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2025-03-31, 22:19:51
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Author Topic: AVEC Replication Attempt  (Read 81041 times)
Group: Moderator
Sr. Member

Posts: 308
Well...I do have 100 Of the...N5551 or whatever, can't remember the part number. Same ones that Grumpy has. I'll try an avalanche pulser...my pulse rate is low anyway...So...you think I can pulse at 4kv with these? Super short pulse width? Resistors to force the voltage in between the transistors to a stable level...seems fun. Just don't want to blow anything up!

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
I made stack assemblies (the plastic support) that could support up to 4kv, but only loaded them for 2kv.

If you go this route, the first step should be to get reliable triggering with just one transistor, or as few as your power supply will allow.  You can over-volt it to see that the whole stack works, but you need reliable triggering to use it to drive your coils at different rates.

My stack assembly is a piece of UHMW strip, .25 inch thick, mounted on another piece to make a "T" shape, turned upside down.  I then drill a row of holes, one for each transistor.  Then put a copper wire loop (ring) through each hole and around the top of the plastic.  This made it easy to attach the transistors, resistors, and caps to each stage.

I threaded the wire through and looped it all with one piece and then cut it and bent it up to solder it as individual loops.

Pics here:


Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3975

Buy me some coffee
Hi bte

There are problems with the Avalanche, after the avalanche and you have your sharp pulse, it takes time for the system to recharge, so you will only ever get low repetition rates low KHz from what i found anyway, the other problem is driving low impedance coils, Avalanche favours high resistance loads.

If you do build it, it maybe worth following my build, i built PCB modules each with 3 transistors on, and you could stack boards, each board added 3 more transistors to the Marx stack thus increasing the voltage.

Group: Administrator
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Posts: 3975

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Ok here we have my Fet Stage Circuit but i use as mentioned MCP1406/1407 and IRF840 Fet

Also i have included a diagram of how i connect up 2 monostable's, to get phase delay and pulse width adjustment, before ordering the Monostable chip, read carefully the manufacturers data, some are really slow others go down to about 50-80nS if i remember, and i cannot seem to remember the manufacturer now i think it might have been Fairchild with the fast mono's
Group: Moderator
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Posts: 308
Monostable multivibrators look like the way to go. My differential circuit with the op amps gets unstable at higher frequencies.

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
I was going to use a mono but needed higher voltages, and more channels.
Group: Moderator
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Posts: 308
I'll probably use one per channel and step up the voltages somehow, I'm thinking using the pulse compression method or just using a MOSFET. Once I go about 600V or so, I'll have to ditch the MOSFET and use something else. If I wind up trying to replicate the original, I'll probably have to use the 300V pulse with RF transistors for the high frequency stuff. But right now I'm sticking with a bias coil to keep the frequency requirements low. I hope that Spherics really meant 300V and not 1KV or higher per the AVEC, that voltage requirement is hard to meet.

For the AVEC (next on the list), I'd probably focus on using a saturable reactor chain to boost the voltage each stage. Each stage would also compress the pulse somewhat, according to the research paper I read. The math was quite complex however, and I'm not sure what repitition rate I could get out of such a setup. I'm hoping that the bias coil in these setups reduces the frequency requirement substantially.

Another way would be the transistor stack with my 4kv DC-DC converter and something to control the pulse width.

He said "if the bias coil is fed high current and high volts you should get pulse rates as low as 3khz", so I'm assuming "high amps" would mean around 5 - 15? That seems quite high. Voltage wise, I didn't think it mattered too much, but I'm not certain at this point.


Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3975

Buy me some coffee
Hi bte
I also looked at the Saturable Inductor pulse shaping route also


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
My avalanche stacks will free-run in the low MHz range, and I have not had problems with power as I have them limited to about 2mA and all of my supplies are 20mA or greater.  I do have a an adjustable 1kv 1mA supply that does exhibit the things Peter spoke of, but I just use this as an indicator to test individual transistors to make sure they avalanche well.  Some avalanche partially with all sorts of noise and reject these.

I never bothered with sat cores as the stacks are easy to work with.

The the Tetra unit, you need a clock signal, and four switches.  You could make your own ring-counter with the same components as the multivibrator.
Group: Moderator
Sr. Member

Posts: 308
Im confused as to what the process is to test the transistors for avalanche. I have an EMCO 4kv supply that I could probably run at 1kv. What is your testing procedure? Avalanching now seems like a really good option with such high repitition rates you're getting. A few khz should be enough I would think, at these voltages.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
Im confused as to what the process is to test the transistors for avalanche. I have an EMCO 4kv supply that I could probably run at 1kv. What is your testing procedure? Avalanching now seems like a really good option with such high repitition rates you're getting. A few khz should be enough I would think, at these voltages.

I use one transistor at a time and raise the voltage (pot adjust) until it avalanches with a small neon as a load.   I have a scope connected to it and look at the output to see if it is clean or hash. this dumps the power supply which makes it cycle, but it is just an indicator.  About 5% tested would go into the hash mode and not make a true avalanche occur.
Group: Moderator
Sr. Member

Posts: 308
Rewinding my bias coil to get it mechanically stable at this point. Might rewind it with lower gauge wire for higher amps.
Group: Moderator
Sr. Member

Posts: 308
Isolating the CCU coil and it's SEP has really been a headache...

I hate worrying about being able to touch the SEP circuit due to 4kv being impressed over it.

Group: Moderator
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Posts: 308
Here is my proposed idea for isolation...a bit more work...


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
When I ran my SEP's from a power supply, it regulated the slight voltage rise down to the set voltage. 

With cold current in the circuit, the batteries will charge or can be disconnected, making cold current a goal to strive for.
Group: Moderator
Sr. Member

Posts: 308
Did you use tape or some insulation between the CCU and SEP when you had a common ground between the HV and SEP supply?

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
I wrapped several layers of teflon pipe thread tape between them.

I have batteries for all of the SEPs now, and the battery control boards are built.

Hope to get back on it in a couple of weeks.  I have some ideas of how to promote it publicly now.  Lot's of work before that time comes.
Group: Moderator
Sr. Member

Posts: 308
Cool, glad to hear that the tape method will work...I think I'll need isolation for the ADCs anyway. I'm designing it into the circuit, I should have a nice way of collecting/graphing the data for the unit with the new digital sensor circuits I've been working on. My job pays frustratingly little, so every mistake as far as botched boards/components costs me a lot of time...

A big hurdle for me is designing down the circuit so parts are readily accessible/off the shelf. The isolation transformers I'm making are custom at the moment...I think I can bump the voltage down to around 1.2kv to meet conventional DC-DC converter isolation ratings (1.5kv). I don't think they're meant to withstand that 24/7, but we'll see.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
Keep it simple...
Group: Moderator
Sr. Member

Posts: 308
Should be pretty simple, the converters are off the shelf with the exception of the 1.2kv supply, which is just an inverter + variac + transformer/rectifier.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
I have a few small dc-dc converters made by EMCO, that I bought on Ebay.  You adjust the supply voltage to adjust the output.  Current is kept low, since they are current-limited, and this keeps the avalanche transistors from burning up.  Only a minimal current is required anyway.

One advantage of this type of HV supply is that they require a DC supply, and they are small.

All of my boards are just perf-board with sockets and wires.  Each module is in it's own plastic box.  One box for each CCU circuit (board and switches), with small plugs on the sides for cables.

Group: Moderator
Sr. Member

Posts: 308
My gosh, I've accumulated so much random stuff from these experiments...

I found some mylar tape that I'm going to use for the SEP coil isolation. Easier than adjusting my circuit at this time to accommodate isolation electronically.

(TAP) P256.18Y, under "Permacel ® 1-Mil Polyester Film"

We can't be the only two working on this...right? There has to be someone else here interested in this!

This is literally the best way to achieve a cheap energy source, it has zero moving parts, we even have full instructions, and yet I see no interest!
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
No interest ?
I would not say that at all ...

Understanding exactly what is happening with these experiments you are doing ?? ,Well for some of us
that's a different story.


Chet K
Sr. Member

Posts: 375
To fill my curiosity I tried to do some googling and came across http://www.tuks.nl/pdf/Aether%20Vortex%20Energy%20Converter/
In the pdf there below there lots of stuff put on paper and I wonder if anyone did build that stuff successfully with effects described there.

Also I see the entire topic in http://overunity.com/9749/aether-vortex-energy-converter-avec-device-full-disclosure/ beganin 2015 which is been around 5 years already...

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
Marco and Mannix told me that 'One day you will know how the coils work'. Moving the flux in a resonant way or projecting the flux in an expressive way. Only 2 choices.

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