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Author Topic: Crème de la crème (perhaps)  (Read 54655 times)
Group: Moderator
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Posts: 704
  Aaaaah free energy forums .. I must be a total Numpty anyway Mike everybody knows better than me. Ergo I must be ! I have even been told in no uncertain manner that minimum impedance is a short circuit well I as I breath, I live and learn,!! O0 I'll certainly be sure to treasure that little gem and hold it close to my heart! Who knows when such a nugget might come in handy? :)
I'm starting to form a new plan Mike form my bedroom window if you stretch your neck quite a bit this old abandoned Mine hoves into view … 'There be gold in them thar hills'


why don’t you come and stay for a little while, park your wondrous  machine in the garage and knock a ton or two of this elixir, snake oil stuff out whilst I ponder what to do with this new found wisdom and  knowledge pertaining to series resonance.  C.CThen if this stuffs worth  … well so much per penny weight , then we can sail off in our respective yachts to a remote Caribbean  Island (yours or mine I'm not particular) and consider in depth this new radical change to AC theory.
I'm quite amazed its escaped the inspection of the likes of Ampere, Tesla, Wheatstone and Kirchhoff' … Ah but then they didn't have the erudite and brilliant injection of the energetics forum did they? Who knows what dizzy heights  Tesla  may have reached  .. The triangular wheel ? Oh its pointless conjecture , Oh if those poor idiots could have been introduced to Ugglebug3 , and Mario , what a vastly improved world it would be. I really can't stand any more excitement ! I find myself drunk at the fount of knowledge .  (I have aspirations that regard anyway) let me see now short circuit Mm mm    

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Group: Guest
Hello Everybody,

Yes, CentraFlow, varicaps.

We might also use this kinda old fashioned device + a step by step motor on the shaft.
Too complicated, IMHO.

The capacitance is not too small. Max 500 pico Farad for one part of the (double) air cap.

Now, IMHO, the simplest, the best. N. Tesla  was the king of simplicity. Was he not?

I, once, was able to recharge the small 12V/5AH battery that was running a Johnnie Dib's SSG  with half a Dadhav CCT.
This (full) Dadhav's CCT is given here:
"1 Coil Brushless Motor Driver (Multi Phase)"

The screen shot of the full CCT is (sorry for the big picture):

My setup was:

Unfortunately, although this phenomenon was real indeed, it was only transitory (about 15 minutes).
So, I concluded that it was a bad idea, that it was not possible and I gave up.

Now, Thanks to Duncan, I begin to have second thoughts....

Avec mes sentiments les plus cordiaux,
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 704
Hi Jean I have asked David Bowling (the guy who runs that 3BGS thread) to put a Mic on one of the batteries that's working the miracle , Its a bit of a long shot but whilst we try and think of another way .. its worth trying .  O0

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Group: Moderator
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Posts: 704
Talking of the The Tesla linear wave wireless system, The  alexanderson antenna system all destroyed in the USA . how about this one Mike It still workes and gets cranked up now and again .. ever heard it?


The cloggies are very proud of it. I went to see it a few years ago when I was working over there. all polished like a new pin.

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Group: Guest

Hello Duncan,

Of course the mike is worth to be tried.
Perhaps, the only thing to be taken into account is the level of the noise.
This would avoid complicated digital audio signal processing.

I would have another idea.
I remember Dr Jacques Benveniste. He was using a coil to deliver a signal to water.
If you are not aware of who Jacques Benveniste (1935-2004) was, you can consult, for ex:
"Dr. Jacques Benveniste digibio part1 of 2"

Amazing, No?
So my half backed idea. Why not using a coil wrapped on the battery case (or putting the battery in a big coil),
just to see if something append in this coil.

If there is a kinda 'variable current' circulating in the battery (being pulse charged) this should induce
something measureable (after amplification) in the said coil. Should It not?
Just my 2cents,

All the Best,

Group: Renaissance Man
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Posts: 2782

Buy me a cigar
Dear Duncan and NerzhDishual.

I remember not so  recently watching a Russian video where the man had some Copper sheets placed between two Lead acid batteries. Like a sandwich !! Somehow when a lamp was placed it got brighter ??
Perhaps it may jog somebodies memory ??

I know full well there are strange thing happening when an LA battery is being charged !! I got a serious ear bashing from my wife, when after a couple of days charging a battery on one of our Granite work surfaces, upon moving the battery the Granite had taken on the shape of the cell structure within !! And despite a whole day of re polishing there is still the faint outline !!

The pleasures of OU research !!  ;D

well grumage ... it might just be worth it! I let this post cook a little while . I then decided that the effect you witnessed was caused by magnetic current passing through the granite in order to reach the battery .. as I have pointed out the battery is a reactive device ... It must charge by reactive current which is why Mike and Jean Bless .. are trying to come up with a way to stay on PF 0  if not from this dimension then reactive current  from the B field
I thought about that it, it inspires this .. written with an ex power worker in mind ... ain't I kind Grump?

There is a big clue in this document

consider how this reactive current .. also known as magnetic current is burning and melting cables. and making things hot. almost by definition heat is energy the fact that its appearing in inconvenient places doesn't make it any less so.
if you notice Grumage the magnetic current is 'circulating' only in the neutral (earth) and only in the buildings. There's so much wrong with all of that when you think about it . circulating where?  :D IMHO Its coming straight out of the ground, using the easiest route it has. Its magnetic current Mr Bedine would be charging lots and lots of batteries with that!
As the article says the problem is confined to individual buildings ,not the grid its self well yes I can see how that would be after all the grid has huge capacitors on it to convert magnetic current to real power John uses those too some times doesn't he ? except of course he doesn't call his power factor correction capacitors. Then there's this to consider we are taught reactive power can do no work. In fact it is known as the watt less component . well lots of heat sure seems like work to me ! the fact that its being done some where inconvenient is irrelevant. That's our fault for not understanding it.
so now Grump perhaps I can give a layman's view. that most can grasp and an example of this reverse thinking.
The document tells you the need for the  huge  neutral cables is switched mode power supplies. these things,

in some office blocks there's thousands of them all switching very fast you might as well have thousands of these

after all they are doing the same thing! The transformation happens to the electrostatic wave (sea of energy, radiant energy , Aether .. a rose by any other name ... ) at resonance magnetic current is summoned it will travel as all things electric do by the easiest route .. In this case neutral cable which in turn is bonded to the ground. Unlike Mr Bedinei's establishment there are no batteries to catch and convert this unusual energy. (Its only unusual to us of course tptb know all about it ..so do the trees and wot not)
The ambition of this natural current is ultimately to repair the injury being done to its open system by being contained in a grid.
in this regard it divides itself accordingly and sets off along each of the three phase conductors Its goal ... to equalise at the star point of the generator/s
Ah but the power companies are no fools , they know all about this, they have known all about it since the very first grid system.
So what do they do? Just what John Bedine would do ... catch it in a capacitor ... yeah so it might be a little bit bigger than John usually uses still..

they have got one or two more wheels on the go.. your wheels . here's the super bit ... then they sell it back to you :rofl: :rofl: suckers :rofl: :rofl: me too of course but you have to laugh (don't you?)
It does get  even better in a lot of places. Oh I love this .. the consumer gets to buy the capacitors :rofl:  and then wait for this one .... pay for any reactive current that its using.

So those who have see and experienced COP>1 machines if only briefly and know this is all true ... can you see what a classic beautiful scam this is?:thinking:  I mean don't get me wrong I hate these bastards with a passion but as enemy tactics go IMHO you just have to take your hat off here.:rofl:

 I recon humanities got to wake up a whole lot collectively if were gonna catch these guys they is cute man !

Its time to pull together break the stick and grab the balloons ! O0

« Last Edit: 2014-01-09, 10:15:35 by Duncan »

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)
Group: Guest
Hi Grumage,

Thanks+++ for your information. Amazing, indeed.
Ear bashing....  ;D

I once was told that Lead Acid batteries do not "like" cement/concrete (and, apparently also Granite?).
I you want to store your lead acid battery, it would not be recommended to lay them flat in a cement/concrete
surface. This would kill it.

I do not know if this is true. Anyway, I now use a wooden board when I want to store a LA in my garage.

OU research can be a pleasure, especially when people collaborate and exchange material instead  of confronting.... C.C No?

Meilleurs Sentiments,
Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3030
E2M -- I think what you're doing -- self-looping! -- is the creme de la creme.
Keep up the good work.  A little higher efficiency here and there might just bring you OVER the top.

Thanks for the ckt diagram -- also Nerzh and Duncan.  Helps me understand a wee bit better!!

For clarification:
[circuit diagram shown]

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3030
 I found this 3phase generator / motor on Ebay this evening.  Fun stuff and very inexpensive.
Purchased a couple.    (Hope they have more.)
I rather like to learn from smaller scale motors and generators...
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 704
Hey Mike if your reading this can you give me a little insight into this guys thinking regarding this phrase . (where does he intend picking that voltage up? as a ref)

I was also thinking that a 4046 or some other PLL could be used to lock into the resonant
frequency by monitoring the peak ringing voltage - ie automaticly adjust to any battery or
situation, and maybe a PIC would make a controller for it? - food for thought

from this PDF

http://dnp.s3.amazonaws.com/b/b5/Battery pulse charger.pdf

keeps nagging .. can you see what that guy had in mind ? does it sound feasable ?  you need to sort of keep in mind here he's not really anywhere near resonance and already bringing batteries from flat as a pan cake to 80% PDQ he's probably COP> 1 now althiough he doesnt realise it.

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Group: Guest
Thank Prof. Jones.

Another url.
Same device. Price in Euros.
A bit More expensive but Free shipping.
With 6 Rectifier diode+2 led.

I have just bought 3 of them.
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
I see DADHAV on your Circuit above.
when things get rolling ,I could ask him to join in or have a look if you feel it would be good?



Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 3024

Buy me a beer
Hey Mike if your reading this can you give me a little insight into this guys thinking regarding this phrase . (where does he intend picking that voltage up? as a ref)

I was also thinking that a 4046 or some other PLL could be used to lock into the resonant
frequency by monitoring the peak ringing voltage - ie automatically adjust to any battery or
situation, and maybe a PIC would make a controller for it? - food for thought

from this PDF

http://dnp.s3.amazonaws.com/b/b5/Battery pulse charger.pdf

keeps nagging .. can you see what that guy had in mind ? does it sound feasible ?  you need to sort of keep in mind here he's not really anywhere near resonance and already bringing batteries from flat as a pan cake to 80% PDQ he's probably COP> 1 now although he doesn't realise it.

Duncan, bare with me for a while, I am putting together a pdf which will show a great deal of how you can charge batteries and at the same time do work. It is interesting his thoughts on a discharge time within the charging cycle, this is also what I have done.

This work has led me to also the phase shift scenario which is hot with Luc et al, though what I have been doing is, as always, getting side tracked as I find things of advantage, BUT IT'S ALL COMING TOGETTER I THINK.. The TPU's got me interested, "here I go again being side tracked", along with phase shifted induction which came about from magnetic loops with circulating high current and voltage but 90 degrees out of phase.

Now normally induction heaters are a H bridge driving a short coil and cap in parallel resonance, where the current and voltage swish around without returning to the bridge. Like magnetic loops the current and voltage go to very high amounts but the input to the circuit is low, "more out than in????", well they are out of phase, has that given a clue? well there is more energy sloshing around than went in in the first place. Well I'm not going to go into it here at the moment until I have the phasing returned without affecting the input.


"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident."
Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860

As a general rule, the most successful person in life is the person that has the best information.
Group: Guest

Hi Ramset,

Of course! DadHav is not enough "famous", IMHO.
His circuit is simple but very very clever.
This is of the same vein of Tesla, IMHO#2.

It is not easy at all to "tame". I almost gave up.
I use 2 sets of ( fixed resistor +  'normal' potentiometer + 10 turns potentiometer) for
each (NPN and PNP) transistor base.

Once you get used to this CCT, you just need one coil to run a "pulsed" motor
(the ones with magnets on the rotor). It works for NNNNN.. , SSSSS, or NSNSNS... configurations.
According to J. B....I (Johnnie Dib)
Two different things: 'real' "back EMF" and Huge voltage spikes ("Radiant NRG"???))
[Begin_Quote]"The "back EMF" is always below the input voltage." [End_Quote]
For ex: 8 volts for an input voltage of 12 volts.

This seems not to be the case for the DadHav's Coil Brushless Motor.
His vid is here:
11 min 50 sec
A (commented) screen shot:

My intuition is telling me that Dadhav is into something.

All the Best,
Sr. Member

Posts: 352
I found this 3phase generator / motor on Ebay this evening.  Fun stuff and very inexpensive.
Purchased a couple.    (Hope they have more.)
I rather like to learn from smaller scale motors and generators...

I looked at that ebay ad and think the way they show taking power from the unit may be valuable if one has a 3 phase motor being turned by another motor.   That is one of the stumbling blocks I came across when trying to decide the best way to get power from a 3 phase motor or rotoverter setup.  Simple enough but I hadn't thought of this:
Sr. Member

Posts: 352
Probably even better yet is this setup from RomeroUK originally from Hector (rotoverter guru):

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
The Hector Rotovertor does work because of a single shaft.
The two units have to be parallel to each other on a pulley for tuning.
The original inventor specified this.

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 704
 ;D I told you it would all mesh Mike  O0 I have tried to think of some simple way of staying on the principle resonant point ,,, a Royer .. an Armstrong .. there's also of course a whole raft of chips dedicated to 'Power Factor measurement' chips which might be used, There's also a computer programmer popped up and the nice guys offered to write any loop that might be required .... Its starting to knit together ! O0

PS I thought about your damaged worktop Grump >Ive commented next to your post back there  .. I think you'll find it interesting !
« Last Edit: 2014-01-09, 06:59:13 by Duncan »

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Group: Guest
Hi Ramset,

Of course! DadHav is not enough "famous", IMHO.
His circuit is simple but very very clever.
This is of the same vein of Tesla, IMHO#2.

It is not easy at all to "tame". I almost gave up.
I use 2 sets of ( fixed resistor +  'normal' potentiometer + 10 turns potentiometer) for
each (NPN and PNP) transistor base.

Once you get used to this CCT, you just need one coil to run a "pulsed" motor
(the ones with magnets on the rotor). It works for NNNNN.. , SSSSS, or NSNSNS... configurations.
According to J. B....I (Johnnie Dib)
Two different things: 'real' "back EMF" and Huge voltage spikes ("Radiant NRG"???))
[Begin_Quote]"The "back EMF" is always below the input voltage." [End_Quote]
For ex: 8 volts for an input voltage of 12 volts.

This seems not to be the case for the DadHav's Coil Brushless Motor.
His vid is here:
11 min 50 sec
A (commented) screen shot:

My intuition is telling me that Dadhav is into something.

All the Best,

The hump you see in that pulse motor scope shot above battery voltage is caused by the magnet passing the coil. Completely normal, the motor is doing double pulses per magnet pass.

Also the spikes seem to be un-harnessed, or are encountering a very high resistance. doesn't look to be any recovery battery in the circuit.

Hero Member

Posts: 2735
The hump you see in that pulse motor scope shot above battery voltage is caused by the magnet passing the coil. Completely normal, the motor is doing double pulses per magnet pass.
Also the spikes seem to be un-harnessed, or are encountering a very high resistance. doesn't look to be any recovery battery in the circuit.

I just had this very strange vision of some 90 year old fart with a long grey beard in bib overalls telling me, Yup dat hump over der is dat Lectricity dontcha know. Them there battery thingys maken dem dare magnet thingermabobbers passin der coils dubbler pulsen. It's just dat plain old Lectricity, nuttin odd just normal like dontcha know nuttin feller. LOL very strange indeed.

Let me put it this way to my knowledge nobody on this planet fully understands the simple circuit in question because nobody knows what the Primary Fields are fundamentally which dictates all of it's actions and reactions. As well I am fairly fluent in CFD and can tell you with confidence that if you wanted to simulate all the interactions within a 1 meter cube surrounding this simple circuit, All of them in real time, we would spend a lifetime setting it up and many more to crunch the numbers. So much that if we took every computer ever built in our history and built a super-duper-computer it would still take a lifetime. Hence the reason why most deal with simplistic closed systems ie..Maxwells Equations and ignore everything else as Maxwell himself stated. Reality is a bitch.

« Last Edit: 2014-01-09, 19:10:46 by allcanadian »

Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Guest
At all Canadian, You insulting arsehole, you got a hell of an ego champ. I got a vision of an asshole speaking.


You want to get personal for some reason, go for it, no skin off my nose. If you spoke to me like that in person I would knock your block off.

If it's gonna be allowed to be like that I'll just have to do as the romans do.
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
At all Canadian, You insulting arsehole, you got a hell of an ego champ. I got a vision of an asshole speaking.

I understand your point and respect it however if a person is going to insult another by diminishing their work which could constitute hundreds of hours then a rebuttal isn't out of the question in my opinion. What would you think if you had spent countless hours working on something and presented it in good faith and then I told you it was nothing and you don't know what your doing?. I understand this is common on the internet but just because someone has decided it is normal does not mean I have to believe it is acceptable.

I was just being honest, it was a out of line and I apologize but when I read your post this was what I saw from my perspective. Am I an insulting arsehole?-- yes sometimes, you got a hell of an ego champ-- I wouldn't say ego moreso confidence all of us can do better, I got a vision of an asshole speaking-- I'm sure you did, lol. What would you like me to say--- for the most part I cannot disagree. To be perfectly honest again, I did it to see what you would do and unfortunately you did exactly what I expected. Yes it was a test and yes you passed with flying colors and I'm sorry I even bothered and wasted our time but I did learn from it if nothing else... not to do it again.

I mean no offense but don't you find this even a bit comical?, two grown men bashing each other, I mean if we can't laugh at ourselves and the things we do then were beat, my 2 cents.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
Pursue anomalies until status quo reached. Omg youve reinvented the wheel and it rolls uphill. Amazing! If it is truly an anomaly then it needs attention. But an anomaly always needs a discerning eye. The eye should not be poked by the blind. If one does not like what one sees, question it or turn the other cheek. What were the first words spoken on the first telephone? Jokes came later...

Tha scope shot shows merit. The action is happening at off time. But one spike per side is what is revealing. Usually there are many, diminishing or increasing going left to right.

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Posts: 704
AC and Farmhand can't you play nicely in the sandbox ..there's bound to be tears before bed time!
I bet you don’t speak to each other like that when your out picking daisies together!
Anyway this is just a little trig I would like you to consider (as were looking at wave forms an all)


I want to Introduce the term stochastic resonance. And I'd like us all to have something of the same picture of what that may be. Of course This isn't COP>1 and I'm not interested at all in parallel resonance .. we know that dimension its mapped . However you may perhaps get an inkling of why detection and harnessing of energy from this field is so difficult.
You notice in the video light A or B is on or off, well that looks very much the case to your eye but that isn't what the mathematics say and that is how I want you to think . Not to believe what you see happening in front of your eyes but rather what the science tells you must be happening.
The light is never actually fully on … neither is it ever fully off . Nor is there such a thing as a perfect sine wave … here of course we skate on the very edge of known mathematics but that’s the only place the answer can possibly be and I have no choice but to take you there.
The parallel resonance you look at it doesn’t have infinite impedance does it ? Extremely high but not Infinite ergo the light can never be 100% lit … 99,99% yes it also agrees with the maths .. there is no such thing as a perfect sine wave which in turn relates to pi being an irregular number.
Conversely then what of the other end of the scale? When lamp A  99.99% lit then lamp B is 99.99% off .. it is resonant but to something you cant measure or see, because 'no electrical energy' is the natural state of our environment. There is a mathematical term for this point of anti resonance its called Stochastic resonance. Its bit of a poser of a word isn't it ? But still we'll hopefully know
what we are referring to. As at resonance there is something approaching a perfect sine wave although you can see nothing … what do you predict the waveform of stochastic resonance to be?
Keeping in mind that the area under the curve is directly proportional to power and so under the curves is power  x time = energy. Here then is the waveform and frequency of transformation .

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Sr. Member

Posts: 479
Impedance or not impedance... for me there are only two issues with that video.
First : when bulb is extinguished in primary what currents and voltages flow in both tank circuit. I mean : is that the kind of ping pong or a mirror, or to say otherwise : is that the transfer of energy between two tank circuits OR the secondary is MIRROR and COPY of primary (200% efficient). The second case is indicated by many Russian patents like Melnichenko or Stepanov.
Second : isn't that the implementation of Tom Bearden degenerate semiconductor without semiconductor  O0 ? The main poin is to keep battery (power source ) voltage stable , which means very little current taken  ;)
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