...or others here harshly criticize the directly down wind faster than the wind technology in exactly the same way as what is happening here, did you believe they were naïve, ignorant or stupid?. I have a feeling you did because this pattern of behavior just keeps repeating itself.
Ah, yes. The boorish behaviors do without fail seem to enter into any "scientific" discussion. It is partially cultural and perhaps for the most part a trait of those who claim to be the most "scientific." What it boils down to is that people behave as they've been conditioned, or programmed, to. They simply are not able to control the urge to be, well, boorish. Passing Judgment on others - essentially declaring them to be less worthy than the Judge - is par for the course. Aye, "Science" is a religion. Heretics be damned! Heretics are those who are able to think for themselves and who dare to challenge the prevailing "wisdom."
For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.