It must depend on how you do it. Bob Boyce and Dave Lawton get superior results using a very sharply square DC pulse at Keely's 42.8Khz, and Keely is supposed to have done it using an audio signal at that frequency.
Things are never as clear-cut as many would like to think. It would be a grave mistake simply to take the things you read on the internet as gospel. I have never seen any real science or figures to back up any of these claims. Most of this stuff is just fantasy and wishful thinking. This stuff has been knocking around cyberspace for donkey's years. It is extremely difficult to make accurate in/out energy measurements at the best of times - start pulsing DC and it becomes even more difficult. Playing about on a small bench in a garage without the correct equipment or methodology and results are all pretty meaningless. Lack of knowledge and understanding can always produce 'incredible' results, particularly if you don't have a clue what you are doing or how to interpet what is happening. I used to converse with Dave Lawton, he was a genuine guy, doing some interesting work, but you have to bear in mind that his facilities were limited. From what I understand some of the gas evolving from his electrolyser set up may have been down to cavitation occurring. I've only read what is available on the internet about Keely, but no one to my knowledge has ever successfully reproduced his work. You have to remember that in order for things not to simply be considered as wild speculation and conjecture, these claims have to be independently corroborated and reproduceable. Boyce is probably the biggest bullshitter out there - and trust me I know him a lot better than most. For all his past talk of running his car on water, building electrolysers that produce 10x-18x over-Faraday gas output, no one has yet replicated his designs and neither he nor anyone else has had his designs independently tested. Boyce and his mindlessly devoted fanclub reside solely in a fantasy world. Not once, anywhere have any of his claims even come close to being corroborated by a reliable independent source. It's quite laughable really because people seem to simply believe anything Boycie says, irrelevant of the utter nonsense he is continually spouting, or the total lack of anything coming close to proof. I'm sorry but the fact that some people talk about Bullshit Boycie like he is some HHO guru, when the reality of it is he has never actually shown the world anything, really riles me.  But by all means provide a link to research or experiments that supports all Boycies wild claims.