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2025-03-28, 08:58:05
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Author Topic: Correa's pulsed abnormal glow discharge tube  (Read 93082 times)
Group: Guest
Yes the tube is what holds back most people.
It's quite hard to get the glass liquid and in the form you want it.
If it heats up too fast it breaks and if it cooles to fast it brakes so it isn't exactly easy.
But i dont mind  :)
Maybe we can also blow someglass art in the end  ;D

Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
No problem working with glass

Use open end Lab test tubes

And seal them shut with 13000 psi 20 minute cure ceramic epoxy

Make um the old way with the new technology

No more excuses not to play ;D

Think I'll start Tiny [as small as possible]

As far as Blowin glass,[ouch] why bother ??
Would be nice to learn [I got the furnace]
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
The more I look, the more I like this.

Seems like all that is needed to start is the Tube[properly assembled with the right ingredients]

One question What M  bar / Thorr is going to give the best chance for a successful

Proof of concept

Group: Guest
In his book, Instruments of Amplification, H.P. Fierdrichs details his construction and successful experimenting with his homemade vacuum tube thermionic diodes and triodes. For the glass he used off the shelf things like a canning jar and a bell jar and a glass glode both from craft stores. The key was that he was using a dynamic vacuum i.e. he left the vacuum pumps on during the tests. Naturally for a production unit that's not an option, but for testing purposes that's okay. He got as low as 20milliTorr in one case. And as I said, they were successful working thermionic diodes and triodes. In some experiments it took a little while for the vacuum to get sufficiently low while offgassing of epoxy and other materials took place.
Group: Guest
Yeah so i suppose you can blow some argon through the tube to make sure all oxygen is gone and then evacuate it as far as you can go with your tools  :)
I have a pump but i do not know how low it can go yet...and i am actually also affraid it will evacuate it untill the glass collapses.

Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052

Seems like doing this with some decent glass from the start would be a good idea!!

Old Beer bottles and mayonnaise /peanut butter jars  N G    IMHO
[ yes cutting old flou tubes is fun ,but raises structural questions]

Seems like getting a good vacuum from the start ,also a good idea
Running the vacuum nonstop hoping we get enough M bar/ Thorr during testing  NG

 also not fair IMHO

Since there is no doubt this works why @#$% around [mess].

Think I'll fire up the furnaces tomorrow and see where the glass starts to yield
Have a very good contact for working glass [Engineer not artist] I can ask for help on making tubes
Don't know if they know how to make tubes
but they will hook us up  [see how I said "US" ]
Of course I will share all I learn

@ Marco thank you for beating the drum so loud
Hows that ""Coil aholics anonymous" recovery thing working out?

I thought I saw you hanging around the" Gates" thread with a toilet paper tube and some baling wire [may be it was some one else [it was dark]]

@Stevend Thanks!! more to study :In his book, Instruments of Amplification, H.P. Fierdrichs
Group: Guest

@ Marco thank you for beating the drum so loud

 :) no problem i am glad you heard it!

Here is the "XS-NRG" paper and "A note on the Law of Electrodynamics"  :)

Group: Guest
Group: Guest
About the gas
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
I'm limited to 3000 F [in a controlled furnace]
I believe melting silica will just require a good thermometer[for duplication of results] some good fire [ceramic] bricks
and a torch [Cave man stuff]

Since we Know this works.

We should also look at the glass and the properties required for long term dependability in Tubes of this sort

Will be calling my glass expert tonight


Group: Guest
Hi  :)

Ive also started out with simple things  :)
But to work best with the glass some oxygen can be handy to get the temperature up.

Here are some things i started out with:  :)
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
How do I post pics ??

Or links to Pics?

And Movies?


Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052

You beat this drum!!


This ain't the reason peeps don't do Tubes
To freakin easy .
O K it might take a day to learn [not a museum piece ,but functional]

Whats the Real reason??

I here big words [inside the Tubes]




where/how is he evacuating the tubes??[might not be so easy]
I know he's doing it in the Vid [which process/step?]
« Last Edit: 2010-01-22, 13:30:27 by ramset »
Group: Guest
There are a few devices that are detailed enough to build and have a high probability of success:

1. Correa PAGD: proven and detailed
2. Aspden's concentric capacitor generator: detailed, unproven
3. Both Spheric's devices: detailed, unproven
4. Ed Gray's tube/motor: details may be deliberately erroneous, but proven

The following are sketchy on details:
4. TPU
5. Hendershot
6. Moray

Grumpy, detailed here?

EDIT: found this too: http://www.rexresearch.com/correa/correa.htm (Maybe already posted, time enough only for a 'drive-by' post today.)

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
PAGD is discussed all over the place and the inventors are still alive and well.

As I recall the output is pulsed and of high energy, and something about the electrodes wearing out quickly.

In my personal opinion, which is biased, the PAGD is not practical.  However, gain is gain and some is better than none.  Discharge tube devices that exhibit excess energy use the divergent current method same as Aspden's concentric capacitor device, but one uses a displacement current and the other conduction current.  Either will spin the stuff, but which is easier to switch? Comes down to personal preference.

The other method is to use hv pulses to produce the density change.

Some may notice that pulsed output and AC output devices do not have a static mag field.  DC output devices do have a static mag field.  This is indicative that the aether motion, scalar wave, etc. interacts with a magnetic field in a constructive way. My guess is that virtual charges separate just like real ones do, and separated virtual charges become real charges.
Group: Guest

The Aspden's concentric capacitor device has never been duplicated with success. It is very likely that Aspden himself never built it.
I'm always astonished that an unfounded assertion or patent is accepted as a fact while it is obviously not, and that one tries to use this poppycock to irrationally justify other devices, spreading so a false rumor.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
The Aspden's concentric capacitor device has never been duplicated with success. It is very likely that Aspden himself never built it.
I'm always astonished that an unfounded assertion or patent is accepted as a fact while it is obviously not, and that one tries to use this poppycock to irrationally justify other devices, spreading so a false rumor.

I an attempt to remain objective and open-minded, we don't really know if Aspden or anyone else ever tried to build this device.  I believe that if Aspden discovered that it would not work, he would have written an article to discuss this and adjusted his theories.

You can not say truthfully that it will not work or that unproven statements are not true, until the ideas are tested.

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3968

Buy me some coffee
The Aspden's concentric capacitor device has never been duplicated with success. It is very likely that Aspden himself never built it.
I'm always astonished that an unfounded assertion or patent is accepted as a fact while it is obviously not, and that one tries to use this poppycock to irrationally justify other devices, spreading so a false rumor.

Are you saying you have tried to build this device without success.
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