Grum's you are talking with T-1000? is he based in UK? I take some Russo's with a pinch of salt, but some are good, why? because there are some very good scientists whom have been sat on for a long time, now they are coming out of the wood, so to say  The other thing is they are taking the China way, look at others and copy, then claim it is theirs. But I think this guy is good, I have not looked at his other more complicated circuits, but if they are on par with this one then I should. This one is not new in how it is OU, this goes back to Stiffler and ecat and steap mjn, they are one of the same with a Little circuit difference. Here is STEAP, this has a core "ferrite" saturates @4.3khz and the coil is separate to the four coils in the form of a trafo, the multiple frequencies are produced by parametrics as opposed to winding all coils together, this new circuit is a new twist to create the frequencies, I like it very much because it also creates it's own switching, STEAP needs an external trigger @ 4.3khz. Here is also a S A shot of my latest work on STEAP @ elf frequencies self running by using a reed switch to self trigger and running off caps pre charged to 9v and not a battery, the circuit is totally passive, note the multiple frequencies and their power, this is the "volume" I talk about, note the voltage, this is on the primary side of the trafo, the secondary has an OPEN voltage of around 1200v. I am not at the moment prepared to show this publicly until I have everything 100% as I want, so don't ask.  Grum, if you can find a pic of the coil setup as I asked before, it would be much appreciated  I will then probably build this, coil winding I hate, so I want to get this right first off  regards Mike
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident." Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860
As a general rule, the most successful person in life is the person that has the best information.