'We have ample evidence of supernatural or spiritual...'
Do we... who is 'we'? I can't say I do?
Your questions are good and your commentary both poignant
and on the mark in several respects. "We" in this case would
apply to those who have opened their eyes and minds enough
to be able to "see." Not many are yet able to do that at this
I would argue to the contrary of what you write here, in that
many religious people have been programmed from birth to
believe in god's and deities and in many cases to dismiss the
scientific evidence of evolution. Religion is passed down by
parents to children just as their genes are - and why would a
child question his or her elders? Many children are very clearly
effectively brain-washed from day one.
There is truth in what you've said. Corruption and deception
have entered into both the business we call "Religion" and the
business we call "Science." Both "businesses" are controlled
and manipulated in order to deviate from truth on many fronts
and both have their ardent, brain-washed followers.
I've known people who think that the world is only 10,000 years old
and whom can look at a 70 million year old fossil and see only a rock
with a pattern on it! Needless to say conversation is never very pretty.
Aye, it is frustrating that many believe what has been falsely translated
from the original languages. Others believe Earth to be 5,000 to 7,000
years of age and that the Creative Day was a literal 24 hour earth day.
This fallacy will in due time give way to the truth.
To me it beggars belief that in this day and age some people can so
casually, with the wave of a hand, simply dismiss all the scientific
evidence that exists and still go with the 'Adam and Eve' version of
I struggle to understand how any intelligent mind can be
so irrational when it comes to religion and superstition, but I guess
common sense is a gift not all of us possess and many people never
Aye, we've all been reared within an environment of deception and
"agenda" perpetuated by those who've been deceived before us. Is
it any wonder that Common Sense is such a rare commodity in the
minds of men? That corruption and deception are everywhere; have
permeated virtually every nook and cranny of our present world?
Truth is everywhere to be found if we persist in searching for it.
Unfortunately, our "programming" and our pre-conceived conclusions
make our searches very lopsided.
For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.