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Author Topic: Test boards for Forums  (Read 37468 times)

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

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but this forum would become pretty stagnant, mind-numbingly boring and pretty pointless. Furthermore, you and the other do-gooders would have very little to pick at, so there... nah-nah-na-nah-nah!

Hero Member

Posts: 2735
AC, I have never claimed to be responsible or considerate - where are you getting your intel from?  Smiley

So are you saying that you consider Tseung to be a responsible, considerate and intelligent adult?

I think that you are responsible and considerate but we all have our role to play here don't we, as well I think that if you and I and Tseung sat down at a table together in person we might think very differently of each other. We would talk to each other with courtesy and a mutual respect and express our views in a mature manner.
You may fool some people here Farrah but I know your a good person and a caring person otherwise you would not be here. I also know you do a great deal of work you rarely mention to others and that is your personal choice which I can respect.

You know I talk with a few people here privately and some are very different than they appear to be, we share our knowledge our idea's and make progress together. I can only think that if we treated each other here as if we were speaking in person there is almost nothing we could not achieve together. In any case I am most likely not the person you think I am and I would guess there is much more to you than meets the eye, such is life.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
 There are folks that can sit down at a table together all day long discussing ways to make better more efficient
things for our planet ,Typically these are called business meetings and usually their work behind the scenes is to look for a way
to make a better mouse trap so they can have a better life or help their friends have better lives and get the hoped for trickle down effect..

Ask the same people at the table to build a better Mouse trap and not benefit from their efforts in the usual way
but to open source it to the world .

Well that's when you actually get to see who you are dining with!!

Just one mans opinion.



Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
AC, I have never claimed to be responsible or considerate - where are you getting your intel from?  :)

So are you saying that you consider Tseung to be a responsible, considerate and intelligent adult?  

If all of us just sat back and left the likes of Tseung to preach away unimpeded it would certainly run smoother for him, but this forum would become pretty stagnant, mind-numbingly boring and pretty pointless. Furthermore, you and the other do-gooders would have very little to pick at, so there... nah-nah-na-nah-nah!

Aye, 'tis most likely true...

Without a sense of humor we'd all be Dead Ducks.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
Ask the same people at the table to build a better Mouse trap and not benefit from their efforts in the usual way
but to open source it to the world .

Well that's when you actually get to see who you are dining with!!

I would agree and I have sat at the table a few times and always left with a foul taste in my mouth and no we didn't have chicken. However once we understand the problem we can fix it, you see we are sheep who have been led to dine with wolves and in most cases we already know the outcome because a wolf is what it is by it's very nature.

What we need is a sheep with teeth of it's own, very sharp ones, who has great respect for it's own kind. As such I have taken actions to address these fundamental problems and very soon we may have a table of our own. There will be no wolves as they will not be invited and the doors will be locked to them so we can dine in peace.

If all goes well in a few months you will see the new future of invention and venture capital, "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.", Albert Einstein.

Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Guest
I would agree and I have sat at the table a few times and always left with a foul taste in my mouth and no we didn't have chicken. However once we understand the problem we can fix it, you see we are sheep who have been led to dine with wolves and in most cases we already know the outcome because a wolf is what it is by it's very nature.

What we need is a sheep with teeth of it's own, very sharp ones, who has great respect for it's own kind. As such I have taken actions to address these fundamental problems and very soon we may have a table of our own. There will be no wolves as they will not be invited and the doors will be locked to them so we can dine in peace.

If all goes well in a few months you will see the new future of invention and venture capital, "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.", Albert Einstein.
Lets just hope that the sheep that were promised a great journey to greener pasture's ,dont get thrown off the bus half way through that trip-while the few turn left and head for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
We've supposedly had this "business model" for quite some time here


Founded in 2007

a Model for success?


The money to make 'this' [what ever "this" may be] work will come out of thin air from supporters with true altruistic beliefs.
 dedicated to the planet not the dollar ,and it will absolutely blow your mind just how vast and willing to contribute this resource is  !!

On the other hand...

Your business model has never met with success ,by its nature "free" energy is the antithesis of business and as such will require all manner of "planned Obsolescence" ,expendables ,"payoff politics" and other such necessities endemic to the business mind set .

However That being said .
Good luck with that........[with all sincerity]


Hero Member

Posts: 805
I've been away for a while and I see the mob broke through the front door and barged into Tesungs "house."     :(

I understand titles need to be accurate, but Tesung actually measured OU.   

I looked at some of his data and calculations, and they seemed OK.     Does that mean I believe it's OU?  Not at all.  I think I know why he is measuring OU, because the sharp spikes in voltage don't register well, because the sampling rate is not fast enough for such spikes, and it violates Niquist's sampling criteria.   Also, I suspect his oscilloscope probes might not be accurately calibrated.   

He most likely does not understand these concepts, so to him it all looks good.   

I personally would have preferred to see him continue as before, he was quite a specimen to observe.  Education and knowledge does not give us the right to barge in on the simple minded and ruin their play time.   When we think we are better then somebody else, and begin to feel that we aught to set them straight, we have perilously drifted in a dangerous attitude.

Group: Guest
...Tesung actually measured OU.   

Incorrect affirmation.   The facts are :
"Tseung says that actually he measured OU".

Steorn also said the same. And Millow. And hundreds of other idiots or liars for 20 years.

Group: Guest
we all have our role to play here

Sure, the only role of "OU researcher" even if there are differences in the methods.
Note that the role of pretentious buffoon presenting himself as a OU finder advised by divine precepts but without showing the least proof of OU, is not required here.
The role of mixer who want to paint everybody and every device with the same brush in despite of their different relevance, by lack of reasoned opinion, is not required either.
The role of the one who says this, is not required either, unfortunately it's a byproduct of the others. Extinguish them and he will go back to his experiments instead of reacting for accuracy and truth, to all the nonsenses he read here and there.   :)

Group: Guest
Ask the same people at the table to build a better Mouse trap and not benefit from their efforts in the usual way
but to open source it to the world .

Why do we see the do-gooders of the free energy affirming that any invention in the field must be given to the mankind?
Because people are always ready to share anything when they have nothing.

Hero Member

Posts: 2735
I personally would have preferred to see him continue as before, he was quite a specimen to observe.  Education and knowledge does not give us the right to barge in on the simple minded and ruin their play time.   When we think we are better then somebody else, and begin to feel that we aught to set them straight, we have perilously drifted in a dangerous attitude.

It kind of reminds me of the quote-- let he who is without guilt cast the first stone, and I think we all deserve the right to make our own mistakes so that we may learn from them.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Elite
Hero Member

Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down
Lets get our facts straight. LTseung bulk emailed this message (below) to all members that subscribed to receive messages. The implications are that the OUR team (all of us) approve of the message, as his name was not to be seen anywhere in the email.

This was done by pressing the "send this topic" button at the top of each message. Peterae's name was automatically inserted as the sender since he is Administrator. This feature has now been disabled, thanks to this misuse.

New announcement: Guaranteed OU boards for Forums
Back to Messages
From: "OverUnity Research" <peterae@overunityresearch.com>
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Sent: Sun, Feb 17, 2013 07:20 PM

I am now preparing the "guaranteed OU boards"  for the various forums.

There will be a small, standalone demo  board (battery and battery holder not included)
and an oscilloscope-test -ready board.

The demo board is meant to stimulate interest.  Connect the battery for 10 seconds and
the LED will be ON for over 20 minutes.  The first 2 minutes will shine with full
brightness.  Thus connect for 10 seconds and then disconnect for 2 minutes and repeat.  
The LED will shine with constant brightness.  Will such a set up save electricity?

If you want the capacitor to fully discharge first, just connect the red and white wires
together for 30 seconds.  The LED will be OFF within 2 seconds and total discharge as
displayed on the oscilloscope will occur well before the 30 seconds.  To ensure a fully
charged condition to impress your audience, connect the battery for 1 minute for
continued full brightness at the beginning.

I use such demo boards at casual  meetings to stimulate interest.  It is a good
conversation opener.  It is also an inexpensive gift that is well appreciated.

There will be assigned numbers to ensure quality results.
Number 33 - overunityresearch.com
Number 38 - overunity.com
Number 39 - energetic Forum

These demo boards are shown below and will be triple-tested before shipment.  They will
be part of the package.

More on the oscilloscope-test-ready board later.

Pouring out the Divine Wine.

To unsubscribe from these announcements, login to the forum and uncheck "Receive
forum announcements and important notifications by email." in your profile.

You can view the full announcement by following this link:


The OverUnity Research Team.

The implications are that all here at OUR support and agree with this email citing boards that are "guaranteed OU".

Do  you as a member of the Overunity Research Team suppoert the notion of "guaranteed OU" in this case?.

 I have tested many variations of blocking oscillator circuits otherwise known as "Joule Thief" circuits built in this manner and have found they do not provide any degree of OU, in fact most do not approach unity, being up to 80% efficient at best, after very careful testing with a variety of methods.

Public Notice: As a member of the Overunity Research Team I do not support or agree with the implication that the boards are indeed OU as we have come to define it, until this can be verified by third parties.

« Last Edit: 2013-02-21, 16:08:28 by ION »

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
Do  you as a member of the Overunity Research Team support the notion of "guaranteed OU" in this case?.

Well I cannot guarantee it because I have not tested it myself however I cannot say it is not for the same reason.

I have tested many variations of blocking oscillator circuits otherwise known as "Joule Thief" circuits built in this manner and have found they do not provide any degree of OU, in fact most do not approach unity, being up to 80% efficient at best, after very careful testing with a variety of methods.

I think the biggest mistake most people make is believing they know everything based on their own personal experiences or worse their opinion. As far as the Joule Thief is concerned I have seen over 90% efficiency because it was obvious to me that the base junction was the weak point. I switched to a properly biased signal jfet and 80% was a walk in the park because the 2N2222 most people use is a very poor choice. In fact the circuit and components driving the transistor base that most people use is a disaster in my opinion and I could light almost as many LED's on the base leg as the main inductor leg. I wonder how many here even checked the base junction current?.

You see what most people consider the norm is not always the best way it is the worst and then they try to compare this to another circuit which may look similar but may be doing something quite different.

As such I will wait until the circuit has been fully tested before passing judgement.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Quote from: ION
This was done by pressing the "send this topic" button
at the top of each message. Peterae's name was
automatically inserted as the sender since he is
Administrator. This feature has now been disabled,
thanks to this misuse.

So, what you've said is that the "automatic insertion"
feature was until this time either unknown or not a

Is there the possibility that in this instance the "misuse"
was also perhaps unintended or unknown?

Are we to assume that deception was the intent?  Or
exploitation of the auspices of OUR?

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...
As such I will wait until the circuit has been fully tested before passing judgement.
Please define what you mean by "fully tested".

If 40 people test the unit the same way LT did and get the same results, does that constitute a "full test"?

"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...
So, what you've said is that the "automatic insertion"
feature was until this time either unknown or not a

Is there the possibility that in this instance the "misuse"
was also perhaps unintended or unknown?

Are we to assume that deception was the intent?  Or
exploitation of the auspices of OUR?
As moderator of your own bench (which LT is), you have (had) the permission setting to send announcements. This has now been disabled until further notice.

"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
Please define what you mean by "fully tested".

If 40 people test the unit the same way LT did and get the same results, does that constitute a "full test"?

All the sane way constitutes a farce.

Hero Member

Posts: 2735
Please define what you mean by "fully tested".
If 40 people test the unit the same way LT did and get the same results, does that constitute a "full test"?

I was under the impression that you were going to test one and if you do then there is a 99% chance I would agree with your findings. No offense to anyone else here but I believe you have shown that you know what you are doing and more important that you have integrity and that would be proof enough for me.
You know we may not agree on many things but our disagreement has little to do with expertise or integrity.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Hero Member

Posts: 805
If we all test the boards and find no OU, it still does not mean Tesung did not measure OU, or didn't actually have OU.   

It is entirely possible that he lives at a location where there is a strong external signal that interferes with the experiment.

The best method is to go to his shop and observe.

Hero Member

Posts: 2735
If we all test the boards and find no OU, it still does not mean Tesung did not measure OU, or didn't actually have OU.   

It is entirely possible that he lives at a location where there is a strong external signal that interferes with the experiment.
The best method is to go to his shop and observe.

I would agree and I have found that many technologies have zero room for error. Magnetic levitation is one and either we are levitating or we are not and there is no almost levitating because that is the area of greatest instability, kind of like balancing an elephant on the head of a pin. However I have seen enough devices which I could not replicate to understand that at some point a person just has to call it a day and move on to greener pastures.

Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Guest
If we all test the boards and find no OU, it still does not mean Tesung did not measure OU, or didn't actually have OU.  

It is entirely possible that he lives at a location where there is a strong external signal that interferes with the experiment.

Instead of supposing:
It is entirely possible that he lives at a location where there is a strong external signal that interferes with the experiment.
we could also suppose:
It is entirely possible that the inventor is mistaken in his measurement because he is unskilled in electronics, or he is lying.

Both hypothesis are useless because untestable by this one who made them.

When testers don't observe OU in a device they built according to the informations that the inventor has given for its duplication, the question is not to invent possible conditions unobservable by the testers and that would explain the failure.
The question is sent back to the inventor: he must take into account that nobody but him find OU and he must provide a new set of informations for third party testers to succeed.

Group: Guest
Quote from: poynt99 on 2013-02-21, 23:51:30
Please define what you mean by "fully tested".

If 40 people test the unit the same way LT did and get the same results, does that constitute a "full test"?

All the sane way constitutes a farce.

It's not a farce if the way is this one defined by the inventor. It proves that the inventor is mistaken, at least about the elements that he provided.


Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3975

Buy me some coffee
The LT board could be a good opportunity to develop a simple system for reading COP

If we had 3 boxes.
2 of which measure power, one for input and other for output with a load, these could then communicate to a 3rd isolated box with a USB interface, the PC could then capture and do simple real time cop display as well as data-log.

The system would actually be very cheap to make from the micro side of things.

I am willing to take this up if someone can design a simple accurate voltage and current measuring front end.

Looks like this could make a good front end @ £5.24 UK Farnell
« Last Edit: 2013-02-22, 12:04:20 by Peterae »
Group: Guest

Three boxes?

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