The patent under the heading "other configurations" (page 30, paragraph 40) mention the use of the field of a a "large hollow torus" as a means to induce beta decay.
Transmission lines were mentioned in the prior paragraph.
I believe that many configurations are possible based on these operating principles.
Also it is possible to make some generalizations. For example: devices using magnetic confinement of speeding charged particles have a circular shape, e.g. a torus, disk, pipe, etc...
We can see both of these in the SM devices.
In the picture attached we see SM priming the large torus device with a small round magnet from a speaker.
Yes, the TPU has many points of coincidence.
I now believe that many hundreds of failures of attempted replication of SM's TPU's occurred because the builders had not a clue to the operational mechanism as beta decay. They did not consider the proper gain medium, nor the key stimulation frequency for that medium.
I think that there are two ways of building these exotic devices.
1) Blindly replicating everything to the dot from a very exhaustive documentation (without understanding and without ego improvements).
2) Building a custom optimized design with the understanding the operational mechanisms.
Without it there are so many variables to coordinate, that blindly hitting upon their correct combination, borders a miracle.
Many were just building conventional toroidal transformers of low efficiency. These would deliver AC output. SM's devices were DC with a lot of "hash" noise riding on top along with a slight ripple frequency around 5kHz.
The electronic schematic for those devices will look like a schematic of a transformer with multiple windings. The really important issues like the orientation of the windings, core shape and material, magnetic field geometry, waveforms will be disregarded. For example take a look at the STAAAR Yoke Device schematic, below.

It looks like a transformer with weird windings, but the energy in the secondary most likely originates from the physical processes taking place in the core - not from the Faraday induction from the primary. I remember somebody came to conclusion that this device was impossible because the secondary to primary voltages did not reflect the primary to secondary turn ratio. That was a valid critique for a conventional transformer... but the Yoke device only looked as such.
In light of the new hypothesis of possible operation, we can now take another look at a successful build for these.
Even with knowing the M.O. it is hard with some Gain Media. For example the Full Width Half Maximum (FWHM) of NMR resonance for Zinc is ±0.5Hz for a 100kHz stimulating frequency. Thats 5ppm! You can't get this kind of accuracy with a 555 Timer.
Without precise signal generators, the kitchen table experimenter is relegated to "less sharp" Gain Media or inefficient "Shotgun Approach" of nanopulsing or slow FM, in order to hit the right frequency.