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Author Topic: Lets start the new year with a bang!  (Read 80387 times)
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 704
All F.E researchers are lunatics .. tptb and big oil says so ..  now its my turn! ;D Consider this ..

Magnetic engineering is a one of the many subjects I'm woefully ignorant in I'm grateful for any input . I have been thinking about the basic operation of a simple transformer. Say wound on a closed Iron toroid for instance . I here think of how it works .. not how the books tell us it works with that cutting the coils at 90 deg rubbish .. how can it do that ?  Sure you can induce flux into the Iron core but that's where it stays .. there's  perhaps 1% leakage if that, its in there trapped. There is no way the flux can as the books tell us 'cut the coils at 90deg'   the flux cant get anywhere near the coils never mind cut them. It can't get out of its prison, I recalled another great researcher in the field effectively destroyed by tptb and now dead Chris Carson and  this demonstration of the corruption in transformer theory  beginning at 6min on the first video and finishing at 2 mins into the second (just my luck to get stuck across two video's ) anyway there's a comment by EPD regarding spaceships and light and the windows I'd like you to take note of too .. so perhaps just as well.


[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsrbaCJo3Qw [/youtube]

Incidently  this is Chris's rotary static converter that upset tptb and lead to a lot of troubles for him.

 So lets see if some bits can be loosely slotted together ..

first lets put Tesla's luminous Aether back in place where all the giants of the time knew it should be
Tesla describes the Aether as acting rather like a gas in this regard I believe he meant applying equal force from every direction , feel free to view this as a ball being held under water .. the pressure on the ball is equal in all directions.
Tesla also informs us that energy would be available at any point in the universe . Not the planet the universe. The fact that the transverse wave does not exist in space and light is not visible in spacecraft without glass made  with reflective mesh is also pointed out by EPD.
Edward Leedskalnin also surly built this telescope with no glass as a tongue in cheek swipe at the Michelson–Morley experiment  which was supposed to prove beyond any shadow of a doubt there was no Aether.

Edward knew otherwise.  So the Aether exists every where  in the universe its omni directional, it exerts equal pressure and travels in a straight line. What then if it hits a lump Say like our beautiful planet with us on it ?
Why surly it passes straight though us and it . Only neutralising at the centre of the planet where forces from every vector meet and are cancelled out. (exactly if it were a perfect ball with perfect mass) This then is what Edward Leedskalnin meant when he said the magnets were holding us and everything else together . It is the luminous Aether he is referring to , another man's sea of energy , and yet another’s radiant energy still ..

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet (William Shakespeare - Romeo and Juliet)

and so as this force of life passes through everything in encounters varying degree's of resistance
each substance having a different impeding effect on the linear wave . This effect I suggest is what you know as gravity . And Mass being the various amounts of resistance offered by various materials to the passage of the Aether .
So by extension I suggest that gravity is not an attraction of one mass to another rather an external pressure pushing things down due to resistance as the luminous Aether passes through.
No one knows what gravity is ! Do you believe that ? These horrible bloody people have been feasting from the public purse discovering all there is to know .. a more accurate statement I suspect would be .. nobodies giving the information to the people who supplied all the money for the investigations in the first place.
Keep the idiots in blinkers and feed um rice! .
So how does this effect the transformer I was considering what seems to be quite an age ago ? Quite simple now the flux doesn't have to leave the Iron core does it?
It simply has to move laterally, this in turn would make the passage of the Aether easier or harder on its passage to the earth’s core..
If harder then the Aether is arrested temporarily in the winding and hence develops voltage and current . If easier then the normal neutral state of the substance is experienced with the linear wave passing through unhindered. All the formula's bull shit and waffle that have been massaged into place still hold good but the fundamental principle of operation is very different. The energy is coming directly from the Aether.
I have engineered this as an electrical machine .. because I know no other way .
But as I think of what I have just written .. The impulse wave I suggest will not be electricity  in any form I am used to … it is moving at the same velocity as the linear wave 292000 miles/sec
so if (and its a big if) my conjecture here is something like right   I really don't know  what might happen . I'm sure you can see how a anti gravitational situation could quickly arise .
And how it could possibly be done with no core at all . As I say this has only just crossed my mind I can't think of any way of testing the veracity of what I suggest just at the moment .. but it does seem to join a few dots for me .  Including possibly the Hendershot device. I know I'm pointing you straight at the unknown … but it is what you want to know and have been considering for a long time isn't it ?  ;D ;D time for the men in white coats or what ?
« Last Edit: 2014-01-07, 13:31:42 by Duncan »

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
The fact that the transverse wave does not exist in space and light is not visible in spacecraft without glass made  with reflective mesh is also pointed out by EPD.

I'm not sure I understand this statement, it is generally understood that light is not visible anywhere until it hits matter which is the reason space is so dark. We know light is emitted or reflected from astronomical bodies however the EM energy we call light is not visible in space. Which light is EPD referring to?.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 704
just my assumption here AC without asking the Good Prof I certainly wouldn't like to try and put words in his mouth  ;D. probably what you say is right and the correct spiel should have been .. not visible until some very special glass was made to compensate for the fact that no transverse waves exist in space ... which of course is the key point
no transverse waves exist in space there's plenty I don't know about light ... I don't know what the speed of a shadow is either ;D

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
just my assumption here AC without asking the Good Prof I certainly wouldn't like to try and put words in his mouth  . probably what you say is right and the correct spiel should have been .. not visible until some very special glass was made to compensate for the fact that no transverse waves exist in space ... which of course is the key point

It can be confusing even at the best of times. The internet can be funny sometimes and a while ago some people had posted that light is not visible in space which is true however then some took this to mean that we could not see any objects when in space. Implying that we could not see the Earth, Moon or stars unless we have special glass or coatings on the glass which I find very hard to believe. As such I have found that generally I have to filter the information I read because after it becomes second and third hand information it tends to get completely distorted much like our textbooks.

I have found the story tends to unfold like this... a man say's his father is overweight to his friend who believes his father is overweight which is unhealthy. The 3rd person say's his father is sick, the 4th say's it must be cancer and then out of the blue the 10th person in the loop walks up to the first man and say's I am sorry to hear your father has died of cancer, when is the funeral?, lol. If this happened on the internet then we could be fairly certain that someone somewhere would then say he was given cancer by aliens or some black ops unit trying to kill us all and another conspiracy is born.
As well with the internet it is plausible that I could post something then one year later and one thousand people down the loop read something which is completely false but originated from me, weird or what?.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
If light could be seen from the side then space would be white!


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
We have been created with Eyes in order that
we may See.  This, however, is no guarantee
that all who have eyes are able to "see."

Our beliefs will often get in the way of our
vision.  The mind is a powerful thing.

Why some are able to 'see' it and others are
not (even though they have eyes and mind)
has been the eternal puzzle.


For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 704
Ah so some pure (ish) Iron has arrived .. Nothing exactly as I planned it .. I wanted a circle … It seems it was beyond the black smith and so I have plan B .. U shaped ..20mm round . (pics are crap I've just spun the web cam around)

.. which obliges me to wind coils a'la Edward Leedskalnin's  PM holders  you see the plan . . 

Its all a bit rustic right now ;D .. work in progress , I'm not  convinced Iron is an essential component now … It could possibly run just on air cores  .. still I’ve bought the stuff so I'll try it!
Anyone got any B/H info on pure Iron ?

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3030
Anyone got any B/H info on pure Iron ?

Good question.
Let me add one-- how FAST does a magnetic "impulse" move in iron?

Consider an iron rod of length L, with a coil on each end.  A sharp current pulse is driven through A (and terminated), and the iron carries a magnetic pulse as domains align etc.   At what TIME does coil B "feel" the magnetic field?
v (magnetic pulse) = L/t.

 Please  note -- this sensing by B is NOT instantaneous.

Group: Renaissance Man
Hero Member

Posts: 2782

Buy me a cigar
Good question.
Let me add one-- how FAST does a magnetic "impulse" move in iron?

Consider an iron rod of length L, with a coil on each end.  A sharp current pulse is driven through A (and terminated), and the iron carries a magnetic pulse as domains align etc.   At what TIME does coil B "feel" the magnetic field?
v (magnetic pulse) = L/t.

 Please  note -- this sensing by B is NOT instantaneous.

Dear PhysicsProf .

Is this the answer ?? Or have I missed the boat !!  :)


Cheers Grum.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)
Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3030
Thanks for this, Grum  O0 -- I'm studying now... 
Group: Guest
Good question.
Let me add one-- how FAST does a magnetic "impulse" move in iron?

Consider an iron rod of length L, with a coil on each end.  A sharp current pulse is driven through A (and terminated), and the iron carries a magnetic pulse as domains align etc.   At what TIME does coil B "feel" the magnetic field?
v (magnetic pulse) = L/t.

 Please  note -- this sensing by B is NOT instantaneous.

I would think there could be a delay in solid conducting iron due to lenz forces within the bar working against the field till the field is fully dispersed to its full extension.  But a non conducting iron powder core should be quick due to little lenz if any.

Lenz.  I was thinking about the vids that show a superconductor floating above a magnet. There is another material that also works at room temp.  I find it odd that it just floats. No mater the orientation.  So what about a superconducting inductor?  If you put a DC source across it, would current ever flow???  Considering the floating mag and why it floats, then I think a super conducting inductor might be useless because the impedance, without resistance would block incoming current because the bemf of induction would be equal to the input ;). But, Possibly a superconducting transformer, with input, no load, would not be a parasitic loss when plugged into a wall outlet. O0 And maybe if the sec is loaded, the primary might flow some current. Not sure.
Ok, sorry bout the off topic. :D

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 704
The change of field time is irrelevant .. in fact its used to advantage in this circuit . the study you are doing is irreverent I have already engineered it out of the operation
look at the Christmas card ... you can view the four coils as a Wheatstone bridge so A X C = B X D in all respects .... the time factors are irrelevant as they obviously cancel out .
The bridge is actually performing the job I have had to ask Mike and Jean to consider. its a cumbersome way of tracking resonance .
either way the chaotic state of magnetic current has to be resolved .. 

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Group: Guest

Hello Duncan,

Just a question (or two) please...

I can't see in space. In any "space perception" test, my IQ is a one digit number. :P :-X :-[

So, my question: In your CCT are the coils (A and  B) and (C and D) in a "bucking coil" configuration.
= one coil CW wired and the other coil CCW wired (or inversely)?

I have taken the liberty to present your CCT in a different way, more understandable for my me even if the 'doughnut' is not shown.

Your CCT:

My interpretation, Is it correct?:
2 independent CCT, the red one and the blue one.

If it is the case (= 'bucking coils'), I'm asking me this question:
JL. Naudin made some experiments with these "Bifilar Coils VS Bucking Coils".
I was also able to successfully reproduce this experiment.

As far as I can catch it, with a bucking coil configuration (theoretically, L =/= 0 Henry)
So, how to 'theoretically' get resonance? Actually, the  L/R time constant = zero. No?.
Silly question, indeed, because, practically, you can observe a preferred frequency...

Anyway, if you could elaborate a bit....

Bien cordialement,

Ps: I'm looking for any "bone to gnaw" from you. Should I have the skills to ingest it.

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 704
Hi Jean sorry a bit slow coming back .. I busy winding those coils you have drawn, when this free energy malarkey is all over I'll never wind another coil as long as I live!
I think by virtue of a bit of sympathetic resonance between us you may have just hit a brilliant answer
to the resonance question a'la crem
This circuit may seem simple Jean but I have viewed it from another dimension which might make it seem a little odd. Because what you term bucking doesn’t really apply . Nor does Bi filar both effects are radically altered by resonance. With electricity in this dimension Jean (not at resonance)
a  wire wound resistor would be wound Bifilar  so as to prevent  induction .
Or to simplify that separate the effects of EMF and back EMF and prevent their interaction,
coils A and B are actually a Bifilar winding but on separate cores,
this then at resonance only allows the two current of  EMF and back EMF to be separated,
obviously if coil C were in the position of coil B then it would be a Buck winding with no gain at all
in fact effectively a short circuit. However because there is air gaps each of the magnets changes poles in sympathy. The effect is instead off a short circuit which you might expect lenz law is now effectively reversed  something approaching 100 % energy gain could be expected from this alone .
 (that's my theory) In practice anything is welcome  of course. You also might view this as a high frequency Wheatstone bridge where A x D = B x C  thats essentially  what’s resolving the resonance
issue that I cant get at with the other thing .

Here was my thinking last night .. regarding keeping a LA battery on a resonant point, I was actually thinking of this video which by chance you have posted again else where,


It then crossed my mind that one light is doing the opposite of the other  at resonance . I also thought that is really what is required to hold the LA battery in series resonance . No so  ?
The next line of thought  is what would be the series resonant version  of that circuit?
And I wasn't getting much in the way of ideas and then  .. I then started to think of two identical batteries capacitively coupled (As the parallel resonance is magnetically coupled)
Now would not a light on the battery being monitored come on when the other was at  resonance ?
And could that not be tracked ? .. I then started to think what the internal impedance (not resistance ) of the battery might be so it might be duplicated ..  ah well it might spark a light !

work in progress … ouch do I need more copper wire!!!!

 we must be on the right track anyway  I'm getting lots of noise and interference over on energetics from the firemen …

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
we must be on the right track anyway  I'm getting lots of noise and interference over on energetics from the firemen …

I think it's important to understand that what we want is magic and any technology sufficiently advanced would appear as magic..Carl Sagan. We are the magicians and they the crowd having no more understanding of what we do or how we think than how one could pull rabbits out of a hat.
I always found this fascinating that the Magician can do the impossible and yet we do not criticize them we applaud them. They think and operate on a completely different level than the crowd and the crowd would never think to suggest they are as skillful. This is not so with technology and every tom, dick and harry somehow believes that just because they have read a few textbooks they are on the same level. They are not magicians they are simply bystanders watching the show unfold before them.

Or to simplify that separate the effects of EMF and back EMF and prevent their interaction,
That is an interesting thought, if our conductor was a road then it would seem there is only one lane of traffic. One car (Emf) travelling West as the other car (Bemf) travels East in the same lane and a collision would seem unavoidable. Now a good magician might think to have the west bound car pass right through the east bound car which would amuse and confuse the crowd to no end. However appearances can be deceiving and from another perspective there may be two lanes hence the cars never collide they simply pass one another. I guess we could say the real trick is to stop thinking like the crowd and start thinking like the magician.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
Time for a change of perspective to start the new year, I am now the artist formerly known as prince, Doh, I mean The Magician formerly known as Allcanadian.
There be magic gentlemen


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman

Group: Renaissance Man
Hero Member

Posts: 2782

Buy me a cigar
Time for a change of perspective to start the new year, I am now the artist formerly known as prince, Doh, I mean The Magician formerly known as Allcanadian.
There be magic gentlemen


And for your next trick ??  :)  ;D

Cheers Grum.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
And for your next trick ??

My next trick is to get back to my roots, to start anew, to become that person I once was who knew no limitations. Who was hands on at the bench determined to do the impossible and share it with everyone. He was a nice open-minded fellow and I'm not sure what happened to him... I need to find him I think.

I think Duncan is right on track, a new year to reinvent ourselves and our technology.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman

Group: Renaissance Man
Hero Member

Posts: 2782

Buy me a cigar
My next trick is to get back to my roots, to start anew, to become that person I once was who knew no limitations. Who was hands on at the bench determined to do the impossible and share it with everyone. He was a nice open-minded fellow and I'm not sure what happened to him... I need to find him I think.

I think Duncan is right on track, a new year to reinvent ourselves and our technology.


Dear The Magician.

Wow!!  That turned from a little light hearted banter into something very deep !! I do understand your sentiments though. I myself, as I get older seem to have lost the vitality I used to have !! I was the one who always jumped in feet first !! My maxim has been that "The man who never made a mistake, never did anything " But the real trick is to learn from those mistakes !!  :)

All I can ask of you is please don't loose that analytical mind you have !! I am a doer more than a thinker !! I need thinkers !!  :)  O0

Cheers Grum. 

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 704
grumage ... remember the battery and the granite ... what were you charging that battery with ? just a standard charger ? I altered that post I guess you went back and took a look ? I'm interested to know obviously because I wonder if there's anything measurable about the granite that might indicate the level of magnetic current.
 here's some scribble I offered up on energetics regarding this subject of LA batteries......

A little bit of practical work for you to try … or just consider if. you like .
Power in DC circuits = VI  that's fair enough isn't It?
In AC circuits of course that alters power becomes VI cos θ  ….θ  being the angle between current and voltage
When current and voltage are 90 degrees out of phase what is the power

Obviously if  θ  is 90 deg  the cos of 90 deg is zero  and no power will be consumed . In practice just throwing any capacitor in that circuit will not result in perfect resonance never the less .. pretty close and by adjusting the size of that capacitor you can get much closer anyway .
The main current component after the capacitor is referred to as Magnetic current and the power component  volts x magnetic current  is known as 'the watt less component'
for obvious reasons the dogma, text books and science say it can do no work ! John ###### .Edward Leedskalnin , Moray and many others say otherwise . I agree !
Magnetic current is actually freely available it is a natural product of the ground  , some call it telluric current. It enters the grid system via the neutral conductor which in turn is bonded to ground.
Regardless of how it may enter the system the books and theory say its basically impossible to do anything useful with it. So It would be impossible to charge a battery with this circuit . That I have scribbled on the back of this  envelope wouldn't it ?

do you agree with the books .. or me ?
I suggest not only will that battery charge the nearer to resonance you can get …. the faster and better it will charge.
Try it and watch you house meter . But first see if the impossible can happen .. and  magnetic current (VARs) can charge a battery at all. If it does .. if it does we'll think about  making it better! There are people using this very technique to pump power back onto the grid and the power companies end up paying them Its not what you really want though is it? Surly you want rid of the grid altogether ?
Still try it and see what your findings are, this is electrostatic exchange resonance is bringing magnetic current into being… This is a crude example but it'll show you the way of the  thing .. cheaply and quickly .:cheers: ....(jean  you'll see why tracing the series resonance is so important)

As for AC bravo! what are we doing this for any way ? so a couple of us can have a secret thing chugging away hidden in a basement ? radical change is required!

mean while back with this magnetic attempt – rather than get bogged down in mu values and BH curves I have decided to scale what I am doing directly off EL s PM holder by mass .. seems that guy knew a thing or two.! I haven't done the scribble yet but he calls for 1500 turns on each soft Iron leg  on one inch dia Iron so I guess I'm looking at 1000 turns per . I hate winding I'm visually impaired now so I have to sort of do it by touch to a certain extent still I'll set about it! needs must .. 
« Last Edit: 2014-01-12, 21:25:23 by Duncan »

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Sr. Member

Posts: 352
Posted this over at EF too but I think it's good to go here too:

Hey Duncan, I decided to play around with this basic circuit because I've got a very expensive Optima 12V LA battery I got in a yard sale but never have been able to get a good charge on it. I discovered some very good things along the way of playing with this setup. I started out using your basic schematic above with a heavy toroid 120VAC to 24VAC transformer that can provide a lot of current. I tried AC caps from 3.5 uf to 62 uf and was having some luck charging but the power factor was always up around 0.70. Watts were fairly low from about 2.8 to 5 watts and charging was quite slow as monitored with a Fluke DC meter.

 Then I decided to look at George Wiseman's capacitive charging circuit and what a huge difference that made when I hooked it up as I will describe below. Power factor dropped to 0.02 and watts consumed were around 1.9 watts while the battery was charging way faster as observed on the meter. Before trying his circuit I also tried 120VAC with a 1:1 transformer feeding the setup you posted but charging was slow and PF high with that. But when I went to the circuit below charging got very fast and PF very very low as I said. I've had this info for a while but never really looked into it and especially with a watt meter / PF meter attached. In my setup I used a 220VAC 62 uf cap for C2 and a 14uf 120VAC cap for C1. Based on his formula of input voltage divided by C2 over C1 my output charging voltage is around 27.1 volts. I'll have to check it with the voltmeter to see if that's correct. (checked it now and it's about 24.8V)  This setup also limits current based on what cap values are used. Thanks for bringing this up!
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
I'm interested to know obviously because I wonder if there's anything measurable about the granite that might indicate the level of magnetic current.

Well... the granite industry has a dirty little secret which is not common knowledge. As it turns out most all granite is radioactive to some extent and in some cases in is well beyond what is considered safe. I believe I first heard this 10 years ago on a show called "60 minutes" and the journalist went into the show room with a Geiger Counter. Well the damn thing went ape shit on every counter and of course he was asked to leave. The reason they were investigating it was because the granite was never tested at that time and some people were feeling sick for reasons they could not explain... go figure. .

« Last Edit: 2014-01-12, 23:28:18 by The Magician »

Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Sr. Member

Posts: 352
Well... the granite industry has a dirty little secret which is not common knowledge. As it turns out most all granite is radioactive to some extent and in some cases in is well beyond what is considered safe. I believe I first heard this 10 years ago on a show called "60 minutes" and the journalist went into the show room with a Geiger Counter. Well the damn thing went ape shit on every counter and of course he was asked to leave. The reason they were investigating it was because the granite was never tested at that time and some people were feeling sick for reasons they could not explain... go figure. .


I picked up  on that info about granite probably some 15 years or so ago when I was studying Bruce Perreault's work and it came up about granite being radioactive.   I've got a good geiger counter and found it is indeed radioactive although most of it is quite low that I've run across.  I'm sure it can vary a lot depending on the source.   BTW I like magic ;)   
Sr. Member

Posts: 352
Posted this over at EF too but I think it's good to go here too:

Hey Duncan, I decided to play around with this basic circuit because I've got a very expensive Optima 12V LA battery I got in a yard sale but never have been able to get a good charge on it. I discovered some very good things along the way of playing with this setup. I started out using your basic schematic above with a heavy toroid 120VAC to 24VAC transformer that can provide a lot of current. I tried AC caps from 3.5 uf to 62 uf and was having some luck charging but the power factor was always up around 0.70. Watts were fairly low from about 2.8 to 5 watts and charging was quite slow as monitored with a Fluke DC meter.

 Then I decided to look at George Wiseman's capacitive charging circuit and what a huge difference that made when I hooked it up as I will describe below. Power factor dropped to 0.02 and watts consumed were around 1.9 watts while the battery was charging way faster as observed on the meter. Before trying his circuit I also tried 120VAC with a 1:1 transformer feeding the setup you posted but charging was slow and PF high with that. But when I went to the circuit below charging got very fast and PF very very low as I said. I've had this info for a while but never really looked into it and especially with a watt meter / PF meter attached. In my setup I used a 220VAC 62 uf cap for C2 and a 14uf 120VAC cap for C1. Based on his formula of input voltage divided by C2 over C1 my output charging voltage is around 27.1 volts. I'll have to check it with the voltmeter to see if that's correct. (checked it now and it's about 24.8V)  This setup also limits current based on what cap values are used. Thanks for bringing this up!

More noteworthy (?) anomalies :
Trying different combinations of caps I managed to get this:
*  31.3 VDC output (with battery disconnected to read that voltage) at 0.14 Amps (with battery connected) while drawing 0.0 Watts and 0.0 VA on the wattmeter while battery voltage is rising (currently about 9.85 volts) - however when the battery is disconnected I see 1.1 Watts being consumed with only the 2 caps and bridge rectifier
*  With a different set of caps and 0.45 Amps draw I see 3.4 watts being consumed.   At this level the battery is charged to around 9.85 volts but every 15 seconds or so it is jumping for just a second to 11 to 12 volts.  Desulfating possibly?   But it always drops back down to around 9.8 and then starts climbing again to around 9.9 where it suddenly jumps up again to 11 or 12 volts.   

I do have actual power company kilowatt hour meters so I may see what they indicate also as I know some will say the digital KWH meter is not accurate at low levels.  Yet it seems to read a lot of different values between 0.0 watts and 5 watts or so as I change caps around.   
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 704
thanks for your contribution on energetics ewiz /e2 as you see I'm getting quite some noise there . I posted this there and added some for this forum only ...

Thanks ewizard I was aware of Wisemans work but of course  LA batteries have been charged like that before there was a USA never mind a George Wiseman. I didn't think it a particularly good example to offer folks not au fait with exposed high voltages and charged capacitors I could have cited  Tom  Dick or Harry as regards the implication  its hundreds of years old technology.
Here's yet another Tom or more probably a big Dick in this example charging huge banks of batteries in minuets , and rejuvenating batteries that have been sulphated for years very quickly.


I didn't particularly want folks side tracked you see Ewiz it seems thousands have built and utilized this circuit without stopping for one second to consider as I did long ago … This is breaking every known law.. well every law your interested in breaking anyway) as I have pointed out, and then trying to find out why and how it is accomplished is key,
Had you noted only a few Milli amps of charge that would have been quite sufficient to prove the case. The fact that you have gone a whole lot further and proved it beyond any reasonable doubt is great for other readers ewiz they don’t have to do it themselves From my perspective viewing things from rather a different dimension to you could you perfectly hit the resonant spot you would be instantly vaporised.
Lucky nothings perfect hey ? Both of these systems are just very crude and dangerous implementation of What could and should be. If you follow the right avenue ewiz you'll find it possible ( oh in theory of course ) to keep fully charged a huge bank of batteries which are providing a maximum load . With a matter of milli watts.
The battery companies have been altering the chemical composition of the batteries with whatever excuse … maintenance free being usual .. they now have nothing like the life span of older well cared for LA batteries  and more frustratingly have a very high Q factor regarding holding anything like a resonant point. Ergo its much harder (but not impossible) to use them effectively as free energy devices.  Accidental ? Yeah right !! Its the stench of tptb and their criminal Bankster friends yet again  ..

and we know what they want. They want  more for themselves and less for every body else


So ewiz I strongly suggest you haul back from Wiseman and co . Methods consider rather how magnetic current might reach the battery. And  how that might be vastly improved .  ;D still prove it to yourself first  ;D ;D
Let me also tell you the Lead acid battery also follows the linear wave sequence who's existence is being strenuously denied by what is IMHO opposition noise and intimidation.
Conjecture this … Magnetic current is essentially a freely available ground component of magnetism. Attracted by the resonant state of the battery magnetic current must flow to the area and then into the Battery. It is significant that you were the only person prepared to consider and try to answer my question a while back.

I know full well there are strange thing happening when an LA battery is being charged !! I got a serious ear bashing from my wife, when after a couple of days charging a battery on one of our Granite work surfaces, upon moving the battery the Granite had taken on the shape of the cell structure within !! And despite a whole day of re polishing there is still the faint outline !!

I wonder if your now prepared to make an educated guess at why Grumage had to spend days polishing and scraping ?poor O'l grum :D

I thought a calculated ideal internal impedance might be used to use that opposite resonance thing as I explained? … but I see it goes into extreme what I suppose you would call negative resistance
and is not stable … to see this take two similar LA batteries one very heavily sulphated in the state the physics books referred to as approaching infinite impedance (in fact its not really a battery any more is it ? Just a lump)   anyway connect it to the other battery + to +
or – to – (makes no odds your catching one spiral or the other.)  obviously nothing can operate in any circuit with an infinite impedance  really can it? … take a small brushed DC motor perhaps out of a toy and connect it across  the other two terminals --- It perhaps won't turn immediately and in fact you don't want it to … one side of the equation is an acceptable infinity .. the other is time because there is a time dimension involved you may have to wait a little … eventually the motor will start to turn
if you gently try to resist it , it will fight back with all its might and speed up … if you measure this increase in force to load which I tried to do with just a crude home made Dyno it seems to follow the Fibonacci series .IMHO This amazing effect then can only be seem when the high frequency electrostatic wave has discovered sympathetic frequencies within the crystal structure..
to view this simply ( as I must} one battery is responding to the cw spiral whilst the other battery is responding to the ccw spiral of Edward L s  current ..   
once seen never forgotten ! However it does make the task of tracking that resonance extremely tricky

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
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