There are some problems with Part 7. Current geophysics theory is that there is the crust and inside that the mantle and inside that a liquid metal outer core and inside that a solid (mostly iron) inner core. At each layer the material density and temperature become higher and higher. Both of those properties, material density and heat, create higher electrical resistance. Since electricity will take the path of least resistance I surmise that the pulse of electricity would be injected into the crust through the pipes noted in the underground portion of the Wardenclyffe project and would either remain in the crust or, if exposed to salt water in the ocean, take that route it being more conductive. So although the idea in Part 7 may be correct, the particulars will be different.
As Ernst says, the pulse travels to the opposite pole of the earth and is reflected back to the source. It just takes a different route. This is what Tesla disclosed in his July 4, 1899 Colorado Springs notes when observing the earth pulses of lightning hitting the earth but at that time he was thinking the reflection was through the air. At the time he went to Colorado Springs he was still thinking of transmitting through the atmosphere using balloons at +30,000 feet. It is stated in one of his transmission patents. Early in the Colorado Springs notes there are notes about obtaining hydrogen from the air with an electrical device and I think it is reasonable to assume that is how he was going to maintain the inflation of the balloons noted in that same patent. But in the July 4, 1899 notes about the reflected wave he notes "This is important!"
It's interesting to note that he thought the reflection was from the origin of the lightning in the cloud and so the reflection would be in the asmosphere. He also notes, however, that he saw lightning bolts that looked larger at the earth than in the air but thought it was due to his observation point being closer to the lightning at ground level. Only a few years ago it was observed and recorded with extremely high speed cameras that on occasion lightning does travel from the earth to the cloud. And where was it observed? In a lightning research facility near Colorado Springs! So Tesla may have seen this but just didn't believe his eyes.
So what Warenclyffe is about is creating man made and
controllable lightning and pumping it into the ground via the radial underground metal pipes. One of his transmission patents references lightning. And using constructive interference with the correct timing the energy can be additive in the wave traversing the earth. That's where the control becomes important - the timing. Whether or not it gains energy from the earth currents is debatable. Keep in mind that Tesla himself said that it would have very low losses - less that one per cent. That kind of negates that idea that it is OU.
I also think Ernst is combining apples and oranges when he says Tesla intended to generate 7.46MW with a 200KW generator. Although Tesla did speak of transmitting 10,000 HP and morte, Tesla also intended to have multiple transmitters around the world, not just Wardenclyffe. In fact, the Wardenclyffe plans had to be reduced in scale because Tesla wasn't able to raise the finances to build it as big as originally planned and that scale reduction was most likely the source of many of the difficulties encountered during construction. Wardenclyffe was only a demonstration project. Tesla never intended to power the whole world from Wardenclyffe.
And in one of his patents he even stated that the wireless transmission of power was intended to be able to transmit power from locations where it was easily generated (read waterfalls in his day - the Niagra plant) to locations where it was needed for consumption. In two and a half years of studying Tesla's work I haven't found anything about Wardenclyffe gaining energy in transmission and, in fact, the opposite - Tesla himself said it would be less that 100% efficient although much closer to 100% than any methods used at the time. If I remember correctly he also said that it only took a small amount of power to maintain the transmission but that consumed power would have to be input into the system to replace that consumed.
At any rate Ernst is doing good work and I will surely enjoy seeing his patent and device when available.
I don't have the graphics skills to do the following in 3D or show the constructive interference but the following is an animated GIF of what I think the Wardenclyffe transmitter was intented to do. I hope it will help Ernst progress.