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Author Topic: The Jigs Up !  (Read 20301 times)
Sr. Member

Posts: 336
yeah just go over to energetics forum and follow the 3BGS thread ... done by many and me  .. not stable and difficult to control but .. good  fun! you also might like to check out the magnetic motors of hatem I posted here .. both sets of build plans are with them  O0 having said all that I dont jump though hoops for anyone and I've got the rest of my own life to get on with and my on projects and interests . I do like to try a help of course (depending on approach) still the basics of the Hatem machine can be proved for the price of four magnets  from there on its basic  engineering  pure and simple that is either magnets are are stronger in attraction than repulsion or they are not ..  . best wishes  O0


I have done a lot of testing on the 3BGS some few years ago and did not find any OU or COP>1 in that circuit.

Do you have any link to the "Hatem" system?

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 704
 ;D ;D many did to find the series resonance point of the battery is key there and to hold it is a  mare  :-[ catch it though and you'll know all about it very quickly ! I confess I haven't really found my way around this forum .. yet however I posted on a magnetic motor post  ;D ;D I have just returned from from the local and really don't feel inclined (probably cant) try to find that thread right now ... a little later perhaps , In general though (not you sir) but previous this  .. give me the plans .. I'm very busy .. I've wasted enough of my precious time which you just saw is a total fail .. It doesn't work It would be rather like giving some one a bike who has no balance and never will have any .. Its just a total waste of time.
It says somewhere and I can't quite think where "the meek shall inherit the earth" and I can quite see that happening very fast . folks want to know but It seems to me are not prepaired to learn, perhaps I'm wrong and In a way I hope I am but I think there is a big reckoning due don't you? I read ..  ... tell me all you know ... quickly fool , I'm a busy man , oh and a merry fucking Christmas I've wasted ten of my precious minutes and gleaned nothing of value ... that's not going to work just as trying to ride the bike Isnt going to work ... Its a huge change and Its coming regardless

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3030
  Thanks for your discussion about Hooke and Newton, Duncan, and harmonics etc.  Very interesting.

And Merry Christmas to all!  (no "F")   O0

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Greetings Duncan,

You've covered a lot of ground here.

The pursuit of "Free Energy" and "High Technology" has
occupied the minds of men (including women) for several
thousands of years and it continues to this day.  What we see
in the forums is, for the most part, non-productive diversion
and deception.  The real work and progress is carried out
deep underground in conjunction with "The Pentagon."

The Pentagon, located in Arlington, Virginia, in an area
that was once a part of The District, is perhaps the focal
point of present efforts, at least for public consumption.
There are several locations (Area 51 is well known) at
various places in the U.S. and elsewhere which are connected
in purpose and collaboration.  The most important point to
be made is that none of what has been done within their
"Black Projects" would have been possible without assistance
from what we are led to believe are "Aliens" whose home is
not Planet Earth.

They (the Aliens) are real, they are here, and they have been
intimately involved with the marvelous technological advances
which have occurred in the past 100+ years.  They, in fact, are
the source of what The Pentagon has been seeking.  Carry the
thought a step further and one may conclude that they are the
source for what is sought in the forums.

Aye, it does seem far fetched at first blush and very hard to
believe.  But, in truth, we are all being deceived. 

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
...we are all being deceived. 

For thousands of years.
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 704
That's probably all true Dumped ! Its certainly almost Impossible to believe anything that comes out of America in any shape or form now  , everything is given a liberal smear of grease and lies. Smoke and mirrors seems the norm now.
 I start to wonder if Americans actually open doors any more or just slither under them … probably with a top hat on at that! Not that it hasn't always been so elsewhere  as I unearthed the very basic physics of the buried wave form (linear) and of course I am, as I said previously more interested in the history of the events .. I couldn't by pass Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier and the Transforms could I ?
He must have known all about the linear wave, where is it ? Where's the work and the information
Track that guy through the history and it gets very interesting and the part secret societies have to play in the tale becomes clear .. ah but a tale for another day.
So dumped how are these stinking filthy centres of deception financed ?
Obviously They have to steal huge amounts of money from the public they are lying to and deceiving why isn’t that being stopped?
Just call me old fashioned if you like dumped but I cant help feeling that Evil is done in the dark because it has to be , Whilst good is done in the day light ,  This disgusting filth that Humanity has allowed to fester in America has global ramifications It is really critical for humanity that it be arrested and the men in black be given something of a lighter hue to wear .. perhaps Orange
from what information there Is regarding extra terrestrials  I would say your quite right dumped
It also seems that gold is essential to them and their primary interest in earth. It then becomes an interesting tale as to how these dirty secret hovels in America and tptb have manipulated the world in such a way that they can rob and steal the real wealth of the whole world and the part energy plays. I did write on it before here it is again with some added material .. doesn't make happy reading! For Christmas Greed manipulation and trickery
The Numpties are first lead to believe there is an energy crisis, there is no energy crisis there never has been . The downfall of America is not a very nice prospect particularly as it will likely bring everything crashing down behind it .
I happen to be British but obviously fall under the same empire like it or not. Here then regarding the impending doom which I start to consider is totally unavoidable because of this scenario …and my (perhaps wrong view of the causes) I first suspect that like the British public before them Americans have got totally confused with the “American Empire” history records that at the height of empire the British public lived in dire conditions ergo the empire is nothing what so ever to do with the population .
The population are sorry to say for the most part unknowing dupes . Cannon fodder to keep the cap stones in place. It seems to me that any real wealth is being moved east at a huge rate of knots. It looks rather like all that will remain is promissory notes for liable debt. Which promise the bearer misery and starvation.
I guess Its an energy forum and I'd like to tie that to the dollar, the empire , and its inevitable and rapid destruction and planned replacement … after all you may see a way out, which I cant.
First I think for all the Smarmy talk and diplomatic diatribe this is Tricky Dicky on behalf of the American people .. welshing on Its debts and internationally arranged obligations in a way that Greece for instance or Spain cannot do in the present


The “international speculators” in this case was the French government who needed to fund their social services … and by far the biggest economy meant .. Biggest debt in the world and very complicated means up yours suckers And temporary means if you suckers buy this crap … till hell freezes over .
What then could possibly induce anyone to buy this useless currency backed only by lies ? that's the end of the gold standard ...(IMHO were on our way to hell in a hand cart from here)
It was I think the slight of hand and trickery of Kissinger here explained in a short series of video's which I hope you can take the time to watch. these are nearly 10 years old .. and so I'm sorry If I'm preaching to the converted
part 1

part 2

part 3

How that ties directly to energy and  oil is then amplified here by Lindsay Williams

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZFO1tq5OeI [/youtube]

So Its blatant and obvious that the “American empire” and the ruling class have arranged a skewed system founded on a dollar which is tied by trickery lies and sleight of hand to energy.
The problem is energy is freely available I have proved it many times to myself and so have many others on this forum … Hence the brick wall that researchers encounter regarding “free energy” If free energy were introduced today the Dollar would be worthless tomorrow most of the worlds currencies would follow .. that became obvious watching the debt ceiling fiasco which only seems to have moved the USA further down the credibility rankings anyway.
China is buying huge parts of the USA and Europe and of course the currency.
I have no doubt in due course. When the elite have finished extracting all the real wealth and moving it east these “assets” will be dumped on the market. The result “a new empire” same emperors. .. no doubt after a huge bloody conflict of some sort.
After all the total population of the puny USA doesn't even make up the census “error factor” of China.
assume I have the information that allows a simple 5kw power source should it be released ?
At the moment the question seems rather like asking would you like to die today or tomorrow?
I must confess I didn't really grasp the significance of “The debt ceiling” anyway surly with this rotten skewed system America can just roll the presses any time it wants anyway and print some more paper. everyone else has to pay for by the barrel load ?

Of course Its really Gold they want isn't it ? And that's still locked up nice and safe in the Vaults nice kind America looks after quite a lot of gold for other countries … Safe as houses in Fort Knox is it though ? Germany decided It wanted a goodly portion of its gold back and built a nice big vault for it … Uncle Sam send that gold back we have been paying you lots of money to look after please
here's what happened ...


The cupboard was bare Mother Hubbard ! Well perhaps its on another planet what do you think Dumped?
In turn all we Numpties are left with is worthless bits of paper . We are It seems ruled by about 200 people if this film is even partially right


So just to get this clear in short ….. There is a self appointed group of filth who consider themselves 'the elite' They do evil unpleasant thing and so they have to do it all in secret in the dark , Meanwhile as Snowden has pointed out they are quickly ensuring nobody else has any provision of secrecy and our children will probably never understand the concept of privacy.
They have Gestapo but in black instead of grey and the threaten or murder anyone who might upset their satanic schemes  
This dirty business and these people are financed by the real  wealth of humanity world wide that they have managed to contrive ways to steal. Via access to public funds  through the American political system which in turn via the Petro Dollar scam sucks the Wealth of the whole world into the vortex . The 200 ( who may or may not be controlled by ET s ) In turn control the world governments in the ways just shown . Their criminal Bankster friends in turn torture humanity.
The American public are then either to stupid to ensure public funds are fully accountable and transparent or perhaps they condone the behind closed doors inner trading ? I find it hard to believe the country condones these Gestapo creatures MIB whatever slithering about how come the people haven't got rid of them ? Who pays their wages ?

So Its not an energy thing at all is it? There's endless energy that’s why I opened another thread “what’s the point of another free energy machine” There are plenty of them .. we just cant use them and if we did something else would be screwed. Its not free energy that’s the issue The Rot is much much deeper. Added to that the Gold miners (humanity) are being dumbed down very quickly


In fact I suspect we are being sprayed and fed chemicals in water ,food and injection at a frightening rate. I'm not sure if Tesla was right or not but working with this linear wave for a while does seem to have a telepathic effect as he says in this video but it might just be my Imagination


As for the great man's death and ouch his castration that conjecture is discussed here by Andrija Puharich another underrated Giant of a researcher.IMHO


Walter Graham offers one theory about the rush to fluoridate Ulster's water. 'In 1976 Margaret Thatcher suggested fluoride for Northern Ireland. German research shows fluoride has mind-controlling properties. It made people lethargic. Remember, Mrs Thatcher has a chemistry degree. So why should she suggest fluoride for Northern Ireland?'
Because Northern Ireland was out of control? Mr Graham gave me a knowing look".



I rather get the impression that given just a little longer under this control system that has been allowed to fester and grow and the lot of humanity is going to be grim for many years
« Last Edit: 2013-12-26, 05:29:34 by Duncan »

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3030
  Thanks for the summary, Duncan.  I especially admire the ex-Economic Hit Man John Perkins for speaking out as he is doing, disclosing the schemes of the empire.

Iceland - a glimmer of hope.
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 704
I don't know about that Prof Its been said by quite a few so I wouldn't like to try and name the first but this quote comes to mind as regards tptb
 "Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it”
And I see no way that we are going to stop the impetus of this filth without huge public reaction and force. Which is inevitable, It was Marie Antoinette who reportedly uttered the words  "Qu'ils mangent de la brioche" (let them eat cake) to the starving populus of Paris begging for bread.
Its whole countries and populations who have no bread now figuratively  and I start to wonder what the up dated modern version of one of these might be

The banksters wicker basket bonus plan ?

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 3024

Buy me a beer
The banks own preferential shares, not worth the paper they are written on, all the profits have been removed along with your money as well, taking huge multimillion bonus's, hiding assets, so claiming losses and need more of your money to bail them out and so the merry go round continues.

I wonder how many of the banksters did not eat a harty Christmas lunch this year, or spent it on their 7.5 million $ yacht which came along with the Miami bank he bought for 100 million from another bank, which did not have the money in the first place. Oh well the other asset the bank had was a bullit proof car, I wonder why



"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident."
Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860

As a general rule, the most successful person in life is the person that has the best information.
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