I also agree with Gridbias post #41, Exn, and Farrah. There is indeed a large elephant in the room and he has not been shown the door out of undue kindness I suppose. Grandiose claims and megalo-maniacal delusions do not mix well with good solid science. I categorize this stuff under "vaporware". A self runner would end all discussions of misinterpreted measurement.  A looped circuit is easy to configure, (see: http://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=604.msg25878) especially in the case of the humble blocking oscillator, which has been around nearly since the invention of the vacuum tube, but lately has been re-labelled as an invention of the divine master. Apparently all the reputable folk that have designed instruments that use blocking oscillators such as Tektronics and others have missed this "Tseung Resonance" in their testing .  Nevermind how long you can light a LED to some arbitrary brightness level, this is not solid measurement. I hope Poynt's test results can put this thing to bed one way or another without wasting too much of his time.
« Last Edit: 2013-02-03, 16:49:04 by ION »
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