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Author Topic: TK Replicates  (Read 165622 times)
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The Tariel Kapanadze grounding wire is used to bring the potential from another location to the device's location.   I think over in the former soviet union,(and also former east block countries) you can see from the videos that the infrastructure is quite poor and neglected.  So I imagine they have plenty of ground currents to tap into.


Is the Earth potential, say, from the ever-present 7-8 CPS background planetary basic frequency, everywhere on the planet?   Is that what you're seeing on your detection equipment?   Is what you receive the same wavelength as your local municipal mains power frequency (50Hz- 60Hz)?
Maybe a good way to test this might be to go out into the Rockies, Alaska or the bed of theGreat Salt Lake---or any location as far as possible from municipal power sources and see if what you can recieve from the ground is a powerful as what you get in town?

Galvanic processes may be at work as well.   Wetting the pipes driven into the ground might inprove voltage yield.
       I myself built an ambient power system in a large vacant lot in my spare time about 10 yrs ago.   I found enough insulated copper wire around town to make a trail through woods(hidden) about 250' long.   Stripping the insulation off the wire at the individual wire junctions, I tried to make a(successful) complete circuit by clamping alligator clips to both the ground wires and power takeoff wires.  For 'earth battery' round wires, I used heavy steel wire shoved into deliberately wetted ground to soften it.   That was for the anode side.   For the cathode side, I used heavy aluminum wire manufacturers tie products together with and ship on palletized skids.   Both anode and cathode sides were about 6" deep in the ground.   At the halfway point on the far end, I twisted the two wires together and covered them with electrical tape.   For the termination point at the near end, I used a copper pipe beaten into the ground about 6" as well.
      Immedate voltage readout was 1 VDC on a Radio Shack analog VOM.   After 2 hrs., the output had risen to 2 volts.   In mostly dry ground in late Spring.   I had to abandon the project, as my comings and goings, to and from the lot(adjoining an oil well pumper in Okla.), was beginning to attract attention from the local Police.
       I didn't have a portable, battery-powered soldering iron to solder better connections with.   Money was an issue at the time, as it is now.


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A bifilar (L2, L3) secondary of 80 turns each. Note since these have the same phase there should be a net zero voltage into the output transformer.
Yes, a varying magnetic flux (Φ) externally supplied into the common core, will not result in any voltage appearing across winding terminals connected according to Diag.2a and Diag.2b, therefore these configurations are useless as secondary windings of transformers.
However these configurations (Diag.2a and Diag.2b) can be useful as special primary windings capable of creating a magnetic flux that is perpendicular to their axis between them (e.g. as in NMR).

In the diagrams above, the magnetic flux lines represent flux produced by windings operating as primary windings (in other words: windings that are externally supplied with electric current). However, the aforementioned externally supplied flux (e.g. by a 3rd winding) would always have the same direction throughout the core.
Parallel winding connections are not discussed here, but they follow the same principles.

Secret sauce? Split aluminum? sheet metal inserted into core, tiny spark gap from flyback transformer (pulsating HV DC at excitation frequency ripple rate), something else inserted into core. (batteries?)
That could be a βNMR Gain Medium where coherent beta particles are released through RF stimulation.  The slot is to prevent bad eddy currents (beta particles can still cross a small gap).
In such case, the minimum diameter (d) of the Gain Medium cannot be less than this:

m0 : Rest mass of an electron = 9.1091 X 10-31 kg
v : Speed of electrons in [meters/second]. See here.
c : Speed of light = 299,790,000 meters/second
q : Charge of an electron = 1.602 X 10-19 coulombs
γ : Gyromagnetic ratio of the Gain Medium in [ radian/(sec * Tesla) ]
f:  Frequency of RF stimulating signal in [Hertz]

If you analyze the above equation for different Gain Media (γ) , then it becomes immediately apparent that for the same frequency (f), iron devices (e.g. Michael Meyer system) are the smallest, zinc ferrite devices (e.g. the Yoke device) are medium sized , and copper devices are the largest.
« Last Edit: 2013-06-13, 13:36:20 by verpies »

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If you "break" down the circuit and simplifiy it, then you end up with something like the attached.
I can see no reason to why this circuit should produce a high output power. Where does the
energy amplification take place? In the spark gap? In the transformer? Any theories?
In my opinion, if these devices actually work, then the sheet/pipe/core is the "Gain Medium" where the energy originates.

1) that some type of NMR and beta capture is occurring of either the copper wires themselves, the aluminum insert or some other material not visible.
It is a physical process only aided by electronics.
The process is not based on electronics alone, thus electronic schematic diagrams cannot constitute a complete documentation of such device.

For example, the electronic diagram of a BASER will simply depict one or two primary windings and one secondary winding over some core - just like in a transformer.
The composition and shape of the core, the orthogonal orientation of two magnetic fields (static/LF and HF/RF) and dimensions will be completely ignored by such diagram, despite being at the center of the operating principle.
Group: Guest
I give up!

What is a BASER? (Bremsstrahlung Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation?)

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Posts: 3670
Don't give up - you were close

BASER = Beta Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
It relies on a novel phenomenon of artificially stimulating a coherent anisotropic beta decay by 90deg. nuclear axis tilting by NMR, which generates strong pulses of electric current, in kAmps range (similar to coherent anisotropic light pulses generated by lasers)
Group: Guest

Don't use lead shielding. The exposure damage will be much worse  >:-)

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I know. Distance and aluminum is better.
Group: Guest
So, the 'excitation' part is due to the angular momentum imposed by traveling through the orthogonal magnetic fields and the results are similar to electric field effects while traveling through the electric fields in a TEA laser?

The main difference being instead of photons being produced the decelerating point charges exchange velocity for heat producing current? If so, there must be coherence between voltage/current phase. Are we talking about producing coherent current flow (p.f. = 1.00000) regardless of load?

I've built TEA lasers with amazing results but the lowest frequencies obtained were in the infrared region. It has occurred to me that the same principles could be used to produce RF, as seen in the so-called LENR experiments. I've always suspected the RF generating versions of LENR produced RF the same way a MASER produced microwaves. Theoretically, the signal generation bandwidth isn't limited.

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Posts: 3670
So, the 'excitation' part is due to the angular momentum imposed by traveling through the orthogonal magnetic fields
In the BASER the atoms of the Gain Medium are not traveling. They are stationary.
The primary excitation is through absorption of RF by the nuclei of the Gain Medium.

and the results are similar to electric field effects while traveling through the electric fields in a TEA laser?
There is some similarity in that the Gain Medium is transversely excited.
The polarizing/confining static magnetic field, the stimulating RF magnetic field and the velocity vector of the fast electrons are all mutually perpendicular to each other.

The main difference being instead of photons being produced the decelerating point charges exchange velocity for heat producing current?
In the BASER, fast electrons (or positrons) are produced instead of photons. The path of these fast electrons is circular in the Gain Medium, due to magnetic confinement (Lorentz deflection).
These electrons move close to the speed of light (~500keV) and they do not interact with the matter of Gain Medium even if it is a solid (unlike slow conduction electrons).  
For example fast electrons travel without much interaction up to several millimeters in solids, before they slow down enough to be captured and and cause thermal vibration of the Gain Medium's lattice (resulting in Joule heating).  See the attachment for non-directionalized paths of fast electrons in a solid.
Such fast electrons don't require a conductor and can even cross small air gaps. Nonetheless, these electrons still constitute electric current because they are traveling and directionalized charged particles (the very definition of current) - I like to call the directionalized and coherent stream of beta particles a "beta current".
Beta current produces magnetic field just like an ordinary current composed of slow conduction electrons.  It is this changing magnetic field that can be inductively coupled to an output winding.

If so, there must be coherence between voltage/current phase. Are we talking about producing coherent current flow (p.f. = 1.00000) regardless of load?
There is some coherence.  There is also a small delay between the stimulating RF pulse (an input) and the output pulse caused by the stimulated beta current.
Note that the beta current pulse destroys its own circular magnetic confinement field, by creating a magnetic field that opposes the confining static magnetic field and causing the expansion of fast electron's orbits out of the Gain Medium.  This causes the output pulse to be self-quenching.
Inductive coupling of this output pulse (a removal of energy) maintains the confining field via Lenz law, thus drawing power prolongs the magnetic confinement and the output pulse with it.

I've built TEA lasers with amazing results but the lowest frequencies obtained were in the infrared region. It has occurred to me that the same principles could be used to produce RF, as seen in the so-called LENR experiments. I've always suspected the RF generating versions of LENR produced RF the same way a MASER produced microwaves. Theoretically, the signal generation bandwidth isn't limited.
The BASER does not have a low frequency limit, but it does have an upper frequency limit.  This is because it takes a very specific amount of time to tilt the nuclear spin axes in the Gain Medium by 90deg.
Because of this the BASER's output is pulsed.  A continuous operation would require an indefinite magnetic confinement and that would be explosive in nature since the beta current increases exponentially while the confinement is maintained.  Fortunately the Gain Media has boundaries and beta current pulses are self-quenching.
« Last Edit: 2013-06-14, 00:06:28 by verpies »
Group: Elite
Hero Member

Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down

Everything you stated in the above post rings bells of Steve Mark's first TPU.


1) The high speed beta current possibly creates the slight gyroscopic effect witnessed in his devices

2) The heating effect I calculated would take about 15 amps flow, yet he was drawing less than an amp. Could be the Joule heating due to capture as you stated.

3) The use of Helmholtz coils. Something like these is seen in the first TPU.

4) The washboard effect would be created by the self quenching pulse negating the gyro effect. Re-establishment of the beta current creates the stiction.

The video you referenced to me (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03KebG_hZMQ) shows the tilt of the Helmholtz coils.

If you have not studied the TPU anomalies it is a good read. (http://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=403.0)

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy
Group: Guest
That is all very interesting and sounds completely plausible.

Do you have any links for this specific '?ASER' theory, function or examples of experiments?

Much of your description of a BASER fits my theory of a TPU  O0

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Posts: 3670
I have never studied the TPU, but at the 1st look it has the correct geometry (two disks with a magnet between them and output windings at the perimeters of the disks).  See the attachment.

Electrons have mass, albeit 1830 times less than a hydrogen nucleus and ~100,000 less than an iron nucleus.
...thus a large amount of fast electrons, ejected from nuclei IN THE SAME DIRECTION, will create a perceivable mechanical recoil (just like a small fast bullet exiting a gun causes a recoil in the opposite direction).  Naturally, circular path of the ejecta will cause a circular recoil.

I don't know what a washboard effect is, but if it refers to mechanical pulsing then this is to be expected from that mechanical recoil at each output pulse.
In a well designed device the heating will be minimal (only due to electron recapture), but if the Gain Medium is conductive (and capable of supporting Eddy currents) then it will be subject to strong inductive heating.  Ideally, the Gain Medium should not be conductive or it should have a slot cut in it to interrupt the wasteful Eddy currents.

The BASER is sensitive to orientation if it operates at a fixed NMR frequency and is incapable of altering it in response to the changing Earth's magnetic field vector, that varies with the orientation of the device.
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It's turtles all the way down
Regarding the "washboard" effect,  SM often demonstrated his larger unit atop a couple of smooth table leaf's with some soft cloth so that they could slide easily, and encouraged interested parties to push the TPU back and forth to feel the ripples as it seemed to tug at space itself.

With the smaller devices, folks could feel the tugging effect as it was moved through the air.

There was also a slight vibration and slight gyroscopic effect.

The heating effect was a large problem and devices could only run for a hour or so then needed to be shut down to cool off, then could be restarted again.

Some of the devices had excellent regulation, others had poor regulation.

Huge short circuit currents were demonstrated in one test. (see the Shinzinger Lab Reports ) in the link posted earlier.

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3055
Are we to understand then that the
BASER could be capable of producing
anomalous excess energy?

In the cases of both the MASER and the
LASER the output energy is some portion
of the input energy; their efficiencies are
considerably less than 100%.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

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Yes, in the BASER the RF NMR stimulation (input energy) merely makes the fast electron emission more probable and anisotropic (it makes other nuclei more susceptible to secondary emissions, too).
The energy of fast electrons does not come from the external RF stimulation.  The nucleus loses mass after ejecting the fast electron (or positron), thus it is a mass-->energy conversion.  This process is incapable of converting all of the Gain Medium's mass into energy.  It can only convert the mass difference between neutrons and protons, but that's still a lot of energy. Someone recently calculated the energy equivalent of 22000 Liters of gasoline from a 1kg block of solid Gain Medium (Fe or Cu or Zn ...and perhaps Al). Lighter elements have higher Joule/kg ratio because in such elements the electron to nucleus mass is higher (no reason to carry around the dead weight of multiple protons).

In a LASER or MASER the energy of the photons comes from the excitation of the atoms/electrons by external stimulation (input energy), thus they are 100% efficient at best.
BTW: The circular magnetic confinement has the same function as the linear confinement by mirrors at the ends of a laser.
Group: Guest
Is there any information suspecting or stating that the gain medium in a BASER suffers from advanced or enhanced oxidation? -or- ECM (electrochemical migration)?

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Posts: 3670
Yes, whiskers have been observed in the air gap of slotted Zn media.
No info on oxidation, though.
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It's turtles all the way down
SM's first TPU was sensitive to orientation with the earth magnetic field, and the voltage would wind down if inverted. He admitted that he did not know why.

Also, it took a few seconds to wind up to full voltage. A small weak magnet needed to be inserted for the voltage to begin windup. He claimed his first unit would provide 25 Watts "forever" and that it was a "conversion" process.

Here is a crisp video of the first device with some explanation by the inventor.


As an engineer with over 50 years experience in the field of electronics, I am still intrigued by the SM devices and regard them as one of the truly interesting phenomenon to hit the OU airwaves in the last twenty years far and above anything out there except perhaps the recent eastern block activity. All SM's work died out around 1997 except for a few videos he made to document his success. SM was given a gag order by the gov't with an AEC member present.

There are many hoaxers on the youtube claiming to have replicated TPU. To my knowledge no one has succeeded.

I am not trying to hijack this thread, just want to point out the similarities, and hope that you can expand on your work as it is most interesting.

Let's get started with a first cut device, where we can experiment with tuning the frequency and field. You seem to prefer the disc approach over slotted cylinder that we see in at least one of the TK replications by e.g Ikako Chubinidze.

Would not a single disc held between two coils work. Why do you prefer the dual disc design of your spool drawing? Is it a magnetically more efficient use of fields?

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy

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I am not trying to hijack this thread, just want to point out the similarities, and hope that you can expand on your work as it is most interesting.
I know. There are many similarities, indeed.

You seem to prefer the disc approach over slotted cylinder that we see in at least one of the TK replications by e.g Ikako Chubinidze.
I like the disk better because it allows for a wider range of magnetic fields and NMR frequencies, in which the beta current can be sustained. A thin pipe requires very precise density of the magnetic field and a precise NMR frequency.  This makes it very hard to tune.
Of course, one can use a "shotgun approach" and modulate the confining magnetic field around the anticipated flux density with some low frequency (e.g. 50Hz) and the precise NMR frequency tuning can also be eliminated by generating many frequencies at once (e.g. by nanosecond pulses)... but that creates other problems.
In the end, I think it might be beneficial to cut a 0.5mm slit in the disk, to get rid of the bad eddy currents, too.  Ideally the disk should not be electrically conductive at all. (beta current does not need that).

Would not a single disc held between two coils work.
It would, just not as well.

Why do you prefer the dual disc design of your spool drawing? Is it a magnetically more efficient use of fields?
The dual disk design creates a symmetric magnetic flux that is perpendicular to the flat surface of the disks and less dense closer to the center of the disk (this is needed for effective Lorentz confinement).
Also, there is a problem with excessively large magnetic confinement radius of the fast electrons when the static magnetic field is too weak.  Closed magnetic paths, or a paths with lower reluctance (less air gap) increase the density of the static polarizing/confinement field in the Gain Medium and decrease the confinement radius.
Finally, cheap ceramic magnets with large air gaps have a problem creating sufficient flux density in the Gain Medium to achieve circular confinement below r=50cm and NdFeB magnets are expensive and conductive ( killer eddy currents again  >:( )

Increasing the magnetic field decreases the confinement radius (and the need for a large disk/pipe) but it increases the NMR frequency.
High frequency is bad because the skin effect limits RF penetration into the Gain Medium (this is especially a problem if the Gain Medium is very conductive and/or has a high magnetic permeability).  That's why Michael Meyer saturates his Iron medium in order to get rid of its high permeability.
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Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down
Verpies quote:
Ideally the disk should not be electrically conductive at all. (beta current does not need that).

We yet wonder if the wire spool (gain medium) SM used was plastic or metal. It is difficult to determine if the coils wound around the edges were the collection coils or field coils, and the oscillation frequency was created by a single transistor or FET oscillator as there is no sophisticated electronics anywhere to be found. We have yet to determine the use of the dual winding toroidal coil that resembles a common mode choke placed at the center of the device.

The small magnet was too weak to saturate the core of the central toroid, but may have biased it to produce sharp pulses for the NMR stimulating frequency.

What is intriguing of the eastern devices is the use of a very small spark gap, far too small to transport the energy we see in the videos. This must be the stimulating pulse source.

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy
Group: Guest
I've been thinking about possible relationships between the slotted cylinder designs and common TEA lasers.

Assuming that that large conductor external coil is primarily one capacitive surface and the slotted pipe the other, the spark gaps, etc., it could very well be functioning like a TEA laser.
When you add the other coils you have a possible magnetic confinement.

I will bet that a change from that large external coil to a cylinder would result in a UV laser beam  8)

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the oscillation frequency was created by a single transistor or FET oscillator as there is no sophisticated electronics anywhere to be found.
I would expect a small electronic oscillator or a spark-gap for generating many frequencies at once.  This should not be self-starting.

We have yet to determine the use of the dual winding toroidal coil that resembles a common mode choke placed at the center of the device.
There is always the possibility of a hidden circumferential winding under the toroidal winding.  I caught that trick on one of TK videos, once.
Anyway, a common-mode choke would be good for smoothing out the pulsed output.

The small magnet was too weak to saturate the core of the central toroid, but may have biased it to produce sharp pulses for the NMR stimulating frequency.
Yes, the saturation of an Iron core requires helluva magnet or current, but for paramagnetic media this is not necessary.
However, the circular confinement and NMR frequency is strongly affected even by weak fields.

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Posts: 3670
When you add the other coils you have a possible magnetic confinement.
...or ring permanent magnets.
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Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down
Yes, whiskers have been observed in the air gap of slotted Zn media.
No info on oxidation, though.

Do you have a reference for this effect?

Also, SM cautioned against tuning precisely on frequency as a meltdown could occur. He recommended a "control" means of limiting feedback if the system is looped to prevent a runaway condition.

He also talked about very fast particles (electrons?) once the influence of earth magnetic field is "nulled".

What would you choose for a gain medium as a starter project? Galvanized (Zinc coated) sheet metal is readily available.

Regarding non-metallic gain media, any thoughts? should it be elemental e.g. carbon? Do other atoms in the material impede or do they have no effect on the high speed circulating electrons?

SM's larger toroidal units had single turn "collector coils" embedded in a soft "cork like" material. An intermediate unit (referred to as the "open TPU") used plastic hoops with windings on the periphery.

Could you explain a little further or possibly mark up your "spool3" drawing showing the orientation of the static magnetic vs excitation field ? Where is the excitation coil? Magnet polarity? difficult to get an idea of the relative size of the gain medium (thickness) vs magnetic "former".

Thanks in advance.
« Last Edit: 2013-06-15, 15:42:55 by ION »

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy

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Posts: 3670
Do you have a reference for this effect?
Yes, the artificial beta stimulation by RF alone is described in Patent EP0099946B1.
The artificial beta stimulation by RF + perpendicular static magnetic field is related to the above but requires less input power.
The mean free path of fast electrons and positrons inside matter is published in ICRU Report 37.

The circular confinement of moving charged particles by static magnetic fields is 19th century physics and a principle used in every cyclotron.  References embedded in this image refer to it.
« Last Edit: 2013-06-15, 18:29:55 by verpies »
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