I re-read it, and it seems not more relevant than the first time I read it.
Ah! Why am I not surprised? Never the less, the answer I supplied is the reason inductive devices are not designed as you have in your experiment. I seriously doubt those same designers worry about the closed loops of the magnetic circuit being non-conservative. Forgive me, but I see your experiment as if a scientist is holding a bucket of water with many holes in the bottom while he puzzles over why the water level drops. Yes, indeed, the high permeability of the ferrite will act as a lower reluctance path for the magnetic loops. This does not mean all of these loops will take that path. The very high reluctance portion of the circuit (between the ends of the coil and the ends of the outer core ferrite) provide an area where the loops take an equal preference of increasing the distance between them. Magnets do not repel only when like poles face each other. They also repel when like 'equators' (bad terminology but should be clear) face each other. All that is required is the smallest of gaps. You have a huge distance allowing leakage. It is no different than a loosely wound coil over a sensible core causing magnetic leakage. The above is only one half of the problem you see. The other half is exactly as .99 has described. In a central core the magnetic circuit direction is only one direction (simplified by not involving Lenz). In any outer core there are a minimum of two magnetic circuit paths. The net magnetic is almost null. The only reason it isn't null is because the larger diameter of the outer perimeter presents a greater path than the inner diameter. You should be able to link that minute 7% change to the difference between the inner and outer diameters of the outer core  Here is an idea to ponder.... Make an outer core that is of Mobius form. This would provide the same path surface area for inner an outer diameters and should result in no effect on the inner coil..... Wait a minute! Isn't that why non-inductive resistors and capacitors use that form?