All F.E researchers are lunatics .. tptb and big oil says so .. now its my turn!

Consider this ..
Magnetic engineering is a one of the many subjects I'm woefully ignorant in I'm grateful for any input . I have been thinking about the basic operation of a simple transformer. Say wound on a closed Iron toroid for instance . I here think of how it works .. not how the books tell us it works with that cutting the coils at 90 deg rubbish .. how can it do that ? Sure you can induce flux into the Iron core but that's where it stays .. there's perhaps 1% leakage if that, its in there trapped. There is no way the flux can as the books tell us 'cut the coils at 90deg' the flux cant get anywhere near the coils never mind cut them. It can't get out of its prison, I recalled another great researcher in the field effectively destroyed by tptb and now dead Chris Carson and this demonstration of the corruption in transformer theory beginning at 6min on the first video and finishing at 2 mins into the second (just my luck to get stuck across two video's ) anyway there's a comment by EPD regarding spaceships and light and the windows I'd like you to take note of too .. so perhaps just as well.
[youtube] [/youtube]
Incidently this is Chris's rotary static converter that upset tptb and lead to a lot of troubles for him.

So lets see if some bits can be loosely slotted together ..
first lets put Tesla's luminous Aether back in place where all the giants of the time knew it should be
Tesla describes the Aether as acting rather like a gas in this regard I believe he meant applying equal force from every direction , feel free to view this as a ball being held under water .. the pressure on the ball is equal in all directions.
Tesla also informs us that energy would be available at any point in the universe . Not the planet the universe. The fact that the transverse wave does not exist in space and light is not visible in spacecraft without glass made with reflective mesh is also pointed out by EPD.
Edward Leedskalnin also surly built this telescope with no glass as a tongue in cheek swipe at the Michelson–Morley experiment which was supposed to prove beyond any shadow of a doubt there was no Aether.

Edward knew otherwise. So the Aether exists every where in the universe its omni directional, it exerts equal pressure and travels in a straight line. What then if it hits a lump Say like our beautiful planet with us on it ?
Why surly it passes straight though us and it . Only neutralising at the centre of the planet where forces from every vector meet and are cancelled out. (exactly if it were a perfect ball with perfect mass) This then is what Edward Leedskalnin meant when he said the magnets were holding us and everything else together . It is the luminous Aether he is referring to , another man's sea of energy , and yet another’s radiant energy still ..
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet (William Shakespeare - Romeo and Juliet)
and so as this force of life passes through everything in encounters varying degree's of resistance
each substance having a different impeding effect on the linear wave . This effect I suggest is what you know as gravity . And Mass being the various amounts of resistance offered by various materials to the passage of the Aether .
So by extension I suggest that gravity is not an attraction of one mass to another rather an external pressure pushing things down due to resistance as the luminous Aether passes through.
No one knows what gravity is ! Do you believe that ? These horrible bloody people have been feasting from the public purse discovering all there is to know .. a more accurate statement I suspect would be .. nobodies giving the information to the people who supplied all the money for the investigations in the first place.
Keep the idiots in blinkers and feed um rice! .
So how does this effect the transformer I was considering what seems to be quite an age ago ? Quite simple now the flux doesn't have to leave the Iron core does it?
It simply has to move laterally, this in turn would make the passage of the Aether easier or harder on its passage to the earth’s core..
If harder then the Aether is arrested temporarily in the winding and hence develops voltage and current . If easier then the normal neutral state of the substance is experienced with the linear wave passing through unhindered. All the formula's bull shit and waffle that have been massaged into place still hold good but the fundamental principle of operation is very different. The energy is coming directly from the Aether.
I have engineered this as an electrical machine .. because I know no other way .
But as I think of what I have just written .. The impulse wave I suggest will not be electricity in any form I am used to … it is moving at the same velocity as the linear wave 292000 miles/sec
so if (and its a big if) my conjecture here is something like right I really don't know what might happen . I'm sure you can see how a anti gravitational situation could quickly arise .
And how it could possibly be done with no core at all . As I say this has only just crossed my mind I can't think of any way of testing the veracity of what I suggest just at the moment .. but it does seem to join a few dots for me . Including possibly the Hendershot device. I know I'm pointing you straight at the unknown … but it is what you want to know and have been considering for a long time isn't it ?

time for the men in white coats or what ?