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Author Topic: Dr. Jones - Current Research and Historical Notes  (Read 105125 times)

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 I've been thinking about the pointed and very visible public challenges by David Kidwell of Naval Research Lab to several at the conference.  He attacked the transmutation claims of Iwarmura et al. (as he has done at conferences before).  He stood and asked demanding questions of Dr Yeong Kim who was defending some of the anomalous-heat claims of the Defkalion group, casting doubt on the Defkalion demonstration.

   I should also note that between sessions he came and and sat down and spoke to me personally regarding my results with Davey-bell variation-experiments I discussed during my poster-talk and in my abstract.  That's all right, but perhaps a little odd that I should be singled out in this way?

  Steven Krivit notes this experience:

Grabowski is also of the Naval Research Lab in Washington D.C., under the US Navy and thus under the US government.
" Grabowski interrupted the conversation, instructed Kidwell to stop talking and referred New Energy Times to the Navy's office of public affairs."  Referring a questioner  to the " to the Navy's office of public affairs" rather than answering a scientific question is hardly normal science.  

     Is the government interested in our energy work, perhaps not to support it?  You may draw your own conclusions.

Very valid points as far as this guy is concerned. I think the government are VERY interested in all this, and would like to tie it all down and claim rights to it so as no other person or entity can use it. If you can't shoot it down, control it by claiming it is yours and lock it up "patent" under the department of energy or Navy, like many before.

Mike 8)

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident."
Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860

As a general rule, the most successful person in life is the person that has the best information.
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@centraflow:  thanks.

 At the ICCF-18 conference I attended, Prof Yeong Kim gave his theory behind the Defkalion Ni - hydrogen claims, as demonstrated during ICCF-18.  He was strongly challenged (as were others) by Dave Kidwell of NRL, who got up and asked the tough questions.

I have found that Prof Kim's power point slides are available to all, here:  https://mospace.umsystem.edu/xmlui/bitstream/handle/10355/36783/TheoreticalAnalysisReactionMechanisms.pdf?sequence=1

Others have their slides available at the same Univ of Missouri site now.  great stuff.

Below are summary slides from Prof Kim's Defkalion talk -- note his strong enthusiasm for the Defkalion work, using terms like "breakthrough" and "revolutionary."
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    In his talk, Prof Kim suggests that p+d and d+d FUSION reactions are the primary reactions for the anomalous HEAT seen by Defkalion (see above post).  Some people think the proton-Nickel reactions are most important in the Defkalion "reactor", but Prof. Kim says these may be "much weaker secondary reactions" (see below).

  (My guess - he is wrong on both points, but we will see.)

  He does have some theoretical explanation related to the Ni-61 lack of reactive heat, when that isotope was tried.  Only even isotopes of nickel produced anomalous heat according to Defkalion experiments (an intriguing result).

  With all due respect, I don't put too much stock in his theory at this time, but I congratulate Prof. Kim for his efforts to understand these phenomena. 

   Other presentations and abstracts for the International Conference on Cold Fusion 18 (including mine) are available for download, at this link:  https://mospace.umsystem.edu/xmlui/handle/10355/35424/browse?type=author
--Steven E Jones
« Last Edit: 2013-08-05, 22:48:15 by PhysicsProf »
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  A significant paper on fusion was published today in Nature:


Particularly important to me because Prof. Johann Rafelski (Univ of Arizona) is a good friend, and is one of the co-authors of the paper.

A decent write-up is given here:

Quoting from the article:
“Here we propose and implement a means to drive fusion reactions between protons and boron-11 nuclei, by colliding a laser-accelerated proton beam with a laser-generated boron plasma. We report proton-boron reaction rates that are orders of magnitude higher than those reported previously. Beyond fusion, our approach demonstrates a new means for exploring low-energy nuclear reactions...”

Note particularly the reference to "a new means for exploring low-energy nuclear reactions".  That's what we call LENR.
Exciting stuff.

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That is fantastic news  O0
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"low-energy nuclear reactions...”

Possibly the source of reported RF radiation?
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Yes, WW, possibly.

It was fun to have a journalist come to our home in Albany, Missouri, from St. Joseph to do an interview.  And today he published an article -- see what you think...  IMO, not bad.


Yes, I'm still actively researching alternative energy and enjoying it - as the article indicates. Thanks for your support.
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Looking great Professor!  i enjoyed reading the article.  O0
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Thanks, EMD - surprisingly open-minded article, I would say, as I talked about novel energy sources.

Among other things, I'm also looking into this - based on a 12 Nov 2013 article in a German journal:


German Inventor solves permanent magnet motor puzzle - wants to 'give away' the discovery...


Thomas Engel is a successful German inventor with more than a hundred patented inventions to his credit. He - like many of his peers - does not look back at a successful school education, but evidently that is not necessary for success if you are smart and, as some say it might even be counter productive, stifling creativity.

Engel has figured out the working principle of a type of motor many inventors and tinkerers have been working on - so far unsuccessfully. He found a way to make permanent magnets do actual work, transforming their attractive and repulsive power into the true motive action of rotary motion.

A recent article in the German daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (12 November 2013) recounts a visit of the paper's technology editors to the inventor's home and their impression of the new motor Engel says he wants to 'give away'.

While the article is carefully written to avoid trouble and while it quotes the obligatory university experts saying why such a motor is impossible, it does give enough detail to allow us to understand the concept. If you want to start experimenting, be warned: There is a lot of force in those rare earth magnets, they can be dangerous to the unprepared.

Here is a translation of the article...

It just keeps running and running...

Original published in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (November 12, 2013)

The inventor Thomas Engel demonstrates a motor to us that never runs out of fuel, because it works with the strength of neodymium magnets - leaving us a bit disoriented.

by Lukas Weber
translation: Sepp Hasslberger

Technical editors sometimes have to be impolite. There is a constant stream of people who want to save the world with their inventions - all they are missing is public support and the cash to further develop their idea. One has to tell those people that either no one needs their creation or that it won't work.

But what if it's different this time? There is a man who is seeking to contact us. He is going through a freelance photographer and says he's got a motor at his home that has been running since April without pause and that needs no fuel to do that. The photographer has seen it and is all enthusiastic. We have heard about such motors before, but have never seen a demonstration. Normally, you wouldn't even have to bother to read beyond this point, because something like this can't truly exist. But this time we're not talking about some crank with an idea. This one was honored in 1972 with the prestigious Rudolf Diesel Medal for inventors, he has well over a hundred patents to his name and has been lecturing at universities all over the world.

In the nineteen-fifties Engel developed a new procedure for the production of polyethylene making plastic pipes resistant to hot water. The Munich Olympia stadium has a lawn heating system based on this invention. He became a millionaire before the age of 30. He never even took the A-level school exam as in 1944 he was drafted into military air defense. After that, he did not have time any more. Our journal reported at length about his carreer as a diswasher exactly 13 years ago (on November 22, 2000). That is not the biography of a charlatan. The inventor lives in Baden-Baden and he has a place in Lucerne, Switzerland, where the motor is located. So we drive off with mixed feelings to beautiful Switzerland.

Engel's motor is running. During the three hours we are there, it is chugging along quietly, interrupted only by some experiments we will be talking about later. There is no noticeable development of heat. The seems familiar, the motor obtains its power from neodymium (NdFeB) magnets. Those are the strongest permanent magnets known, a disk as little as a one-Euro coin can hold about kilograms of weight. Neodymium is a rare earth element, much used in electronics. Magnets made out of this material are used in nuclear spin tomography and in wind generators, they drive water pumps of heavy trucks and keep tools steady.

The magnets are manufactured using a mixture of neodymium, iron and boron which is pressed into form and sintered. They are then magnetized with a strong electric impulse. The energy used for magnetization, however, is not what keeps the magnet working. Several suppliers of those magnets have assured us that the power of the magnets doesn't diminish - even after years of use. So it seems that the magnets can do work constantly without getting degraded. The only thing those magnets don't like is great heat.

Engel's idea was that it should be possible to convert that power of the magnets into rotary motion. He built a machine made of brass, resembling a miniature lathe. The rotor is a disc with magnets fixed to it. The shaft turns in ceramic bearings. A disc magnet fixed at the correct angle and distance from the rotor but which itself is able to rotate (Engel calls it the mirror) can affect the rotor magnets. There is attractive and repulsive force, depending on the orientation of the poles: the rotor can thus be set in continuous motion, as long as the mirror keeps rotating. The mirror's rotation regulates the speed of the rotor.


The inventor and his motors. The older version on the left
was constructed from an old watch maker's lathe.

The exact form and disposition of the parts is difficult to ascertain, Engel had to experiment at length with those parameters. If the mirror is a tad too distant, the magnetic field breaks down. On the other hand, if it is too close, the neodymium magnets will rip the construction apart. The mirror hangs in a kind of outrigger. Two electric wires connect to the lower end with crocodile clips. There is a tiny electric motor that rotates the mirror. So it isn't possible to do without electricity altogether? The inventor signals his disagreement. "Eight milliamperes at nine volts", he says. That is only a control mechanism. The power at the shaft is much greater. Engel also thought about a mechanical drive for the mirror directly from the rotor shaft, but opted against this as it would considerably increase mechanical complexity.

We wanted to know more. The rotation is about 400 RPM. We don't have an instrument to measure mechanical power. So we are having to use the finger brake. It is difficult to stop the rotation by grabbing the shaft. The motor only comes to a standstill after considerable heat developed on the calluses of our hands. A little hand made propeller out of plexiglass doesn't impress the motor at all; we would really like to know how much power the machine turns out. With a bit of dexterity, one can turn the mirror by hand and set the rotor in motion. There is hardly any resistance when turning the mirror. We therefore hazard an assertion: The output felt at the shaft is clearly greater than the input needed to give the impulse. Of course measurement was only done with human sensors.

It would be possible to put a second rotor on the opposite side, to be addressed by the same mirror. Holding a screwdriver between the mirror and the rotor in operation results in an oscillating motion of the screwdriver between the magnets, without however touching them. Mr. Engel would like to do more experimentation with the number of magnets and their form, but he says he lacks the strength for further development.

Science is skeptical. A motor which produces more energy than it uses up is impossible, says Markus Münzenberg, a professor for experimental physics at Göttingen University. Because in closed systems, the sum of energy is always equal. The apparently high torque at the shaft could be a consequence of inertial mass of the machine which, once in motion, is difficult to stop. Professor Ludwig Schultz, the director of the Institute for Metallic Materials in Dresden agrees. While it would be possible to imagine magnet configurations that periodically attract and then repel other magnets, but in that case the potential energy would periodically bleed off without there being a gain in energy.

The inventor's reaction to the question whether his motor is a perpetual motion machine is somewhat resentful: "That is rubbish", he says. "There is no such thing". Mr. Engel is convinced that his machine uses the enormous energy which is inherent in quanta, those inconceivably small components of atoms which were first described by the physicist Max Planck in the early part of the last century. He therefore calls his machine an "quantum deviation apparatus". Somethings are still unclear, also for the inventor himself. Somewhere in Germany, a businessman has a second such motor at his company, which runs with 1200 RPM. The man called some days ago he says, and recounted that, when the motor was covered with an acrylic hood, its rotational speed diminished. Engel does not know the reason for this.

The expression "quantum motor" brings some bad associations with it, since some cheats, about a decade ago, used that name to collect money for a machine which never materialized. Engel's motor is quite different from that, apart from a similarity in the description. The inventor does not need money. He says he wants to give away the motor because mankind needs affordable energy. It has to be further developed until some years in the future, we will be making electricity with it in the basements of our housing units.

What is the next step now? Engel wants to attach a small generator to the shaft and show that his motor delivers more electricity than is needed for its control. If he could do that, we'd really have some sensational news.

Group: Experimentalist
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Posts: 3024

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Yes Steven I think using a small motor for moving the "stator" magnet is the way to go, and I am sure it will self generate to run that motor and a lot lot more.

Very interesting, thanks



"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident."
Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860

As a general rule, the most successful person in life is the person that has the best information.
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You're welcome, Mike.  And thanks for your work!

 Recently I was asked about my work on the reverse-JT circuit and claims that the circuit produced "evidence for" COP >1.  As I've noted repeatedly, the claim was "evidence for", not "proof of".   We worked on this approach for several months, particularly Nul-pts and myself.  Keep in mind the effect was rather hard to reproduce...
  After some development, I suggested that we place the device in a sensitive calorimeter to measure total output heat/energy, converting all electrical energy into heat using resistors etc.  Input energy would be determined using a known capacitor charged initially to a known voltage and running the device to reach a lower voltage.   The test was arranged with a professor/friend of mine Dr Hansen, who had the necessary equipment.  However, on the day for the test as I visited him in his lab, he balked and declined to do the test in the calorimeter he had use of (he did not explain why really).  And then he was very busy.

This setback was a severe blow to the project. 

Nul-pts suggested that we try to achieve a self-runner.  One of his variations to this end of self-looping is shown in the attached, which was called the 4everlight.  He ran a flashing LED as the load and IIRC placed the whole thing in a metal box as a Faraday shield -- and still the battery rose from 1.20V to over 1.3V over an 11-month period.  Unfortunately, Nul-pts indicated rather abruptly he would leave the freedom energy field and I have lost contact with him.
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  Today Lasersaber shows a significant advancement with the joule-ringer-type circuit we've been discussing (for a few years at least!):


He notes:
"Testing energy recycling with the SJR circuit combined with an Akula type transformer"

So, perhaps the key to energy-recycling/self-running is in the Akula-type transformer -- as he notes, more work is needed.

Oh, bother that he had a circuit running two LED's as he notes seemingly "indefinitely", showing very low current draw (less than 1/2 micro-amp), but he took the transformer apart and mounted on a board - then the device would no longer run so long... sigh

So the goal is to replicate, achieve self-running if possible - and then LEAVE IT ALONE - and record on video running for a long time.  
Share the design (as he is doing) and let others replicate, and lets get this out to benefit mankind!  

I'm enthused by his progress with the joule-ringer circuit and the Akula-type transformer.  Congratulations, Lasersaber!  Very clever to take the Akula-type transformer and couple it to the joule-ringer circuit (much simpler than the Akula circuit, IMO).

Of course, I'm working on a replication also!

For updates, see also:  http://laserhacker.com/?p=396

« Last Edit: 2014-04-29, 06:53:17 by PhysicsProf »
Group: Moderator
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Posts: 3030
  I like this comment earlier today by Lasersaber, below his video cited in my last post:

I do not expect to reach an infinite run time.  On the video I said that when it was running perfectly it had an "indefinite run time".  With  a current draw of  less than 1/2uA it would be a very, very long run for sure.  I will try to get it running again like that later tonight after work.  Even though it's my personal belief that a closed system cannot ever achieve overunity, I love seeing my current meter start hovering around zero while I try my very best to hammer through the impenetrable door to the impossible world that lies on the other side of that zero. The logical side of my mind knows that it is impossible while the artistic dreamer side of me feels that somewhere in this world there are still keys that lead to new places.  If the needle ever does crash through that door it will be because the system somehow tapped into a alternative source of energy not an excess from within the system itself.  Forgive my ramblings.

Right.  As I've noted numerous times, we seek NOT a violation of the laws of physics, but rather a NEW source of energy, i.e., a hitherto-untapped energy source.

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Mike 8)

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident."
Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860

As a general rule, the most successful person in life is the person that has the best information.
Group: Guest
  I like this comment earlier today by Lasersaber, below his video cited in my last post:

Right.  As I've noted numerous times, we seek NOT a violation of the laws of physics, but rather a NEW source of energy, i.e., a hitherto-untapped energy source.

And I think to get there it will take a deeper understanding of some particular area we thought we understood and took for granted was complete.  The deeper we dig into some phenomena, the closer we will get to the real fundamental behavior; from there we can engineer it to work for us instead of against us.
Group: Guest

Hi Prof. Jones,

It sounds like we had the same "supplier"(Null Point(s(?)) aka Sandy from UK). No?

Mine is still working but is temperature dependant.

Now, from: http://laserhacker.com/?p=396
I extracted and commented this picture:

This copper foil is not a "shield" but a capacitor plate.
The second plate is the coil itself.

I keep on experimenting on this. Very simple experiments.
I got strange results.

To detect any 'OU' I would need a good 4 traces scope, with maths functions.
I have not such a thing.

Bien le bonsoir,

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Posts: 3030
Yes, Nerzh, quite possible that NulPts was/is on the same trail. Strong similarities IMO.  (I miss our friend's correspondence as he seems to have gone silent.)
I keep on experimenting on this. Very simple experiments.
I got strange results.

Can you share more details on:
1. the Akula coil - I see now the copper plates, but how positioned?
2.  the schematic LSaber is using for his latest? (w/o the DC-to-DC converter)

Group: Guest

Hi  PhysicsProf,

Yes, sadly, Null Point(s(?))-aka-Sandy-from-UK seems no more interested in 'OU'.
But, I bet that if you or me dispatched him a small Akula Like "Eternal" Lamp
that his motivation and creativity would be aroused. No?
For a 2014 Christmas Gift, perhaps?
How the metallic (copper/or alum) foil(s) is/are positioned? I really dunno but, please, consult my last PM.
About the last LSaber's shematic, I have "derived" the April 2012 LaserSaber Joule Ringers
V2 and V3 circuits to get the New April 2014 Joule Ringer Looped one.

It is on: http://freenrg.info/4OUR_F/LS-JR/
This, for avoiding to saturate this forum with a load of pictures.

I'm far from an Electronic Guru but I'm wondering why LaserSaber is using a second cap to feed
this LM2596 DC-DC step down extra circuit that itself re-charges the main (driving) cap?
Would not a mere Zener diode do the trick?
Yes, this Zener diode would, perhaps, dissipate more NRG that the LM2596 extra circuit.
But, why do we need to step down any voltage?
Now, I have not  done any tests and the LaserSaber, apparently complicated, circuit should be the
right one.

All the Best,
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Posts: 3030
  Good points, Jean.
  1 May 2014 update - lasersaber posts a video with new developments on his end, still with the Joule Ringer type circuit + Akula-type transformer.  Very interesting:

I'm studying the video now -- he promises an updated circuit.  Real time progress!  I have the cores he recommends coming...
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Lasersaber's updated ckt is given here:  http://laserhacker.com/?p=401

with screen copy of his latest open-sourced ckt below. 
From his video of 1 May, I get that the system with the LED bulb runs from 4:18 to 15:32, that is, for 11min14sec  on a 10,000uF electrolytic cap.  My experience is that the cap itself leaks...
Jean et al -- note the presence of THREE coils on his Akula-type transformer.
Let's build!

Group: Guest

Hi PhsysicsProf,

Thanks for the picture and for pointing out this LaserSaber's new Web page.
Very very interesting simple circuit.
Yes, 3 coils, I did not, firstly, notice that. :-X

In his video,  LaserSaber is showing 2 copper (non-shorted, I guess) foils.
The second copper foils seems not be connected anywhere.

I have made a more simplistic schema.

Did I get it  straight?

Yet others strange -and apparently useless- metallic foils around and between some coils?
Is the plot thickening or is it some very big clue :o

All the Best,

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Hi Jean,

i think both foils are connected to their own coils, see picture:

Regards Itsu

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3055
Faraday Shields are used in certain transformer applications:

What is a Faraday Shield?

Patent utilizing Faraday Shield

Winding a transformer with Faraday Shield

Who woulda thunk that the Faraday Shield may
serve other purposes?

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Guest

Hi Itsu,

Thanks. Your eyes are sharper than mine!
So, the corrected version would be?:

I have to 'rewrite' this circuit to try to figure out how it could work.

What amaze me is its simplicity. He also uses a 'common' diode bridge. No?
Not these fast schottky diodes.

IMHO, LaserSaber (LS) should had a very hard time to design his coils and, also, to choose
the right transistor. Not all the 2N2222A transistors are created equal. Not to speak to
others models (2N3055, for ex).

So, if anybody try to reproduce this LS circuit and is not getting good results,
it will not mean that the LS circuit is not working.

Group: Guest
Who woulda thunk that the Faraday Shield may serve other purposes?

Answer: I am strongly suspecting  that  non shorted metallic foil(s) covering a coil or betwen coils
can provide other effects ;D

More effect, indeed, than  da revr gant al laboused bihan.

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