The 2n3055 board lighting 69 LEDs.
Staring at Slide 16 and 17. It is clear from Slide 16 that the Input Voltage is positive and the Input Current is negative. The resulting Input Power must be negative. What does that tell us? (1) There is a capacitor in parallel with the DC Power Supply. When there is pulsing, a back EMF will be generated. The back EMF will have higher voltage and can generate higher current. The capacitor can take in such current. (2) This may explain why that some boards can light LEDs for over 8 hours. The Pulsing and hence the back EMF would recharge the capacitor. The capacitor can then supply Input Power to the circuit. (3) The observation was that the Input Power was negative. In slide 16, the entire fluctuating current (CH2) waveform was negative. The entire Input Voltage was positive. This would give negative Input Power. (4) If Negative Power is equivalent to Feedback energy, the Feedback power/energy totally overwhelmed the Input power/energy. In other words, the battery or capacitor was not supplying net energy to the circuit. (5) Since the LED was ON, Energy must come from somewhere. Lead-out or bring-in energy was the logical conclusion. This experiment can be repeated and can be confirmed with different make and Model oscilloscopes. Will this type of experiment confirm Overunity by itself? Should every overunity Claim be verified by such an experiment when possible? Should we trust the Oscilloscopes?