul-R »
Group: Guest

Hi Paul-R,

Yes, Peter Daysh Davey... :)

I made a lot (un successful (OU-Wise)) experiments with a lot of these kind of devices.
Yes, you can heat water very quickly.
A non insulated Davey-like device seems to be more efficient than a mere non insulated too electric kettle.
Should it be possible, achieving "obvious OU" (I mean: a repeatable COP of, saying, > 1.5 ) seems to be another story.

I agree with you: this must be a matter of very very precise crucial tuning.
What to tune is another question... No? I finally gave up with my Daveys-like cups.
Then came Prof. Nenad Savic.
I was sent a device claimed to be tuned for 220 Vols and 50 Hz.
I had a very interesting, but hard time, dealing with Prof Savic (in Googled Serbian language,  :-X )
and his very apparatus.

My results were absolutely fuzzy, unpredictable, confusing, deceptive, non reproducible, and sometime
very encouraging (for a short while)...
I gave up, once again and dispatched the Savic's thing to PhysicsProf.

Now, I'm very very interested in these Capcoils? CoilCaps?
Transpacitor? or Capaciformer? (ewizard)
A very interesting (short) dead thread, that I stumbled upon today. BTW...

Now, I see capacitors everywhere.  :o
The point is that Prof. Nenad Savic always insisted that his apparatus, resembled the Davey's things, indeed,
but was actually based on another principle and quoted Tesla (of course).

That is why I though of the condenser about the Savic's device and designed a pet theory about it.
Of course, I can be wrong. :'(

One simple way to figure this out is to test the Savic's device with distilled water.

This is why the experiment that PhysicsProf (to whom I give my regards, by the way) is proposing
can be of great help.
IMHO (= my intuition) is telling me that:
Don Smith
Konstantin Meyl
Eric Dollard

Same things...

Meilleurs Sentiments,

Sr. Member

Posts: 375
About transformer used in 30W self runner:

I might be wrong but here is my point of view on how it is made:
1) Take core with same spec as it is in any switching power supply;
2) Wind 30 turns (15 forward 15 on second layer) of L2;
3) The rest 15 turns(8+7) of L2 goes to the middle point.
4) The L1 15 turns(8+7) are winded in opposite direction to the middle completing layer.
5) Leave very small gap between halves when joining core back.

When it is done, it is ready for testing as per circuit connections in first post. By the way, any 555 timer driver circuit would do the job.

Hopefully someone can pick that up and do a test... :)
Hero Member

Posts: 1582

I agree with you: this must be a matter of very very precise crucial tuning.
What to tune is another question...

You tune to the frequency of the AC going to the bells (or an octave - often 3 octaves up, 400hz if the AC is 50hz).
Group: Guest

Hi Paul-R,

Some years ago, I made some (laborious) freq. measurements with my cups.

It is not so easy to determine the main freq of *one* single cup,  not to mention
the "main freqs"  of 2 assembled cups.
I'm not (at all) a machinist neither a metal fitter nor an organ pipe tuner... :-X

IMHO, these devices could work and show "OU" but they are not for a layman like me
(even with some musical smatterings) ... :'(

Now, all these useless cups stuffs are dumped in a nice cardboard box in my cellar. :P
Meanwhile, I can not help to keep on repeating about "CoilCaps".

3 Pictures from and edited pdf (in an attached file (Mislavskij.pdf)).

All the Best,
Group: Guest
Buonasera, Добрый вечер, Good evening,

'In' Topic.

Just in case you have not yet consulted another famous forum (emphasizes are mine):
From Gyulasun
"I think It must be a rectangular metal plate positioned to a certain, a few cm distance from coil L2.
I believe there is a capacitive coupling between this plate and the coil....
I have seen such plates positioned near to Tesla coils in some Russian youtube videos."
From: a.king21
"It is a one turn plate surrounding the transformer. It has a gap in it like a 9/10 turn.
It's purpose is to introduce the Tesla's radiant energy receiver into the circuit.
It is an electrostatic device and follows the rules of electrostatic induction.
It is therefore not subject to the laws of electromagnetic induction which is always cop <1.
It is subject to the laws of electrostatic induction which is cop = 2 minus system losses.
The naysayers should learn their physics."
From: a.king21
"A simplified king-grumage schematic is enclosed so you can see what is going on."

Do not make short CCT.... :o
I have already read such recommandation  in some Vladimir Utkin's text.


From: MenofFather
"I remove not important, not needed parts in this circuit."

Amazing. No?

All the Best,
Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3030
Meanwhile, I can not help to keep on repeating about "CoilCaps".

3 Pictures from and edited pdf (in an attached file (Mislavskij.pdf)).

All the Best,

Thanks for this, Jean.  I've always been puzzled or fascinated by the displacement current in Maxwell's equations.
And now this "real device" of the Mislavskij xformer -- so he has done experiments, you say.  Very clever, but I would like to see
RESULTS, measurements of course.  Input power, output power for the different configurations.  Have  you built this xformer?

So, are there any test data?    (If so, perhaps you should start a separate thread.)

Also, is there any connection between this xformer and the Akula device(s)?

Thanks, my friend - fun to think about the "displacement current transformer."
Group: Guest

Hello PysiscsProf,

Sorry, I have no information or any results about the Mislavskij transformer.
All I got was from Vladimir Utkin.
Anyway, a google search with  Mislavskij transformer seems to give some urls.
I also have not yet done any experiments.
For the moment, I'm trying to connect some dots.

In the AKULA's device it also seems to have a sort of "loose" capacitor (what Gyulasun calls
"a capacitive coupling between this plate and the coil"). You can consult my previous post.

Now, I just have stumbled upon another "dot" to connect: "Charging By Induction".
In the following vid, quoted here:

"Charging By Induction"

I can hear, at 1:00:
"The easiest way to neutralize a charged object is to connect it to the earth
with a good conductor called the ground. If the object is negatively charged, the excess
electrons flow into the ground. until it is neutral. If it is positively charged, electrons flows
from the ground into the object, until once again it is neutralized.."

I can also hear, at 7:16:
"Since there was no exchange of charges between the rod and the electroscope, the
 rod can be used to charge any number of electroscopes. Each electroscope will acquire a
charge opposite to that of the road."

Indeed, discharging electroscopes (even charged for free) to the ground will not solve
any energetic issue. :P

But, what about discharging/charging "something" (a cap ?) via and inductor to/from the ground?

Tariel Kapanadze?
Nilson Barbosa and Cleriston Leal?


Sr. Member

Posts: 479
yes, you need a magic rod  ;D as curious as it heards it may be a real solution indeed  O0  for example in Tesla patents he used special bulb radiating radiant energy

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Posts: 2782

Buy me a cigar
Dear All.

I have opened a thread over on OU.Com. I thought it might help if I posted the coils arrangement proposed by T-1000 here for some constructive comments. Also if any are interested in purchasing ready made  PCB's !!

"T-1000's suggested scheme for the coil. This would put the first layer of 30 turns of L2 right in the air gap !!

At this stage I am waiting for R M Cybernetics to get back with a price for the manufacture of the PCB's. I myself do not feel confident enough to build a working circuit. Perhaps if any members are interested in purchasing the boards direct from RMC, they could make it clear here. A run of 10 or more would certainly be cheaper than one or two !! "

Cheers Grum.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)
Group: Guest
I found Akula's Youtube channel, but looks like he deleted (or made private) most of his OU videos.

« Last Edit: 2014-03-10, 16:08:09 by 4Tesla »
Group: Guest
At this stage I am waiting for R M Cybernetics to get back with a price for the manufacture of the PCB's. I myself do not feel confident enough to build a working circuit. Perhaps if any members are interested in purchasing the boards direct from RMC, they could make it clear here. A run of 10 or more would certainly be cheaper than one or two !! "

Cheers Grum.

Why not try on breadboard first?
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