Grumpy, I agree. Sounds like a good approach.
Simple "Thought" question, as uC's point was very good, and your "Follow-up" really hit home for me. The TPU concept might just be simpler than anything I have thought of before, and may NOT be as spherics suggested. What I am "Thinking" (Build in process...) is to take the idea of the "Extra" coil, without trying to "Know" it's operation but accepting the effects that seem to appear, and using the "Continuing" propagation part of the effect. The orientation of the coils would be like "Originally" seen on the TPU, and the HV pulse would be sent around. There is a little more to it but that almost covers the basic idea. 2 Phases should be enough, but I'm starting with four, inverse conduction current phase, but same for the Electric field portion. (Don't ask how yet. That's the part that need work and my idea isn't fully vetted out yet.) I also haven't figured a proper load for the HV, as the Cap effect must be accounted for to eliminate any possible reversal. (I guess there is a little more to it. Any suggestions welcome....) Tuned load, maybe, or resistive or maybe even gap between coil "Output" side and 2nd next input. I must test several methods as simple scoping of the waveforms won't cut it here. (A real conduction current load would be nice, but I'm not yet sure where / How to obtain the best coupling. This puts the device into a "Transformer / Translator" co-function, but this seems possible and actually reminds me of Tao's original thoughts, but with a different theory behind it.)
Sorry, as this is not a TPU thread, but then again, you mentioned it first.

Rose, I had to take uC's post personally, as it was both applying and not applying to me. I was fairly certain it referred to other things going on, but it really made me think that "What IF?" kind of thought where it hit me, "Why not take what we "Know" and use it, rather then look for answers in things we don't know." It's hard to describe, but my initial reaction is what you read, but in the back of my head, the "Light Bulb" lit, which forced me to post, while I hadn't even figured what lit the bulb. For me, this usually means I heard / read something important, but haven't identified it yet.
Once I got over the illogical / emotional response that made no sense as uC obviously is here for the same reasons as most of the rest of us, the realization hit me, and then I read Grumpy's very calm and intelligent response, and I came to the conclusion that, while it may or may not have been the original reason for the comments uC made, He had a VERY Good point to make. It seems reasonable that all the knowledge that we need, for certain projects, is already out there. I am much better at assembling others ideas into new things than I am making my own new things. I feel it's about time I proved that, even if only to myself.
uC, please believe I meant no offense, and if I sounded slightly "Off the wall" it was because I was unprepared to deal with the reality that slapped me in the face. Thank-You. Really! I've been gathering knowledge for too many years, in many fields, just so that I could properly apply it. I think it's time I attempted to convert some of the raw knowledge into wisdom. If I can now use this stored information while keeping an open mind.....
Grumpy, do you have and opinion / feeling as to the orientation of the coils, relative to the centerline of the diameter? I am leaning away from Spherics 90 degree line, but only from "insight". I'll admit, I am biased as my "Spherics" replication went nowhere, but I never tried the concept in the "Original" format. I'm revamping a small build tonight, but was looking for any ideas and I know you've been at this quite a bit longer than I. Sorry again to insert TPU questions into this thread, but it's on my mind and I think the brain is starting to leak data......