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2025-03-31, 22:15:06
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Author Topic: AVEC Replication Attempt  (Read 81039 times)
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I was wrong. You seem to be on the right path.

I don't know why I misunderstood the bypass. The Los Alamos paper is familiar to me.
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Posts: 308
I'll probably need to go through the circuit in spice, I hope it handles saturation somewhat realistically.
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Connecting some dots from the spiritual plane...

29. Is density an essential attribute of matter?

"Yes, of matter as understood by you, but not of matter considered as the universal fluid. The ethereal and subtle matter which forms this fluid is imponderable for you, and yet it is none the less the principle of your ponderable matter."

Density is a relative property. Beyond the sphere of attraction of the various globes of the universe, there is no such thing as "weight," just as there is neither "up" nor "down."

30. Is matter formed of one element or of several elements?

"Of one primitive element. The bodies which you regard as simple are not really elementary; they are transformations of the primitive matter."

31. Whence come the different properties of matter?

"From the modifications undergone by the elementary molecules, as the result of their union and of the action of certain conditions."

32. According to this view of the subject, savors, odors, colors, sounds, the poisonous or salutary qualities of bodies, are only the result of modifications of one and the same primitive substance?

"Yes, undoubtedly; and that only exist in virtue of the disposition of the organs destined to perceive them."

This principle is proved by the fact that the qualities of bodies are not perceived by all persons in the same manner. The same thing appears agreeable to the taste of one person, and disagreeable to that of another, what appears blue to one person appears red to another. That which is a poison for some, is wholesome for others.

33. Is the same elementary matter susceptible of undergoing all possible modifications and of acquiring all possible qualities?

"Yes; and it is this fact which is implied in the saying that everything is in everything."

Oxygen, hydrogen, azote, carbon, and all the other bodies which we regard as simple, are only modifications of one primitive substance. But the impossibility, in which we have hitherto found ourselves, of arriving at this primitive matter otherwise than as an intellectual deduction, causes these bodies to appear to us to be really elementary and we may, therefore, without impropriety, continue for the present to regard them as such.

-- Does not this theory appear to bear out the opinion of those who admit only two essential properties in matter, namely, force and movement, and who regard all the other properties of matter as being merely secondary effects of these, varying according to the intensity of the force and the direction of the movement?

"That opinion is correct. But you must also add, according to the mode of molecular arrangement; as you see exemplified, for instance, in an opaque body, that may become transparent, and vice versa."

34. Have the molecules of matter a determinate form?

"Those molecules undoubtedly have a form, but one which is not appreciable by your organs."

-- Is that form constant or variable?

"Constant for the primitive elementary molecules, but variable for the secondary molecules, which are themselves only agglomerations of the primary ones; for what you term a molecule is still very far from being the elementary molecule."

35. Is universal space infinite or limited?

"Infinite. Suppose the existence of boundaries, what would there be beyond them? This consideration confounds human reason; and nevertheless your reason itself tells you that it cannot be otherwise. It is thus with the idea of infinity, under whatever aspect you consider it. The idea of infinity cannot be comprehended in your narrow sphere."

If we imagine a limit to space, no matter how far off our thought may place this limit, our reason tells us that there must still be something beyond it and so on, step by step, until we arrive at the idea of infinity; for the "something beyond," the existence of which is recognized by our thought as necessity, were it only an absolute void, would still be space.

36. Does an absolute void exist in any part of space?

"No, there is no void. What appears like a void to you is occupied by matter in a state in which it escapes the action of your senses and of your instruments."

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
Is that Edgar Cayce?
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I thought there were similarities with the Aether and the 'universal fluid' or 'primitive element'. It would seem they have similar properties. Cores arrived. Doing some initial testing tonight, need more 40 awg for a proper bifilar coil assembly. I want to pursue all the basic experiments on the basic requirements for the HV pulse generation.
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Just as a precaution, how quick will this thing self destruct when you loop it? How much damage can this do? I don't want to end up with a crater where my shop used to be, in the event of an accidental loop. I wish they would have went into more detail of what exactly happens when this occurs. Exponential power dissipation? *shiver*

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
Looping it makes the magnetic field stronger, which produces more output, which makes teh magnetic field stronger, which produces more output, etc.

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Just make sure you regulate the fed back power, or incorporate a zener or crowbar across your power rails or even a fuse in series with the coil to blow at a set current should help a lot.
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I would, but then breaking the field instantaneously could be a Bad Thing(tm), according to the source.

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yeah i see, just regulate the feedback then, with TVs they do both but they don't have the shut down problems.
TVs primarily use regulation on the power supply, this then can have a crowbar diode to make sure it does not creep up enough for too much harmfull radiation emission from the tube, a small increase in HT / B+ volts equates to a much higher EHT voltage because of the step up function of the flyback transformer

Hang on a minuet, lets over drive a valve you would get heavy radiation from some of the big valves PL509/519 this is why the line timebase on the old valve TVs were placed in a heavy metal enclosures, from what i understand it's not the power that goes in it's the over voltage.

Many such stages are shielded and in the case of the G6, the stage is disabled when the covers are removed. The PD500 is also shielded. Not only does this valve dissipate 30 Watts but it also emits X-Rays. So do please treat these circuits with respect!! Ah yes, the G6...


Sorry for going off on a tangent
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Thanks for all the info! :)
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Feed forward shunt regulator.

A possible candidate for those small toroids in the middle?
Group: Guest

Feed forward shunt regulator.

A possible candidate for those small toroids in the middle?


I am very intrigued how your posted circuit could act as a regulator. It does appear to be regulation by means of inductance variation but it looks like the feedback would cause runaway vs. regulation<?????>

Do you have any examples of this type of regulator being used in a simple circuit?

Thank you for the graphic.


I remember, now  ;D

This is a 'magnetic' or more commonly known 'passive' feed forward regulator. This is where mag-amp/sat-core principles are used to regulate voltage by using the inherent DC biasing of the core. The last time I used something similar was in an all-passives radio receiver project. There wasn't a tube or P/N junction in the whole mess and it worked!.

Thanks for bringing back the memories  O0

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948

Feed forward shunt regulator.

A possible candidate for those small toroids in the middle?


I think you are correct.
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This is just for output regulation, but it should make feeding back real output power a possibility or at least slow down the exponential power curve long enough for a traditional power cut-off method, which is good enough.

The tetra is hard to get working right so far, I've used 19.5 degrees instead of 30 degrees for my coil angles. (I assume that was a typo or something) Perhaps the SM ring would be easier to construct, but the tetra has other advantages. When you feed the tetra with no biasing as per SM, you need to use high frequencies, into the Mhz range. This means you need to account for impendance matching and wavelengths (all the coil wires are now long transmission lines). But, feedback could be done (no bias to worry about) easily. I might be over-thinking the transmission line theory here, but I'm assuming my coil (It's about 80,000 feet of 44 awg - pretty much a 1lb spool of it)  has a bit of impendance to match with the driving switch.

My cores for saturable reactors suck, I don't have a good tape wound core, which is required, for this approach. All I have are ferrite toroids, they dont knee so much as slope all over the place.

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
This is just for output regulation, but it should make feeding back real output power a possibility or at least slow down the exponential power curve long enough for a traditional power cut-off method, which is good enough.

The tetra is hard to get working right so far, I've used 19.5 degrees instead of 30 degrees for my coil angles. (I assume that was a typo or something) Perhaps the SM ring would be easier to construct, but the tetra has other advantages. When you feed the tetra with no biasing as per SM, you need to use high frequencies, into the Mhz range. This means you need to account for impendance matching and wavelengths (all the coil wires are now long transmission lines). But, feedback could be done (no bias to worry about) easily. I might be over-thinking the transmission line theory here, but I'm assuming my coil (It's about 80,000 feet of 44 awg - pretty much a 1lb spool of it)  has a bit of impendance to match with the driving switch.

My cores for saturable reactors suck, I don't have a good tape wound core, which is required, for this approach. All I have are ferrite toroids, they dont knee so much as slope all over the place.

I laid out my tetra so that the faces of the coils intersect if projected straight along the center axis.  It is my understanding that the forces projected from the coils have to intersect for a combined effect at the location of the intersection, which is where the output coil is placed.

I never tried the saturable cores, and instead went to avalanched transistors.

I don't think transmission line theory is applicable.


I don't impedance-match the driver and coil.
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Posts: 308
That's good news. It will save me a bit of time.

Thanks for your input.
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I need better sat reactor cores if I want to up my voltage :( So expensive...


I found some el-cheapo ones with a quote "sharp BH curve". Let's see how sharp it is...

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
To put together the entire setup, with boards, boxes, switches, plugs and jacks, batteries, meters, and coils takes quite a deal of time, work, and money.  I'm currently building some boxes for my SEP boards with plugs, jacks, and a lid.
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The mechanical construction portion of the tetra is the road block for me. I have it done, it is just not adjustable. It's probably not too accurate either at this point. I plan on adding a bias coil, I don't think my MOSFET's or the sat reactors will go up to a few Mhz. We shall see.

The logic side is good to ~100Mhz, but I have not ran the driver/MOSFET at those frequencies. I may need a larger heatsink for my MOSFET and Driver.

I don't want to add a bias coil unless I'm forced to.

Got a PGP public key?

EDIT: My voltage is around 300 at this point. Testing Spherics' initial claim.

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
The mechanical construction portion of the tetra is the road block for me. I have it done, it is just not adjustable. It's probably not too accurate either at this point. I plan on adding a bias coil, I don't think my MOSFET's or the sat reactors will go up to a few Mhz. We shall see.

The logic side is good to ~100Mhz, but I have not ran the driver/MOSFET at those frequencies. I may need a larger heatsink for my MOSFET and Driver.

I don't want to add a bias coil unless I'm forced to.

Got a PGP public key?

EDIT: My voltage is around 300 at this point. Testing Spherics' initial claim.

The bias coil will lower the required pulse rate to the low kHz range.  

I layed out my tetra in AutoCAD and then printed it and used it as a pattern.  Cut the supports out of acrylic sheets and glued together.  The will twist when picking it up though, being flat sheets with heavy coils on them.  I haven't gotten around to building the driver for the tetra.  I have one on a temp test board.  Working on a permanent AVEC now.

I haven't used PGP in years, so no key at this time.
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The bias coil will lower the required pulse rate to the low kHz range.  

Good point, however the danger of an accidental feedback loop makes me hesitant. I'll probably wind up using a battery to power my bias later on. If I can get it to work without a bias, it would prove Spherics' original post, which is what I intend to do. (Although, that might be difficult)

I layed out my tetra in AutoCAD and then printed it and used it as a pattern.  Cut the supports out of acrylic sheets and glued together.  The will twist when picking it up though, being flat sheets with heavy coils on them.  I haven't gotten around to building the driver for the tetra.  I have one on a temp test board.  Working on a permanent AVEC now.

Good idea. I'll look into using CAD if I make another support.

I haven't used PGP in years, so no key at this time.

I see. Unfortunate.

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I built a tetra as well and have it in storage, i documented my build over at OU before we started this forum here.
I made a triangular frame out of artists mount board 1.5mm card then taped it together with masking tape and then filled the hollow structure with resin.

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Here's my diagram for the tetra.

I'll get a picture too.
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