Hello Duncan,
Yes, Ed. Leedskalnin... It is all Greek for me. Very strange guy.
Yet, I have reproduced his PMH. It is botched (as often) but it works...
What I have in mind? I dunno precisely. I'm nosing about, as usual...

What I have in mind about pancake coils? This is more precise.
Firstly: some considerations.
Long time ago, I was taught what is said in this website:
http://wiki.answers.com/Q/When_current_and_voltage_are_90_degrees_out_of_phase_what_is_the_powerQ: When current and voltage are 90 degrees out of phase what is the power?
A: [...]So the product of Volts and Amps whenever they are 90 degrees out of phase will result in zero power.
Now, I can see that more and more people are talking about "Reactice Power" and getting interesting results.
For example, charging Lead Acid batteries with nearly "zero Power" is not ordinary nor trite. No?
So, we might have been lied to by the books

Does it not sounds like it just 'suffice' to add some carefully chosen capacitors to get 'OU'?
I'm thinking, for ex, at the ROTOVERTER.----------------
Secondly: some precisions about my experiment:
The sketch (It is shown 5 meters but one meter was just used):

Specifications (engraved on the bulb base):
Bulb #1(B1): 3.8 Volts / 0.3 A
Bulb #2(B2): 7 Volts / 0.1 A
C1 = C2= 0.95 uF
Measurements (according the meter).
Bulb #1(B1): 1.2 ohm
Bulb #2(B2): 6.2 ohm
C1 = 0.94 uF
C2 = 0.90 uF
L1 = 14.5 mH (with core)
L2 = 15.5 MH (with core)
C1*L1 =/= C2*L2
VS =/= 6.5 V
AS =/= 40 mA
VB1: from =/= 0.03 volts to 0.06 Volts (depending upon the time of measurement and the speed of the wind)....
Here, the meter is out of range and lost, IMO.
V = R*I
Theoretically: VB1 = RB1 * AS = 40 * 1.2 = 48 mV = 0.048 volts
VB2 = 2.5 volts
AB2 = 53 mA
So, Power OUT = 2.5 * 53 = 132 mW
Cos(phi) = 1 for a bulb (mere resistor). This have been nitpicked...
Power IN (PIN)?
You can not write: PIN= VS * AS (in this case: 6.5* 40 = 250 mW) as Cos phi is not 1.
So, efficiency

I dunno...
Anyway, when you have a self looped device you do not care about Power-In/Power-Out measurements/calculation.
Do U?
Finally, about pancake coils, I'm referring to:
"The GEGENE : a Great Efficiency GENErator with a Tesla bifilar coil..."
Very ill named, IMO, because the GEGENE was an infamous French instrument of torture
during the Algerian war (1954–1962).
I would have preferred "VEGENE" (Very Efficient GENEnerator).
My suggestion was not taken into account by JLN.[Rant_Off]
I have all the stuffs to reproduce the JLN's experiments.
Same brand and model Induction Cooker.
Same brand and model Grid Tie Power Inverter.
Two nice pancake Tesla Coils build with the help of my spouse.
Guess watts? I have not been able to find enough motivation to do this.
Why? Just look at the results:
"Efficiency measurements TEST#1 with a ligthmeter"
http://jnaudin.free.fr/gegene/gegene05en.htm".... measured efficiency of 91.4 %"
"TEST #2 : Efficiency measurements with a digital oscilloscope"
http://jnaudin.free.fr/gegene/gegene06en.htm1050 Watts at the INPUT.

About 2000 watts at the OUTPUT.

Not clear at all, IMHO.
"TEST #3 : Efficiency measurement with a calorimetric method"
http://jnaudin.free.fr/gegene/gegene07en.htm"The efficiency of the Gegene with the calorimetric method is 96 %"
"TEST #4 : First test of a closed loop system with the GEGENE by 'Romero UK'.
150 watt of extra NRG
Etc.. Etc... E chi più ne ha, più ne metta!. And so on and so forth.
Now, as far as I can catch it, JLN did not use any capacitor to get any resonance. Did he?
So, if his "VEGENE" is so efficient (even, sometimes 'OU' depending upon the way to measure it)
why not to use pancake coils?
That is my question.--------------------------------------------
Now another playing with capacitors and simulator:


In this case the simulator gives a prompt "convergence failed".
Amazing. No?
All the Best from Brest, small Britain.