... Loading a transformer is like loading a Milkovic pendulum. From here we can use EM's math to visualize OU. ...
Force, voltage, current... are not energy. A transformer doubles the voltage but divides the current by two, or vice versa: no energy gain. A lever having a arm twice the length of the other doubles the force but divides the displacement by two: no gain. Using math, we get OU=0. A change in magnetic field creates a voltage (centrifugal force).
A centrifugal force doesn't exist in a referential frame at rest, that one where we hope to recover energy. A centrifugal force exists only in the non-inertial referential of an accelerating body. The energy is referential dependent. You can't mix a force in a referential (and worse, non-inertial) with the displacement in another one, while expecting for a correct result. The Milkovic pendulum is a conventional device. I had modelized it with Workingmodel 2005, it works according to mechanics laws. It is just a useful idea, especially when used by Milkovic as a manual pump, well fitting the human force (= "impedance matching"). The J. Marjanovic's math about the Milkovic pendulum is full of basic errors. I can hardly believe that he is an engineer (or he falsified the matter).
« Last Edit: 2012-08-08, 11:49:53 by exnihiloest »