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Author Topic: Lets start the new year with a bang!  (Read 80388 times)
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Posts: 2735
this is the stuff we want ... lots of it

Ah the old radiant energy gambit, I guess we will never know what is what unless we try. I remember an experiment a long time ago involving a 200KV DC generator, a quenched spark gap a la Tesla and some 8" polished stainless steel spheres. I was using the spheres as a capacitance in my circuit and I kept hearing this loud ssssT, sssssT noise from the spheres. At first I thought I had hit the resonant frequency of the spheres and I believe I may have as the sound was much like a load resonant "ting..." ,sssssT ting... .
Then the black residue (a very fine dust) started showing up on everything and as my spark gap was enclosed I didn't know what to make of it. As it turns out physical material, charged matter, was being ejected from the spheres. I didn't know it then but it has since been proven that matter is in fact a charge mosaic of both positive and negative charged particles interlocked with one another. Thus a surface can have unimaginable forces at play but have no net charge or external electric field. They are solely preoccupied with one another until they are motivated by an external force acting from within.
I see this quite a bit, when I discover something interesting then note it and years pass before a scientist  makes some sense of it for me. It was only recently that I have been able to connect all the dots from years of experiments and research. Which is why I think you may be barking up the wrong tree with your circuit concerning radiant energy. It is not common knowledge but the radiant effect is defined solely by an extreme rise in potential/rate of change. I say potential because it is inclusive as an Emf at the surface which is the point of radiation ie.. moving outward, radiant, to radiate outward. Which of course relates directly to Faraday's Pail and why charges, that is the charged state always shows up at the surface despite the point of origin. So here we see geometry also comes into play as well. I never could understand how people talk of radiant energy but have no idea what it is nor why it is. It seems certain to me those who claim to understand either do not know anything or are not telling anyone, very strange.

I shouldn't have to spell this out but.... ejected matter/particles, carrying a massive charge with it, being repelled from it's own source without opposition, hitting something with a neutral charge....magic .


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
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Being but a simple soul magician I really cant understand most of that (honest) I do understand batteries are being charged almost exclusively with magnetic current. I have done it myself and now Pm's are coming in confirming others have also. The rights and wrongs I don't know ..    C.C  this as I explained was plan B . either way a big anomaly has shown up . Something that the science and the text books say should not happen … does,  something however I expected to happen , not because of the books and the theories, they are for the insane .. or people who want to be quickly driven insane

The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane.”  Tesla

Mad as Hatter's !! I go in this direction because I have seen huge lumps of it work Magician , Indeed there in the publications I have linked to . You can see they work,  All the ambition is then, is to make it work much better and of course disassociate it with the stinking  grid so there can be no doubt  Luckily it's nothing to do with what you may or may not think or my theories or anyone Else's.(which is just as well some of my theories could send us to hell in a hand cart)  Its already doing it ! Batteries are being charged with magnetic current … so lets just KISS – KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID  I don't need or want to know about ejected matter/particles, carrying a massive charge none of that piffle for me thank you or any of its ilk :o (well perhaps I do need to know but I'm to long in the tooth now ) what concerns here is I have reports of Batteries being restored and fully charged whilst the supply is reading a PF of cos θ  0,02 on laboratory instruments as I predicted, this obviously also compliments the web pages shown .. The ambition here then is easy to define ...Wiseman is already turning the meters backwards. Nothing to prove there , The reactive charging is confirmed , the anomalies are showing up on simulation software . Its simply a case of making it do it much better .
That is all. And I'm pretty sure how that is done and if I'm wrong .. we'll have a super duper battery chargers I'm sure  O0
« Last Edit: 2014-01-16, 13:11:05 by Duncan »

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Group: Guest
Hi People,

I still not have read the new messages and the quoted sites. :-[
I just want to post my first simulation of the proposed CCt by Ducan, here it is.


More to come.
All the Best,

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
Battery charging off of BEMF. Same process as lighting a filament or neon bulb reactively. Juan Bedeeny motor. Testatika. The list goes on.

The BEMF is an electrostatic discharge. The collapse is natural and rebalancing is quick. The simplest is the Cockcroft-Walton, Villard Multiplier. Just another circuit attaining the same end. One can pump iron or air. The only differentiation in the circuit is what ones starting bias/viewpoint/experience is.
All attempts are merely routing the BEMF into a load. Configure the conductors in certain combinations to manipulate the voltage or current. Just depends on the load to drive.
Maintain circuit ringing for voltage or dampen for current.

My medication has hit. I have to put my head down now.

Group: Guest

I took a one day "computer break" and now, I'm lost.. :(
Thanks to everybody for all your precious input.
Not yet digested.

To move the last GiantKiller's post  again, these "Slayer Exciters" are really amazing:

My version:

à vide = idling
en charge = under load

Else, I can not resist (real candidate's paper):
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 704
you have some of the picture giantkiller but there are also big differences, and IMHO your at least on the right track. to simplify this view electricity as a single entity made up of EMF or back EMF it is not possible to have a state of total EMF or Total back EMF it is possible to get very close however. as an example parallel resonance creates almost total EMF and no back EMF, introduce this EMF to a physical space and it becomes a radio wave . It is transformed and becomes the electromagnetic wave.
It this transformation and the ability to transmit and receive we are interested in. so yes in a way you are right however unlike a bedine machine for instance, this is not hit and miss . It is controlled resonance. a wireless receiver for magnetic current if you like. expect big things!

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
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Posts: 704
merci beaucoup Jean that looks very good ! also it hasn't blown up ! ;D whilst perhaps not 'perfect' yet, its on its way ! kind of you to take the time!  O0

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
To move the last GiantKiller's post  again, these "Slayer Exciters" are really amazing:

I would agree and I was building similar circuits when dinosaurs roamed the Earth,lol. I think it is relative and dependent on one's perspective. Is the slayer circuit any less amazing than the picture below, those are four foot fluorescent tubes under that power line.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
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Posts: 704
The picture you post Magician is a case in point your suggestion and training is that the lamps are being lit by the vibration of the gas molecules within the tube ,caused by a sympathetic resonance to the harmonics of the power line . That is .. that the lamps are parasitic on the power lines.
Where as IMHO nothing could be further from the truth, The grid Its self is a huge Di pole created by a generator some where . Or in this case perhaps lots of generators .
Magnetic current naturally in the ground and its symbiotic partner the electrostatic wave  see the grid as an unnecessary abortion . An abuse and corruption of  natures natural energy flow.
The power stations,, the grid, the foul stinking corruption of the oil and fuel industry behind it are all totally unnecessary, Its been known at least since Tesla's first power grid . It took Steinmetz to resolve the problems and commission it remember.
Magnetic current cannot reach the grid , it is restrained by insulators which used to be porcelain  now many exotic materials of different shapes and sizes are used.
What you are actually seeing is energy flow from the earth to the grid in the form of overtones exciting the gas in the tubes as it passes through it.

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
What in the Hell is "magnetic current"?
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
What you are actually seeing is energy flow from the earth to the grid in the form of overtones exciting the gas in the tubes as it passes through it.

Actually I believe you however I would never use the term parasitic to describe any form of energy, I have too much respect for it. As well my formal training may help me understand many things relating to Energy however I use nature as my guide, Mother nature always wins.
Concerning the power lines what do you see in the picture, look closely. We see six bundled groups of conductors to make two three phase groups and they bundle the conductors to reduce losses generally termed leakage. Now look at the very top and we find one lone ground conductor used for lightning protection but where are all the other ground conductors?. Well they are not on the tower they are below it and all those little electrons get pushed and pulled in and out of the ground plane. There really is no set return path on transmission lines and the electrons never actually return they simply disperse into the ground plane. You see the source borrows electrons on one end just as it borrows electrons on the other reducing the number of conductors to carry a given load.

Think of it like this, we have an alternating (push/pull)water pump at a lake with a long pipe connected to another lake. Where does the alternating water come from?, the lakes. Where would the energy come from to power a load if we installed a water turbine on the pipe?, the pump. In this case the fluorescent lights would simply be water leak detectors.

So yes I would agree the energy is flowing from the earth through the fluorescent bulbs to the overhead conductors how could it not? it would be even if the bulbs were not present as the bulbs are simply detecting something already present. I guess you could say I don't discriminate in regards to energy, energy is energy any way we look at it.

FYI - India has the record for the highest line voltage at 1200 Kv UHV AC, Yikes.

« Last Edit: 2014-01-17, 07:11:51 by The Magician »

Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
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Hero Member

Posts: 704
Quite right using the word parasitic is simply semantics as what I describe Isn't accepted and Its the nearest word that comes to hand that describes the state of affairs.
The next obvious step is, as an equal and opposite force is available directly from the ground .. use it directly, get rid of the oil,coal, gas, the grid and all the other destructive rotten mechanisms, including the powers that be and their criminal  bankster friends who really are totally absolutely worthless parasites, (and I do use the word correctly here.)
simply use this freely available energy directly. That is the ambition and direction of this thread  historically Kvar was called magnetic current (grumpy) and still is by Ed Leedskalnin' in his books, it is also known by some as telluric current. There is a very big something  missing here you see ..


you tell me where is the B vector of the electric field ? Its possible to transmit on series  resonance that's well known, so where's all the maths and science ? Buried that's where ! Conspiracy!! Its time for a very public exhumation its as simple as that.   O0  

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus

Group: Renaissance Man
Hero Member

Posts: 2782

Buy me a cigar
Dear Duncan.

I felt you might find this of interest. There is a mention of magnetic current.


Cheers Grum.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)

Group: Tinkerer
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Group: Renaissance Man
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Posts: 2782

Buy me a cigar
Dear Duncan.

As a carer and not so good house husband !!  :)  A thorough kitchen clean had to be done, more than the usual wipe down and that'll do !!  :)

Upon moving the Microwave oven I was astonished to see a distinct line where the door joins the body !! See attached pic.

Maybe we can use  Granite as a  detector after all !

Cheers Grum.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)
Group: Moderator
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Posts: 704
well It  seems like Sherlock says Grumage 'The games afoot' I'm afraid I'm not much on material science but something seems to be going on . could it be a moisture content heat thing ? I don't really know, perhaps you could have a word with your buddy in the trade before we get over excited. well noticed anyway Grum  O0

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Group: Ambassador
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Posts: 4052
Grum this link you posted has a nice PDF which Jack Noskills also provided.


I attached his PDF
all that needs to happen is a nice clear input measurement and then a Quick fixed loss to ambient test will tell the rest.

Group: Guest

Duncan: you are welcome.

Thanks Grumage (and Chet) for pointing out this OU dot Com promissing new thread.
"Lenzless resonant transformer. Jack NoSkills"

IMHO, Jack Noskills is a misnomer, I would call him "Jack NoTools" or "Jack NoMeters". No?
Page 6 of the pdf ".. as I have no meter..."
Page 7 : "Since I don't have any meter..."
Absolutely fabulous! So, he will not be nitpicked about the accuracy of his meters... :D

Actually, meters are strange devices.
when the results are consistent with the books, the meters are right.
As soon as the results are abnormal the meter are not accurate. :(

Kidding appart, what is, IMHO, the common denominator between
the Duncan's Christmas card, GotuLuc experiments and Jack Noskills findings?
A: resonance and capacitors. No?

Of course, this a froggy newbie consideration as I'm pretty sure that All Canadian, The Magician,
already built 'OU' devices just few femto seconds after the Big Bang... ;D


Group: Moderator
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Posts: 704
The overview

You can get OU from a kitchen sink if you make it resonant!“.
Hector D Perez Torres

Thanks Grumage and Chet and Jean I like this bit of work by forest , In fact in general I like working on things where the guy has taken the pains to go step by step through the process describing the theory of operation . In that way you are not working like one of the 'Three blind mice' I find as forest has done getting to a scale of any sort is difficult,  so you notice forest also goes into detail regarding Q factor . We are you see both viewing things as physical cause and effect with no regard to mathematics and proportion. You can see how both of us have written pages in order to get common understanding rather than a few lines of formula ? We must there is no option for us and there are no numbers and there is no scale. Let me try and explain that a little.
 This picture it part of the classical description of the Lorentz / Einstein Force law which no doubt you all had a nodding acquaintance with whilst sitting on some hard school seat somewhere years ago.


(should you wish to 'lock horns' again for another tussle I pasted that picture from this web page
http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/hframe.html fill your boots ! you can have all my share and more than welcome  ;D)

And this my friends is the picture off the front of an old book of mine , representing a radio wave or to use the official jargon ' The electromagnetic wave' notice It is radiated at 90 deg to electricity as you normally perceive it . Electrical energy has been changed  in the sense that

'Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another... Bertie


 so you can see radio waves are transmitted essentially on what you see as B .. the B field of electricity . Radio waves are pretty well understood , we have the maths and scale .
Radio waves either used in transmission or reception are a result of parallel resonance, look here's a simple crystal set , It doesn't get any more parallel resonant than this !


SO...Radio = parallel resonance = B field  of the magnetic field , Super! But then comes this little odd ball. Listen carefully to what EPD says at 1M45sec into this Video


SWR (standing wave ratio) of infinity to put that into electrical speak for you he is saying .. transmitting with series resonance, he then proves it with demonstrations. That boys and girls alters every thing out of all recognition.
What does it mean for insane FE researchers ? (Oh yeah were all mad as Hatters tptb and big oil says so) It means that there must be a B field associated with the electric field, which makes sense don't you think ? After all everything likes to have a partner! look at the picture, So where is it? Why is it missing from the maths and science? Who decided humanity should be kept in a state of subservient ignorance ?
If the B field has been omitted and it clearly has, all the equivalent electrical effects are missing too!
Such is the case! There is not just a little piece of some jig saw to be fitted into place. There has been a huge concentrated and then sustained conspiracy to hide a whole dimension which still rages  today.
This is why folks like myself and forest can only grope forward and can't really give size or windings or core materials , Its because all said and done we are working in a dimension we can only see as a reflection. Like a fun fair hall of mirrors, will the lady be fat or thin ? we know there must be a reflection but have no idea what size or shape Its going to be. Or if it can be scaled. we have to skate in area's you know as Infinitesimal , Infinite and chaos and try to make something that makes sense and works .
It even transpires that because magnetic conditions change from one point to another on our globe the machines will operate differently or not at all without re-tuning as you move from place to place.
They can also be rendered useless by someone with the knowledge of how to do it. As Steorn discovered with the oboe project.  C.C They filled the big top with spectators … rolled the machine out onto the sawdust … pushed the button at about the same time agent X did in the crowd … and then red faced had to roll the machine away gain !  
Welcome to the world of free energy research …   O0
« Last Edit: 2014-01-18, 09:35:43 by Duncan »

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Group: Guest
Hi hoopy that was some time ago , and done really only to prove a LA battery did have specific resonant points. The scope was straight across the battery and so was the function generator although I did have a 1 K resistor in series with the FG to provide a little protection.
later when I realised there was an overtone relationship I repeated the experiment using the CT of a transformer , that was much more conclusive but I didn't video it. as there was no input or interest at the time. which of course I regret now :(. If your familiar with the Fourier heterodyne of sine waves hoopy  f1  f2  results  f1+ f2 and f1 – f2 and f1 f2 you will discover that if f1 and  f2 are fx6 apart for instance 200hz and 1200 hz then at no time in the subsequent remixing, do the frequencies interfere with one another . So you could visualise this (if you wished ) as the two fundamental frequencies and all their prodigy + and - going  off into infinity imparting maximum possibly energy into whatever was being addressed. This then is how all the water fracture systems functioned . Two sine waves as close as its possible to get to 'perfect '
were beaten together … The results ? Well you’ve all seen those,  lots of water cars, and then  lots of people dead , threatened , maimed injured imprisoned or locked up in asylums. Injecting two perfect sine waves into the battery then separated by x6F is also a possible solution which may be used and avoids the necessity of  tracking resonance .
The overtone progression of this frequency string … the inverse if you will … is the overtone sequence 3rd 9th 15th    in practice as noted on power lines these overtones are cumulative hence
'if you only knew the magnificence of 3 6 9 ' you can easily see where they are cumulative. obviously on 6 because of the f6 shown above
It is all knowledge of these overtones and, the maths and science behind them that has been hidden and obfuscated  I rather hope it might produce a very nice battery charger in due course don't you? O0 .

Hi Duncan,

Thanks for your reply. You may be interested in the following circuit I use for charging and conditioning SLA batteries. This design operates at around 2.5Mhz and does a good job at reducing sulfate deposits in reasonably good condition SLA batteries. The first waveform is scoped at X1 with probe at the Q1 emitter pin and clip on the supply battery 0V rail. The second waveform is with probe at the base of Q2 and the third waveform is scoped directly across the charging battery. This charger once connected will begin to reduce the terminal voltage of an out of condition SLA, whilst pushing an appreciable current up to around 1.0A, indicating that desulfation is taking place and internal resistance is dropping. I have seen this commonly take place using ###### chargers but this design appears to more efficient in this respect. I think that the 2.5MHz is causing a resonance in the battery and as you have suggested could be the case with frequencies at this level. This is a very easy circuit to build, so give it a try.

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...

How long roughly does it take to charge a battery, say a 7Ah with your circuit?

"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa
Group: Guest

How long roughly does it take to charge a battery, say a 7Ah with your circuit?


It much depends on the condition of a battery but generally a full charge for this size battery would be within 20hrs.
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 704
Hi Hoopy thanks for your circuit and observations, Its important to realise I have been chasing this rabbit a long time! :-[ Focusing on battery resonance is if you like the end of six or seven entirely different investigations.
One on the mathematics of crystal oscillators, another on the temporary phenomenal energy available from the three battery generating system on the energetics forum. Which in turn IMHO depends on the LA battery being held at resonance.
With these pulse chargers and of course the Bedine SSGs they all have in common the LA battery 
is at series resonance at some stage.
My belief then is that if series resonance can be found and held on the battery despite rapidly changing conditions then the battery would remain fully charged.
I introduced these resonant chargers just to stress the importance of resonance. Strange how we all talk of de sulphating a battery as so much hum drum these days, folks need to take a deep breath,and remind themselves they are doing something considered impossible.
Just adding to that Hoopy none of these resonance chargers are actually anywhere  near resonance
when we discover a way to track it and stay tuned then I think you'll see the feathers fly! O0

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
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Posts: 704
this video strange as it may seem relates to how I see the magnetic version running .. although of course he isn't running at resonance , and the permanent magnets and the wheel are replaced with electro magnets and electronics


Its perhaps a bit difficult to see the relationship, but I hope you do, O0

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Group: Guest

My belief then is that if series resonance can be found and held on the battery despite rapidly changing conditions then the battery would remain fully charged.
I introduced these resonant chargers just to stress the importance of resonance. Strange how we all talk of de sulphating a battery as so much hum drum these days, folks need to take a deep breath,and remind themselves they are doing something considered impossible.
Just adding to that Hoopy none of these resonance chargers are actually anywhere  near resonance
when we discover a way to track it and stay tuned then I think you'll see the feathers fly! O0


A battery cannot be charged and discharged at the same time, so I cannot see how a a battery can be held in a resonant condition, especially during rapidly changing loading conditions. I accept that it is not possible to completely clean battery plates of sulfate but I believe it is possible to improve the exposed active lead area of the plates, thereby improving the condition of a battery by reducing its internal resistance.

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