...we don't even have any real mystery yet... do we? I mean, even given all the various claims over all the various years, the reality is that we do not yet have a verified self-runner to be mystified by. 
There have been a few mysterious devices which seemed to produce the "Overunity" so much sought after. Oddly, those devices have not been successfully replicated by any of the numerous experimenters striving to do so. Until we are prepared to deal seriously with the "Alien" question, and beyond, it will indeed remain a mystery for the many. The real source of what seems to be "Overunity" is too fearful a thought for most to come to terms with. Disclosure is forthcoming. Disappointment will be widespread. Man tends to overlook the enormous energy provided by our Sun, in all its forms, to Planet Earth continually. Were we able to harness but a small fraction of that we'd have many times more energy available to all inhabitants of the Globe than is presently produced by all of the fuel wasting "grids" combined. But then, those who are in control of our World System know this well...
For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.