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Author Topic: Locked reference material - no comments  (Read 46796 times)
Group: Guest
Another set of results confirming Lead-out Energy.

Note that the numerical value of Average Output Power is much greater than the Average Input Power over the 20 minute run.

Merry Christmas.

These type of results will be repeated.  The plan is to have 30 prototypes for Universities all showing similar behavior.

Group: Guest
The result on Dec 17 confirmed.

The key point is to look for Negative Output Current.  The actual configuration may be changed.  But if the Output Current is negative, the overunity result can be shown.

*** A sample Output and Input file is shown in Dec18.xls.
« Last Edit: 2012-12-18, 22:22:44 by ltseung888 »
Group: Guest
The BMP sample files for the experiments done on Dec 17.

Note the Negative Current values for Output waveforms.

This gives rise to the Negative Power!!!

Group: Guest
Have only one working Atten oscilloscope at home.  Model ADS1602CA.

Need to do Input and Output separately.

Useful in steady situations. (Such as both DC Power supply and capacitor connected)

Some data for record keeping purposes.

COP = 2
Group: Guest
The Load was 2 LEDs in series.

COP changed to -2.3.

More efficient both in actual output power and relative power.
Group: Guest
For those with only one oscilloscope (e.g. Atten), the following are the full connection details.

This particular set up is done at my bedroom and can be reproduced with various changes or improvements.

The Key Point to watch out - the Atten Oscilloscope has common ground connection internally for Channel 1 and Channel 2.  That feature is extremely useful for capturing instantaneous voltage and current at the same time.  However, ignoring that feature in the experimental set up will give wrong results.

God Bless.
Group: Guest
Just to be sure, I re-did the oscilloscope analysis with a single DSO.

The Input and Output were done at different times.  Thus the comparison should only be used as indication only.

The general waveform shape is confirmed.

The XLS file containes the full analysis.
Group: Guest
The configuration if you have two oscilloscopes is attached.

Note that we need to cater for the common ground for both Oscilloscope A and Oscilloscope B.  Thus DSO 1 Ch1 -ve, Ch2 -ve and DSO 2 Ch1 -ve and Ch2 -ve need to be at the same point.

The actual Input is not across the battery.  It includes the drop across the 1 ohm resistor.  We can add that back in with the oscilloscope analysis.  In addition, the current measurement for Input (A3 and A4) should be inverted.

With the two scopes, both Input and Output can be captured at the same time (within the finger pushing timeframe ;)).
Group: Guest
The oscilloscope analysis for the battery charger circuit.

The COP was around 10.  Thus most of the charging energy came from Lead-out Electron Motion Energy.
Group: Guest
It looks like the TK experiments with the JT in JT and oscillation mode confirmed that the two modes give different results.  The oscillation mode with capacitor appears to be more efficient.

The Super Joule Ringer from Laser Saber appears to get the CFL lighted without batteries at all.

The important thing is to confirm that the Output is indeed greater than Input with the oscilloscope.  Once confirmed, more resources will be poured in.  The energy crisis of the World is over.

Continue with the Christmas Gift....
Group: Guest
A member of the Hong Kong Invention Club, Mr. Derek Lam, came to the BSI Office to learn more about the Christmas Gift.

He did the following:
(1) Checked out sound resonance with the signal generator and the cup.  The sound made with the cup on top of the speaker was much louder because of resonance.  The Tseung explanation was that at sound resonance, kinetic energy of air molecules was led-out.
(2) Checked out the BSI demo board with LCR resonating with the transistor 2n2222.  He could hear the ringing tone.
(3) Built a FLEET prototype in two steps - the basic JT and then added the capacitor.  His first prototype lighted the LED for 89 minutes with the battery disconnected.  This is the best performance by first time experimenters.
(4) Measured and analyzed the Output vs Input waveforms on a battery charger prototype.  The COP was 22.

He would like to learn and participate more.  He still has good eyesight and steady hands.  Most importantly, he has the inventor mentality.

Another Divine Wine Server???
Group: Guest
The Derek Lam circuit diagrams.

These circuits and instruction diagrams are now known as kindergarten exercises.  It is a matter of follow instructions and plug in the correct holes properly.

The primary school exercises include reading circuit diagrams and soldering.

The secondary school exercises include oscilloscope analysis.

The University exercises include replacing electronic components.

The Post Graduate exercises include finding your own commercial FLEET conditions.
Group: Guest
Do we need any Marketing if all we want is to introduce the Lead-out Energy Technology to the World?  No need to have fame or money...

One simple way is to publish the information as I am doing now.

Another way is teach as many as possible on an one-on-one basis.  Let the student teach other students.

The cost of the cheap teaching set is less than HKD30 - USD4.3 - the price of an average meal in Hong Kong.  Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation can donate the first 100 sets to start the ball rolling.

Encourage some interested parties to retail and improve such sets to benefit the World...  They can sell such sets on-line.  Just donate 10% profit to charitable causes.

« Last Edit: 2013-01-07, 12:53:11 by ltseung888 »
Group: Guest
The Derek Lam circuit diagrams.

These circuits and instruction diagrams are now known as kindergarten exercises.  It is a matter of follow instructions and plug in the correct holes properly.

The primary school exercises include reading circuit diagrams and soldering.

The secondary school exercises include oscilloscope analysis.

The University exercises include replacing electronic components.

The Post Graduate exercises include finding your own commercial FLEET conditions.

A business person saw the Derek Lam demonstration and asked: "What is its significance?  Why do you call it a Christmas Gift to the World?  All I see is a LED ON for some minutes!"

The significance is that the continued lighting of the LED after the battery was disconnected is due to lead-out energy.  The lead-out energy is the electron motion energy of the orbiting electrons around the nucleus of the trillions of atoms of the circuit and surrounding.  This can be confirmed by the Christmas Gifts.  Such Gifts are most useful to Universities and Electronics Companies with top of the line oscilloscopes.  Once that is understood, such institutions can develop products based on lead-out energy.  There is no need to burn fossil fuel any more.
Group: Guest
What is the best seed?

At Wah Yan College, I found the best seed is the simple soldered demo plus the one-page oscilloscope analysis.

God Bless
Group: Guest

Hong Kong has a Green Council.  I gave 3 soldered demo kits.  In one move, I might have contacted many organizations.
Group: Guest

The same concept of resonance energy is presented in the Keppe Motor.  Instead of lighting only LEDs, the resonance set up can be used to run motors.

*** The focus is to verify and confirm Overunity in the next few weeks.  Sow the seeds.....

May the Almighty guide us to benefit the World.
Group: Guest
The long lasting lighted Boards.

Two of them are shown in the following three slides.
Group: Guest
From the thread on what is considered OU?


I like your definition.  I shall be sending a triple-tested FLEET board to poynt99 in this Forum and to many others (a total of 100 is planned).  Hopefully, you have aleady received one in the mail.  You should be able to pick it up at your old address.

The triple tested FLEET boards will show that the Average Output Power is greater than the Average Input Power as measured on a dual Atten Oscilloscope (2 channe) system.  Two different models of Atten Oscilloscopes were used.  The purpose of sending the FLEET boards out is to have different organizations use different makes of oscilloscopes to confirm the experimental results.  They are encouraged to replicate and improve.

The Lead-out Energy suggested in this case is the electron motion energy.  As already accepted, electrons orbit around the nucleus.  Such electrons have kinetic energy.  In addition, a circular motion electron will show magnetic properties (a dipole).  There are trillions of electrons associated with any object.  In this case, we focus on the electrical circuit and in particular, the toroid with pulsing electrical and magnetic fields.  At the right matching of the oscillating LCR and the pulsing transistor circuits, the electrons will be aligned and some of their motion energy can be extracted (lead-out or brought-in).

It is suggested (and to be proven shortly with the FLEET boards) that the energy used to align these electrons can be less than the energy that can be extracted.  This is a logical explanation of getting more Average Output Energy than Average Input Energy.  Should such a FLEET board be considered as OU now?

Once the mainstream scientific community accepts the above, the floodgate will be open.  Many different devices using the electron motion energy will emerge as legitimate.  Some are already posted on the Internet.

When you have a chance, please test the oscilloscope-test-ready board already sent to you thoroughly.   Hopefully, many of the other 99 organizations will do the same.  Then Leading-out electron motion energy will be accepted (from OU to standard scientific understanding).

May the Almighty Guide us to benefit the World.

Group: Guest
The 2n3055 oscilloscope test ready board.

No major surprise.  COP =-4.48.  Average Output Power = 0.48 watts.  Needs 2V to start.
Group: Guest
Put in another 300 LEDs similar to the 12V strips.

Average Output Power increased to 0.54 watts.  COP dropped to -1.87.

*** Plan:
(1) Promote the 2n2222 board as that one is cheap, no danger and already sent to multiple testers.
(2) Build some 2n3055 boards so that we can always show a higher Output Power device - way above the noise level.
(3) Focus on sowing seeds.  Let others water, fertilize, weed, harvast and sell products.
(4) Make sure China and Hong Kong Government Officials know that the invention came from Hong Kong.  Hong Kong can become the Mecca of Lead-out Energy research.
(5) No need to take unnecessary risks now.  The many testers will confirm Average Output Power greater than Average Input Power with the 2n2222 boards.
« Last Edit: 2013-03-07, 19:28:22 by ltseung888 »
Group: Guest
Stored file for editing later.

File can be mass-emailed as soon as sufficient confirmation is achieved...

(1) Photos of testers in Hong Kong and China.
(2) DSO analysis results of testers.
(3) Additional prototype results. Or successful replication by others.

*** added BSI Board for future use
« Last Edit: 2013-03-23, 02:47:34 by ltseung888 »
Group: Guest
Physics behind the test boards.
Group: Guest
Reference data for Board 80 - for Hong Kong Government
Group: Guest
Saving the data for Board 108
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