@Exn Those who said it was only a coil as well as those who said it is both a coil and a capacitor should study electronics instead of oversimplifying, at the price of the falseness, a circuit for it to fit their poor knowledge. There is a line along which a parallel capacity and a series inductance are distributed. When this double-wires line is wound as a coil, there are additionnal inductances and capacities, connected in a way different from the others. An equivalent schematic can be drawn. This is perfectly modelizable, just a question of competence and work. Well if you had built and tested Tesla patent #512340 like myself you might understand what is possible a little better and if you would discard the faulty lumped sum element calculations I imagine you are overly preoccupied with then you might actually learn something. First I don't draw an equivalent schematic I build the damn thing then test it and it is my opinion that anyone who believes they can simply replace reality with a few calculations has issues they need to sort out. As well I know you would never ever do this but some people might simply model the coil by adding a parallel capacitance then assume it must be the same thing, I know you would never ever do this because that would be completely insane. It may help to understand I do not use lumped sum calculations, never have, nor have I ever assumed anything is distributed uniformly anywhere because this is a crazy. Did I mention the 100 year old theory assuming contact electrification was uniform(which everyone believed) was recently proven to be completely false, hmm who would have thunk it. Well I thought this probably 20 years ago when studying electrodynamics and the very notion that everyone simply lumped everything together was absurd. You know people talk of science and observation and the precision of measurement and the clarity of thought and then .... well then they simply lump a bunch of oranges together and call it an apple. To get back on track let's talk about a really simple concept, now if Tesla was using a quenched spark gap to fire his coil for electromagnets and the impulse produced VHF harmonics as I know it does then is it realistic to say that one of these VHF wavelengths might correspond to the wavelength of his conductors or a harmonic of it?. Well of course it is however we have a problem in that most people think Tesla was some eccentric from the backwoods who was simply blowing sparks across a gap to power some funny looking coils. They assumed he was just playin around and wasn't really as smart as us folks today because we have all these really cool textbooks and the internet stuff which makes us really smart. Well I'm sorry to burst your bubble but this is not the case and if you understood half of what Nikola Tesla did in this field of technology then you should consider yourself fortunate. If you produce HF harmonics then you can throw your lumped sum theories out the window because they do not apply which should have been obvious from the start. Look at tesla's therapeutic patents, what does he say?, well Tesla states the HF generated forms nodes corresponding to the wavelength of the frequency generated. These nodes can be cm apart, m apart or any distance apart and a person can make a load connection at these nodes which can be anywhere in the circuit. Now let's go way the hell out on a limb, wild ass speculation, and say maybe if we had a couple of wires in close proximity wound as a coil then maybe HF nodes could be formed which might suggest that maybe there was high potentials at these nodes which might at some point be directly across from one another which kind of forms an electric field or non-distributed capacitance at that exact point. Now in Tesla's therapuetic patents he was making load connections in close proximity to one another on what constitutes a shorted conductor, the therapeutic patent is the hairpin circuit. So let's take that haipin circuit and stretch the damn thing out then wind it like patent#512340, hmm I wonder what might happen?. We know what will happen as it could not be any more freaking obvious to anyone that does not simply lump every damn thing together. I am sorry for my language but I cannot begin to explain how frustrated I get when people who consider themselves as experts cannot seem to grasp even the most basic concepts. No offense but this is the easy part which I find about as difficult as tying my shoes and it gets very very complicated from this point on. One the nodes move with a variation in frequency, two so must the non-distributed electric field perpendicular to the wire, three the self-inductance forms it's own nodes which also couple and interact, four none of what I have mentioned is static or uniformly distributed in any way, shape or form. AC
Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger
“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman