The overview You can get OU from a kitchen sink if you make it resonant!“.Hector D Perez Torres

Thanks Grumage and Chet and Jean I like this bit of work by forest , In fact in general I like working on things where the guy has taken the pains to go step by step through the process describing the theory of operation . In that way you are not working like one of the 'Three blind mice' I find as forest has done getting to a scale of any sort is difficult, so you notice forest also goes into detail regarding Q factor . We are you see both viewing things as physical cause and effect with no regard to mathematics and proportion. You can see how both of us have written pages in order to get common understanding rather than a few lines of formula ? We must there is no option for us and there are no numbers and there is no scale. Let me try and explain that a little.
This picture it part of the classical description of the Lorentz / Einstein Force law which no doubt you all had a nodding acquaintance with whilst sitting on some hard school seat somewhere years ago.

(should you wish to 'lock horns' again for another tussle I pasted that picture from this web page fill your boots ! you can have all my share and more than welcome

And this my friends is the picture off the front of an old book of mine , representing a radio wave or to use the official jargon ' The electromagnetic wave' notice It is radiated at 90 deg to electricity as you normally perceive it . Electrical energy has been changed in the sense that
'Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another...
so you can see radio waves are transmitted essentially on what you see as B .. the B field of electricity . Radio waves are pretty well understood , we have the maths and scale .
Radio waves either used in transmission or reception are a result of parallel resonance, look here's a simple crystal set , It doesn't get any more parallel resonant than this !
Radio = parallel resonance = B field of the magnetic field , Super! But then comes this little odd ball. Listen carefully to what EPD says at 1M45sec into this Video
SWR (standing wave ratio) of infinity to put that into electrical speak for you he is saying ..
transmitting with series resonance, he then proves it with demonstrations. That boys and girls alters every thing out of all recognition.
What does it mean for insane FE researchers ? (Oh yeah were all mad as Hatters tptb and big oil says so) It means that there must be a B field associated with the electric field, which makes sense don't you think ? After all everything likes to have a partner! look at the picture, So where is it? Why is it missing from the maths and science? Who decided humanity should be kept in a state of subservient ignorance ?
If the B field has been omitted and it clearly has, all the equivalent electrical effects are missing too!
Such is the case! There is not just a little piece of some jig saw to be fitted into place. There has been a huge concentrated and then sustained conspiracy to hide a whole dimension which still rages today.
This is why folks like myself and forest can only grope forward and can't really give size or windings or core materials , Its because all said and done we are working in a dimension we can only see as a reflection. Like a fun fair hall of mirrors, will the lady be fat or thin ? we know there must be a reflection but have no idea what size or shape Its going to be. Or if it can be scaled. we have to skate in area's you know as Infinitesimal , Infinite and chaos and try to make something that makes sense and works .
It even transpires that because magnetic conditions change from one point to another on our globe the machines will operate differently or not at all without re-tuning as you move from place to place.
They can also be rendered useless by someone with the knowledge of how to do it. As Steorn discovered with the oboe project.

They filled the big top with spectators … rolled the machine out onto the sawdust … pushed the button at about the same time agent X did in the crowd … and then red faced had to roll the machine away gain !
Welcome to the world of free energy research …