Not a question of splitting words, Mike. This thread is about "potential energy" and it's indispensable to correctly handle the concept. When you know that "potential" means nothing real, the underlying implication is that "potential energy" is not a physical reality, unlike the electron or the electric field. It's just our idea of a condition, a state of physical objects, that could possibly produce a work, or not at all if we have not the means to use it. I often hear "free energy is real because there is energy everywhere" and I always think that this statement is particularly stupid: the problem is not that of the potentiality of the "everywhere" energy that nobody denies, but of its transformation into usable work. It's a truism to say it, however it is obviously not understood by those saying "free energy is real because there is energy everywhere".
Exactly on what you have written I am 100%. Of course there is energy everywhere, it is like the phrase, water water everywhere and not a drop to drink, I for one don't have much of an ego, the ones that do are the ones who normally try to shoot me down. I am now giving information of many years of work to a small group who are replicating and finding there way with the replications and opening their minds to what they see. What I give is the basics, no claims, the claims they can make themselves afterwards, what is in the future for me "been there done that and it is my living at the moment on an industrial scale" but they are in the learning curve and it is not an easy one to learn. Involved in my work is chemistry and physics as well as electronics to make the thing run, but I am an industrial engineer and my knowledge has a limit in each but is gold when combined  Mike
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident." Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860
As a general rule, the most successful person in life is the person that has the best information.