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2025-03-31, 21:59:15
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Author Topic: Which (serious) FE device should I buy? FE devices for sale.  (Read 36610 times)
Group: Guest
There are OU devices?! Really?!  :D It's now a fact and just the energy source is the question?! :D
You should give us the plans of the ones you built, every experimenter here is surely in a hurry to duplicate them.

lol... Whooosh... straight over his head!  C.C
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Group: Experimentalist
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Posts: 3024

Buy me a beer
Check out the You tube link in this post also
Quite a deal.


Very nice and for $20. i am not surprised this has come from the Ham world, some of the best inventors you can find O0 and using very little money

Mike 8)

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident."
Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860

As a general rule, the most successful person in life is the person that has the best information.
Group: Professor
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Posts: 3030
  Nice device.  Note though:

But there's some limitations. The DVB-T TV dongles support a wide 64MHz to 1.7GHz RF range. So if you are using a 900Mhz to 1.3GHz Video link then you are in luck.

Of greatest interest to me is the RF associated with "anomalous heat events" - around 400-500 KHz with the NRL electrolysis ("cold fusion") device -

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 3024

Buy me a beer
  Nice device.  Note though:

Of greatest interest to me is the RF associated with "anomalous heat events" - around 400-500 KHz with the NRL electrolysis ("cold fusion") device -

I'm OK with what I have up to 60Mhz with the Velleman I have, i had the problem with beyound. I have two of these units for DTV but I don't think her indoors will be amused if I use one of them :D

I am just looking and learning about LENR devices and some things do open the eyes a bit, but that is for another thread, not here.

Mike 8)

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident."
Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860

As a general rule, the most successful person in life is the person that has the best information.
Group: Professor
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Posts: 3030
 Alperen™ Group's TurXotor®  --  Another device for sale or nearly so...  perhaps we should look into the claims.

This from PESN: http://peswiki.com/index.php/Event:2013:TurXotor_Demo

September 18, 2013

On October 24-27, the Turkish government will be holding a four-day Turkish Innovation Fair in Istanbul featuring the best Turkish technologies of the year, and that two of the Alperen Group technologies will be among the three on display.
On September 7, Attila Alperen told me that his Alperen™ Group's TurXotor® motor is poised to be among the top three featured at the event. He said that the Turkish government wants to create a large electric car industry in Turkey around this invention that will enable electric vehicles to never have to be plugged in, and to be able to operate with only a few batteries on board, because the power source is onboard, pulling energy from the environment somehow -- harnessing the wheelwork of nature, as Tesla coined it.

Renault is presently involved in making the vehicles into which these motors will be placed.

TurXotor® is a motor that works as a generator at the same time -- the only system like this in the world, as far as Mr. Alperen is aware. So the TurXotor® motor powers the wheels of the electric vehicle -- and produces electricity at the same time, both to replenish the source battery and provide extra for the other electrical needs of the vehicle such as lights, radio, heat, windows, etc.

The Alperen™ Group doesn't describe their technology as a "free energy" technology. They shy away from words like "overunity" as well. They depict it as merely an efficient regeneration of the used technology. But obviously, if they are propelling a vehicle down the road, they have to be harvesting energy from somewhere beside the battery, if they don't have to ever recharge the battery from an external source.
Attila said this will solve two problems presently associated with electric cars: range, and battery costs. The range will become unlimited, and the battery costs will be significantly reduced, because the vehicle will only need enough to serve as a buffer for acceleration input and deceleration harvesting of regenerative braking. They won't be needed for storage for duration travel. You'll be able to travel as far as you want without ever stopping for fuel or to recharge your batteries.
This will be the first time the TurXotor® will be publicly demonstrated. The event will enable interested parties worldwide to see the technology demonstrated as well as discuss licensing manufacturing of the technology. Normally, Attila is not very accommodating for people to come and see the technology demonstrated, so this will be a rare opportunity.

Attila said that at the event, the TurXotor® motor-generator will be demonstrated in isolation, showing its attributes of torque, electricity generation, and efficiency. It will also be open to inspection, not concealed in a "black box" of any kind.

PS - who would name their son "Attila"?  sorry...

Anybody going to Instanbul, Oct 24-27?
« Last Edit: 2013-09-19, 01:17:18 by PhysicsProf »
Hero Member

Posts: 1582

PS - who would name their son "Attila"?

Huns, I suppose.

A London DJ started reading ourt a request for a listener and found that the girl was asking for a song for her boyfriend Attila. He stopped just before saying the word and tried desperately to soften it by pronouncing the second syllable to rhyme with "feel" and smudged the last one. It was a pathetic attempt. [Moral to DJs: Arrive early enough to read all your materials and if anyone asks for a song for any Adolfs, Attilas etc, leave the card in the sack].
Group: Guest
ADGEX Flashlight
Powered by Earth’s magnetic field?



- 3 Watt LED light
- provides a powerful stream of light for over 12 hours
- will continue to emit light for several days
- power of light emitted however will decrease significantly over time
- normal use: 3 hours per day
- will perform at peak levels for days
- never need to purchase any batteries
- when off, the Adgex Accumulator will recharge energy levels to full
- If used continuously for more than 12 hours; it will be restored to full power within 7 to 14 days.
- The rate of recharge may vary depending on a range of geographic and environmental factors.
- expected operational life: 5+ years
- warranty period: 2 years

I wonder what is inside.  At $99, plus S&H, I may never know.

Group: Professor
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Posts: 1961
They say they capture energy from the Schumann resonance ELF.  They also state they capture energy from the Earth's magnetic field.  IMO these are two different forms of energy, one is static and the other is definitely moving at light velocity.  So my guess is they actually capture that ELF "noise" via its magnetic field, using a ferrite rod antenna tuned to the Schumann frequency.  That builds up charge in a cell or a supercap.  The ferrite rod with its large number of turns would take up quite a lot of room and perhaps that fits nicely within the cylindrical handle.

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