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Author Topic: TK's Coaxial Cable  (Read 31413 times)

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
I should have some time this weekend to try this with a 10kv supply and spark gaps, and maybe 4kv with an avalanche stack.

My 10kv setup is same as above but with a full bridge.  I can also use a delay line for the pulse width. 
Hero Member

Posts: 805
TK is using a one conductor wire for the ground connection.   At least that's what the videos show and what his patent illustrates.   So it's not a coax, which has two conductors. 
Sr. Member

Posts: 478
Well, after a long time thinking about it I'm sure TK device is TPU without closed path or rather with path ended to ground. Still I have to build a working model to prove my concept, then I will tell more...  ;)

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
TK is using a one conductor wire for the ground connection.   At least that's what the videos show and what his patent illustrates.   So it's not a coax, which has two conductors. 

TK said he had to have coax for it to work, yet you can't find it in the clear box video (this is the latest video).

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
Even if TK is a fraud, I think the coax will work.  I only have 10 feet of suitable coax, scrounging my boxes for a longer piece.
Group: Elite
Hero Member

Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down
TK may have used coax for the braided outer shield, which supposedly has superior HF groundiing than ordinary stranded wire.


"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 3602
2. TK delayed the demonstration until a storm has subsided, stating that the rain would cause the device to interrupt his neighbors electricity.
Trees fall down in storms and break power lines.

Sr. Member

Posts: 480

Buy me some coffee
My opinion is that the coax was necessary because of the high static in his device. It is necessary as a shielding device.
I repeatedly stated to him that his device uses high voltage, he said no, it uses high frequency.
So my question is, "Does high frequency switching produce excessive static?" HF must be  in the 10 to 100 mhz range I guess.
The aquarium 2 certainly has static shielding in the device.
The coaxial grenade coil powers the output. In other words the co-ax grenade coil delivers the electricity which then goes through the 2 kw heater
and into the earh ground. It is essentally a Tesla one-wire system.

Electrostatic induction: Put a 1KW charge on 1 plate of a  capacitor. What does the environment do to the 2nd  plate?


Posts: 34
Trees fall down in storms and break power lines.

Higher water particulate in the air will cause reflection, scattering, and diffraction of radio waves. If a device worked on the fundamentals of electromagnetism, then there is cause for concern. All three inventors, Figuera, Kapanadze, and Barbosa & Leal appear to utilize the same basic fundamentals.

Clemente Figuera used a Ruhmkorff coil as noted in his patent. Coincidently, a few years earlier Marconi used a Rhumkorff coil as a Radio Wave transmitter in his early experiments. You certainly wouldn't use a Ruhmkorff coil if the fundamentals of your device was traditional induction. The argument can be made that Clemente used Radio Waves as a fundamental of his device and notes in newspaper reports that the operation of the device is a consequence of electromagnetism and not just magnetism. Later after his death Buforn, in his patents, speaks of cosmic energy (Radio Waves) and hints at Tesla's wireless transmission of power.

In the few Kapanadze videos I viewed I see there is some form of a Faraday cage used. Very obvious in the larger Turkish unit and in his first video. In Kapanadze's first video, there is a circular tin can next to his coil. That is his Faraday cage and the device in there must be transmitting radio waves. Everything outside that can is worthless eye candy. Notice in the preceding Green Box video that the metal can, (or what was inside the can) is hidden in the green box, but he is using the same eye candy coil to distract from his first video. There is only one very small segment in that video that is worth anything. There is a point he (or someone, can't remember) is standing near the unit with a Clamp On amp meter, and he (Tariel) makes the most interesting comment regarding what is going on with the meter. He states (paraphrasing) The generated field affects the meter he was referring to what was going on with the amp meter that wasn't clamped to anything. It appears currents started circulating in the clamp-on meter (as noted in the video by a comment), and the meter was reacting with a reading. The only thing that can do that from a distance is an electromagnetic wave and not simple induction.

With Barbosa & Leal, there is also evidence that they are using some form of Radio Wave. In one video I saw Leal goes as far as to put on a rubber glove to switch a motor on. This is the type of glove a lineman would wear, so the question is what was he worried about? Maybe it was for show but their patents speak of the fundamentals of some form of Radio Wave device.
Also in their device, the ground is looped around a closed coil, as verified by an individual on another forum who took apart a non-functioning device many years ago. Yet, in the videos and patent they speak of a current on the ground wire (Kapanadze also), the only way you can produce a current on a single wire open circuit ground is to use some type of antenna setup. Barbosa & Leal device also uses a metal box that houses their device that is most likely acting as a Faraday cage, and the heavy aluminum section inside filled with epoxy may be the top capacitance of their antenna.

All three devices develop the total energy output in the generator, and Clemente also claimed total energy is developed in the device and ready for usage, like Barbosa & Leal. I don't recall seeing a video of Kapanadze metering the ground with no load connected. But I am sure he also always has current to ground. In one B&L video, I recall seeing a device delivering an initial 100 amps at the closed loop before a 9 amp load is connected. After connecting a 9 amp load, the current on their closed-loop drops to 91 amps, and the current on their load is 9 amps. So it appears they can keep adding loads until all 100 amps are utilized. I understand that may be similar to a typical generator, but these devices are always doing work as noted by constant amperage whereas a typical generator can run but sit unloaded at zero amps.

Not looking to hi-jack the thread; my apologies if I did. I came across the initial weather comment someone made while searching. I found that comment to be completely inline with what I have been researching in regard to radio wave propagation.   
Sr. Member

Posts: 280
Not looking to hi-jack the thread; my apologies if I did. I came across the initial weather comment someone made while searching. I found that comment to be completely inline with what I have been researching in regard to radio wave propagation.

Thanks Jose, that is really quite interesting.

I, too, have come to the conclusion that these devices are based on transmitting and receiving radio frequency waves at close proximity. I've done a lot of research into Don Smith and his devices and they seem to be operating on the same principle. Don used to say that he 'disturbed the ambient'.

Radio wave intensity drops off according to the inverse square law. If the distance between transmitter and receiver is very small, then in theory the power level at the receiver should be very high.

Radio transmitters broadcast a signal a great distance using a high powered transmitter, and receivers then amplify it using either a powered amplifier or using a regenerative receiver.

For a broadcast of 6 watts, the transmission range will be 3 miles. At 15 watts, the range increases to 5 miles, at 40 watts to 10 miles and at 100 watts to 15 miles. The general rule of thumb is it will take four times the power to double the transmission distance.
From: http://www.fmuser.org/news/fm-transmitter/How-far-can-the-FM-transmitter-transmit-How-to-calculate-it/

If you were broadcasting a 10W signal at 1MHz to a distance of 2cm the power at the receiver is calculated to be 14,230,000W.


Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 3602
If you were broadcasting a 10W signal at 1MHz to a distance of 2cm the power at the receiver is calculated to be 14,230,000W.

That calculator is mistaken because it assumes radiative far field at that small distance, while it should be basing its calculation on being in the reactive near field, which does back-propagate.
The radiative Fresnel field is in between them.

Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 270
Can anyone pick any neon sign transformer and show the house input and output … no need to buy one, just download datasheet  ;D

Also, if someone can explain me in very simple terms how much power use a radio station and how many radio receivers can be connected?

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4224

Can anyone pick any neon sign transformer and show the house input and output … no need to buy one, just download datasheet  ;D

Why do you want us to do that?     
Or do you hint on showing that a neon sign transformer is overunity on its own? If so, then Google is your friend: http://www.overunity.com/9322/are-neon-sign-transformers-overunity/msg245807/#msg245807

Also, if someone can explain me in very simple terms how much power use a radio station and how many radio receivers can be connected?

Again, Google is your friend: https://www.quora.com/How-many-FM-receivers-can-be-connected-to-a-single-FM-transmitter

Regards Itsu

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 3602
Also, if someone can explain me in very simple terms how much power use a radio station and how many radio receivers can be connected?
If the receivers are near in the reactive field of the transmitter then a limited number, because such receivers present a load to the transmitter.  ...just like a secondary winding of an ordinary transformer presents a load to the primary.

If the receivers are in the radiative far field, then the answer is: as many as are in range to receive the signal.  Furthermore, the receivers in the far field do not present a load to the transmitter.

Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 270
That’s why you never get a working device as Kapagen, don smith and others … stick with mainstream science  ;D
Sr. Member

Posts: 280
Thanks for your insight Verpies and Itsu. The Fresnel region seems like an area of intrigue worth further investigation - "potential for unanticipated (or adverse) conditions".

Radiative near field (Fresnel region), or farthest part of the near field

The radiative near field (sometimes called the Fresnel region) does not contain reactive field components from the source antenna, since it is far enough from the antenna that back-coupling of the fields becomes out of phase with the antenna signal, and thus cannot efficiently return inductive or capacitive energy from antenna currents or charges. The energy in the radiative near field is thus all radiant energy, although its mixture of magnetic and electric components are still different from the far field. Further out into the radiative near field (one half wavelength to 1 wavelength from the source), the E and H field relationship is more predictable, but the E to H relationship is still complex. However, since the radiative near field is still part of the near field, there is potential for unanticipated (or adverse) conditions.

For example, metal objects such as steel beams can act as antennas by inductively receiving and then "re-radiating" some of the energy in the radiative near field, forming a new radiating surface to consider. Depending on antenna characteristics and frequencies, such coupling may be far more efficient than simple antenna reception in the yet-more-distant far field, so far more power may be transferred to the secondary "antenna" in this region than would be the case with a more distant antenna. When a secondary radiating antenna surface is thus activated, it then creates its own near-field regions, but the same conditions apply to them.

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 3602
… stick with mainstream science  ;D
Do you suggest discarding the body of knowledge acquired by science to date ?
Group: Tech Wizard
Hero Member

Posts: 1240
That’s why you never get a working device as Kapagen, don smith and others … stick with mainstream science  ;D


Where are YOUR working devices of Kapagen, Don Smith and others ?  You are rather unfriendly... why?
Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 270
Do you suggest discarding the body of knowledge acquired by science to date ?
Not everything, some parts of it must be rewrite for sure.
Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 270

Where are YOUR working devices of Kapagen, Don Smith and others ?  You are rather unfriendly... why?

I am not an inventor, but i have built this https://youtu.be/6pjemFMRZQ4?si=-vkhreGBa-a5muJl and is working fine, currently I am looking for a different power source as I don’t like solar+batteries or wind+batteries … they just go with gov lines and i don’t think they are beneficial for people.

Any electric pile like Bagdad Battery, Radiant Energy as Tesla did or https://youtu.be/bRaVVuJ-zhI?si=yP9vTqa2pq9MOQJm will be just fine.

Also I am working to scale up the system to 5-6 KW and dump all power in a heater coupled with an open system heating with radiators for home.

And by the way, reactive power can do work it is not useless as many speak about.

Also, I don’t care what others say about ou/fe when I am using a very tiny input and collect few hundreds watts. People are looking for unlimited power when they are unable to get anything at all, they want to race in world competition with even being able to stand on their feet yet and playing on the floor with very expensive instruments.
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4050
Since you made 100 % turnaround about sharing your work ( refusing to share)
How do you expect to help ?
Classic Quote
Few watts in makes 100’s of watts out ?
End quote

And you point to another’s YouTube as evidence?
here you have many members sharing their work ?
And all you offer up are insults and ?

You carry a big attitude and nothing of your own to support it
Please Change that and share your work ( as you scrutinize all others work here ,

Please share YOUR few watts in hundreds out .
and how you measure it or qualify the claim ( once again please read forum guidelines and power and creed)

Group: Guest
So just out of interest why do you think TK or was it some one else who
used coax wrapped around the grenade Point is I can think of another reason
but you might think it's stupid.

« Last Edit: 2023-11-03, 08:08:14 by AlienGrey »
Group: Guest
Do you suggest discarding the body of knowledge acquired by science to date ?

   Verpies:  If you are looking for free energy, the body of knowledge presented by current science is lacking or non existent in that respect.
   It's not a matter of discarding, what does not exist.  Or worshiping those that have tried to show and tell how it can be done.
It's a matter of truth, which does not exist in current science concerning OPEN SYSTEMS.
Big bang theory, and all, that you so adore. As they want you to pay, $300 per month to THEM, for your electricity. For the rest of your life.
No free energy tests or experiments will be allowed by them, who are still in control, and will kill those that show and tell otherwise.
   That is why you will no longer see any real overunity, or free energy self runners, any more. Not even on youtube, which they also control. Nor on the news, nor in schools, nor on the internet. 
   Nor anywhere. Nice huh?
   They would only do that, IF there was something to hide. And of course, there is. Or you would not even be here...nor would I.

Group: Guest
So just out of interest why do you think TK or was it some one else who
used coax wrapped around the grenade Point is I can think of another reason
but you might think it's stupid.


   Dally and Kapanadze were probably the first ones to use the coax cable. Later devices did not need to use it though.
   So it probably is not absolutely needed, at all. Nor has Itsu found any use for it, on his tests.

Group: Guest

   Dally and Kapanadze were probably the first ones to use the coax cable. Later devices did not need to use it though.
   So it probably is not absolutely needed, at all. Nor has Itsu found any use for it, on his tests.

Good job we some think out side the box, When ET lands or goes over head every thing mechanical grinds to a halt, what do you think causes that do you think it might be a briproduct of ET 's space travel machine.

Just a thought,
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