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Author Topic: Daniel McFarland Cook Generator  (Read 249018 times)

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
You guys don't see it?  

I think this coil arrangement can only work if there is some aspect of these perpetually changing, back and forth, currents in the coils that we are not aware of.  If the currents are high voltage in the primary and high current in the secondary, one could hypothesize that there is a hv spike in the primary superimposed on a magnetic field in the secondary.  This might (I have my doubts) produce additional current through non-inductive means (non-inductive current drive).  I see no other way to account for Cook's claims, as there is no mechanism for gain in conventional electromagnetic induction.  Output would be predominantly DC since the coils/fields are the same direction and the large core probably had a fair amount of (insert word for retained magnetism).

Welding rods are typically 36" long.  10 lbs for about $50.

Cook speaks of a bundle of wires several feet long and 3 inches in diameter - that's a pretty large core.  Can we guesstimate the inductive properties that he might have had with this and use a more permeable material to make it smaller?  He says the wires give better action that a solid bar - so he must have tried it.

You can tape the rods/wires to hold them together, but you'll want to rig up a way to rotate it to wind the wires.  I'd start with single layers for each as a test.  You can easily get 1000+ feet on a large core like that.
Hero Member

Posts: 805
these guys developed passive NEGATIVE inductors,  O0      Now, will they figure out how to achieve OU?    


Damn,  look at figure 6 in the paper,  the negative inductance begins at DC and quickly transitions to positive values at higher frequencies.  The more layers of aluminum and copper we have the higher the bandwidth for negative inductance.

I see no other way to account for Cook's claims, as there is no mechanism for gain in conventional electromagnetic induction

that's why he uses a primary and secondary coil, to step up the voltage,  that's a voltage gain!

I often wonder if perhaps the patent tries to describe a magnetic holder, just a storage device for energy.   :-\
« Last Edit: 2013-01-10, 04:51:45 by EMdevices »
Hero Member

Posts: 805
[edit:  I'm seeing something very interesting.  I'll have to do a more detailed analysis tomorrow.]
« Last Edit: 2013-01-10, 06:24:29 by EMdevices »
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
HA HA HA HA, funny you should mention this. I am actually working on a completely passive transformer "network" which self oscillates, doubles its own frequency, and then injects the two harmonically related frequencies into a mag amp transformer for parametric conversion. No transistors, switching of any kind. Give me a ring and we can discuss.

A mag amp transformer well that makes perfect sense now that I think about it. I have been testing delay lines with feedback loops however I cannot seem to produce the proper field biasing to have the secondaries self-oscillate. Crap I think I just found my answer while thinking about it, lol. The issue with switches is they always form a resistive node at the junction and always act just like a resistance which dissipates energy at the node. This is not the case with impedance where we are storing energy in a different form which does not dissipate energy. I will have to give you a ring.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Guest
PS.    EX, if a system of coils or magnetic material increases in magnetization all by itself,  energy has increased. This is exactly what an unstable coil system can achieve as wired in the patent.  This is what we call a NEGATIVE inductance inductor.

I know that. It's a tautology, negative inductance <=> positive reaction <=> energy input.
"If my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle!". You go around in circles. The fact is that there is not a "positive feedback loop" neither experimentally nor theoretically.

Group: Guest
I have been testing delay lines with feedback loops however I cannot seem to produce the proper field biasing to have the secondaries self-oscillate.

A self-oscillation needs a positive reaction and therefore energy coming from somewhere. We must get an idea about the possible source of energy input in order to design such circuits. To do it at random leave us with poor chances to win (the patents are not reliable).


Group: Administrator
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Posts: 3975

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From that video i posted there is no doubt he was primarily a builder, i wonder how he powered the bulbs in that building 10 years before Edison invented the bulb.

EM you say he does not appear to understand transformers and inductors, well yer it's not surprising in 1871, i think this is the whole point, once everyone understands transformers and inductors you would probably never use 2 inch cores 2 foot or longer and connect 2 back to back to generate free energy, with basic transformer understanding everyone would think you are mad.

If you want to know where the power came from to fuel the Cook Generator, Tesla Car, Hendershot Generator, Steve Marks TPU and Moray device then read this from Moray

Moray: 'It was during the Christmas holidays of 1911 that I began to realize the fact that the energy I was working with was not of a static nature but of an oscillating nature, and that the energy was not coming out of the Earth but that it rather was coming in to the Earth from some outside source.'

So if we were to start looking for a natural oscillation where would we look, i think we would know by now if it was above 1Hz what about sub Hz are the background energy charts we can look at that cover the full spectrum, i suppose you could say light is a natural energy in the form of a frequency.

From the TPU i think we can work on the basis that this energy is under 500kHz in frequency, our air ways are so full of crap these days i bet it's not easy to find a natural source of EM waves, i would bet the military have put a no go zone tag on this frequency if there is one, maybe HARP is a blocker  >:-)
« Last Edit: 2013-01-10, 11:06:35 by Peterae »

Group: Administrator
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Posts: 3975

Buy me some coffee
I've been looking at A.J.Mack who witnessed Cooks invention, when doing a search i came across this patent for a wagon seat also Witnessed by A.J.Mack and again the inventor lived in Mansfield, also notice Jenner is there also as a witness but this time it is Jno Jenner.

I cannot find these witnesses again on any other patents.

Interestingly there appear to be 2 sets of witnesses on this patent, one set by the diagram and our 2 at the end of the explanation.


EDIT OK i found Mack he was a probate Judge

Jenner was also a Judge
He then formed a partnership with Judge J.W. Jenner

I have also found Cook on the 1880 Census, Crikey his wife is half his age, must have been all that money  >:-)

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
"The energy" is already all around us.  It's not a battery that can be tapped easily by merely applying two wires.

Electrons spin.  How can use that to our advantage?
Hero Member

Posts: 1582
these guys developed passive NEGATIVE inductors,  O0      Now, will they figure out how to achieve OU?    


That spiral micro inductor on page 5 looks uncommonly like a Tesla pancake coil.

Group: Administrator
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Posts: 3975

Buy me some coffee
I am thinking that these Compound Helix coils are just Helix wound coils, because he says here
Figure 1 represents the different parts of a compound Helix
, so it takes B & C to make 1 compound Helix, he says you need 2 or more which we have in Figure 2

Simple or Compound Helix, i see this as meaning it to be feasible to use just an iron core with one coil but then you would need 4 in total 2 with B coils and 2 with C coils.

I think it means you need 2 coils & Cores for using simple coils which is equivalent to 1 compound coil

He then goes on to say you need several helices  :D

He also says
The poles of the two helices being connected the action is the same as in the compound helices there being but four currents developed two initial

I interpret this to mean, if simple coils are used then we would have 2 separate B coils & Cores and 2 Separate C Coils & Cores, and what he is saying here is that if simple coils are used then the poles would be connected, or to put it another way the iron core of B1 would mate with the core of C1 and like wise for B2 & C2

We would end up with 1 long iron bar twice the length with B on one half and C on the other

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
Here is the text of the patent:

To Whom It May Concern:

Be it known that I, Daniel McFarland Cook, of Mansfield, in the county of Richland and State of Ohio, have invented an Electro-Magnetic Battery, of which the following is a specification:

My invention relates to the combination of two or more simple or compound helices and iron cores or magnets in such a manner as to produce a constant electric current without the aid of a galvanic battery.

Figure 1 represents the different parts of a compound helix and iron core. Fig. 2 is a perspective view of my invention.

In carrying out my invention I do not confine myself to a particular mode of constructing a helix or helices, or to any particular size of wire, observing only that the quantity of wire in the several helices is sufficient to produce the results, using less or more wire in the helices to suit the purpose for which they are designed; also using such material for insulating the helices as will secure a proper action.

I prefer, however, in common , to use the same size of wire in the construction of either simple or compound helices.

In the use of the simple helices for convenience, and to favor the insulation in the resistance to obtain a sufficient tension and quantity of current for action, it is desirable to use a long iron core, A, Fig. 1, say two, three, or even six feet in length, and two, three, or more inches in diameter; also a large copper wire of good conductive quality, the wire being well insulated with silk, shellac, or paraffin only, the latter being objectionable as it is liable to be melted by the heating of the helix while in action.

The iron core A may be a solid bar or a bundle of iron wire, the latter giving higher tension to the current with equal length and fineness of wire. In any event the wire may be fine or coarse; but I prefer to use No. 16, or even heavier wire, as the result is powerful in proportion to the size and length of the wire.

In the use of the compound helices it is preferable, in some cases, to use a small wire, say No.30, or even less, for a primary helix, and No.16, or even larger, for a secondary helix. By this combination the initial secondary current of the primary helix being very small in quantity in comparison to the terminal secondary current of the secondary helix offers but little resistance to the terminal secondary, hence a quicker action is secured; or the primary helix may be made of un-insulated wire coiled into a solid helix, being insulated only between the coils, in which case there is but little or no opposing initial secondary current.

Helices alone with large quantities of wire will produce similar results. A ribbon spiral may be substituted for the secondary helix, say of three, six, twelve, or twenty-four inches in width and of any convenient length, but always of sufficient length to raise the tension of the terminal current to a degree necessary to reproduce itself by its action on the primary helix.

In the use of compound helices it is important that the secondary coil should be wound on in the same direction as the primary coil, and that the poles or wires should be connected to the opposite poles of the primary coil B.
The action will then be as follows:
  • The terminal secondary current of the secondary helix C will circulate through the opposite primary coil B, while at the same instant a terminal secondary current from the primary helix B will be developed and circulate through the opposite secondary helix C, both currents flowing in the same direction in the opposite helices B C, and produce a combined magnetic action upon the iron bar A in the center
  • The opposing initial secondary currents of the two helices B C being overpowered do not manifest themselves in the main circuit D of the battery, there being eight distinct currents developed in the action of one entire circuit of the two pairs of helices, two terminal and two initial secondary currents to each pair of helices, the four initial secondaries constantly opposing the circulation of the four terminal secondary currents
  • (but) the initial secondaries being of much lower tension and less in quantity than the terminal secondary are consumed or taken up by the terminal, leaving a sufficient surplus terminal to overcome the resistance of the primary wire and charge the bar A to a degree necessary to reproduce itself in an opposite secondary coil.
  • By this means a constant current is kept up in the several helices.

The coils may be composed of from five hundred to one thousand feet or more primary coil, and less or more secondary coil, in any event the more coil and the better the insulation the more powerful the result.

In the use of simple helices, or two coils only, any size wire may be used, only so that the insulation is effectual and the quantity of wires is sufficient. The longer and the larger the wire or coil the more powerful the result, one thousand or more feet being preferable.

The poles of the two helices being connected the action is the same as in the compound helices, there being but four currents developed, two initial and two terminal currents, the latter flowing constantly in the same direction – in effect there being but one current in the same direction.

The mode of producing or starting the action in the helices consists in:

the use of a steel or electromagnet, or a helix, around one of the helices, and causing a secondary current in the enclosed helix by means of a battery current in the outer one;

the action then in either the simple or compound helices increases in quantity to the maximum capacity of the wires to conduct with the existing tension of the current.

If, now, the circuit is broken the current instantly ceases, and can only be restored by the same means that it was first produced; hence to allow the use of the main circuit for common purposes I introduce a rheostat or resistance of any kind into the circuit, so that a small portion of the current only will flow along the resistance, by which means the action in the helices is feebly maintained when the main circuit is broken, and instantly restored when it is closed to its full force.

By this means the action becomes in effect the same as the common battery currents, and may be used for similar purposes. For the purpose of preventing the heating of the helices caused by the intensity of the action, and to prevent circulation of the initial secondary currents in the main circuit, a rheostat of any convenient form may be made to constitute a part of the main circuit D.

The alternate changes of the iron cores or magnets may be used for producing electro-magnetic motion, or motion to a wheel of any suitable device.

Having described my invention, what I claim as new, and desire to secure by Letters Patent, is –

The combination of two or more simple or compound helices, in the manner and for the purpose set forth.


What is "main circuit D"?
Group: Elite
Hero Member

Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down
Grumpy asks:

What is "main circuit D"?

It appears this drawing was not included with the patent, but should have been.

On another note, I was once told that long iron cores produce a more powerful magnetic field versus short cores for the same number of turns and current. Early telephone relays used long cores, especially for stepping relay or sensitive applications, where low input current was required to produce a powerful driving force.

This is not fact but remains to be tested. I will have to examine the formula for iron core solenoids. If it is true, perhaps the long core length  of the Cook coils was a factor in getting some type of large scale domain avalanche effect, which could be utilized in his feedback arrangement to provide the supposed output.

In this case, perhaps it would seem to be a magnetic "flip flop" running at some unknown low frequency, probably under 100 Hz. based on the size of the inductance involved.  

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
The quote from Moray which Peterae provided:

Quote from: Moray
'It was during the Christmas holidays of 1911 that I
began to realize the fact that the energy I was working
with was not of a static nature but of an oscillating
nature, and that the energy was not coming out of the
Earth but that it rather was coming in to the Earth
from some outside source

is absolutely correct.  Some few are able to summon this
energy while the vast majority are not.  It is not so much
a matter of the type of circuitry one employs, but rather
some other mysterious means.  It seems that the ability
to tap into the "supernatural" is some sort of "gift;"
It is the "person" and not the "tool" which makes it

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
large scale domain avalanche effect


Would the sudden domain flip along a rod be like firing a magnet through the coil around the rod?
Group: Elite
Hero Member

Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down

Would the sudden domain flip along a rod be like firing a magnet through the coil around the rod?

Maybe like a magnet rotating as it moves linearly, I don't know, but the link you found is very interesting:

The group still doesn't entirely understand what conditions set off the avalanche. "It's a probabilistic event," explains Sarachik. "We sweep the magnetic field and then at some field it goes boom, and you can't predict it." But in the same way that a fire requires energy to sustain itself, the "ignition" of a magnetic avalanche also seems to require a magnetic field of a certain strength; near the threshold energy it peters out partway through the crystal. "It's like a fire that goes out before it finishes its fuel," says Sarachik. However, once there is successful ignition, when the molecular magnets's spins in one area flip over to line up with the external magnetic field, they release energy that helps the next section to flip as well, propagating the process.

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
It propagates in the meter per second range - not so fast that nothing happens - a rather nice rate for induction into coils.

Cook doesn't mention a threshold of any sort but he does talk about the coils getting hot and the current rising to the capacity of the wire.  So, did he discover some easily reproduced mechanism for producing a magnetic avalanche in long cores.  Makes you wonder if everything is in the patent.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948

Might the interaction of the two coils, one with many fine windings - the other with few large windings, be the cause of the magnetic avalanche?

We need a drawing showing "Main Circuit D".

the use of a large core supports the idea that the domains in the core avalanche, aligning more and more of them with a small triggering event.

If you pulse the primary, having many more turns, what will you see in the secondary?
Group: Elite
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Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down
There is paper describing magnetic avalanche in non-exotic materials attached.

I wonder if such effects are noted in large steel structures?

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
I think that Main Circuit D is another coil wrapped around one of the cores with the two coils, and that this circuit can also be used to start the action with a battery attached.

Man circuit D could be around both coils - not so sure about that though.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

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Would the sudden domain flip along a rod be like firing a magnet through the coil around the rod?

Why that sounds like an EMP!


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I don't think Circuit D is anything other than the starting circuit, consisting of a switch, battery and 1 over wind for one coil.
Group: Guest
I think 'main circuit D' is nothing more than the load and the connection means to Cook's 'battery' or other batteries.

It is interesting to research the older patents because so many terms meant something different at the time.

'Magnet wire' is one of them. What we know as magnet wire didn't exist until the very early 20th century. Before then, a reference to magnet wire may have meant magnetizable wire or any wire that could carry current and be used to make an electromagnet.

'Main' or 'Mains' is another. 'Main' referred to the battery set main bus where each battery was connected or the terminal points of the battery for connecting the load.

In the U.S. we use the term 'Line' referring to the utility electric grid while other locations still use the term 'mains' to refer to the grid.

All interesting but I think the poor man just didn't know how a transformer worked.
Group: Guest
There is paper describing magnetic avalanche in non-exotic materials attached.

I wonder if such effects are noted in large steel structures?

...much appreciated.

I've been looking for that paper (in an unrelated application) since I misplaced it 2 years ago.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
I don't think Circuit D is anything other than the starting circuit, consisting of a switch, battery and 1 over wind for one coil.

I've printed out the text and images to go through carefully.  I think "main circuit D" is a missing link to the device and that this circuit may have been both the DC output and also provided a magnetic bias to one of the cores to keep the device working.  Cook also states that the core can be a permanent magnet or an electromagnet. The effect that he utilizes appears to be the same effect that I also have seen when pulsing a large air-core coil with HV, and holding a magnet near it.
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