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Author Topic: Wesley news #2 Wesley succesfully performs his TK test in a remote location  (Read 155121 times)

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
Are any of these gents running appliances or tools from these devices, or just lamps and other resistive loads?

Consider this possible explanation:

1.  it is the supercharging effect that Tesla initially noticed and that I mentioned in the TPU section recently
2.  A core is nothing more than more metallic mass for more charge collection, not NMR or AMR
3.  The switching element is after the large coil, so that the charge field develops around the large coil and core
4.  I would think that the core would have to be magnetized or use more wire and no core
5.  placing metal such as another coil in the charge field around the first coil will induce charge on the second coil
6.  charge on the second coil can be passed through a load to ground

Group: Ambassador
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Posts: 4052
Wesley News; part#3 Vasmus Free Energy Device

Wesley News;part #4 Vasmus Free Energy Device



Group: Ambassador
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Posts: 4052
Wesley News:part #5 Vasmus Free Energy Device


Group: Ambassador
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It's turtles all the way down
That high frequency signal between the large excitation pulses looks interesting.

It could be a number of things, normal or abnormal, but he doesn't set up his scope to properly view it.

It would also be good to look at the actual output to the lamps.

Could it be:

1. parasitic low level FET or bjt oscillation
2. excitation of high frequency coils
3. pickup of nearby radio signals
4. other more exotic low level effect

By now I would guess a growing number of us are weary of these devices and the carnival, unscientific display of operation, wires hard to trace going everywhere.

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy
Group: Ambassador
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Posts: 4052

Wesley News: ANONIM Free Energy Generator http://youtu.be/6oW3wCElMOw

Wesley News: Anonim Free energy Generator is the breaking news development 1200W with no power supply of any  kind driving the device.I'm not  endorsing it as of yet  but  it qualifies to be brought to  attention of the  public

Give it another 10 minutes before is ready to watch.

Group: Ambassador
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Posts: 4052
I suppose we shall see if this Armenian Movie maker can share a bit more of his methods in a future feature presentation?
"Wesley news" is doing some more investigating....


Group: Ambassador
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Posts: 4052
 from Wesley


geophysics I was in this field when working with NASA programs as principal investigator the chief of scientific  team. And  with gold and cooper  mining industry.
Murrary gold mine Elko, Nevada
Now I 'm trying to come back to some electromagnetic methods
what I found is that frequency of Anonim Free Energy  Generator ( aquarium of TK too) was in did around 10Hz and that is the frequency of geophysical  method  and in this article they mention telluric current,........it is a puzzle  Schumann Resonance 8.7Hz
all of that is


so this is for whom who wants to help me out.
go to anything what says "electromagnetism of earth"
and for entertainment  that what is below:

« Last Edit: 2013-12-27, 02:40:45 by Chet K »

Group: Renaissance Man
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Posts: 2782

Buy me a cigar

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)

Group: Renaissance Man
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Posts: 2782

Buy me a cigar

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)
Group: Ambassador
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Posts: 4052
This Patent has some bold claims ?
the last sentence in the abstract begs a bit more explanation/query?
If Two such coils are placed near each other they will create a extremely powerful electromagnetic field
which can promote chemical and plasma readtions involving charged particles such as Ions or plasma charged particles
possibly including nuclear  fusion reactions


edited for image rename [wrong Patrick Kelly]
« Last Edit: 2013-12-28, 18:10:36 by Chet K »
Sr. Member

Posts: 336
This Patent has some bold claims,the attorney caught my eye ?
the last sentence in the abstract begs a bit more explanation/query?

Hi Chet K,

Can you upload a image that is larger than 138x178 pixels?


Group: Renaissance Man
Hero Member

Posts: 2782

Buy me a cigar
Dear Groundloop.

You can open the PDF I uploaded before Chet's post.

Cheers Grum.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
very odd when I saved that image from the PDF it copied very poorly?
I know some hosts {google] are shunned by some folks.
I will see if I can fix that with a better Venue?

thanks for looking

« Last Edit: 2013-12-28, 18:19:04 by Chet K »
Group: Ambassador
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Posts: 4052
From Wesley news


or  try

Wesley Translate's Akula video #12 Akula's TPU part 1

Electromagnetic Generator TPU That is different than Traditional Free Energy Akula concept.He presents 4 channels phase shifted generating PCB with /scope.
The concern is raised and reasoning is examined. Is similarity of both the major concern, or is that time factor concern for Akula to keep public interest till the next step. I'm positive that his device works.( the first one) I'm also trying to give little something about electrostatic pump concept.
Happy New Year

Hero Member

Posts: 1582
I will see if I can fix that with a better Venue?

I use pat2pdf.org

Here it is:
Group: Ambassador
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Posts: 4052
Paul R
just so happens I have some searches to do for a water fuel project .[open source or course]
Thank you for taking the time to post that.

Group: Ambassador
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Posts: 4052
Wesley Translate's Akula video #13: Akula's TPU part 2 - YouTube

The video that was first of series of Akula TPU is here

My personal opinion:
I'm kind of confused with Akula's shift from working over 1kW device to TPU.
But had a problem:
I mentioned that problem twice in video #13( first link)

I think Akula is trying to apply to protect his intellectual property. He does not know how to deal with Geo-dependency of his first working model.
He does not want to lose the public.

He would like to cash-out his device but again without patent there is no buyer with big money.
He also does not know how to make TPU but he triggered public response and he is using that knowledge to try to understand phenomena he achieved.
Another way to say it , He is using public response for his own race for fame , money, recognition, position or one of the above.

As intelligent and bright person, if he would not be able to sale it, he would be happy to be a hero who give it to humanity, but that would be his last option to chose from.
He is waiting for window of opportunity that will bring him something new and patentable in the mess of information already published or previously patented.
He also does not know hot to make TPU but he triggered public response and he is using that knowledge to try to understand phenomena he achieved.
He is waiting for window of opportunity that will bring him something new and patentable in the mess of information already published or previously patented.
That is primary requirement for qualification in patent rights protection.


I see your post below ,I fixed the links
Chet K
« Last Edit: 2014-01-14, 18:05:04 by Chet K »

Group: Renaissance Man
Hero Member

Posts: 2782

Buy me a cigar
Dear All.

Here is the latest offering from Alula0083.


Now IMHO this is NOT a TPU in the sense of the word !! I think it is more closely related to the schematic posted below.

T-1000 is in sporadic contact with Roman and has said that he has moved on from his earlier "Electrostatic" devices because they are highly sensitive to geographic placement !! T-1000 also relays the fact that the above device runs at a very high frequency and transistors are a very fickle part !!

Cheers Grum.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
Thanks for posting that link from AKULA..
I had not seen that one!

This thread is really just for Member Stivep's [Wesely} contributions,He takes the time [lots of time] to interpret Vids that he has more than a casual intererest in.[and at times a repore with the inventors]

He is truly dedicated to his cause [our cause].
and I have nothing but Gratitude for that...........

this Latest Akula device seems most interesting I hope its not just an antenae for man made ambient .


« Last Edit: 2014-01-16, 14:43:55 by Chet K »
Hero Member

Posts: 704
 ;D consider it gone ! I should be winding coils instead of being a smart arse anyway!  :)

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Group: Ambassador
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Posts: 4052
Wesley News part #7 Vasmus Free Energy

Group: Guest
Wesley News part #7 Vasmus Free Energy


High capacity flat battery pack under top plastic sheet??

Group: Guest
Ya another battery powered device, if it were real ,he would have set it up differently,it doesn't take a lot to do a video where at least you could say it has a chance of being real.These guys post these frauds to show there smart.If it arc's,has coils,a ground and farts its a Tesla invention. O0
Group: Guest
Ya another battery powered device, if it were real ,he would have set it up differently,it doesn't take a lot to do a video where at least you could say it has a chance of being real.These guys post these frauds to show there smart.If it arc's,has coils,a ground and farts its a Tesla invention. O0

Agreed. It strikes me that the game here is to raise as many 'hits' as possible.
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