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Author Topic: Christmas Gift to the World  (Read 21862 times)
Group: Guest
G-Led USA and BSI Management both decided not to market the Lead-out Energy Research Kit as a product.  I have decided to use the many thousands of hours of effort to benefit the World.  This product will be taken up by Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation (HSIF)as a gift to the World.

The details of the product will be fully disclosed for whoever would like to manufacture and sell at whatever price.  HISF will sell it at cost and invite donations.  The technology will be taught to the disadvantaged and the under-privileged.

The summary of the gift is as follows:
(1)    A Basic JT that need to be soldered on to a small electronic board.
(2)    A 2.3V 10F capacitor to be connected in parallel with the Battery or Power Supply.
(3)    The connections will allow for changes in Batteries, LEDs, capacitors, Loads etc.  Only the 2n2222 and the toroid will be fixed.
(4)    Additional connections and 2 one ohm resistors will be included to make this into an oscilloscope-test-ready board.
(5)    All instructions and test data will be posted on the Internet.

This gift will serve the basic learning purpose.  Many such gifts will be sent to different Universities around the World for confirmation and verification of Lead-out Energy.  The expectation is that this gift (Divine Wine) will be taken up by many as the material cost is less than USD5.00.  That price can even be lowered for large quantities.  HSIF will seek donations to enable some kits to be given free to the needy.
Once they mastered this technology, they will be able to participate in the new paradigm shift.  With pollution-free, almost inexhaustible, readily available Lead-out Energy at their disposal, they will climb out of poverty and ignorance.

The details of this gift will be provided and updated in this thread.  Please help to spread and give out this gift (Divine Wine).  Knowledge and Love are very special as the more you give away, the more you have!  Amen.
Group: Guest
Building the basic Joule Thief.

(1)   The best and simplest instruction is already available on the Internet for many years: http://www.evilmadscientist.com/2007/weekend-projects-with-bre-pettis-make-a-joule-thief/
(2)   For prototyping (allow easy of changing components), the breadboard is highly recommended.  However, the plugged-in connections are not recommended for transport.  We had to re-connect in many occasions, sometimes with unexpected results.
(3)   Use of a reasonably large soldering board is recommended once the configuration is finalized.
(4)   The Joule Thief is very tolerant to different toroids.  One inch ferrite core with 28 winding is recommended.
(5)   If we add a 2.3V 10F capacitor in parallel with the battery, the LED can be ON for many minutes after the battery is removed.
Group: Guest
Christmas Gift on the Breadboard with detailed connection points.

The 2.3V 10F Capacitor was connected in parallel with the battery.

After approximately 30 seconds, the battery was disconnected.

Only the Capacitor was supplying visible energy (Lead-out Energy was coming in!)

LED remained ON for over 20 minutes.
Group: Guest
The Bmp and CSV file analysis.

COP = 1.75.

Merry Christmas.  Enjoy the Gift from Almighty.
Group: Guest
Unexpected Bonus - Ghost Lighting Effect detected.

I shall leave the circuit untouched for a few days.

Suggestions for further experiments on this circuit are welcome.

Joy to the World.....

Group: Guest
The circuit was turned on after 2 days off.

The BMP display was first noted.  The Output waveform (on top) and values all exceeded Input.  The CSV files were then analyzed.  For this run, COP was 14.3.

Lead-out Energy is once again confirmed.  Bless the Almighty.
Group: Guest
The circuit lighted the LED for over 40 minutes.  Ghost lighting effect detected.

Great example of Lead-out Energy.
Group: Guest
Triple check for the Christmas Gift

Since I shall not be in the BSI Office again until Dec 27, 2012, I decided to do one more check on the circuit.

The results are positive.

Blessed the Almighty.

Merry Christmas and enjoy the Divine Wine.
Group: Guest
The Wah Yan Old Boy's 50 year reunion will be in Nov 2013.  My plan is to give them a working Lead-out Energy Product as Christmas Gift for the year 2013 to be given out at the reunion.

I now put a twin timer on the BSI board.  The timer is set to 3 seconds ON and 3 minutes OFF.

The BSI Board by itself can be ON brightly for over 10 days.  With the Twin timer, the life time of the battery should last 600 days.  That should be more than enough to prove overunity even to a layman.

With the addition of the recharging circuit, a two battery(+capacitor) system should theoretically keep lighting the 38 LEDs forever.

All Glory to the Almighty.
Group: Guest
From Flumen at the JT thread in overunity.com  on advice to beginners on Joule Thief.

The first link is to page 10 of a thread in which TinselKoala (a regular poster here on OU) provides some really useful info to a newbie about making a JT:

You'll find some very interesting stuff here:

SkyWatcher has success lighting a gutted CFL really bright using 12v+:

And if you can get hold of Fuji disposable cameras:
Group: Guest
Can Poverty and Ignorance be removed by the Lead-out Energy Invention???

Will there be a paradigm shift with pollution-free, almost inexhaustible, readily available energy?

What is modern wealth?  Is it the quality and quantity of meaningful economic activities?

Is the Light Bulb easy – a battery, an on/off switch, a filament and some connecting wires?

Is Lead-out Energy easy?  The BSI board is staring at you???

Can the poor and ignorant learn and benefit from the Lead-out Energy technology?

How and when to start?  The Christmas Gift from the Almighty is here…..
Group: Guest
A technical observation:

(1) The BSI board with the capacitor is already a feedback device.  See the DSO analysis already presented.

(2) The timer may not be necessary to achieve long battery life!

(3) The feedback seemed to work even on non-rechargeable AA batteries.  A BSI board is still shining brightly after 100 hours continuous lighting 38 LEDs.  It appears that it will keep lighting beyond Christmas.  The drop in voltage was not uniform and occasionally showed rise!

(4) I asked Ms. Forever Yuen to do the same.  She has a BSI board at her home.

(5) I shall ask all who have BSI boards to do the same.  We should have at least 6 independent results.  The BSI boards can all light the 38 LEDs for approximately 20 minutes without the battery.  Can they all continue the lighting for over 10 days with the battery???

I have started another BSI board with rechargeable AA batteries.  Will it keep lighting beyond the New Year?  If so, I shall put my two Atten Oscilloscopes on it to do a full trace - many days or weeks?

*** The timer required much tuning.  I paused it to focus on the simpler configuration.
Group: Guest
Christmas has come.  The BSI Board lights are still ON.

The one with the rechargeable battery appeared to do better.  Will do more experiments to check.

Shall do a complete run with 2 Atten Oscilloscopes for days to get full data.

Glory to the New Born King.
Group: Guest
Dear All,
The following email is from the co-ordinator of the overunity.com forum.  The lead-out energy and related technologies made great leaps in 2012 with many successful prototypes.  Many products are expected in 2013.
Can we or shall we get a product out?
The BSI Board lights are still ON.  The battery recharging was successful.  The oscilloscope results were positive.  Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited does not worry about profits and is in a position to promote a cheap version of the Lead-out Energy Research Kit to benefit the World.
May the Almighty guide us to benefit the World.


> To: Ltseung@hotmail.com
> Subject: Merry Christmas and a happy new year
> From: harti@harti.com
> Date: Tue, 25 Dec 2012 00:33:22 +0000
> Dear OverUnity.com member !
> I wish you happy holidays and a good start into the new year.
> In 2012 many new exitng technologies have been discovered
> and we are shortly before the big breakthrough with many devices.
> In 2013 we will see probably the first commercial available very cheap energy solutions that will free us from the power grid and make us independent.
> In the area of Joule Thiefs, Super Joule Ringers which charge up big
> battery banks and new Alum-Epsomsalt-water electrolyte-Lead batteries and powerfull crystal cells will provide renewable energy charged up by the
> sun or by wind energy or radiant energy.
> Also we will see new aluminium-air batteries. where the electrolyte will be pottash-water from a campfire ash (K2CO3 based electrolyte).
> These are emergency batteries that can be recycled, so that only
> the cheap alufoil will be consumed and the carbonfiber mesh electrode can be reused all the time.
> Probably we will also see soon some replicated and perfectly documented Kapanadze devices like the one from Fabrice Andre,
> so we might get KWatts of free energy running in our basements powering our homes for to get completely off the grid.
> Another one are these selfcharging caps like this electret type
> material that Mark Dansie demonstrated recently on the
> globalbem conference.
> Other big fields are the hydrogen and HHO on demand solutions that will help to reduce
> our dependance on oil imports and it will be possible via solarpanels and separator electrolysis cells
> to produce hydrogen and oxygen separately and compress them easily and safely for later usage.
> So let us enjoy the coming times after we passed these doomsday
> 2012 times prognosises where the world should have ended, but now we know, it was only an Internet hype.
> So stay tuned to the forum for all the upcoming exiting announcements in 2013.
> Enjoy !
> Have a happy and peaceful christmas.
> Best regards, Stefan Hartmann. ( overunity.com admin)
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
Merry Christmas and a happy new year ltseung888

You have done a great deal of work and I enjoy reading your posts to see your progress. I have been working on similar circuits for a long time and and would like to offer some advice which I hope you may find helpful.

I do things a little different than most and I think different is a good thing, for instance when I wanted to measure the input versus the output I did not use conventional measuring tools. I wanted a comparative result which would show me not where I was but where I was going, a measure of progress.

As such I used a small capacitor on the input and/or output and we could think of it like this -- If my source of energy is a big pail of water then it takes a long time to drain while a smaller pail drains quickly. So when I use a small capacitor as an input I get immediate results which are easy to measure based on how fast it drains and how much light is produced. At this point I try to improve the circuit to improve how long it takes to fully drain the small capacitor.

To be honest I do very little measuring and rely on rapid comparative results to show my progress because it is so fast, there is no waiting, I guess I can be a little impatient at times, lol. For instance we could take two identical circuits and I found one lights the LED's for 1 second and the other lights the LED's for 3 seconds at a comparable brightness, now I can see my progress hands on and how I have improved upon it.

There are a few tricks, lol, we can never charge a capacitor (a voltage source) from a battery (another voltage source) or we lose 1/2 the energy, the capacitor paradox 1/4CV2. All energy must be transferred as LC, the LC rule, the energy from the battery or any voltage source must be stored in the magnetic field of a series inductor/choke (a coil) then transferred to the other voltage source. No energy can be allowed to move unless it takes the form of a field, L--magnetic, C--electric, otherwise it dissipates in the resistance of the circuit hence the LC rule. As such if we do it correctly all losses can be reduced to near zero, this is the beginning, then we seek mechanisms for energy to enter the system, this is our goal.

We should also note that whenever our switch, a transistor or mosfet, is not fully on or fully off it acts like a resistance and becomes the focal point for the dissipation of energy. Whenever any component is allowed to act like a resistance it becomes the focal point for the dissipation of energy, generally as heat which is unwanted. Now one could ask the question, what if none of the circuit components are allowed to act like a resistance?.

Best wishes and good luck with your experiments
« Last Edit: 2012-12-26, 17:25:06 by allcanadian »

Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Guest
This is the first experiment done with persons other than those from BSI.

There will be many more independent checks on the circuit and oscilloscope analysis.

In this case, COP = 1.34.  The DC Power Supply and capacitor were both connected with the Supply at 1.3V.

The Output waveform (ADS00014.bmp) values are greater than those of Input.
Group: Guest
The graphs from the csv files done by TS Lau on Dec 27.

The CSV files are more important than the bmp files as the EXCEL analysis can yield more data.

This time the DC Power Supply was set to 1.1V.  The COP was 2.11.

This particular configuration was significant because both the DC Power Supply and capacitor were connected.  The time was continuous for many minutes/hours.  Output Power was greater than Input Power through the entire time interval.

Wonderful Christmas Gift......
Group: Guest

Thank you for your post.  You are one of many who experimented with the Joule Thief.  I always wondered why that the many researchers on the Joule Thief circuit failed to confirm overunity.  Your post gave me the answer.

I believe the reasons why so many researchers failed to confirm overunity for the JT circuit are:

(1) Few had two DSOs that can capture the CSV files.
(2) Few used large capacitors to achieve "resonance" and used the stored charge to light the LEDs.
(3) Few noticed that the frequency of the set up - for example, observe the Output voltage frequency change - would change when the battery was disconnected.  Different COP values would be observed at different frequencies.
(4) Few realized the significance of Negative Power.
(5) Many gave up - listened to naysayers.....

With the Lord's Blessing, I shall post more examples of overunity set ups.  Many of these set ups will be witnessed by independent parties.  The most convincing will be the ones done for and at the top universities with the top-of-the-line oscilloscopes.

With Lead-out energy confirmed, many set-ups will get theoretical backing.  The super Joule Ringer by lasersaber is a ready candidate.  Which group will come out with a product first to benefit the World???
Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3028
This is the first experiment done with persons other than those from BSI.

There will be many more independent checks on the circuit and oscilloscope analysis.

OK, indeed! I agree that "many more independent checks" is very important.

If you wish for me to do an "independent check on the circuit", please let me know.  I will probably use different measurement methods than you show, as a truly INDEPENDENT check.
  Please let me know if I can be of service in your endeavors and research.

 And a Merry Christmas season to you also, Lawrence.  I suppose it should last all year!
--Steven J

For the next several days, I will be traveling with limited computer contact, but I will check email and this thread as I have opportunity to do so.
Group: Guest
OK, indeed! I agree that "many more independent checks" is very important.

If you wish for me to do an "independent check on the circuit", please let me know.  I will probably use different measurement methods than you show, as a truly INDEPENDENT check.
  Please let me know if I can be of service in your endeavors and research.

 And a Merry Christmas season to you also, Lawrence.  I suppose it should last all year!
--Steven J

For the next several days, I will be traveling with limited computer contact, but I will check email and this thread as I have opportunity to do so.

Dear Prof. Jones,

i am glad that you are willing to do an independent check.  You are one of the few with one or even two Atten oscilloscopes.  The independent confirmation for you is quite simple.  The following are the requirements:

(1) Build a basic JT circuit with 1 inch toroid and approximately 30 turns.  I am sure that you will not have any problem with that.
(2) Get a 2.3V 10F capacitor.  If you have difficulty, I shall mail you one.  The capacitor should be connected in parallel with the AA battery.
(3) Once you have the JT running with both the AA battery and capacitor connected, wait for about 30 seconds.  Then disconnect the AA battery.  The LED should remain ON for approximately 20 minutes.  If you reach this step, you may have a prototype that can conclusively demonstrate overunity.

The next stage is a matter of adding two 1 ohm resistors for Input and Output current measurements.

(1) The detailed connection diagram is in the file nov 22a.xls in the reference material thread at my bench here.  The connections shown are correct if you only have one oscilloscope.  Use the attached diagram if you have 2 oscilloscopes.
(2) You need to watch out for the common ground internally connected within the Atten Oscilloscope.  If you use two Atten Oscilloscopes (strongly recommended), make sure you modify the diagram in nov 22a.xls carefully.  The two oscilloscopes need a common ground.  See attached diagram.  In particular, the Input Current Measurement would give you negative values.  You need to invert it in the oscilloscope analysis.
(3) With the two oscilloscopes, one to measure Input and one to measure Output, you just need to use the Save function to capture the BMP and CSV files.
(4) If you use a breadboard, the length and position of the connecting wires will make some difference.  You can play with them and watch the Input and Output waveforms.  I use Ch1 for Voltage and display the Vpp and Vrms values.  I use Ch2 for Current (voltage across the 1 ohm resistor) and display also the Vpp and Vrms values.  
(5) If you have a DC power supply, you can vary the Input Voltage easily.  Play with that and the connections until you detect that the Output waveform and displayed values are higher than Input.
(6) Save the BMP and CSV files.  Use the CSV files to calculate the average Output and average Input Power.  The ratio of Output Power over Input Power will give you the COP.  Most likely, you will have COP > 1 if the above steps were followed correctly.

Some additional experiments include:
(1) Disconnect the battery and the capacitor will be the only visible component providing energy to the LEDs.  Note the change in frequency (Output Voltage Frequency) as the LEDs start to get dimmer.  Occasionally, the LEDs may suddenly brighten up for brief periods.
(2) Restart the experiment with the  set up in step (1) and save the CSV files for both Input and Output at one minute intervals.  You will find that the COP changes.  Sometimes, you may have negative average Input and/or Output values.
(3) The trick for capturing lead-out Energy is to remain in high COP range or in negative value range.  

The same or similar experiment have been done in Hong Kong a few times.  The plan is to have the oscilloscope-test-ready boards for at least 30 Universities.  There are some Company Politics issues to be resolved and those boards are on-hold.  However, the information to benefit the World will not be slowed down.  The Boards may not be shipped out.  But the information is provided here as a Christmas Gift to the World.

Please do post your findings openly in this thread.

*** Edited to include correct diagram for a two oscilloscope set up.

The Christmas Gift is to benefit the Human Race - not to make a few people wealthy.
« Last Edit: 2012-12-28, 13:53:52 by ltseung888 »
Group: Guest
This is another check by Iris on the TS Lau set up.  The DC Power Supply voltage was set to 1.5V.

The set up was taken apart and re-connected.

The COP was 1.30.

On Dec 27, the DC Power Supply was set to 1.1V.  The COP was 2.11.

The full analysis file is in ADS00067out.xls.  Lead-out energy is again confirmed.  (Average Output Power > Average Input Power)

Will do some load changes in the coming experiments.
Group: Guest

I put the Ghost Lighting effect of the circuit on YouTube.

Sr. Member

Posts: 478
Please replace 10F capacitor with a smaller one like 4700uF  ;)
Group: Guest
Please replace 10F capacitor with a smaller one like 4700uF  ;)

You need the 2.3V 10F capacitor if you want to have the 20 minute run to see the effect of frequency change on the COP.  Afterwards, you can determine the frequency range your device should remain in. It is absolutely necessary for tuning purposes.

Most researchers do not appreciate this.  That is why they cannot detect overunity after years and thousands of experiments.

Another important point is the reproduction of the demo.  See the attached BSI demo board construction.  It uses printed circuits and vigorous qualoity control.  Most researchers do not have such facility.
Group: Guest
Another check on Dec 31, 2012 using two Atten oscilloscope configuration.

Some improvements include:

(1) DC Power Supply set to 0.8V for higher COP.
(2) The Input Current Measurement (Channel 2) was inverted at the Oscilloscope making analysis easier.
(3) The effect of the voltage drop for Input across the 1 ohm resistor was calculated (0.02%).  Thus ignored in the analysis.

The COP in this case was 10.8 with both the DC Power supply turned on at 0.8V and the capacitor connected.  Such a condition can be maintained for long periods.  This means using Lead-out Energy with such a set up is possible.

The Christmas Gift is real.  Thank you to the Almighty.
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