Many thanks Ion for the video link.
Very unusual for a certainty! This is going to require some deep thinking to try and understand what is taking place.
The experimenter did a magnificent job with his layout, his explanations, and his camera work.
You are very welcome Dumped. As I said, I usually don't get excited by such videos e.g. A transformer slightly in saturation is then loaded on the secondary with a lamp. The power is shifted from heating the core to the lamp with no increase in power input. Those kinds of things are easy to explain and fool the inexperienced. This is very different. That current meter does not budge when the lamp is lit or not. Usually there is some reaction, even if momentary. I like that he double checks the current with an analog meter. Additionally the power input / power output is too close to hide the excess. Usually these illusions have several hundred watts input to demonstrate no change in power from a much smaller load of just a few percent (e.g Thane Heins). Here we have at least a 50% increase in loading. Very surprised that more folks don't find this one interesting enough to comment on. BTW I fixed a couple of numbers in the original post, power input is 14.55 Watts, not 30 watts, it is even better than I thought. Cheers, ION
« Last Edit: 2014-05-06, 04:48:46 by ION »
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