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Author Topic: The FLEET DIY KIT  (Read 81665 times)
Group: Guest
This mentality is easy to overcome in what I see.

If you are offended by the word "overunity", then I suggest adjust your thinking.  Now invent a thinking of "capacitor self loop".  If someone claims OU, see him as claiming more OUT than IN.  It just means that we need to help him verify and loop it.  If someone claims cap loop, we brings the pop corn and the prize. 

Group: Guest
Here is the picture of the no-battery air pump.

Instead of the specially tuned FLEET, I used the demo sample from a DIY kit.  It shows the effect of tuning.  With the specially tuned FLEET, a few cranks allowed the air pump to continue functioning for 30 minutes.  With this demo sample, it barely lasted 2 minutes.

I am using the words - tuning for Tseung Resonance.  The tuning exercise involved selecting the right toroid from our dozens of prepared toroids with different diameters and windings; using different capacitors to match; varying the resistors and varying the number and speed of cranking.  The use of the oscilloscope was a great help.

Group: Guest
If someone claims OU, see him as claiming more OUT than IN.  It just means that we need to help him verify and loop it.

If he claims OU, he doesn't ask for help. He affirms. So we just have to require the proofs.
If he want help, he should present his matter as the paper from the CERN scientists having measured a speed of neutrino >c, something like:
"here is what we experimented, here is our measurement method and instruments, here are our surprising results, what do you think?", with all details so that anyone can analyse or duplicate the experiment.
Any OU claim, not certified by third party, is prematured.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Quote from: exnihiloest
About this rumor, I saw only gibberish. Could you express and synthetize the
phenomenon in technical terms instead of a credo, in order to duplicate the
(shematics, observation conditions, quantified measurement results...)

Probably not to your satisfaction as the anomaly is not well understood.

As with certain other phenomena, a requisite amount of "hands on"
tinkering is necessitated in order to produce the desired effect.  It is
very helpful to observe critical waveshapes on the oscilloscope as the
several adjustments are "tweaked" successively while observing changes
in output level.  Then the "signature" of the phenomenon can be established
for future reference as it may be applied to other replications.

Quote from: Farrah Day
Just looking for the true colours to show themselves.   ;)

This is a valid technique which can sometimes reveal surprising traits
in the "target."  Must be used with great skill and caution.

Quote from: PhysicsProf
Several months ago, we were advised that one cannot utter the name
of "b.e.d.i.n.i." on this forum.

When one has a carefully cultivated "image" which is salable then one
may find need, from time to time, to threaten legal action in order to
preserve/protect the salability of said "image."

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Guest
If he claims OU, he doesn't ask for help. He affirms. So we just have to require the proofs.
If he want help, he should present his matter as the paper from the CERN scientists having measured a speed of neutrino >c, something like:
"here is what we experimented, here is our measurement method and instruments, here are our surprising results, what do you think?", with all details so that anyone can analyse or duplicate the experiment.
Any OU claim, not certified by third party, is prematured.

People in here think claiming OU means it's a proof.  I just ask them to think claiming OU as evident and cap loop as proof.   Evident needs help do verify, I hope you agree.

Group: Guest
People in here think claiming OU means it's a proof.  I just ask them to think claiming OU as evident and cap loop as proof.   Evident needs help do verify, I hope you agree.

Yes I agree!

Group: Guest
Probably not to your satisfaction as the anomaly is not well understood.

As with certain other phenomena, a requisite amount of "hands on"
tinkering is necessitated in order to produce the desired effect.

The question I asked is not that of the understanding but of the reality of the alleged phenomenon, or of the reality of the anomaly because a trivial effect is often presented as an anomaly.
If the phenomenon is single-observer dependent with impossibility for the observer to express the necessary set of observation conditions, then we are in the field of the paranormal, or in that of psychology where the only objective phenomenon is an abnormal process in the brain of the observer (presuming he is honnest, what is not always the case).
We can accept a reasonable time delay for an OU claimer to clarify his matter in order that others can duplicate his setup, but in practice, from all examples that we have for tens of years, we see that there is not one single example where an OU claim becomes accepted and reproducible by everybody.
So imho, either the claim is accompanied by a solid description and it can be duplicated in a short time (max some month), or it is a scam, a mistake or an absurdity.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Quote from: exnihiloest
If the phenomenon is single-observer dependent with impossibility for
the observer to express the necessary set of observation conditions,
then we are in the field of the paranormal...

Precisely.  Often the effects are very real but only certain operators
are capable of making them manifest.

On many occasions the effects have been witnessed by many observers
who have verified what they saw.  The scientific explanation, on the
other hand, has never materialized.

Paranormal.  Supernatural.  Very elusive in any case...

Will we ever have the answers we seek?

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Guest
Often the effects are very real but only certain operators
are capable of making them manifest.

On many occasions the effects have been witnessed by many observers
who have verified what they saw.  The scientific explanation, on the
other hand, has never materialized.

For centuries, Magicians the world over have entertained and at the same time mystified audiences with their performances. What you have described here falls well within the scope of any competent illusionist.
Group: Guest
Precisely.  Often the effects are very real but only certain operators are capable of making them manifest.
On many occasions the effects have been witnessed by many observers who have verified what they saw.

The reality of the effects is not proved. A witness doesn't prove the reality of a phenomenon. It proves that something occured in the mind of the witnesses.

The scientific explanation, on the other hand, has never materialized.

Perfectly logic. A scientific explanation applies only to observations. Observations are the result of detectable and measurable phenomena, they are not related to mind processes only.
We must not forget the meaning of our underlying field, physics: physical objects are required. They are physical if they are able to interact with other physical objects, as measuring instruments.

Will we ever have the answers we seek?

Possible, provided that we don't seek answers to erroneous questions. Erroneous questions are often questions that imply underlying phenomena that are not ascertained, or that have a formulation either fallacious or incompatible with the possible answers.
Example of questions of the 1st kind: "why the pink unicorn is pink?", "how a ghost can pass through a wall?".
Example of question of the 2nd kind: "we know that a slight change of any physics constant would prevent our universe and ourselves to exist. How our universe parameters have been adjusted?" (inversion of causes and effects).

Group: Guest
Precisely.  Often the effects are very real but only certain operators
are capable of making them manifest.

On many occasions the effects have been witnessed by many observers
who have verified what they saw.  The scientific explanation, on the
other hand, has never materialized.

Paranormal.  Supernatural.  Very elusive in any case...

Will we ever have the answers we seek?

An example of this would be ION able to detect the spike while others struggling. 

He has magic hand?  His mind manifested the effect? Scientific explanation materialized yet? 

Hero Member

Posts: 2735
Perfectly logic. A scientific explanation applies only to observations. Observations are the result of detectable and measurable phenomena, they are not related to mind processes only.
We must not forget the meaning of our underlying field, physics: physical objects are required. They are physical if they are able to interact with other physical objects, as measuring instruments.

One note of interest that relates to most of these low power inductive discharge circuits aka (joule thief/blocking oscillator) running at higher frequencies and why they work for some people and not others is often misleading. While it may appear as magic to some I decided to test this theory in reality, low and behold the phenomena is actually very simple.
Here are some real examples:
1) I have an oscillator running in my hand then give it to you and it stops, why?.
2)I have an oscillator stopped on my bench and then when you get near it starts, why?.
3)I move from one room to another and it either stops or starts, why?.
4)some days it works fine others it will not start at all, why?.

Is it magic?, well no it's the Relative Humidity and the state of surface charge on a persons body which actually relates more to the clothes they are wearing and the floor material as well as nearby objects. The phenomena is more pronounced in dry weather and when the trigger bias is finely tuned very close to the turn on/off threshold. I have built devices so sensitive that a person can simply move their arm within four or five feet and turn the device on or off, it can also modulate the frequency.
I found all of this fairly easy because my primary area of research and expertise is in electrostatics and field interactions, the two least understood fields of electrodynamics.
You see first a person has to know "What" to measure then "How" to measure it however if a person has no prior knowledge of "what" is present due to a faulty premise or false assumptions then how can a person measure something they do not know exists?.

Possible, provided that we don't seek answers to erroneous questions. Erroneous questions are often questions that imply underlying phenomena that are not ascertained, or that have a formulation either fallacious or incompatible with the possible answers.

I would disagree, I have found most often the answers we seek are elusive because we are asking all the wrong questions, we are asking the same questions as everyone else which is a form of bias. Now we can simply deny whatever we don't understand but this is not science it is delusion, denial is not a solution nor an answer to anything.
"how a ghost can pass through a wall?" --- This is a good example because if you believe ghosts are real you are illogical as there is no conclusive proof they exist, as well if you believe ghosts are not real you are illogical as there is no conclusive proof they exist or not. You see it is the "belief" which is illogical not the questions nor the answers.

« Last Edit: 2012-08-20, 04:47:37 by allcanadian »

Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Guest
1) I have an oscillator running in my hand then give it to you and it stops, why?.
2)I have an oscillator stopped on my bench and then when you get near it starts, why?.

Is it magic?, well no it's the Relative Humidity and the state of surface charge on a persons body...

I agree, there are physical parameters, no magic. Even if they come from people, these parameters are dependent on measurable and observable properties of matter, they are not "mind processes only".

I would disagree...
"how a ghost can pass through a wall?" --- This is a good example because if you believe ghosts are real you are illogical as there is no conclusive proof they exist, as well if you believe ghosts are not real you are illogical as there is no conclusive proof they exist or not. You see it is the "belief" which is illogical not the questions nor the answers.

I agree about your analysis of the illogicality of the two cases, but I disagree about your conclusion.
We have no access to the brain process of "believing". The neurology is not yet powerful enough to characterize the underlying physical process of a belief in the brain, in order to say that it is not logically related to objective input data (the informations that have made someone believing in ghosts).
Consequently even if a belief is illogical, we can't affirm it is, for the same reason that someone can't say that the ghosts exist: a belief is like a ghost, it has no physical evidence that a third party can access, at least today.
But we can say that questions are erroneous, when they imply the reality of underlying phenomena that have not been demonstrated and so, are not facts.

Group: Guest
I assume all Christians believe in ghosts - the 'Holy Ghost' comes to mind. But then all religion relies simply on faith rather than logic or scientific evidence.
Group: Guest
If a person does not believe in science, then nothing you do can convince them.  You can show them buildings, cars, train, airplanes... and they simply say "It was given by God".  You can say science does not need believing and cast them out, but you have done no justice to them just as they put you on the guillotine a while back.  If you want the facts from religion, you have to be one.

Group: Guest
I got screamed at by the Marketing People. They gave me the following analysis:

The DIY kit Component costs at retail in USA are:

Breadboard USD14.99 from RadioShack   Subtotal: 14.99
Capacitor USD6.99 each from Panasonic (3)              20.97
Toroid USD2.26 each (order on-line)  (3)                      9.78
LED USD0.81 from TruOpto    (50)                                40.5
2n2222 USD0.612 from Multicomp (3)                           1.83
                                                          Total                    52.8

I have not included the magnet wire, the battery holder and the packaging.
The minimum package cost to USA from Hong Kong is USD10 (1 Kg)
The minimum package cost to UK from Hong Kong is USD20 (1 Kg)
There is still the cost of making the demo sample with 38 LEDs.

How can we sell the DIY kit at USD20???

The only excuse I had was - technical guys do not know marketing.

God Bless.
Hero Member

Posts: 1582
I suspect that you need to source the items from China. I reckon these prices
are silly. What is the precise description of the capacitors? The breadboard
is nice but not essential. Vero board could be offered as an alternative

You could market two or more products.
1. As above, at whatever price it comes out at.
2. a cut down version allowing people to get some products locally.

It is important that you are REALLY CLEAR about what claims you are making.
It could be described as a prototyping kit to explore the boundaries of
over unity performance which has been predicted/suggested/experienced by
some researchers.
Group: Guest
I suspect that you need to source the items from China. I reckon these prices
are silly. ***I was told that those are not common, large quantity items.  As such, the markup will have to be high as most of the time, they just sit on the shelf.  What is the precise description of the capacitors? *** Wait for the DIY kit product.  We can be sure after the final tuning.  The breadboard is nice but not essential. Vero board could be offered as an alternative.  *** Vero board needs soldering.  The DIY kit is designed for the user to keep changing configurations for tuning.  Vero boards will be used when they are ready for International Competitions.

You could market two or more products.
1. As above, at whatever price it comes out at.
2. a cut down version allowing people to get some products locally.
*** One suggestion by a Christian Group is to sell at full price in wealthy Countries.  Have a barebone version for developing nations.  (Many years ago, Coke sold in Hong Kong was at a much lower price than at USA).  In this way, all Nations benefit.

It is important that you are REALLY CLEAR about what claims you are making.  *** The kit is likely to be named "Lead-out Energy Research DIY kit".
It could be described as a prototyping kit to explore the boundaries of
over unity performance which has been predicted/suggested/experienced by
some researchers.  *** I am avoiding the term overunity altogether.

We are guaranteeing that the provided sample will light up 38 LEDs for at least 2 minutes with the battery removed.  We are challenging the buyer to beat that in the International Competition.  That requires resonance tuning.  The buyer will hear the ringing tone and his different versions of the FLEET prototype will show different no-battery times.

*** We already have prototypes that can last 90 minutes with no batteries.  We fully expect some bright buyers will beat that.  It is a matter of getting into Tseung Resonance Condition and keeping it there.  We expect some brilliant buyer will use the recharging battery and swap method to light up the 38 LEDs “forever”.   We do not need to make those claims.  We let the competition winners demonstrate to the World such facts.

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...

I am sure I could design a circuit that will power your 38 LED's for 2 days or so on a capacitor.

What exactly are the criteria for this competition?

For example, what size and voltage of battery can be used, and how long can the battery be connected before it is disconnected?

Is there a limit to the size of capacitor used?

"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Quote from: Farrah Day
I assume all Christians believe in ghosts - the 'Holy Ghost' comes
to mind. But then all religion relies simply on faith rather than logic
or scientific evidence.

Those of us who are confined to the Physical Realm find it very
difficult to comprehend the Spiritual Realm.  There are many
things which our "science" within this physical realm is incapable
of explaining.  We have ample evidence of the existence of the
supernatural or spiritual but we have been effectively "programmed"
or propagandized to dismiss it as Evolution or Natural Selection.
Our ability to think and process logically (scientifically) has been
impaired by those who do not want us to acknowledge or understand.

Quote from: GibbsHelmholtz
If a person does not believe in science, then nothing you do can
convince them.  You can show them buildings, cars, train, airplanes...
and they simply say "It was given by God".  You can say science does
not need believing and cast them out, but you have done no justice to
them just as they put you on the guillotine a while back.  If you want
the facts from religion, you have to be one.

Aye, "Religion" has been corrupted and much knowledge has been
hidden by the Occult Societies.  Religion in the world today is largely
controlled deception.  Fortunately, this deception is beginning to crumble.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Guest

I am sure I could design a circuit that will power your 38 LED's for 2 days or so on a capacitor.  *** We already have a prototype lasting 4 days.  Once you master Tseung Resonance tuning, you can do amazing things.

What exactly are the criteria for this competition?

For example, what size and voltage of battery can be used, and how long can the battery be connected before it is disconnected?

Is there a limit to the size of capacitor used?  

Dear poynt99,

There are a number of Competitions.

The first one that is most applicable is to use one of the supplied capacitors and use different windings on the toroid to get the longest no-battery time for the 38 LEDs.  The toroid may have primary and secondary windings and may have different turns.  The many competition entries will have different no-battery times.  The qualifying time is 30 minutes.  The battery connection time is 30 seconds from a fully charged AA battery.  (To be fair to all competitors, the details of the electronics of the DIY kit will NOT be published until the DIY kit product is available).  This competition may have many monthly Local Winners and ONE final International Winner.  (We expect the vero board and soldering to be used for transport in the International Competition.)

The second one is to use more electronic components.  The competitor may use one or two of the toroids, capacitors and 2n2222s supplied with the DIY kit.  The battery is still one fully charged AA.  The battery connection time is also 30 seconds.  We have to warn the Competitors to use caution.  The electronics may burn out and a mild electric shock may be experienced.  The 2n2222 was selected because it will burn out if the current exceed 800mA.  Do NOT change to a more powerful transistor.  

The third one allows the use of two rechargeable AA batteries.  The competitor may use one or two of the toroids, capacitors and 2n2222s.  The Competitor may add timers such as the 555 and additional control electronics.  The batteries can be connected all the time.  The determining criterion in this case is the voltage reading on the two rechargeable AA batteries after 30 days.  The actual lighting time with 38 LEDs can be months or years or “forever”.   The winning entry or entries may be put into the Headquarters of BSI Energy Holdings Limited.  It will be the show case of “Forever Lead-out Electromagnetic Energy Transformer” FLEET.

The forth one is for professionals who know how to handle high voltage and power only.  It focuses on the largest amount of lead-out power.  The Input may be two AA batteries or a DC power supply up to 3V.  The competitor may use one toroid, one capacitor and one transistor of his choice.  The competitor must use extreme caution if he uses a more powerful transistor than the 2n2222.  (The Star in the Demonstration Center at present is the 1KW output unit with no capacitors.  It uses a more powerful transistor than the 2n2222.)  The determination of the lead-out power is via the average output power as determined by an Atten Oscilloscope.  The setting of the Atten Oscilloscope will be published on the BSI Energy Holdings Limited website.  It is possible that the lead-out energy may be higher than what the Atten oscilloscope can handle.  In that case, the Judges may select and post a more appropriate method.  One possible method is the calorimeter test – bring 1 liter of water from one specified temperature to another specified temperature.

There are other competitions.  Please check the website from BSI Energy Holdings Limited when ready.

May God guide the Competitors to benefit the World.

Group: Guest
... We have ample evidence of the existence of the
supernatural or spiritual but we have been effectively "programmed"
or propagandized to dismiss it as Evolution or Natural Selection.
Our ability to think and process logically (scientifically) has been
impaired by those who do not want us to acknowledge or understand.

'We have ample evidence of supernatural or spiritual...' Do we... who is 'we'? I can't say I do?

I would argue to the contrary of what you write here, in that many religious people have been programmed from birth to believe in god's and deities and in many cases to dismiss the scientific evidence of evolution.  Religion is passed down by parents to children just as their genes are - and why would a child question his or her elders? Many children are very clearly effectively brain-washed from day one.

I've known people who think that the world is only 10,000 years old and whom can look at a 70 million year old fossil and see only a rock with a pattern on it! Needless to say conversation is never very pretty.

To me it beggars belief that in this day and age some people can so casually, with the wave of a hand, simply dismiss all the scientific evidence that exists and still go with the 'Adam and Eve' version of events!! ???  I struggle to understand how any intelligent mind can be so irrational when it comes to religion and superstition, but I guess common sense is a gift not all of us possess and many people never acquire.  :)
Hero Member

Posts: 805
One is the hand crank air pump for fish tank or live fish bait containers.  A few cranks through a specially tuned FLEET, the air pump continue to operate for over 30 minutes.


I'm trying to understand your claim above, and want to roughly calculate the input and output energy.


1) what capacitor are you using?  how many farads?   

2 )  and what is the voltage that it gets charged to from the hand crank?


1)  can you provide the motor/pump type?  or
2)  can you scope the voltage waveform to the motor, and the voltage across a 1 ohm resistor in series with the motor?   (so I can understand the current flowing to the motor?)

30 minutes runtime for an air pump might be significant, but it all depends on how much energy that hand crank delivers and how efficiently the pump is.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Quote from: Farrah Day
'We have ample evidence of supernatural or spiritual...'
Do we... who is 'we'? I can't say I do?

Your questions are good and your commentary both poignant
and on the mark in several respects.  "We" in this case would
apply to those who have opened their eyes and minds enough
to be able to "see."  Not many are yet able to do that at this

Quote from: Farrah Day
I would argue to the contrary of what you write here, in that
many religious people have been programmed from birth to
believe in god's and deities and in many cases to dismiss the
scientific evidence of evolution.  Religion is passed down by
parents to children just as their genes are - and why would a
child question his or her elders? Many children are very clearly
effectively brain-washed from day one.

There is truth in what you've said.  Corruption and deception
have entered into both the business we call "Religion" and the
business we call "Science."  Both "businesses" are controlled
and manipulated in order to deviate from truth on many fronts
and both have their ardent, brain-washed followers.

Quote from: Farrah Day
I've known people who think that the world is only 10,000 years old
and whom can look at a 70 million year old fossil and see only a rock
with a pattern on it! Needless to say conversation is never very pretty.

Aye, it is frustrating that many believe what has been falsely translated
from the original languages.  Others believe Earth to be 5,000 to 7,000
years of age and that the Creative Day was a literal 24 hour earth day.
This fallacy will in due time give way to the truth.

Quote from: Farrah Day
To me it beggars belief that in this day and age some people can so
casually, with the wave of a hand, simply dismiss all the scientific
evidence that exists and still go with the 'Adam and Eve' version of
events!! ???  I struggle to understand how any intelligent mind can be
so irrational when it comes to religion and superstition, but I guess
common sense is a gift not all of us possess and many people never
acquire.  :)

Aye, we've all been reared within an environment of deception and
"agenda" perpetuated by those who've been deceived before us.  Is
it any wonder that Common Sense is such a rare commodity in the
minds of men?  That corruption and deception are everywhere; have
permeated virtually every nook and cranny of our present world?

Truth is everywhere to be found if we persist in searching for it.
Unfortunately, our "programming" and our pre-conceived conclusions
make our searches very lopsided.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Hero Member

Posts: 805
[edit:  ]

This post has devolved!   It's not Evolution,  it's DEVILution!    >:-)   ;D  :D

« Last Edit: 2012-08-22, 02:27:17 by EMdevices »
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