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Author Topic: Paradigm Shift (locked)  (Read 93646 times)
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This slide emphases the circular motion concept again.  The magnet moves in the clockwise direction.  It can be started by hand.  When it just passes the center of the Drive Coil, pulsed DC current is passed.  The Drive Coil becomes a magnet to repel the magnet, giving it energy and higher angular velocity.  The angular velocity can be built up via each passing.

When the angular velocity is high enough, we can use the Collector Coils to extract some energy and generate electricity.  We can then produce the situation as shown in the above slide.  The velocity of the magnet at the top of the circular path will be much higher than that at the bottom part.  This will result in a difference in Centrifugal Force.  The difference in Centrifugal Force will provide a Net Thrust.  In the diagram shown, the Net Thrust will be upwards.  But this Thrust can be in any direction.
Note that the generation of the Net Thrust does not require ejection of any hot gases.  Such a device can be thought of as a propulsion unit.  A flying saucer can have multiple propulsion units.
The youtube video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_yMdmavq_U, showed a similar device.  However, the above slide shows a much simpler design and points to the possibility of using lead-out energy…

We can design a Flying Saucer…
Group: Guest
On Nov 7, 2015, thousands in California saw what appeared to be an UFO.  The USA Navy later said that it was their Trident Missile showing UFO like characteristics.  It was speculated that USA wanted to show that it mastered some UFO technology.

China showed a Flying Saucer in 2006.

The Milkovic two stage pendulum demonstrated leading-out gravitational energy.
1.   At 2:07 time, the 46 pound pendulum was at its maximum height position.  A small push with the fingers lifted the 74 pound weight twice.
2.   Between 2:07 and 3:30, note that the weight was lifted twice with each push from the fingers.
3.   The weight was lifted when the pendulum was at the lowest height position.
4.   That position was the highest velocity position.  The centrifugal force was highest.
5.   Notice that the maximum swing position was hardly changed.
6.   If gravitational energy can be led-out or brought-in, magnetic or electromagnetic energy must be able to be brought-in.

Lead-out Energy Flying Saucer will not be top secret for long.
Group: Guest
If USA and China can design and build UFOs, many other Nations also have the technical capability to do so.  If one of these Nations announces and demonstrates a working prototype, it will put pressure on USA and China to demonstrate their much more advanced capabilities.

The benefits to the Human Race are too important to ignore.  The lead-out energy flying saucer technology will:
1.  Provide virtually inexhaustible non-polluting energy;
2.  Replace the family car with a  Flying Saucer;
3.  Allow Space Travel.

We expect many Nations will pour in resources in Lead-out Energy Flying Saucer research.
Group: Guest
When a game changing technology arrives, those in power will always examine it as a potential threat.

The Lead-out Energy Flying Saucer or the UFO is no exception.   If there is no need for fossil fuel, what would happen to those controlling the oil industries?  If the Flying Saucer is virtually undetectable because it does not eject any hot gases and can fly low to prevent radar detection, what will happen to the Star War Defenses?

If the UFOs  are from Aliens, are there civilizations scientifically much more advanced than us?  What happens if they want to take over the resources of the Earth?  Would they get the Earthlings to destroy themselves?

What should the Earthlings do?
Group: Guest
The formal Slavery and Colonialization period is hopefully over.  However, the suspicion still lingers on.  Hilary Clinton openly suggested that the activities of China in Africa might be another form of Colonialism.

Internet allows rapid spread of information.  Some information may be deliberate rumors or lies.  Some lies or propaganda have been told so often that many actually believe them.

One propaganda is that Democracy is essential for any Nation to achieve prosperity.  Any Developing Nation should follow the USA model and advice.  USA knows what is best for the World and for every Nation.

The rapid economic rise of China shattered that myth.

The new thinking is technology, technology and technology.  Learn and master the technology to grow food, to build infrastructures, to manufacture, to spot opportunities and to innovate.  A Nation can get richer via helping others to get richer!

Any Developing Nation can be Developed within one generation…
Group: Guest
The New Model of State Capitalism actually started from Singapore.  Singapore used the power of the Government to help its  enterprises.  It has the cleanest, non-corrupt Governments in the World.  It was  able to implement long term goals.  However, it is not a model of Free Speech.  Political arguments were discouraged and the Government could focus its energy to carry out the agenda.

China learned much from the Singapore model.  It has no opposition parties and the Communist Party was able to roll out and complete the many 5 year plans.  It set up Special Economic Zones to accept foreign investment and technologies.  It learned and improved upon the technologies.  It tolerated degrading of environment and became the factory of the World.  It was able to pull the population from poverty and is on target to have the number one economy in the World.

One of the economic topics in China is whether China should always be the Lowest Cost Producer?  Should China keep accepting Paper Currency for the goods it produces?   What is the point of accumulating a huge foreign currency reserve?  From a Global point of view, is the role of “factory” the best?

Once China started to question, new thinking emerges…
Group: Guest
One new concept is Mutual Credits.  If one wants to sell, the other side must have the money to buy.  The traditional approach is get the other side to borrow.  But that other side needs to be able to repay at some point.  Mutual Credits solves the problem. 

The new thinking is to get the other side wealthy – almost immediately!   

Many African Nations have rich natural resources but lack the technical knowledge and infrastructure to take advantage of them.  In China, there is a saying – wealth follows the road.  China helps the African Nations to develop their infrastructures.  The results are easy to see – roads, bridges, railways, airports and seaports etc.

Private enterprises will not fund such non-profitable, long range projects.   China does not need more paper money.  It needs wealthy friends, customers and partners.  It is willing to cultivate them.  State Capitalism does the trick.  Private Enterprises or State Enterprises do the construction work funded by the State Banks.

Get Developing Nations wealthy via win-win.
Group: Guest
With any learning, one should do it in small, manageable steps.  Every Nation has its own special characteristics.  Blindly transporting the model from another Nation is not likely to work.

China was successful with Special Economic Zones.  Those zones allowed China to observe and adjust to new concepts and approaches.  Even if there were failures, the failures would be limited to those zones.

African Nations may worry about China taking advantage of their comparative lack of knowledge and sophistication.  Setting up Special Economic Zones to observe and learn may be a good strategy…

Setting up Special Economic Zones is a good Strategy.
Group: Guest
One of the propaganda from USA is that Democracy is needed for any Nation to develop and get prosperous.  We have to examine the facts behind it.  Democracy does have some advantages.  It allows peaceful transfer of power.  It enables citizens to feel that they  are the masters. They are the ones with the ultimate power.

However, it has many drawbacks.  The principle ones include:
Political Parties squabble to advance their own selfish agendas.
Political Parties deliberately attack policies to try to show the existing government is incompetent. (So that they themselves have a chance.)
It is difficult to do and execute long range plans.

We can improve it with technology, technology and technology.  Internet allows all voters to vote on the key issues with ease.  Internet allows discussion from thousands before any decision.  Internet enables thorough research by multiple groups.

Go for Super Democracy.
Group: Guest
Meaningful Economic Activities vary with different Nations.  Growing more food for some Nations is not meaningful.  Paying farmers not to grow may be meaningful.

Knowledge is one thing.  Knowing what to do with that knowledge is another.  Knowing man-made UFOs exist is one thing.  Turning that knowledge to benefit Humanity is another…

Is research in Lead-out Energy Flying Saucer meaningful?
Group: Guest
Money can be created from thin air by Nations.  If no one increases the Money Supply,  one person gets rich will make another person poor.  Managing the science of its growth demands much sophistication. 

At one time, a Chinese Scholar complained: “China is poor.  China has to borrow money to build a road.”  The answer: “Spending one billion dollars in building a road will increase the asset of China by one billion.  The road will contribute to future growth.  The act of building the road will create employment, develop additional technology, train more skilled engineers and workers…”

“Print money if needed to build the road.  There is no need to borrow.”

China mastered this knowledge and its infrastructure development has been the fastest in the history of mankind.

Increasing the money supply is a science.  It is an important skill for all Governments…
Group: Guest
The self confidence of an individual or a Nation is vital.

The above statements sum up the mentality.   Self confidence comes from previous successes.  It is important to build success with appropriate, manageable steps.  China used Special Economic Zones, 5 year plans and manageable projects to build its self confidence.

The projects include the Loess Plateau; the Three Gorges Dam; the 2008 Olympics; the fast speed trains etc.  One of the top secret projects is the Lead-out Energy Flying Saucer.

It is a matter of time when China will reveal its UFOs in public.
Group: Guest
China understands the philosophy – if you want to become rich, get others to become rich.  The old evil model of conquering, colonializing and enslaving other Nations will no longer work.

This philosophy will take time to sink in.  China is doing a great job in Africa.  Ethiopia is a great example.  Not too long ago, the World saw Ethiopia as a place of hunger and famine.  It was a Nation to be pitied.  Now, Ethiopia  has gained its self confidence.  It will complete its Grand Renaissance Dam funded by its own citizens soon.  It is mastering technology and has one of the fastest GDP growths in the World…

Respect one another.  Any Nation can become Developed within one generation.
Group: Guest
The new paradigm of Lead-out Energy Flying Saucer is coming.  Much more scientific research is needed.  However, many UFOs are man-made in USA or China. 

Should we keep the knowledge top secret or should we share it with the World?

Imagine the benefits this will bring…
Group: Guest
With Internet, knowledge can be shared quickly.

The Milkovic Two Stage Pendulum is easy to replicate.  Gravitational energy is everywhere including outer space.  It opens the door to the entire field of overunity research.  That field is scientifically correct and will now be respectable.

This overunity research field is new and every Nation can jump in.  We expect  a very rapid pace of development similar to the Internet.  Its potential impact is even more than the Internet.  Imagine the Lead-out Energy Flying Saucer replacing the family car…

We have to respect one another and view the World as One.

The Lead-out Energy Flying Saucer will bring us much closer and much more prosperous…
Group: Guest
The New Philosophy of Wealth of Nations.

The new way for a Nation to get rich is to get other Nations rich at the same time.  This is very different from the old evil way of conquest, colonization and slavery.  Can this new philosophy take hold?

The weapons of mass destruction are horrifying.  We are going to have the means of delivering them in the form of the Lead-out Energy Flying Saucers.  If hatred or revenge were present in the hearts of some men, they might contemplate destroying the World including themselves.  We have seen suicide bombers.

Do Humans need an external enemy like Aliens to unite and prosper together?

Many Developing Nations, in particular the African Nations, look at the Chinese Economic Model and ask: “Can we learn from it?”  China is playing a new win-win role in providing loans, building infrastructures and ignoring politics.  China is actually practicing the new philosophy of getting other Nations rich so that it will get rich.

When a Nation has developed a significant number of infrastructures such as roads, bridges, trains etc., it makes no sense to build roads leading to nowhere.  If a Nation has achieved food security, it makes no sense to put more food in warehouses to rot.  If a Nation has manufactured excess electrical appliances, it makes no sense to produce more.  The GDP will automatically slow down.  The Nation is said to be developed.  China aims higher.  China wants to maintain high GDP and technology growth.

One way for China to keep increasing its GDP and maintaining a high level of meaningful economic activities is to trade.  In trade, China needs other Nations to be wealthy to sustain and expand the trade.  Thus it makes sense for China to help African Nations to get rich.  One way is to help to develop the global view and the necessary infrastructures.  The infrastructures include modern agriculture to ensure food security; building dams for irrigation and electricity; roads, bridges and trains to facilitate transport; building modern cities with the Internet structures, the housing, the hospitals, the schools and the recreational facilities.  It is government planning at its best. 

The Deng policy of letting some to get rich first worked wonders for China.  The successful entrepreneurs inspired the rest.  The creativity and innovation spirits of the average citizen is stimulated.  “If he can do it, I can do it also.”

China is getting good at this game with its many five year plans.  It acquired and learned much technology, technology and technology.  It also learned to increase the money supply wisely.  It has developed the self-confidence that any problem can be solved if it is identified.  Successes with Special Economic Zones, Loess Plateau, Three Gorges Dam, 2008 Olympics, Transporting water from South to North and the Lunar Landing etc. reinforced that self-confidence.  If there is no lack of capital, no lack of labor force, no lack of technology, any Developing Nation can use the Chinese Model to get developed within a generation.  Ethiopia is likely to be such an example.

The new development getting our attention is – can UFO be man-made?  Have USA and China built them?  What is stopping USA and China from introducing such a technology to benefit the World?

There is the unspoken fear from the West – will a rising power repeat the evil act of conquest, colonization and slavery?  Will the rising power take the land and resources just like the West did in the past?  Are there Aliens that are scientifically much more advanced?  What happens if they want to take over the resources of the Earth?

Movies such Independence Day mentioned the possibility of such a scenario.  However, there are few movies or books written to explain the win-win philosophy of getting other Nations rich so that one can get rich.  Many Developed Countries view African Nations as a group to be pitied.  There will always be tribal conflicts, war and famine.  They will maintain substance farming and wait to be exploited.  They suggest China is just another Colonialist stealing the resources of Africa.  Many point to the Bible and claim that nuclear war is inevitable…

With the Lead-out Energy Flying Saucer, Humans will be able to join the Aliens in exploring space.  All Humans can enjoy the right of good health care, adequate food, clean water and energy, education and opportunity to be the best he can be.  The West focused much on Freedom of Speech.  With the Internet, Government Censorship is getting more and more difficult.  Concepts such Mutual Credits, Meaningful Economic Activities, Super Democracy, win-win, World as One etc will emerge.  Will humans respect one another?  Will humans destroy one another with hatred and memory of the past? 

Will Humans turn enemies into brothers and sisters?

Group: Guest
Save the presentation in zip format.
Group: Guest
I like the three series of TV programs in China.

1.  I like to invent.

2.  The science and technology garden.

3.  How he become rich.

I also like the Government policy of making local officials responsible for GDP growth.  Many University graduates become village officials.  Their stories of how to get the villagers wealthy are worth watching and discussing...

UFOs will be another technology...
Group: Guest

Need electronic circuit to turn DC current on:

1.  When magnet passes center of coil to provide repulsion.
2.  Duration can be in the order of 30ms.
3.  The circuit can also be turned off after the magnet moved to a specified position.

Any comments?
Group: Guest

Open letter on Lead-out Energy Flying Saucer

To: All
Subject: Lead-out Energy Flying Saucer

UFO sightings are everywhere.  Can some of these UFOs be man-made?  One possible design is available in reply 1 of http://overunity.com/15077/ufo-propu-engine-closed-loop/msg454951/#msg454951.

Most likely, USA and China have mastered such technology.  They are keeping such UFO technology as military secret.   The UFO technology can potentially obsolete all warplanes, missiles and star war defenses.

However, such technology can greatly benefit mankind.  Image the family car replaced by the Flying Saucer.  The Flying Saucer can use gravitational, electron motion and other as yet not fully understood energy already available in our universe.

To convince the Governments to release such technology for civilian use, we have to change our mind-set related to “Wealth of Nations”.  Previously, Leaders believed that the way to become rich is to have military dominance.  They could then conquer, colonize, and enslave other Nations.  Such thoughts will lead to possible World War 3 and the destruction of the entire Human Race.

The new philosophy of “Wealth of Nations” is to get other Nations rich if one wants to get rich and remain so.   A wealthy Nation will not risk the destruction of its wealth via a nuclear war.  It can become wealthier and safer if other Nations are also wealthy.  The present day technology can already make all Nations wealthy.  The Lead-out Energy Flying Saucer technology will greatly enhance the wealth.

If USA and China can build UFOs, other Nations, include Aliens from Outer Space, can surely build UFOs.  We have to get all Nations developed and wealthy as fast as possible.  China has shown that a Nation can be developed within one generation.  It is not only a matter of technology, technology and technology but also the Mind-set.

Thus, we shall discuss also the Mind-set change needed in the thread

Love Thy Enemies.  Turn them into Brothers and Sister…
Group: Guest

The above video shows how China is promoting and supporting its technology.

The technology was to combine solar panel with fish farming to make better use of space.  The story was:

1.  A lady rented the space below the solar farm to raise fish.  The rent was less than one fifth of the normal fish pond.
2.  The lady thought that it was easy and used the normal technique of having multiple species as practiced in other normal ponds.
3.  It was a disaster.  The lady lost money heavily and was about to give up.
4.  The Local Government Officials called in the experts.
5.  There were multiple problems.  The water level was too shallow to support multiple species.  There was insufficient oxygen level.  The water quality was poor.  It was difficult to feed the fishes in the middle of the pond.  The lady went out of money.
6.   China wants to introduce such a technology.  Government money was not a problem and the project was turned to a demonstration site.  The experts installed feeding systems via air ducts.  The experts designed bottom drainage system to remove fish sewage and excess feed.  The experts installed air duct system to increase oxygen supply.  The experts recommended the correct fish species to farm.  The experts installed computerized systems to monitor the water temperature, PH levels, etc. so that they could remotely monitor and advice.  The feeding amount and time can be automated.  See the above video for details.  (It was in Chinese.)
7.  The disaster was turned to a demonstrated success.  The lady earned good profits.

With such policies and support,  introduction of new technology will have a very high success rate…
Group: Guest

Fung wheel 1 - manual operation.

The Pulse was supposed to occur when the magnet just swing passed the coil.  The co-ordination of the senior helper was nowhere near perfect.

Shall find another helper or use electronics.
« Last Edit: 2016-06-18, 09:15:05 by ltseung888 »
Group: Guest
Brainstorming session on Lead-out Energy Flying Saucer

Principle behind Brainstorming:
1.    Let every idea have a chance no matter how crazy it seems.
2.   When an idea is selected for discussion, first, everyone must support.  Then everyone must object.
3.   Senior managers must not throw their weight behind any idea.  Some ideas can be randomly picked up from a pile of suggestion papers.

Some ideas that came up in the first brainstorm session.
1.   Get North Korea to build an UFO.
2.   Link FLEET to Powerwall.
3.   Help an African Nation to demonstrate an UFO.
4.   Heavily Promote the Negative Energy BEMF.
5.   Challenge the academics.
6.   Find the 225 HP Pulse Motor and promote.
7.   Find the Tsinghua Energy Multiplier and promote.
8.   Find the Wang magnetic motor and promote.
9.   Find the Laing car and promote.
10.   Get Hong Kong to host a free energy event.
11.   Promote the Fung Wheel.
12.   Get others to develop and build products.
13.   Mass Email.
14.   Contact Chinese Military.
15.   Contact USA Military.
16.   Worldwide competition via the Fung Wheel.
17.   Join Inventor shows.
18.   Contact United Nations.
19.   Contact the second or third generation wealthy.
20.   Sow seeds and lay back.
21.   Write in Forums or Youtube video comments.
22.   Facebook, Twitter.
23.   Email politicians.
24.   Student Competitions.
25.   Get to the hungry for fame.
26.   Get to those with nothing to lose.
27.   Stir up controversy – claim that you have designed an UFO.
28.   Join the “free Energy” researchers.
29.   Build the UFO.
30.   Turn it into an election issue.
Group: Guest
1.  Get North Korea to Build an UFO.

First - supporting comments only.

1.  Technologically, they are capable.
2.  They want to show off their technological capabilities.
3.  They do not have oil resources.
4.  They can easily understand the UFO design and the Fung Wheel.
5.  It took China 2 months in 2006 to develop the Nanjing UFO.  It should not take them too long.
6.  An email to the proper place is all it would take.
7.  When they are the World Leader in free energy and in transportation technology, they are unlikely to attack others and destroy themselves.
8.  South Korea will "secretly" help them.  Achieving National Unity is their common goal.
9.  The GDP development of North Korea will surge ahead in double digits.
10.  North Korea will not treat this as top military secret and hide them from public knowledge.
11.  USA will have to respond.  Disclose the USA UFO technology???
12.  No need for us to spend any money or resources.
13.  No need for business plans or promotions.
14.  Other Nations such as Japan will immediately follow.
15.  No need to do any follow-up work.
16.  North Korea is likely to take it all the way - lead-out energy and UFO.
17.  There is no point for any Nation to pour resources to achieve Military Dominance.  It would be like the old days - more men and horses with arrows and swords became meaningless.
18.  Family cars will be replaced by family flying saucers.
19.  Other developing Nations such as Egypt, Ethiopia etc. will be inspired.
20.  Science and technology will be treated as more important than making money.
21.  National Boundaries will start to disappear.  The first start may be the South-North Korean border.
22. China will likely disclose its more developed and advanced UFO technology to benefit the World.
23.  Travelling to and from North Korea will be more frequent - ending its "isolation".
24.  North Koreans will travel to the moon and outer space in their UFOs.
25.  Competition of UFO technology will be on.  No holding back is possible.
26.  North Koreans may have UFOs on their balconies.
27.  Fresh water from sea water is easy.
28.  Better waste treatment.
29.  Freedom from the grid.
30.  Admiration of the World.
31.  North Korea can run a competition covering all its universities and secondary schools on the building of the Fung Wheel and generating the most negative energy.  The knowledge gained with provide the self-confidence.
32.  North Korea can then run a similar competition worldwide.

« Last Edit: 2016-06-20, 10:54:13 by ltseung888 »
Group: Guest
1.  Get North Korea to Build an UFO.

Second - objecting comments only.

1.  They may treat the email as junk.
2.  USA will be upset.
3.  Their scientists may see the Negative waveform as already understood BEMF and not lead-out energy.
4.  You will be treated as a spy.  Harm will come to your family and friends.
5.  The debunkers will hurl insults at you.
6.  The Lee-Tseung Lead-out Energy Theory is wrong right from the beginning.
7.  UFOs never exist.  Believers are nuts.
8.  You are dealing with the Devil.
9.  The superiority of the West will be there forever.
10.  USA led by D. Trump or the like will do a preemptive strike and destroy North Korea.
11.  You have been promoting the stupid Lee-Tseung theory for over 15 years.  You are just wasting more time.
12.  If UFO technology is this simple, other scientists would have discovered it long ago.
13.  You will be ignored.  You mass emailed to the advertising agencies in Hong Kong.  You got only three responses from over 100.  Only one made an appointment to see the demo.  Just step into your grave quietly.
14.  Where are your supporters and helpers?  They deserted you.
15.  You do not know how to use the DSO.  The waveform pictures are experimental errors.
16.  How much money do you have?  In Hong Kong and in the rest of the World, you have to pay people.  Nothing is free.
17. read https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeXVsybEQPQ&list=PLnrEt2fIdZ0YTSsRDCse8EH0uVfGiHLsZ
« Last Edit: 2016-06-21, 11:01:03 by ltseung888 »
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