Yes we have "wicked groups" at the head of nations,
corrupted industrial and political leaders and so on
but they only reflect the general population. They are
more visible because they are more powerful but they
have the same intellectual and moral defaults. Where
there is a majority of mediocre people, the elites are
also mediocre. It's a question of epoch and of people
of that epoch, ours.
It would seem that you have yet to acquire contact
with the upper echelons of control and the network
which actively carries out the Agenda. There are
several layers of those who would like to think themselves
"Elite." Most are being deceived and are nothing more
than "useful idiots."
The idea of a conspiracy against a "paradise on earth"
and therefore against the free energy is the childish
credo of those who want offload their own responsibilities.
Nothing prevents the spread of useful inventions if they
work. It's not enough to dream a "free energy for everyone
everywhere", it must be made. "How" is the only question.
Unfortunately, "free energy" as most would hope to see it
manifest is not possible; the vast majority of devices which
have been promoted as "discoveries" are, sadly, hoaxes.
That you haven't yet been headsmacked by the "conspiracy"
(The Network) could explain your viewpoint. There is of
course another possibility but we'll hope that is not the case.
Remember that the communists also wanted a paradise on
earth and claimed to build it, and we saw their catastrophic
result. Political or religious ideologies have never solved the
problems of the past so there is no reason that they could
solve the present nor the future problems like that of energy,
even if the ideology is now named ecologism, freenergylogy or
Both Soviet Communism and National Socialism were stepping
stones necessary for the evolution of that which is presently
rattling its sabers and smashing with its iron fist. Governments
and Ideologies which have arisen since the 18th Century have
been brought into being by the Money Changers headquartered
in the City of London and their satellite Wall Street. It was never
their intention to actually create a "paradise on earth."
We have a technical problem with energy, relative to the cost
and the pollution. It's only a question of pragmatic science for
a material progress, not a question of ideology. To be constructive
here, everyone should choose: ideology or science, i.e. illusions
and conspiracies or knowledge and reality. To help in choosing
your camp or in understanding an already made choice, here
is a tool
(you may replace “religion” by “politics”, it works as well)
It is unfortunate that the choices which you've suggested are
not easily accomplished. Science today has been made to be
an Ideology; what seems to be Reality is in truth but an Illusion.
This will all become painfully visible in the not distant future.
The People of Planet Earth are daily being hoodwinked, deceived,
suppressed and controlled. It is soon going to become far worse
than it is at this moment in time.
I mean no offense but most days I am pretty sure I am stuck in a
world full of very large children because they act immature and
despite what they may claim their actions generally prove otherwise.
Aye, it is a common feeling but I wonder if we're not doing a disservice
to the Children with this comparison. My experience has been that
most children by far are much better behaved than the so-called
Adults who act out their anger, fears, resentments and aggression
with ballistic impact.
For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.