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Author Topic: Tariel Kapanadze's devices: How they might be faked  (Read 50402 times)

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Posts: 3670
I don't have anything much to add, except that I don't think it will matter much if he is outed, it will open the eyes of a few but
the hard core fans probably wouldn't settle for anything less than an admission from Tariel,
Well, now that will never happen because he is dead.

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Posts: 489

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If i am correct in saying that an EMP event is radiant in nature then Tesla already told us to use a metallic shield/plate to dissipate the radiant event across a large surface area think ground planes in pcb's, current can then be piped away using conventional wire, at this point it continues as conventional current for which we can use as per normal.

If coax was used then the radiant producing event could be placed inside the coax preferably where the radiant event is concocted inside the central core of the coax, the resulting charge and current would manifest in the out sheaf of the coax, this only works if you can find the potential or return path for the current, this maybe where displacement current enters.

My preference would be to place a dielectric material over the coax sheaf and then wrap an axial flat shaped wire down over this, the coax sheaf collects the radiant event and cannot pass anyfurther outwards the dielectric begins to take charge, the potential is taken from the resulting capacitor which results from the coax and the flat axially wound wire which also exhibits some inductance.

When i tried this it worked but i could not get a large enough capacitance or surface area, i realize now i should have moved further away from the radiant event.
Maybe we are over-complicating things.
If you can extract a tiny amount of energy from your surroundings, then  repeating the same process a hundred million times per second might produce kwatts.
The only question is "how fast can the energy in the air be replenished?".
Kapanadze repeatedly told me that his device relied on HF. His patent applications state that he gets the energy from the air.
We know that voltage increases at the rate of 100 volts per metre from the ground upwards. There are youtube vidos of people flying drones and extracting electricity from the atmosphere. None of them are using oscllators to repeat the process at Mhz speed.
Of course we do not need altitude at all - the video link is just to refresh everyone's memory.


Just saying...

Electrostatic induction: Put a 1KV charge on 1 plate of a capacitor. What does the environment do to the 2nd  plate?
Group: Guest
  Peter, aking:
   Glad to hear you "just saying". Tesla was also saying it. But we need more than what most guys have shown when harvesting energy from thin air.

   Kapanadze took his secret with him...He didn't need drones to harvest KWs. Tariel was not the creator of his shown inventions, and he may be dead, but free energy ideas and experiments will never die. As mentioned previously, his son, is where to look for further tests, and or ideas. Yet,  he may also not be the actual builder, of any of the devices, either.
So, who is???
« Last Edit: 2023-10-27, 15:06:53 by NickZ »

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Posts: 489

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  Peter, aking:
   Glad to hear you "just saying". Tesla was also saying it. But we need more than what most guys have shown harvesting energy from thin air.
   Kapanadze took his secret with him...He didn't need drones to harvest KWs.
May I restate the most important conjecture from my post...
"The only question is "how fast can the energy in the air be replenished?".
Kapanadze repeatedly told me that his device relied on HF. His patent applications state that he gets the energy from the air.
Of course we do not need altitude at all.
(HF = High frequency)."

Electrostatic induction: Put a 1KV charge on 1 plate of a capacitor. What does the environment do to the 2nd  plate?

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 3670
The only question is "how fast can the energy in the air be replenished?".
Not very fast. Actually continuous conduction from the drone/baloon to ground is as fast as it can get.

None of them are using oscllators to repeat the process at Mhz speed.
You are assuming that more cycles per second would increase the average power, but it doesn't.
The continuous conduction from the drone/baloon to ground is as fast as it can get.

Of course we do not need altitude at all...
Correct. It would be easier to perform the following Forest's 6-step scheme on the surface of the Earth:
1) use the electrostatic induction to charge a neutral metal object with a positively charged inducer* (in proximity, but not touching). 
2) discharge the object to ground via a load through conduction while the inducer is still near but not touching (the object will gain electrons from the ground)
3) interrupt the conduction to ground.
4) move the positive inducer far away (that leaves the object negatively charged with excess electrons gained in pt.2)
5) discharge the object to ground via a load again (this time the object will lose electrons to the ground and becomes neutral)
6) interrupt the conduction to ground.
...go to pt.1

* The inducer is always positively charged and never touches the object, thus it never gains or loses electrons.

There is only one gotcha in that scheme - the electrostatic attraction force in pt.4.
Sr. Member

Posts: 479
1) use the electrostatic induction to charge a neutral metal object with a positively charged inducer* (in proximity, but not touching).
using special Tesla coil generating stepped up DC current pulses and electrostatic response in air/ambient

2) discharge the object to ground via a load through conduction while the inducer is still near but not touching (the object will gain electrons from the ground)
not necessary via load

3) interrupt the conduction to ground.
or use diodes

4) move the positive inducer far away (that leaves the object negatively charged with excess electrons gained in pt.2)

turn off Tesla coil ? is that why we need low frequency interruption showed by various persons like Akula, Ruslan ?

5) discharge the object to ground via a load again (this time the object will lose electrons to the ground and becomes neutral)
here is what happens probably in TK "aquarium" device with spark plug

6) interrupt the conduction to ground.
again this maybe possible using diodes or rather avramenko plug with coaxial cable working as capacitor with one side connected to ground using Avramenko plug and also spark gap to ground  for discharging excess electrons after a while of operation
...go to pt.1

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Posts: 3670
turn off Tesla coil ? is that why we need low frequency interruption showed by various persons like Akula, Ruslan ?
That does not make sense because it is no different than the coil crossing zero electric potential on every cycle of its AC oscillation.
Group: Guest
   In the  interuptor type of Kacher/grenade/yoke system, it is the push/pull circuits TL494 output circuit that is also controlling the Kacher's HV pulse, being interrupted at the right time. Unless it is a simple Kacher, which is always running, but, also at a tuned frequency, to do the same thing, which is to affect and interrupt the push pull pulse. Why and how that all works, we are all still learning.

Sr. Member

Posts: 280
May I restate the most important conjecture from my post...
"The only question is "how fast can the energy in the air be replenished?".
Kapanadze repeatedly told me that his device relied on HF. His patent applications state that he gets the energy from the air.
Of course we do not need altitude at all.
(HF = High frequency)."

FWIW I don't think you're too far off the mark.

Don't regenerative & super-regenerative radio receivers operate on a similar principle? They are self powered. The ambient energy received is miniscule, but the energy is amplified in a tuned resonant tank with a little bit of feedback and the output is much higher. This is when used with a transmitter miles away. What if the transmitter were located closer? According to the inverse square law the energy should increase by the power of two as the distance decreases linearly.

At radio frequencies we're talking roughly between 300kHz to 300MHz. That's a lot of cycles per second, even if we are only 'pumping' a small amount each time. I don't think you'd need a particularly large average power level to pump up to a much higher level.

Wasn't Kapanadze a bit paranoid about allowing wireless measurement apparatus near his generator? Maybe he was afraid of someone noticing that he was transmitting / receiving a high frequency.

Sr. Member

Posts: 489

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Not very fast. Actually continuous conduction from the drone/baloon to ground is as fast as it can get.
You are assuming that more cycles per second would increase the average power, but it doesn't.
The continuous conduction from the drone/baloon to ground is as fast as it can get.

Here is why I have doubts about this answer.
Every time we induce a spike into a system we are entering the field of Tesla impulse technology.
A spike disturbs "static" electrons and also "tribo-electrons". This causes more electrons to enter the device from the air around the device.
If we substitute the term "static electricity" for the term "energy from the vacuum" or "zero-point energy" then everything Bearden writes suddenly makes sense.
Bearden went as far as he could (remember he was a CIA asset)
Take a look at this Houdini video. It is the only one worth watching.
I don't have time at the mo to deal with constructing as I am involved in a serious project.
This video is an eye-opener if you consider the electrons in the air being disturbed and entering your device.

Electrostatic induction: Put a 1KV charge on 1 plate of a capacitor. What does the environment do to the 2nd  plate?
Group: Guest
   Even though in theory I can accept your idea, I doubt that Tesla would agree with the part about electrons.
   There may be more to the surrounding ambient, than just excited electrons to draw into a device. The Aether is not just electrons.
   Science may some day decide that they have tricked us long enough. Fat chance???
   Ever notice how our greatest inventor is not even mentioned in our schools?
   Why is that?  Oh, they just forgot...  But they didn't forget about his "Death Ray", or weather manipulation, nor his device that can bring down a bridge, or building, his no battery needed electric car, etc.
   80 boxes were confiscated from Tesla. Many of which have never been found again. How did many of those same boxes end up in Serbia? But, not all of them.

Group: Guest
  Peter, aking:
   Glad to hear you "just saying". Tesla was also saying it. But we need more than what most guys have shown harvesting energy from thin air.
   Kapanadze took his secret with him...He didn't need drones to harvest KWs.
No but there must be loads of guy's around who know the secret or is it common knowlege
in some parts af the planet.
Group: Guest
   Even though in theory I can accept your idea, I doubt that Tesla would agree with the part about electrons.
   There may be more to the surrounding ambient, than just excited electrons to draw into a device. The Aether is not just electrons.
   Science may some day decide that they have tricked us long enough. Fat chance???
   Ever notice how our greatest inventor is not even mentioned in our schools?
   Why is that?  Oh, they just forgot...  But they didn't forget about his "Death Ray", or weather manipulation, nor his device that can bring down a bridge, or building, his no battery needed electric car, etc.
   80 boxes were confiscated from Tesla. Many of which have never been found again. How did many of those same boxes end up in Serbia? But, not all of them.
Yeah but according to Steven Greer the illegal shadow government and The FBI  only has till January next year
to release all of Tesla's work to main stream.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2VY2oz-S2c
Group: Guest
   I believe that the Slavs are the only ones that have shown self runners. And know how to make them.
   And also, the Pyramid builders here, on the Moon, and on Mars. As there is no smoke marks in their temples and underground tunnels.
   We have a lot to learn. And we should stop shooting down UFOs. And playing Star Wars...

   Nuclear technologies were provided by ETs to the Germans, as to be used for free energy type devices, for their benefit. Not for producing bombs to kill people.
Two hundred years before that, Germans were living in huts. With fire and candles being their only "fuel".


   AG:  That disclosure will never happen. That's just a smoke screen. We still don't have all the information about Kennedy's death, after almost 60 years.
« Last Edit: 2023-10-27, 15:28:44 by NickZ »
Group: Guest
Did you notice A kings  Educational post ? I wonder if it works or if it just comes out of the battery ? ;D
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
Not very fast. Actually continuous conduction from the drone/baloon to ground is as fast as it can get.
You are assuming that more cycles per second would increase the average power, but it doesn't.
The continuous conduction from the drone/baloon to ground is as fast as it can get.

Correct but not entirely correct.

A continuous conduction or direct current is not as fast as it can get because of the conductor/system resistance. Super-conduction which lacks resistance would be much faster.

Here's a clue from nature. Sand on the beach appears as a solid and easily supports a heavy weight due to it's resistance. However if air is injected into the sand or the sand particles are vibrated very fast it becomes a fluid which can flow like water. The concept is so simple one would think anyone could understand it. When material things start oscillating on some level the resistance to motion is reduced on that level.

So we need to stop thinking on such a generalized and superficial level. We're not talking about electrons oscillating back and forth as an alternating current or AC power but the individual electrons oscillating in themselves. Like vibrating sand particles becoming fluid the free electrons within a conductor could become more fluid entering a state of super conduction.

The work of Dr. John Hutchison and his cold melted metals is a good example, http://guns.connect.fi/innoplaza/energy/story/John/.
Now as the atom is busy oscillating by itself and trying to stay in one piece under the strain of excess energy, it has other things to worry about than trying to keep tight bonds with neighboring atoms. While experimenter turns more power and hits more of it's resonances, the outer electrons responsible for metallic bonds start to shake themselves loose from other atoms and they start to slide past each other. The result is a soft, trembling jelly of metal.

The concept seems so simple even a child could understand it. By oscillating a system on the proper level we can change the fundamental properties of said system.


« Last Edit: 2023-10-27, 08:48:28 by verpies »

Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman

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Hero Member

Posts: 3670
A continuous conduction or direct current is not as fast as it can get because of the conductor/system resistance. Super-conduction which lacks resistance would be much faster.
While It is true that superconductors transfer DC more efficient than ordinary conductors, the difference is negligible in the case of the HV drom a drone/baloon.
How much i2R losses do you think that thin copper wire has when it conducts the HV from high altitude ?

Superconductivity is great but it does not generate any energy by itself.

Here's a clue from nature. Sand on the beach appears as a solid and easily supports a heavy weight due to it's resistance. However if air is injected into the sand or the sand particles are vibrated very fast it becomes a fluid which can flow like water. The concept is so simple one would think anyone could understand it.
When material things start oscillating on some level the resistance to motion is reduced on that level.
Resistance to motion is inertia.  That does not change in aerated sand.
What changes are its cohesive forces (normally occurring under gravity) and it does not happen for free because compressed air requires a lot of energy to compress.

Anyway your aerated sand example refers to material things and I might even consider it a valid analogy in the Hutchinson experiments, but not in reference to electrons (which are not matter) or air ions (which are).
So I am game with shaking material things loose but I stil think that shaking the ambient particles is not free and hoping that it generates any extra energy is nonsense.

Maybe, just maybe, creating lightning-level arc discharges in air can lead to relativistic runaway breakdown that breaks apart air molecules with a gain of energy, but this requires 16 Megavolts of accelerating potential over at least 80m, which are not to be found anywhere in the devices considered on this forum.
Group: Guest
   The only thing that is nonsense, is your opinion of free energy from the ambient. As your idea of energy from mass, has not ever shown anything working, ever,
after all these years professor. Talk about trying to discourage testing and experimenting of actual free energy devices, on these forums, which don't need "fuel".
Lets see how well your energy from mass ideas pan out...  Can you, or you won't even try? Like Wesley's claim that conventional science is what counts. He was moderated...
Group: Guest
May I restate the most important conjecture from my post...
"The only question is "how fast can the energy in the air be replenished?".
Kapanadze repeatedly told me that his device relied on HF. His patent applications state that he gets the energy from the air.
Of course we do not need altitude at all.
(HF = High frequency)."

    aking:  The most important thing, is not to put a wire in the sky and hope it can light your house. As that is not going to work, and never has. Unless you just want to light up a red led.

   The idea is to obtain energy from the surrounding ambient, not needing to put long wires up in the sky.  Just imagine, millions of wires in the sky. Is that the solution?
OR, what both Kapanadze and Tesla had mentioned. About tapping into the Cosmic soup...
   Why do I continue to bring this up? Just in case someone forgot about it. Like Verpies, Wesley, F6, and others.
   Keep them in the dark, and feed them BS, like mushrooms.   AG, once said...


« Last Edit: 2023-10-27, 16:25:01 by NickZ »

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Hero Member

Posts: 3670
The only thing that is nonsense, is your opinion of free energy from the ambient.
Because something from nothing (or undefined cosmic soup) is nonsense, while something from something is not. 0:1

As your idea of energy from mass, has not ever shown anything working, ever,
Neither has your idea energy of energy from the cosmic soup. 0:0
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Posts: 270

Superconductivity is great but it does not generate any energy by itself..

Indeed, but this help to reduce the loss in the system. That's another reason HF is employed. And if you remember your answer in another topic zero=infinite as we cannot divide by zero … you get zero point energy in this equation.

You only need to accept that aether exist and willing to use it in your desired system. Also take in account that any load (that produce desired work/effect) is just a short between + and - and have certain resistance just because is a short. Also, of you provide a path to return unnecessary energy taken form source/circuit to the primary you create an apparent negative resistance and the load will be seen as providing not consuming energy. You need to make sure the circuit have enough capacitance to sustain the load.

Frequency, capacitance, inductance, length of wire  O0

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Posts: 3670
Indeed, but this help to reduce the loss in the system.
Reducing the losses gets you closer to unity but not over it.

And if you remember your answer in another topic zero=infinite as we cannot divide by zero … you get zero point energy in this equation.
It doesn't mean that.  It only means that you cannot analyze inductors with emf (voltage) as the current-causing agent, in all cases, because inductors only care about current.
Conversely, capacitors care only about voltage. 

That why in order to preserve the energy stored in an inductor, you must close it and and to preserve the energy stored in a capacitor you must open it.

You only need to accept that aether exist and willing to use it in your desired system.
That's how religions work - not science.  I don't accept anything without proof.
Group: Guest
Because something from nothing (or undefined cosmic soup) is nonsense, while something from something is not. 0:1
Neither has your idea energy of energy from the cosmic soup. 0:0

   It's not my idea, it's Teslas. So, you call "nonsense" what Tesla mentioned about the Aether, that is everywhere. And responsible for everything we see, and what we don't see... Right?
   It is your opinion, that no free energy exists, nor can exist.  So, what you are saying is that you know more, and that he Tesla was wrong, about things like the Cosmic Soup, and that conventional science, which does not believe in free energy, is right. Yawn...

   Can I ask how many inventions, patents, and or and science papers you've written??? Especially about free energy, and such.... None? 
   Tesla had a few hundred inventions, patents, and thousands of notes, experiments and tests.  You professor? 

   You don't have to accept anything without proof.  Only classic is asking you to accept it,  at least as a theory, to indulge in. But, you can't...
A guy that does not believe in free energy, must be in the wrong place, and wants us to show proof. Good luck with that .
But, there is more to this than meets the eye. And is why these threads just don't go by the wayside, like all the rest.

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Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 3670
It's not my idea, it's Teslas. So, you call "nonsense" what Tesla mentioned about the Aether, that is everywhere.
I don't do hero worship

It is your opinion, that no free energy exists, nor can exist. 
It is not.  I just reject energy from nothing and without a defined mechanism.

So, what you are saying is that you know more, and that he Tesla was wrong, about things like the Cosmic Soup,
I live in the 21 century.  Every young stem graduate now knows more than an inventor from the 19th century.

Can I ask how many inventions, patents, and or and science papers you've written???
You may not.  This is a debate about ideas and phenomena (events) - not about people.

Great Minds Discuss Ideas; Average Minds Discuss Events; Small Minds Discuss People
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