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Author Topic: TPU Replicator looking for help {Has Instructions ??}  (Read 51145 times)
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Sorry, in a rush at lunch here.  With same input, 65v out now.  Maybe the cap connected 1 lead affected things negatively.

Also, each strand is 1.45ohm. Forgot to mention that earlier.

Been thinking today at work. C.C  With such a low input voltage, not to mention tiny current if any, and such a large capture able  output, what would happen if the output were connected to the input? :D ;) I mean at say 4v p-p 2v +/- produces 65v, then what would 32.5v +/- in do for the output???????? :o  We will see. O0
Group: Guest
Also, in the pic shown above and below, the circuit on the left is correct for connections. We can look at the 3 inductors as if they were wound trifilar and the bottom connections of the 3 inductors are the start of the trifi winding leads, and the top leads are of the last turn of the trifi coil. ;)


Group: Experimentalist
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Also, in the pic shown above and below, the circuit on the left is correct for connections. We can look at the 3 inductors as if they were wound trifilar and the bottom connections of the 3 inductors are the start of the trifi winding leads, and the top leads are of the last turn of the trifi coil. ;)


Hi Mags

I have been looking at your diagram and thinking about what is happening, this is only a close eyes and see what might be happening ;D

1)   The open end feed coil really is a capacitive coupling with the other two coils, the dielectric being the insulation (very thin).
2)   Your running at an AC frequency and not pulsed DC, so you are building a charge between the coils and at some point the air between the windings breaks down.
3)   This breakdown is infact a plasma, as in dielectric barrier breakdown, you may not see it, but happens.
4)   This breakdown comes with a high current, but mostly disipated in the plasma, but I think a higher voltage than the input is left, which goes to charge the cap through the FWBR.

I might try this with some high voltages, I can run DBD's here @ up to 100kv :D



"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident."
Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860

As a general rule, the most successful person in life is the person that has the best information.
Group: Guest
Hey Mike

I just found my stash of snap cores from RS. They are like 8-9 bucks a pair, so I was more diligent to find what I had. ;)

Using 2 pairs, Im making an Ecore that anyone can get. The transformer with the green wire in the pic is the one I used so far. The 6 legs, starting from the top, in strand 1, out strand 1, in strand 2, out strand 2, in strand 3, out strand 3, and the jumper puts strand 1 and 2 in series bifi. All 3 strands were wound at the same time, trifi.

Yes, capacitance is the connection in the transformer for the 3rd strand.  If you look at the circuit to the left, when the sig gen goes + at the top of the 3rd strand, the bottom leg of the bifi goes neg. And vice verse. So currents in the coils all go up, or down at the same time.

My first assumption of the ratio between in and out, as the input voltage is increased is the fact that the in is sharp and quick to charge the winding capacitance. I will check with a sine wave to see what that ratio is. Its not a normal transformer ratio. It might be at some lower input at some point. I stuck with the square due to its apparent higher output, but trying all things can help with better understanding.

Its pretty simple to do.  My sig gen is limited to 4vpp  So Im making a push pull circuit to apply higher inputs.


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Hey Mike

I just found my stash of snap cores from RS. They are like 8-9 bucks a pair, so I was more diligent to find what I had. ;)

Using 2 pairs, Im making an Ecore that anyone can get. The transformer with the green wire in the pic is the one I used so far. The 6 legs, starting from the top, in strand 1, out strand 1, in strand 2, out strand 2, in strand 3, out strand 3, and the jumper puts strand 1 and 2 in series bifi. All 3 strands were wound at the same time, trifi.

Yes, capacitance is the connection in the transformer for the 3rd strand.  If you look at the circuit to the left, when the sig gen goes + at the top of the 3rd strand, the bottom leg of the bifi goes neg. And vice verse. So currents in the coils all go up, or down at the same time.

My first assumption of the ratio between in and out, as the input voltage is increased is the fact that the in is sharp and quick to charge the winding capacitance. I will check with a sine wave to see what that ratio is. Its not a normal transformer ratio. It might be at some lower input at some point. I stuck with the square due to its apparent higher output, but trying all things can help with better understanding.

Its pretty simple to do.  My sig gen is limited to 4vpp  So Im making a push pull circuit to apply higher inputs.


Dear Mag's.

I am following with great interest !! Have you got a simple audio amplifier lying around ? Old stereo etc. ? That is what I use for a sine wave from my SG !! But I think you will find that a square wave or rapid pulses will work better !!

Cheers Grum.

Ps  RS = Radio Shack ??  We have RS = Radio Spares in UK.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)

Group: Experimentalist
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Hey Mags

I have been trying to get my totally passive STEAP circuit up and running for a christmas video. I have it running but not feeding back as I want, it's output is running a 230v 3watt LED bulb drawing 35ma brighter than if plugged into the mains.

Maybe have it finished tomorrow and video it

Mike 8)

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident."
Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860

As a general rule, the most successful person in life is the person that has the best information.
Group: Guest
Hey Grum

Yes, RadioShack.  ;D  The new transformer Im winding, I want to make a coil with 6(edit corrected from 9) strands. It can be configured as a 3 strand by using the strands in pairs, or try to use 2 'open ended' strands as possible input to electrically isolate the in out. But with all the capacitance going on, isolation may be futile. ;)   It just gives more versatility without a rebuild to try many things.  

I use thin superglue to put the core pieces together. It seeps into the space between the cores while holding them together. Trying to put the pieces after glue application may not give time to align them so the 2 ecore halves mate properly. Hobby shops have very thing super glue, and some Ace hardware carry what is called Chair Fix. Thin like alcohol. The core pieces have nice smooth surfaces, so very little gap if any.

Square wave is what seems to work best so far. With the new transformer, Im going for lower freq than 10khz having more turns and more capacitance.

Someone at OU put together an air core, but not all turns are trifi and he is grounding the other end of the input I believe. His ratio of in out isnt making the substantial changes that mine is doing.


« Last Edit: 2013-12-21, 23:26:09 by Magluvin »
Group: Guest
Yeah its brighter, at 35ma thats over 8w.  :D

Would be nice to see.

Group: Guest
I wasnt able to find a link for chair fix, but I found the other one Ive tried and is the same Wonderlock'em Tite Chairs. Has a couple fine tip nozzels for more precise applications.


Thats a price for 24 of them. Some Ace hardware has it in singles.

Group: Guest

I might try this with some high voltages, I can run DBD's here @ up to 100kv :D



 :o :o :o   If in my setup, 2vpp in is 10v out, and 4vpp in is 65v out,  then 100kv in is 1.21 gigawatts out and possibly you through the wall at 88mph Marty. :D   Start with 2v square and move up from there.  O0

Group: Guest
If this has anything to do with Titos device, He always said, get the big rubber gloves and  8)


Group: Experimentalist
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:o :o :o   If in my setup, 2vpp in is 10v out, and 4vpp in is 65v out,  then 100kv in is 1.21 gigawatts out and possibly you through the wall at 88mph Marty. :D   Start with 2v square and move up from there.  O0


HE he, I might be able to supply power to the whole of Spain, they have just put up the price by 11%, the most expensive in the whole of Europe "bastards all of them"

Now I am using a reed switch in my passive STEAP for the oscillator, I would like to get rid of that too, so how do you think it can be done "passively", maybe using a transformer as a switch!!!! any ideas? anybody? I think the transformer as a switch would be a great idea, but how do we bias the secondary to block the primary flow, say in your circuit Mags?



P.S. hows the weather down there in FL/Fl?

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident."
Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860

As a general rule, the most successful person in life is the person that has the best information.
Group: Guest
HE he, I might be able to supply power to the whole of Spain, they have just put up the price by 11%, the most expensive in the whole of Europe "bastards all of them"

Now I am using a reed switch in my passive STEAP for the oscillator, I would like to get rid of that too, so how do you think it can be done "passively", maybe using a transformer as a switch!!!! any ideas? anybody? I think the transformer as a switch would be a great idea, but how do we bias the secondary to block the primary flow, say in your circuit Mags?



P.S. hows the weather down there in FL/Fl?

Weather is nice, not hot and not cold. O0

Did you post a circuit yet?  I wouldnt know where to start.   :-\ ;D


Group: Experimentalist
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Weather is nice, not hot and not cold. O0

Did you post a circuit yet?  I wouldnt know where to start.   :-\ ;D


Many years ago when I was in your town, used to have family in Boca Ratan close by, living in a condo with water ways and parking for boats. I remember we stayed in a spar with a golf course which I played but being careful of the aligators :o

I keep changing the circuit a bit trying to get rid of the reed switch creating the oscillations, had it running yesterday but wth christmas on the doorstep I have not finished it as I want. Will post an update as and when O0

Merry christmas to you and yours

Mike 8)

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident."
Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860

As a general rule, the most successful person in life is the person that has the best information.
Group: Guest
Merry Christmas to you and everyone here also. O0

Group: Guest
Was slow charging a 9v batt last night. ;D  Red trace is the 4vpp 'almost' square wave , and the green is the bifi secondary out before bridge using times 10 'probe' ^-^ so that trace is 10 times as small as actual voltage, where the red trace is 1x.

Sr. Member

Posts: 375
Here is something to play around over Christmas holidays in http://www.intalek.com/Index/Projects/Research/otto_ronette_TPU_ECD-V1_0.pdf :

Then make 4 pieces of middle wire(try Litz wire for total diameter up to few milimeters for amperage) into ring of collector coil and put 4 coils like in there on the ring. Then start activating control coils one after another with overlap of 1/4 from duty cycle of square wave from each coil like in http://www.teslauniverse.com/img/patents/1354x0/00555190-1.jpg Fig. 1

Then watch for effects on the scope while making virtual spinning magnetic field around the ring... ;)

If you get desired kicks just fill ring with 1 more coil around with single layer(the winding is on same direction as control coils) and connect in series with collector coil then repeat experiment. This additional coil should start making voltage with series of amperage kicks on ring.

Good luck and please share findings from this idea what might realize into serious playground!
« Last Edit: 2013-12-23, 23:39:33 by T-1000 »
Group: Guest
I think I found one of my sensitivity issues.  My core was not glued or solidified with the bobbin. I could hear the near 10k freq when in resonance.  I had used tie wraps to hold the core pieces together, so that I could easily make changes later. But that was then, and the ties wraps have loosened up a bit. For now, I put a wedge in to tighten the tie wrap, Now I get 70+v and res freq is 9388khz. Seems very consistent now.  It had me going for a bit.  There was a point where I could only get 21v out and couldnt figure out why. C.C  I had one of those episodes, Why is this happening?????? Everything is going backwards!!>:( :-\ ;D

Another thing I found is if I switch the sig lead to the other end of the open ended strand, the res freq changes to 16.8khz, where I didt see that earlier. Both freq seem to put out the same, still using the 4vpp square.  Sine wave does work, but output is diminished some. But a square wave puts out more average power than a sine, so.   C.C

When I set up the gen for a low freq pulse, the output bifi definitely oscillates for some time.

Tomorrow Im going to try 2 open strands and 1 strand output, just to see what happens. maybe nothing. Will connect the gen + to one end of an open ended strand, and the - to the opposite end of another open ended strand.



Group: Experimentalist
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Hi T-1000

thanks for the pdf, I have read it and find it most interesting O0

best regards from Spain

Mike 8)

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident."
Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860

As a general rule, the most successful person in life is the person that has the best information.
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Posts: 478
I have a question for electronics guru : can Nchannel mosfet be placed freely between coil and power source ? For example now I have a situation when coil is connected by one end to the positive of DC power source then the second terminal of coil is connected to drain of mosfet and then source of mosfet directly to the ground connection of power source. I'd like to move coil between ground and source of mosfet but my older experiments indicate that N-mosfet do not work properly in such situation. Am I right ?

Then the rotary mechanical switch is better option imho, considering that it may be placed in any position in circuit and considering that P-channel mosfets are limited in max Rds voltage and too high resistance
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Merry Christmas to you all at OUR.
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Posts: 704
Hi guys I'm going to have a go at this thing  but magnetic engineering is not a strong point of mine and my approach may seem a little retarded to you , Mike knows well I research the Man for quite some time before ever I consider going anywhere near any claims Steve Mark and his boyfriend are quite hard to track I guess they didn't want to be tracked. I'm sure Steve would have released information to his investors but there is now a security clamp on him, He and his attorney  were told in no uncertain terms .. This machine is no longer anything to do with you any communication verbal or written regarding will introduce Steve to a porridge diet for quite a while.(or worse) .. (I'm sure you know the sort of thing Mike, In fact I know you do)
Any way I have some Idea of how this thing works and I'm quite sure your quite convinced what your doing works too .. anyway here's what I'd like to know a little about , and why Its an area I'm woefully ignorant in and if this bit wont fit non of the rest will .
Steve's place of employment was a top end loud speaker manufacture . He was engaged in the assembly and research and development and of course the all important frequency response of loudspeakers, It is no doubt quite obvious to you after a little thought that a loudspeaker is really nothing more than a transducer that is it transfers an AC transverse complex waveform into a linear sound wave, because of course the loud speaker cone simply goes back and forth , This in turn is a magnetic action. And so at some stage a magnetic material is required that will respond over a fairly narrow spectrum of the human hearing range.  The top end of which is about 20 Khz (not for us Mike It drops pretty with age) I'm afraid :-[ the last time I took any notice of top end loud speakers the magnetics were very big and very heavy , However Magnetic substances have advanced out of all recognition what hasn't changed of course is the human ear ! As far as volume goes the human ear is a rare beast in nature .. It is in fact the only thing in nature I can think of that follows a base of log10 .. which of course is why variable Pots are common to a log scale , In order to double the sound level you perceive you must output Ten times the power . (Which Is why Rock concerts damage the ear pretty rapid) anyway because of this power response curve and the frequency response you can get to a pretty good Idea of where a Loudspeakers best frequency response has  to be centred and its in the area of  5khz to 8 or 9 Khz .. give or take a little of course,and the quality of the speaker ect, now I think you'll find that Steve Marks operated in this range . Ergo the same substance which he had access to has been used to fashion the toroid, Which could well be an exotic I have never heard of . As a loudspeaker manufacturer there would have been the facilities to press the sintered materials and they would have had a selection ! Now for what I have conceived to work required a 'soft magnetic' material also with good inductive capacity and I thought I had a workable concept , but then I watched a video where Steve cuts the toroid in half .. I'm sure you’ve had a hard look at that ! I cant see anything I would know as a magnetic core there but there has to be one. That technologies advanced out of all recognition so any idea's what it may be?

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus

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Hi Duncan

I too would like to do something with this. I have been reading up, and there is a lot, but I am sure 90% is rubbish.

I have had a thought on this for a long time and that is to do with a magnetic loop antenna, as the name suggests, it is more magnetic than other antennas and creates a high voltage and current in the loop, also forming a huge near field (look up how a magnetic transmitting loop works, there is plenty on the net). What McFreey has said also fits in with this www.free-energy-info.tuks.nl/McFreey.html

I am still thrashing this out on paper, but when I have it a little better, I will post it here O0

best regards


"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident."
Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860

As a general rule, the most successful person in life is the person that has the best information.
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Posts: 704
I think I have this by the scruff Mike but Golums got me too!I'm not immune, Iv'e already let one cat go but this is a big one isn't it ... This is the bee's knees this one ticks all the boxes  O0 as for the PDF you can keep all my share there's a pong of herring your 9/10 ths right about 90% rubbish though ;D Nothing will throw me off this line however I can see it as clearly if not better than he could himself 

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus

Group: Experimentalist
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Something that SM has said, quoted below, rings a bell Duncan?

I became interested in the interaction between the two AC
The interaction can be very reveling, trust me.

When I began to study the effects of multiple frequencies
combined together I found out that when you deliberately strive to
create the worst case scenario of frequencies you start to get
some very measurable kicks. In themselves they are not much.
But if you make enough of them fast sendoff, you get a collectible
power spike that is more then the power available to begin with.

Mike 8)

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident."
Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860

As a general rule, the most successful person in life is the person that has the best information.
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