I understand that L1 is a copper or aluminium tape like coil with 4 turns on a 12 cm former. 90 degrees on that are wrapped L2 and L3 normal wire coils.
Regards Itsu
Then this is á la SM as people "envisage" with a core coil, the four individual coils in the diagram meant to depict the four turns! I really do think there is a lot of misinformation going on. Where did the idea of the core in the SM tpu's come from to start with? somebody's idea that it has to be like that to get rotation? it's been going on for years and years about this core coil, was it SM who said it was like that? I'm open to anything "if" there is a strong support argument  regards Mike  P S. I personally am in favour by 80:20 of multiple frequency induction, possibly in the low audio range (bass sub hearing level), which is why the SM tpu vibrated. Well wasn't SM a speaker specialist? begs to think more of the man's background and how he stumbled onto this, think about what I posted on crowd control weapon, timing, dates etc!!!!
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