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Author Topic: Paradigm Shift (locked)  (Read 93646 times)
Group: Guest
1.   Get North Korea to Build an UFO.

Third – Analysis

1.   Almost every Nation wants to have a breakthrough technology that they can proudly show the World – not just North Korea.
2.   North Korea showed that they could produce the Nuclear Bombs and missiles.  They will be more proud to show UFO technologies that lead the World.
3.   UFO sightings are everywhere.  Some of these are definitely man-made. 
4.   If a retired physicist with no resources could design an UFO, how many other Universities or Research Institutes could do the same?
5.   What is to lose with an email to North Korea or to the rest of the Nations of the World?
6.   Knowledge has the property that the more you give away, the more you will have!
7.   You know that the Lee-Tseung Lead-out Energy Theory is correct.  You know that your UFO design is plausible.   You promised Lee that the knowledge will not just be carried into the grave.  Take action.
8.   China will surely read the post.  They can easily maintain double digit growth together with the rest of the World.  The Chinese UFO technology is much more developed and advanced…
Group: Guest
3.   Help an African Nation to demonstrate an UFO

Let us do a brainstorm session.

First - the supporting comments.

1.  African Nations are willing and eager to discover and work on something new that can beat the advanced Nations.
2.  No one will accuse the African Nations as attempting to dominate the World and repeat colonialism.
3.  There will be no government suppression or sabotage.   There is no question of National security being threatened.
4.  There is no reputation to be lost in working on something controversial.  It is like our situation - no one expects retired, sick, old men with little resources to succeed in anything.
5.  The researchers are likely to be "left alone" with no men in black bordering.
6.  We already know people from the African Nations reading and posting on this thread.
7.  African Nations now look at the Chinese economic model for inspiration.
8.  As one marketing person put it: "Your technology is very simple.  One negative voltage waveform and the King David sling technology.  China built the Nanjing UFO in 2 months in 2006."
9.  Other developing Nations such as India, Vietnam etc.  will be eager to develop such technology.
10.  There is no need for the full UFO technology, a QMOGEN is sufficient.

post comments in

*** The detailed discussions will also be available from reply 72

« Last Edit: 2016-06-24, 13:42:07 by ltseung888 »
Group: Guest
3.   Help an African Nation to demonstrate an UFO

Let us do a brainstorm session.

Second - the objecting comments

1.  African Nations are not like Hong Kong or Shenzhen.  They do not have easy to access parts stores.  Much of the parts need to be ordered on-line.  In a research environment, there will be waste of material and time.
2.  Few Africans have the Chinese Tiger Mom Training - pushing the kids to be the very best in the World.
3.  Replicating a Milkovic, a Fung Wheel or a QMOGEN is not enough.  One must dig deep to build the UFO.  China can build an UFO in 2 months in 2006.  China made thousands of technological discoveries and improvements- dams, bridges, high speed trains, drones etc.  China has the inner confidence that - anything other nations can so, we can do better.
4.  Why should I believe that man-made UFOs exists?
5.  What is the point of my hard work if USA or China already have the technology?
6.  If the Lee-Tseung theory is correct, your many posts should have started a World-wide research and competition already.
7.  your most convincing proof of lead-out energy is the BEMF waveform showing large negative voltage.  Have you got any top universities confirming that?
8.  Which African Nation is so stupid as to believe your unsustainable evidence.
9.  You should approach the second generation super rich Chinese.  They are more likely to take risks.  Spending a few hundred thousand dollars towards a dream or a vision is not a problem.  There are many in Hong Kong and in Vancouver.  Many are University graduates.
10.  Now, England is leaving EU.  Some new leaders will look for spectacular actions.  They may take risks.  Leave the African Nations alone.
11.  I actually met a Second generation rich Chinese Lady at he Upcycling Center.  I still do not know her name or background.  But her words impressed me.  "You should not worry about anything.  If your work can benefit Society, go ahead.  There is no lack of money or talent in China.  All you need is to ask."   I was too dumb and slow to react.  I was focusing on my limitations.  The right approach is let others shine and they can take the technology to any level.  My job is to sow seeds...
12.  If China can be persuaded to release its UFO technology,  there is no need to try to get an African Nation to lead...
« Last Edit: 2016-06-25, 00:47:44 by ltseung888 »
Group: Guest
3.   Help an African Nation to demonstrate an UFO

Let us do a brainstorm session.

Third - the analysis

1.  It may be time to invite all to start researching on the UFO technology.  Proof of leading out gravitational energy is in the Milkovic 2SO.  Improvement is in the Chan Wheel.  The use of the unbalanced wheel instead of the pendulum is easy to understand.

2.  The Manual Pulsing of the Fung Wheel provided the much awaited waveform.  A BEMF or negative voltage of -580v could be generated from 5v DC input. 

3.  UFO sightings have been reported everywhere.  The posted ninth design of the lead-out energy flying saucer is scientifically sound.

The military people of some nations may be upset.  But they will eventually understand that the disclosure is for the benefit of the Entire Human Race.  Love Thy Enemies.  Turn them into brothers and sisters...
Group: Guest
To   'Lawrence Tseung' Jun 24 at 12:18 PM
Dear Lawrence,
Your e-mail dated 12 June is well-received.
Your case has been forwarded to all members of Sham Shui Po District Council for information.
Thank you for your interest in district matters.
Miss Jennifer CHEUNG
for the Secretary of SSPDC     
*** mass email to governments does work.  We may try to arrange for the Fung Wheel to be demonstrated first in that district.  The local students will benefit especially the summer holiday is coming.

We shall discuss this in the July 4 meeting.
Group: Guest

On July 4, we discussed the following:

Reproduced from overunity.com

One comment:

If you can use gravitational energy continuously, you are effectively tapping into the essence of the Universe.  The entire universe has masses of different sizes.  They attract each other.  We, the Earth, the Sun are all attracted by other bodies from all sides.  We are effectively immersed in a sea of gravitational forces.  We are being pulled from all sides.  If the pull on one side is greater, the force can do work or provide energy.

What you are claiming is that the Milkovic 2SO can already use such energy.  UFO technology is not all that difficult.  The seesaw action of the Milkovic 2SO brings the unbalanced forces and energy into the system.  If the pendulum is replaced by an unbalanced wheel, the efficiency will be much higher.

If gravitational energy can be utilized this way, magnetic or electromagnetic energy can be brought in via magnetic pendulums or unbalanced magnetic wheels.

If it is this simple, why are we not seeing products...


If you read Patrick Kelly's e-book, you would find hundreds if not thousands of free energy inventions.

If you follow Sterling Allan's website, you would get information on dozens of free energy inventions.

My experience tells me that the ones trying to stop the commercialization of such inventions are the most powerful Governments - USA and China.  Both have the UFO technology.  Many UFOs are man-made.

Both Governments can stop any invention from commercialization.  All they need to do is to tell the inventors that the technology is of national security and offer some deals.  My experience was that the 225 HP Pulse Motor or the Tsinghua Energy Multiplier could have been developed for the Market over 10 years ago.  Instead, China developed the Nanjing UFO.

The Oil Cartel knows it and that is why the oil prices have dropped drastically.

My gut feel is that some small Nation will announce the UFO technology first...

*** If you read reply 545, you will find that Tesla Motors is selling the Powerwall.  That is a form of lead-out energy.  Apache Ong learned and improved the FLEET technology.

From overunityresearch.com

Re: Banning ltseung888? « Reply #14 on: 2016-07-04, 02:34:58 » 

The Lee-Tseung nonsense?

Since Lee Cheung Kin passed away, I include his name here so that I would not be accused of stealing his credit.  The Lee-Tseung nonsense include:

1.  We are immersed in a sea of energy.  These energies include gravitational, electromagnetic and bombardment by air molecules on Earth.
2.  These forces and energies will still be surrounding an object even if we manage to cool the object to absolute zero degrees.  Some people call such energy zero point energy.
3.  If we can lead-out or bring-in such energies into a system, the system does not need conventional fuel.  Such a system is NOT the impossible perpetual motion machine.
4.  The water rocket can bring-in kinetic energy of air molecules as it is cooler after firing.  The apparent Input energy is the pumping energy.  The Real Input Energy is the sum of the pumping energy plus the kinetic energy of air molecules.
5.  The Milkovic 2SO can bring-in gravitational energy as can be seen in the RHEAD video 5.
6.  The pendulum can be replaced by an unbalanced wheel as in the Chan Wheel with much increased efficiency.
7.  If gravitational energy can be brought-in in such a technique, magnetic or electromagnetic energy must be able to be brought-in.  All we need to do is to replace the pendulum with a magnet and place other permanent magnets to provide the appropriate magnetic field.
8.  In FLEET (Forever Lead-out Electromagnetic Energy Transformer), we can bring-in electromagnetic energy via LCR type circuit resonance.  Apache Ong learned and improved it.  He now works for Tesla Motors.  The Powerwall product is a result.
9.  Lead-out electrical energy can be seen from the waveforms of an oscilloscope.  The Input can be 5V DC.  The BEMF spike can be over -580V across the coil.  The current (voltage across a one ohm resistor) can still be positive.  The product gives negative power.  During the spike of around 2ms, negative energy is clearly seen and measureable.
10.  The Fung wheel placed horizontally will not lead-out gravitational energy.  This can be confirmed by experiment.  The Fung Wheel is an unbalanced Wheel.
11.  The ninth design of the lead-out energy flying saucer will provide a net thrust as a result of the difference in centrifugal forces.
12.  The 225 HP Pulse motor developed in USA and funded by Hong Kong is real.  It can use both lead-out gravitational and electromagnetic energies.
13.  The Tsinghua University Energy Multiplier is also real and uses both lead-out gravitational and electromagnetic energies.
14.  USA and Chinese Governments (and may be others) developed man-made UFOs.
15.  The UFO technology can wipe out all existing war planes, missiles and star war defenses.  Thus the free energy and UFO technologies are not allowed to be developed commercially.
16.  The inventors or supporters are being silenced in many ways.  However, the patent offices allowed some "impossible" perpetual motion machine patents.
17.  The Oil Cartel have seen working prototypes and allowed the price of oil to drop.
18.  The rise of the lead-out energy flying saucer or UFO technology is inevitable.  The World Leaders must rethink their strategies.
19.  Our "nonsense" strategy is Love Thy Enemies and turn them into Brothers and Sisters.
20.  The Goal of Tseung is to ensure that the knowledge is passed on.  There is no point to carry it into the grave.

The suggestion was to pass the information as widely as possible.  Let others shine and do the experiments.  SOW seeds...

I shall use this thread to update.
Group: Guest
On July 4, we discussed the following:

Reproduced from overunity.com

One comment:

If you can use gravitational energy continuously, you are effectively tapping into the essence of the Universe.  The entire universe has masses of different sizes.  They attract each other.  We, the Earth, the Sun are all attracted by other bodies from all sides.  We are effectively immersed in a sea of gravitational forces.  We are being pulled from all sides.  If the pull on one side is greater, the force can do work or provide energy.

What you are claiming is that the Milkovic 2SO can already use such energy.  Please justify...

The key concept is that the pendulum can be 99% efficient.  If we examine the seesaw action carefully, we will see that the weight is lifted twice with every push.  The lifting occurs when the pendulum bob is at the lowest position.  At that position, the velocity is highest.  That also means the centrifugal force is greatest. The lifting of the weight is due to the weight of the pendulum bob plus the centrifugal force at that instant.  The pendulum must be swinging with a large amplitude to have a large enough centrifugal force component to lift the weight.

So long as the pendulum is swinging with such a magnitude, the seesaw action will remain. 

A normal lever can maintain a swinging/seesaw or oscillation action for some time if it is perfectly balanced.  However, a true seesaw action can be maintained forever if the forces on the two arms are appropriately varied.  In a playground, that  appropriate action is achieved by the persons leaning or rocking their bodies.

In the Milkovic 2O, that appropriate action is achieved by the swinging of the pendulum.

The seesaw action of the lever can be made to do work such as creating a loud noise, crashing nuts or pumping water.  Energy must be used to do such work.  The question is - where does the energy come from?  The non-observing layman or even scientist will automatically answer: "It comes from pushing the pendulum!"

The observing scientist will say: "The amplitude of the swing of the pendulum is hardly affected if the high centrifugal force motion is maintained."  In the RHead100 video 5, slight finger motion can lift the 74 pound weight twice to a total height approximately (or more) the distance of the finger push.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AulAeyAjtzk

If the output energy (banging, crushing or pumping) does not come entirely from the finger push, can there be other explanation?

A plausible explanation not violating any laws of Physics is that the extra energy comes from gravity.  The Milkovic 2SO leads-out or brings-in gravitational energy.
« Last Edit: 2016-07-06, 14:00:13 by ltseung888 »
Group: Guest
Why Mr. Lee Cheung Kin should be remembered as a top scientists who changed the World.

He was the person who first proposed that gravitational energy can be lead-out or bring-in. (as far as I can get from reading patents and scientific literature).

Gravitational fields are inferior to magnetic or electromagnetic fields.  With magnetic or electromagnetic fields, we have attraction, repulsion, directional change, magnitude change and even on and off possibilities.  The present knowledge of electrical engineering is incomplete...

After our presentation at Tsinghua University in 2006, the Nanjing UFO appeared in approximately 2 month.  It is Governments that prevented commercialization.  The top military scientists in USA and China are not stupid.  They just cannot present their findings.

I, Lawrence Tseung, was stupid.  I thought I could use my resources to produce prototypes.  Lee knew better.

Mr. Lee Cheung Kin opened the door of clean, inexhaustible energy for the World.
Group: Guest
15.  The UFO technology can wipe out all existing war planes, missiles and star war defenses.  Thus the free energy and UFO technologies are not allowed to be developed commercially.

1.  The oldest strategy was to have army to capture cities and land.

2.  Then it was to destroy the army of the "enemy".

3.  Then it was to destroy the cities and the fighting will of the enemy.  This means bombing and killing civilians.

4.  The atomic bombs ended the Second World War.  It signaled the possibility of the Human Race totally destroying itself.

5.  UFOs carrying nuclear weapons are almost impossible to detect.  There may not be any warning time.  If the thought of wiping out civilians were tolerated, the World will be much more dangerous.

Both USA and China (and may be other Nations) have developed UFOs.  These UFOs are likely to use energy other than fossil fuels.  A possibility is the lead-out energy flying saucer.  If free energy devices are allowed to be commercialized, engineers will immediately develop the planes that never need to land and UFOs that do not eject hot gases will come out in no time.

The right thing to do now is to Love Thy Enemies and turn them into Brothers and Sisters.  If a Nation wants to be rich and remain so, it should help other Nations to get rich at the same time.  Do this before commercializing the UFO technologies.
Group: Guest
Why Mr. Lee Cheung Kin should be remembered as a top scientists who changed the World.

He was the person who first proposed that gravitational energy can be lead-out or bring-in. (as far as I can get from reading patents and scientific literature).

Gravitational fields are inferior to magnetic or electromagnetic fields.  With magnetic or electromagnetic fields, we have attraction, repulsion, directional change, magnitude change and even on and off possibilities.  The present knowledge of electrical engineering is incomplete...

After our presentation at Tsinghua University in 2006, the Nanjing UFO appeared in approximately 2 month.  It is Governments that prevented commercialization.  The top military scientists in USA and China are not stupid.  They just cannot present their findings.

I, Lawrence Tseung, was stupid.  I thought I could use my resources to produce prototypes.  Lee knew better.

Mr. Lee Cheung Kin opened the door of clean, inexhaustible energy for the World.

If gravitational energy can be led-out or brought-in via the Milkovic 2SO FASHION, MUCH MORE MAGNETIC OR EECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY CAN BE BROUGHT-IN.

The local magnetic or electromagnetic field can be many thousand times that of the gravitational field.  There can be repulsion as well as attraction.  There can be directional changes.  The field can be ON and OFF.
« Last Edit: 2016-07-11, 10:17:03 by ltseung888 »
Group: Guest
15.  The UFO technology can wipe out all existing war planes, missiles and star war defenses.  Thus the free energy and UFO technologies are not allowed to be developed commercially.

1.  The oldest strategy was to have army to capture cities and land.

2.  Then it was to destroy the army of the "enemy".

3.  Then it was to destroy the cities and the fighting will of the enemy.  This means bombing and killing civilians.

4.  The atomic bombs ended the Second World War.  It signaled the possibility of the Human Race totally destroying itself.

5.  UFOs carrying nuclear weapons are almost impossible to detect.  There may not be any warning time.  If the thought of wiping out civilians were tolerated, the World will be much more dangerous.

Both USA and China (and may be other Nations) have developed UFOs.  These UFOs are likely to use energy other than fossil fuels.  A possibility is the lead-out energy flying saucer.  If free energy devices are allowed to be commercialized, engineers will immediately develop the planes that never need to land and UFOs that do not eject hot gases will come out in no time.

The right thing to do now is to Love Thy Enemies and turn them into Brothers and Sisters.  If a Nation wants to be rich and remain so, it should help other Nations to get rich at the same time.  Do this before commercializing the UFO technologies.

The events in South China Area will be hot topics in that region for some time. 

Is it time for a third Nation to announce and demonstrate the UFO technology?

With the UFO technology,  there is no point and no need to send aircraft carriers.  There is no need to show obsolete, stupid weapons...

Love Thy Enemies.  Turn them into Brothers and Sisters.  Quarrelling and fighting over history is stupid.  It is a tool used by politicians to rally support and fool their people... 
Group: Guest

The above is the cartoon style of explaining the complex Thirteenth Five Year Plan Goals.

In short, Government money (printed if necessary) will first flow to ensure every family have electricity, clean water, food on the table, compulsory education for the young, social security for the old and sick.

The money will not come from higher taxes.  The recently Rich do not need to worry about Government redistributing their wealth.  Government must print more money for its citizens to get wealthy.  If the Government does not print money, person A getting wealthy will mean person B getting poor.

The previous 5 year plans focused on pumping money to build infrastructures, building  factories etc.  The thirteenth 5 year plan is to put money and resources to ensure that there will no longer be "poverty" in China.  Every remote village will have electrical power.  Internet will be available to every citizen. 

Does that mean that every Chinese will know the ufo technology?

*** At the start of 2016, there were still 70m Chinese below the poverty line.  The plan is to get ALL above the line by 2020.  Impossible?
Now EVERY household has electricity.  It is only 7 months...
Innovative approaches include:
1. Put every poor family on databases.  Develop a plan for each family.
2. Have thousands of University graduates to act as Village Officials.  Their primary task is to get the villages wealthy.  They can immediately enable every village to have Internet Experts.
3. Develop many Village resorts.  Some "Village Hotels" have modern facilities all funded by Governments.  The Villagers are encouraged to move in to taste and test the facilities.  Many will get training, jobs and lodgings...

Will every home be reachable by car?  Will every home have clean water?  Will every child have good education?  Will every family be "moderately" wealthy by 2020?

*** Will the Chinese Government release the UFO technology for commercial use?
« Last Edit: 2016-07-29, 23:03:15 by ltseung888 »
Group: Guest

The above is the cartoon style of explaining the complex Thirteenth Five Year Plan Goals.

In short, Government money (printed if necessary) will first flow to ensure every family have electricity, clean water, food on the table, compulsory education for the young, social security for the old and sick.

The money will not come from higher taxes.  The recently Rich do not need to worry about Government redistributing their wealth.  Government must print more money for its citizens to get wealthy.  If the Government does not print money, person A getting wealthy will mean person B getting poor.

The previous 5 year plans focused on pumping money to build infrastructures, building  factories etc.  The thirteenth 5 year plan is to put money and resources to ensure that there will no longer be "poverty" in China.  Every remote village will have electrical power.  Internet will be available to every citizen. 

Does that mean that every Chinese will know the ufo technology?

*** At the start of 2016, there were still 70m Chinese below the poverty line.  The plan is to get ALL above the line by 2020.  Impossible?
Now EVERY household has electricity.  It is only 7 months...
Innovative approaches include:
1. Put every poor family on databases.  Develop a plan for each family.
2. Have thousands of University graduates to act as special Village Officials.  Their primary task is to get the villages wealthy.  They can immediately enable every village to have Internet Experts.
3. Develop many Village resorts.  Some "Village Hotels" have modern facilities all funded by Governments.  The Villagers are encouraged to move in to taste and test the facilities.  Many will get training, jobs and lodgings...

Will every home be reachable by car?  Will every home have clean water?  Will every child have good education?  Will every family be "moderately" wealthy by 2020?

*** Will the Chinese Government release the UFO technology for commercial use?

See http://overunity.com/15077/ufo-propu-engine-closed-loop/msg489105/#msg489105

2. Have thousands of University graduates to act as "special" Village Officials.  Their primary task is to get the villages wealthy.  They can immediately enable every village to have Internet Experts.  These University Graduates are encouraged to be examples of "Wealth Generators".  They should examine the local environment and explore ways to increase wealth.  Some raised exotic chickens, pigs, turkeys, rabbits, snakes etc.   Some repackaged and marketed the local products on the Internet.  Some improved the farming methods including drip techniques from Israel.  Some turned the villages into village resorts for tourists.   Government money, loans, policy, expert advice and technical support are readily available.  These stories are promoted on CCTV.

Many "special" Village Officials became millionaire in RMB terms in front of the villagers.  That inspired the villagers to copy, learn and get rich.  (A big change from the days when Mao sent the intellectuals to villages to learn from the farmers.)

In some democracies, that will be considered as conflict of interest or corruption.  But this time, it is the deliberate policy of the Chinese Government!!!

« Last Edit: 2016-07-30, 12:47:16 by ltseung888 »
Group: Guest

The above is the cartoon style of explaining the complex Thirteenth Five Year Plan Goals.

In short, Government money (printed if necessary) will first flow to ensure every family have electricity, clean water, food on the table, compulsory education for the young, social security for the old and sick.

The money will not come from higher taxes.  The recently Rich do not need to worry about Government redistributing their wealth.  Government must print more money for its citizens to get wealthy.  If the Government does not print money, person A getting wealthy will mean person B getting poor.

The previous 5 year plans focused on pumping money to build infrastructures, building  factories etc.  The thirteenth 5 year plan is to put money and resources to ensure that there will no longer be "poverty" in China.  Every remote village will have electrical power.  Internet will be available to every citizen. 

Does that mean that every Chinese will know the ufo technology?

*** At the start of 2016, there were still 70m Chinese below the poverty line.  The plan is to get ALL above the line by 2020.  Impossible?
Now EVERY household has electricity.  It is only 7 months...
Innovative approaches include:
1. Put every poor family on databases.  Develop a plan for each family.
2. Have thousands of University graduates to act as Village Officials.  Their primary task is to get the villages wealthy.  They can immediately enable every village to have Internet Experts.
3. Develop many Village resorts.  Some "Village Hotels" have modern facilities all funded by Governments.  The Villagers are encouraged to move in to taste and test the facilities.  Many will get training, jobs and lodgings...

Will every home be reachable by car?  Will every home have clean water?  Will every child have good education?  Will every family be "moderately" wealthy by 2020?

*** Will the Chinese Government release the UFO technology for commercial use?

1. Put every poor family on databases.  Develop a plan for each family.
I have no doubt that the many special Village Officials with University training can do that.  With Developed Countries, if a problem is identified, resources can be allocated to solve it.  By 2020, China will become a Developed Nation.

Some envy those born into a rich family.  Some envy those born into a rich nation.  Some now envy those who can create wealth for their family and their nation.

With Internet, there will be many schools of thought.  Every thought will be judged and examined on its own merits.  There is no need to totally follow any one school... 

There are more than one way to get a Village wealthy - including move the entire village to a new location.  The CCTV documentaries on "how to get rich" are fun to watch...
Group: Guest
7.  Ethiopia has no oil but it is getting rich.  China is using a form of Mutual Credits?

The railway linking Addis Ababa to Djibouti is in operation.
Ethiopia-Djibouti electric railway line opens on Oct 5.  It will cut the travel time from days to 10 hours.  More are in the Five Year Plans.  China is funding the Infrastructure Projects.

Growing the Global Pie is easiest at the Developing Nations.  Funding is easy as money can be printed so long as the other Nations accept.  Modern Farms will produce more food for domestic consumption and for exports.  So long as the population growth is controlled, the living standards will greatly improve.
Technology can be learned and Industrial Parks or Science Parks are planned.

The New Way of getting rich is to help others to get rich.  There is no need for Conquest, Colonialism or Slavery.  There is no need for Military Supremacy.   This is the new Globalization.

Money is created from thin air.  Citizens cannot get richer if the Government does not increase the money supply.  But the increase must be linked to growth of Meaningful Economic Activities.

For Example, Ethiopia gave a five year contract for China to manage the new Railway.  Meanwhile, it will learn and take over that role after 5 years.  Technology can be learned.

Much more infrastructure work is being done in Ethiopia.  Where does the money come from?  That question was asked by China many years ago.  The answer - learn the technology.  If a Nation prints 1 billion dollars to construct a road, the road will be an asset.  It will facilitate communication.  It will provide many jobs.  It will stimulate many related industries.  Can the Nation use its own resources to build the road?  If it can, print the money.

If it cannot, get help and learn.  Build a small section first.  If help can come from a Nation wanting to increase its influence like China, study the terms.  When the Global Pie increases, all can enjoy.  If the Pie grows in Ethiopia, Ethiopia will enjoy more.

Developing Cities is even easier.  The jobs will be local.  The buildings will benefit the locals more.  Citizens can see the buildings.  Examine and study every detail of how China rises.  Avoid the mistakes.  Improve on the successes.
Group: Guest
The Future of Hong Kong.
Group: Guest
Is it Meaningful for the World to have two camps competing in the following manner:

(1) Select some of the poorest Nations in the World.
(2) Each camp will help to increase the GDP of some of these poor Nations.
(3) The winning criterion will be based on many mutually agreed standards such as food security, educational achievements in global tests, Olympics performance, industrial output, income from tourism, international patents granted etc.
Instead of having wars in the under developed Nations to show "superiority", the two camps can compete on how good they are in helping others rich.  The end result will be a more peaceful and prosperous World.  One Camp can be USA and his Allies.  The Other Camp can be China+Russia and their Allies.

At present, a poor Nation would have to sell its resources or ask its citizens to accept low wages and work hard to compete (as the lowest cost producer).  The "investors" from outside are more interested in profits and will exploit (taking advantage of the ignorance). 

The new competition will provide a new paradigm...
Group: Guest
Group: Guest
Open Letter to the Leaders and Elites of the World
Subject: Solution for World Peace and Prosperity
Dear All,
Is it Meaningful for the World to have two camps competing in the following manner:

(1) Select some of the poorest Nations in the World.
(2) Each camp will help to increase the GDP of some of these poor Nations.
(3) The winning criterion will be based on many mutually agreed standards such as food security, GDP increases, educational achievements in global tests, Olympics performance, industrial output, income from tourism, international patents granted etc.
Instead of having wars in the Under Developed Nations to show "superiority", the two camps can compete on how good they are in helping others rich.  The end result will be a more peaceful and prosperous World.  One Camp can be USA and his Allies.  The Other Camp can be China+Russia and their Allies.

At present, a poor Nation would have to sell its resources or ask its citizens to accept low wages to compete (as the lowest cost producer).  The "investors" from outside are more interested in profits and will exploit (taking advantage of the ignorance). 

The new Competition will provide a new paradigm...
Please think and discuss the above Competition.  Circulate this email to as large an audience as possible.
More information is available from the following forum:
Lawrence Tseung   
Retired Physicist from Hong Kong

主題:  世界和平與繁榮的解決方案


這兩個陣營不是在發展中國家舉行戰爭來表現出“優勢”,而是幫助其富有,進行競爭。 最終的結果將是一個更加和平和繁榮的世界。 一個陣營可以是美國和他的同盟國。另一個陣營可以是中國+俄羅斯及其盟國。

目前,貧窮國家必須出售其資源或要求其公民接受低工資競爭(作為最低成本生產者)。 外部的“投資者”對利潤更感興趣,會利用窮國的無知,增加利潤。
請考慮和討論上述競爭。 將此電子郵件分發給其他人。更可從以下論壇獲取更多信息:


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The PDF on learning Forex.
« Last Edit: 2017-03-25, 22:09:42 by ltseung888 »
Group: Guest
 I was at a seminar organized by Alibaba.com. Their success is no accident. The Seminar had speakers covering Government Funding, Using the Alibaba platform, logistics and selling via an Alibaba partner when one only focuses on manufacturing.

I was given a few minutes at the end to talk about Forex Trading under the attack of Hedge Funds on RMB to those interested. I was challenged to justify the statement that a 200K account can be traded to have a balance of over 3m in six months.

I used historic data and selected a six month period. I randomly started in Aug 2017 buying the pair at 6.6300 and closing at 6.8611. The gain was 2,311PIPs. At HK$100 per PIP, the gain before the daily premium was HK$231,100. That was using a margin of around HK$20K. If we use PIPs, the average daily gain in PIPs is 12.8(2,311/180)PIPs. Assume a daily premium of 4PIPs, the daily gain should exceed 8 PIPs.

If after 30 days, the gain is 240 PIPs, I Close the position. I Open 2 units using a margin of around 40K. The gain in the next 30 days should average 16PIPs. After another 30 days, I use the total gain of 480PIPs to Open 4 units etc.

With initial 1 unit (HK$20K margin), the monthly gain would be:
240 480 960 1,920 3,840 7,680

At the end of six months, the total gain would have been 7,680 PIPs.  There were no significant dip in the period selected.  Thus the net gain per Unit invested would be HK$768,000.

If I had invested 4 units, the total gain would have been HK$3,072,000. Many eyes popped out. Most did not understand the mechanism of FOREX trading. One immediately placed an Open Order. He said, “Let us plan to meet again in six months.”

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China may be able to overcome the Hedge Fund attacks by trading through its own Forex Exchanges without using its Foreign Currency Reserves.
« Last Edit: 2017-03-02, 20:08:00 by ltseung888 »
Group: Guest
Two seminars are being planned in the next few months.

One is on Forex trading. The other is on Economic War.

Some planned presentations are attached.
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