Put in another 300 LEDs similar to the 12V strips.
Average Output Power increased to 0.54 watts. COP dropped to -1.87.
*** Plan: (1) Promote the 2n2222 board as that one is cheap, no danger and already sent to multiple testers. (2) Build some 2n3055 boards so that we can always show a higher Output Power device - way above the noise level. (3) Focus on sowing seeds. Let others water, fertilize, weed, harvast and sell products. (4) Make sure China and Hong Kong Government Officials know that the invention came from Hong Kong. Hong Kong can become the Mecca of Lead-out Energy research. (5) No need to take unnecessary risks now. The many testers will confirm Average Output Power greater than Average Input Power with the 2n2222 boards.
« Last Edit: 2013-03-07, 19:28:22 by ltseung888 »