Dear Duncan and NerzhDishual.
I remember not so recently watching a Russian video where the man had some Copper sheets placed between two Lead acid batteries. Like a sandwich !! Somehow when a lamp was placed it got brighter ??
Perhaps it may jog somebodies memory ??
I know full well there are strange thing happening when an LA battery is being charged !! I got a serious ear bashing from my wife, when after a couple of days charging a battery on one of our Granite work surfaces, upon moving the battery the Granite had taken on the shape of the cell structure within !! And despite a whole day of re polishing there is still the faint outline !!
The pleasures of OU research !!

well grumage ... it might just be worth it! I let this post cook a little while . I then decided that the effect you witnessed was caused by magnetic current passing through the granite in order to reach the battery .. as I have pointed out the battery is a reactive device ... It must charge by reactive current which is why Mike and Jean Bless .. are trying to come up with a way to stay on PF 0 if not from this dimension then reactive current from the B field
I thought about that it, it inspires this .. written with an ex power worker in mind ... ain't I kind Grump?
There is a big clue in this document how this reactive current .. also known as magnetic current is burning and melting cables. and making things hot. almost by definition heat is energy the fact that its appearing in inconvenient places doesn't make it any less so.
if you notice Grumage the magnetic current is 'circulating' only in the neutral (earth) and only in the buildings. There's so much wrong with all of that when you think about it . circulating where?

IMHO Its coming straight out of the ground, using the easiest route it has. Its magnetic current Mr Bedine would be charging lots and lots of batteries with that!
As the article says the problem is confined to individual buildings ,not the grid its self well yes I can see how that would be after all the grid has huge capacitors on it to convert magnetic current to real power John uses those too some times doesn't he ? except of course he doesn't call his power factor correction capacitors. Then there's this to consider we are taught reactive power can do no work. In fact it is known as the watt less component . well lots of heat sure seems like work to me ! the fact that its being done some where inconvenient is irrelevant. That's our fault for not understanding it.
so now Grump perhaps I can give a layman's view. that most can grasp and an example of this reverse thinking.
The document tells you the need for the huge neutral cables is switched mode power supplies. these things,

in some office blocks there's thousands of them all switching very fast you might as well have thousands of these

after all they are doing the same thing! The transformation happens to the electrostatic wave (sea of energy, radiant energy , Aether .. a rose by any other name ... ) at resonance magnetic current is summoned it will travel as all things electric do by the easiest route .. In this case neutral cable which in turn is bonded to the ground. Unlike Mr Bedinei's establishment there are no batteries to catch and convert this unusual energy. (Its only unusual to us of course tptb know all about it do the trees and wot not)
The ambition of this natural current is ultimately to repair the injury being done to its open system by being contained in a grid.
in this regard it divides itself accordingly and sets off along each of the three phase conductors Its goal ... to equalise at the star point of the generator/s
Ah but the power companies are no fools , they know all about this, they have known all about it since the very first grid system.
So what do they do? Just what John Bedine would do ... catch it in a capacitor ... yeah so it might be a little bit bigger than John usually uses still..

they have got one or two more wheels on the go.. your wheels . here's the super bit ... then they sell it back to you :rofl: :rofl: suckers :rofl: :rofl: me too of course but you have to laugh (don't you?)
It does get even better in a lot of places. Oh I love this .. the consumer gets to buy the capacitors :rofl: and then wait for this one .... pay for any reactive current that its using.

So those who have see and experienced COP>1 machines if only briefly and know this is all true ... can you see what a classic beautiful scam this is?:thinking: I mean don't get me wrong I hate these bastards with a passion but as enemy tactics go IMHO you just have to take your hat off here.:rofl:
I recon humanities got to wake up a whole lot collectively if were gonna catch these guys they is cute man !

Its time to pull together break the stick and grab the balloons !