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Author Topic: Magnacoaster  (Read 138277 times)
Hero Member

Posts: 520

Yes I do understand but that is simply because I know where you are coming from. Similar to when @otto would just put out a  rather vagabond sentence and I would know exactly what he meant. I really miss the guy.

About the high voltage pulsing, you now have the right piece of equipment to do some major testing with high voltage, low amperage, and even with high frequency pulsing to boot. Man oh man, I think I need one of those power supplies. Moma. break the piggy bank. But just be careful because you now have the steady voltage of a microwave that can be pulsed at many levels. You will also need a way to adjust the pulse frequency but also the pulse width. That is where many go wrong in experiments. They pulse and pulse but have no way of working the width. You could be at 50% width all the time and not know that if you were at 60%, or 32% or 10%, the effects start to multiply on their own because the pulse width is just enough to initiate the motion but leaves enough room in the energy flow to let the effect manifest itself. To much width just stifles the effect. But be careful. Maybe keep a piece of raw meat near your coil just in case. If it starts cooking, get out of there.

One thing I did not show in videos is lighting up an air-coil-led by only holding the positive micro-amps pulse between two fingers and the LED was about 4 feet away from me. That totally freaked me out. But the funny thing was while the led was lit, I would change from holding the positive to holding the negative pulse and the LED would still stay lit. But when I stopped holding either, LED would go out and if I tried to light it again this time by holding the negative lead first, it would not light up. I should have made a video of that one. Guys would still be scratching their heads. This is a pure expression of the ether that surrounds us, not the Earths field, not the solar wind, not the galactic pulsations, but simply the ether that is everywhere always.

The way I see it is that we all need a solid ether basis. I tried a little with @MH just to see how open he is to other facets of "visualization" of this energy conundrum. But we will definitely have to go back to the conventional theories and work them down notch by notch. You know the world got along extremely well during ions while man thought everything was flat. By the same token, man can advance into the future very well and very comfortably with the acceptance of our present understandings and limitations of energy production, fields, etc. But one day, there will be a new Benjamin Franklin that will make the next "flagrant" discovery, so obvious and so attainable by all that it could not be denied by the power brokers. Right now, every idea, every theory, every experiment has to climb Everest and back in order to get some exposure and maybe a half-assed chance of being considered by those on the top of the totem pole.

Group: Guest

For what it's worth I am never going to be involved in any TPU-style threads and I wish all of the gang good luck with their high-voltage power supplies and all that stuff.  Just be careful because obviously they have the potential to be lethal.  As I said to Giantkiller, if in several months there is a tweaked demo that you guys think conclusively demonstrates something interesting I would certainly be interested in seeing it and looking at the data and commenting.  But I don't want to be involved in the work in progress.

With respect to "visualization" and new horizons and all that stuff, let's just say there are two sides to a coin.  I can try to look at your side of the coin and you can try to look at my side of the coin.  Many effects that you guys might think are remarkable might not be if you have a different set of "visualization tools."  For example, I don't see anything out of the ordinary with all of the Dr. Stiffler stuff and I have looked at all of Lidmotor's clips, and a few others.  I haven't really read the threads Dr. Stiffler though, I just took a peek from time to time.

Group: Guest

If you use a coil core made of highly conductive non-ferrous metal the result is the opposite of an iron core not that of an air core.

The beauty of using such a core is its ability to add a fair amount of capacitance to the coil. This is seen in small delay line designs used in older TV sets ( a simple coil wrapped around a copper rod ).
Another interesting trick to pull is to use the eddy currents to your advantage. Remember the sound of childish joy ("Tee-Hee") of so-called experts when they slid a magnet down a copper bar. One pole up and it followed the book. The other pole up and it lifted as it slid down the bar.

I can only guess they spent too much time in the book  :D
Group: Guest

is it possible to make the pictures / diagrams of darkspeed and grumpy available for public access?

Hero Member

Posts: 2735
The way I see it is that we all need a solid ether basis. I tried a little with @MH just to see how open he is to other facets of "visualization" of this energy conundrum. But we will definitely have to go back to the conventional theories and work them down notch by notch. You know the world got along extremely well during ions while man thought everything was flat. By the same token, man can advance into the future very well and very comfortably with the acceptance of our present understandings and limitations of energy production, fields, etc. But one day, there will be a new Benjamin Franklin that will make the next "flagrant" discovery, so obvious and so attainable by all that it could not be denied by the power brokers. Right now, every idea, every theory, every experiment has to climb Everest and back in order to get some exposure and maybe a half-assed chance of being considered by those on the top of the totem pole.
I would agree, more and more I see people starting to think for themselves or "maturing" where their thoughts no longer revolve around pleasing others or trying to fit in with other groups of people. This is why what we call science has changed in many ways, the younger generation are much more independent because they have access to a great deal of information from many sources based on many different perspectives. They are no longer bound to the "black and white" dogma that we see in many fields of science which hinders the development of independent thought. I find it rather comical when supposed responsible adults tell me I have to believe something just because other large groups of people should happen to believe one thing or another when in fact "maturity" is defined not by our cowering to popular opinion or belief but being "independent" from it, ie -- "Free from the influence, guidance, or control of another or others; self-reliant". As well many of the younger successful people I have talked with do not have this childish need of acceptance or conformity, they do their own thing, and their success is in part due to their non-conformity to popular opinion.
We should also consider how technology can evolve and enter the market place, technology does not come into being just because a few old dinosaurs finally accept it the reality is that a technology enters the marketplace because these prehistoric remnants of the old school mentality can no longer deny it. My thoughts here are that I have no need to prove anything to anyone and if someone does not believe what I say then they can wait and buy my technology off a shelf at Walmart like everyone else. I have nothing to prove to them or anyone and my success it not dictated by them nor any explanation they feel may be necessary, my success it dictated by working technology and the only proof required is that it "works"--period.

Conceptual physics is very interesting but needs to be based on fact.  I'm not sure that a magnetic field stretches into infinity.  If you apply iron filings to your standard permanent magnet it gets to a 'saturation point' beyond which no more filings 'stick'.  That's the extent of it's boundary.  And it seems to imply that there's a finite quantity of flux in any given magentic field.  And what's curious about the coil is that the flux on the outside then moves in one direction and the inside moves in another.  This means that the smaller fields from that 'thin wire with a current' - then also 'join up' into a coherent toroidal field in the coil.  Which also indicates that the flux moves independently of the material in the magnet itself.  Both these points are important.  It implies that the field itself may be based on some kind of invisible matter.

I like your way of thinking, it seems absurd if not impractical that a closed loop would extent to infinity if it must always return to it's source, if there is one thing we do know it is that these field lines follow the path of least resistance which in all probability does not include infinity as it would constitute the path of greatest resistance. I have found magnetism to be somewhat of an illusion, not unlike a magician moving his right hand about to draw everyone's attention to it when we should be watching the left hand as well. The real issue would seem to be our complete pre-occupation with matter and currents moving about and we become fixated solely on this motion as if that is all there can be, not unlike a cat mesmerized by a mouse, and we cannot seem to see past the illusion. I think Nikola Tesla had it perfectly correct, when we understand "what" electricity and magnetism are fundamentally(not the effects of these fields but the cause of them) then our world and our understanding of it will be changed forever. It is a shame that so many people feel so alone and excluded from everything else around them and they apply this singular thought to the world in which they live. However I have found this is not the case, we know we are a part of something greater than ourselves, all that "stuff" we know exists within and external to the little world we have created for ourselves in an effort to make sense of things. When I look upward into a clear star filled sky I do not feel alone nor do I feel small or isolated, I am simply in awe that I have had the chance to be a part of something much greater than myself or my thoughts, that we are all connected by unseen forces we have yet to fully understand, I have found the Electric, Magnetic and Gravitational forces are not so hard to understand but they must be viewed from outside our own egocentric perspective as something more than what we see.

Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 571
my success it dictated by working technology and the only proof required is that it "works"--period.

I agree AC, so are you going to share working technology with us? Are you saying you have OU devices? And now we are back to: what are the specs, the numbers, the explanations of how they work, where the extra energy is coming from etc.?  We need our feet in the sand and our heads in the clouds, we need Patrick Flanagan's and Joseph Cater's and Tesla's but we also need Milehigh's and Wavewatcher's and Farrah Day's to ensure the results we find are real.  It is going to take us all to get to a break through, but I like your thinking.

"Whatever our resources of primary energy may be in the future, we must, to be rational, obtain it without consumption of any material"  Nicola Tesla

"When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle."  Edmund Burke

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...
In theory all fields extend out to infinity; and just because you can not measure them does not mean they are not there.

The field lines from a permanent magnet extend out to infinity if unimpeded (such as by a "shield"), but for all practical purposes, the field strength is insignificant once one looks beyond several feet from it. The flux density outside the magnet is proportional to the distance away from it. Double the distance, halve the density. You can double the distance an infinite number of times, but the density will never fall to zero.

Guys, let's please try to keep things technical, and relegate the philosophical comments to a more appropriately named thread.


"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa
Group: Guest

Frankly Poynty that comment of yours that field lines extend into infinity is also philosophy.

This is fact and it also requires that you use your imagination and deductive reasoning.  You derive a formula for the magnetic field strength based as a function of distance.  You make measurements to confirm that your formula is correct.  You understand the limitations of your measuring instrument and realize that past a certain distance it will not be able to measure any more.  Yes these are immeasurably small effects but it still has value to know that they are there.  There is a certain gravitational attraction between myself and the moon.  In theory that could be measured.  There is a certain gravitational attraction between myself and the star Alpha Centauri.  It can't be measured but it can easily be calculated on paper!

So you need to expand your horizons Rosemary.  Every object in the universe has a gravitational attraction with every other object in the universe.  At the same time you know that most of these attractions are insignificant, but it's still interesting to know that they are there.  The same thing applies to electric and magnetic fields.  Gravitational, magnetic, and electric fields all become insignificant with distance and merge with all of the other sources of these fields to become a soupy "background noise" (for lack of a better term) that is not measurable but at the same time the effects are all still there.

When an object moves it's mass increases and it travels through time more slowly.  So when a record turns on a turntable the edge of the record travels through time more slowly than the center.  I am not saying by how much, but the effect is there.

It makes me think of your zipon theory.  You talk about zipons being tiny quantum-sized magnetic spheres lined up on magnetic lines of force.  But in truth there are no "lines of force."  Just like there are no electric field lines.  Those are just imaginary constructs that we use to help us illustrate what's going on or to make diagrams on paper or in a 3D graphic environment. There are no lines at all, there are just continuous fields that have magnitude and directon.

There is an interesting irony here that's a recurring theme on the forums.  Some people accuse others of not being open-minded enough or having an imagination while not being able to imagine themselves.

I am adding a final disclaimer here.  If you were not educated in the sciences, then certainly you can't necessarily be expected to visualize gravitational and electromagnetic effects and know and understand all of the nuances involved.  So indeed it sometimes takes education to leverage your knowledge so that you can imagine new and interesting things.  Just for fun, an example:  If you put a hot cup of coffee on your kitchen table, how long does it take for the coffee to reach room temperature?  Assume the room temperature remains constant.  In the context of this discussion, the cup of coffee "never" reaches room temperature.

I put never in quotations because there are some deeper issues involved if you really want to split hairs.  It takes some education and imagination to see all of this.  There is a fundamental principle involved that explains why the answer is "never."  This fundamental principle touches almost every single experiment that is done around here.

« Last Edit: 2010-10-11, 20:39:59 by MileHigh »
Group: Guest

I barely know anything about dark energy and dark matter.  In that context I can just tell you what I believe.

I believe that "dark matter" is based on the fact that galaxies rotate faster than we can account for if we take a tally of the visible stars in a given galaxy and crunch the numbers.  So all that they know is that there is an unaccounted for extra mass in galaxies.  It could be interstellar gas, some unknown particle soup, they just don't know, and they are trying to figure out how to account for it.

I believe that "dark energy" is a term that arises from the quite shocking and currently unexplainable discovery that the expansion of the Universe is accelerating.  We "knew" that the expansion of the Universe was supposed to be slowing down from gravitational attraction.  Before the shocking discovery they were only trying to figure out if the expansion was going to go on forever, akin to a kind of "escape velocity" or if the expansion was going to slow down and stop and then become a big crunch.

So since they have no idea why the universe is accelerating outwards, they are calling that "dark energy."  It's just a term assigned to an unexplained phenomenon.  Besides that, they know almost nothing.  I suppose it could even be a case of measurement error.  Maybe a future sensing satellite will refute the acceleration measurement.

Whatever the final answer might be, I personally don't think either of these unknown concepts affects us here on Earth.  Any experiments on the forums that attribute an unexplained experimental phenomenon to "dark energy" or "dark matter" are in my humble opinion just jumping on the "flavour of the month" bandwagon.  I know that you make reference to these things all the time with respect to your project and I respectfully disagree.  As you know, I don't think your project has any merit either and that's the likely conclusion that will result from any serious testing that will be done by the university.  Also, Glen's data does not show any energy gain.  I am only mentioning this because of the tie-in you make between "dark energy" and your project, I am not here to get into a fight with you about your project or the data.  I am content to simply wait for the university results to come in.

I am certain that a lot more research into dark energy and dark matter has been done that I am blissfully ignorant of.  At the same time, I can't envision dark energy and dark matter having any affect on our terrestrial civilization.  Certainly dark energy and dark matter are concepts that can be leveraged by the free energy cottage industry for the long term.

Group: Guest
In theory all fields extend out to infinity; and just because you can not measure them does not mean they are not there.

The field lines from a permanent magnet extend out to infinity if unimpeded (such as by a "shield"), but for all practical purposes, the field strength is insignificant once one looks beyond several feet from it. The flux density outside the magnet is proportional to the distance away from it. Double the distance, halve the density. You can double the distance an infinite number of times, but the density will never fall to zero.

Guys, let's please try to keep things technical, and relegate the philosophical comments to a more appropriately named thread.



I'll have to agree with you on radiant fields (heat, light, compression waves from an explosion, etc.). On magnetic fields I will state my belief:

When you use a higher-end magnetic field simulator, you can simulate the 'field of a magnet' within an ambient magnetic field. That 'ambient field' can be a larger or stronger, nearby magnet or that of the planet. In any case, you will see how all so-called 'individual fields' are only "bubbles" in the surrounding magnetic field. You will also see where the lines stop looping through the magnet and connect to the ambient field.

The result I wish to confirm is: When a magnet is encased in a magnetic-null situation, does the magnetic strength of that magnet remain the same? Is the strength affected? How and how much?

I ran that test about when solid state Hall-Effect devices dropped to a reasonable cost (198? - MicroSwitch). It looked something like a beach-ball but was made of layered Maxwell coils. - Jeez. I wish I had money like the old dayzzzz.

The field weakened almost completely. Since then I realized a better test would be with a piece of attracted metal with a spring between the magnet and metal piece  :(


Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
I have 5ns pulses and 5mghz now using Jason's controller and SSR boards. 1500v max tho. But I am working that scenario with FET stacking. In 2 weeks I will have 50kv to use. I like the parameters I learned from TTBrown and Podlketnov. Makes the Deyo coil look even more interesting.
I have the HV turned off while I find the resonant rise of the current build using dual pulse. Gotta write a script and watch it run on the scope. This version of the controller has no feedback. The next one on order does through a meter that optically couples to the circuit.

As always, if anybody has any configs they would like to submit I am open.

I like this also:
« Last Edit: 2010-10-12, 00:20:15 by giantkiller »

Hero Member

Posts: 2735
I like this also:

I like that also,lol, it's amazing isn't it, here we have a person with little means, probably little education or theories of any sort and yet he has found success where so many have not. This is the kind of thing that transcends all the BS concerning one's education and knowledge I think, when a person has tangible results in hand, it kind of makes all this talk by the self-proclaimed experts seem rather insignificant in comparison. I think history has given us more than enough proof to justify what we already know, talk is cheap and it is the hands on builders and experimenters who will change our world not the experts talking about doing something or telling us why it cannot be done.

Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...

It certainly appears promising, but how do you know that what is being shown is authentic?

Is it wise to assume it is authentic without any proof at all?

In my opinion, no.


"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
It certainly appears promising, but how do you know that what is being shown is authentic?
Is it wise to assume it is authentic without any proof at all?
In my opinion, no.

I have what some might call a bad attitude,lol, when I see something like this I do not really care if it works as claimed or what proof is offered. First I seek to understand the principal of operation, a premise on which to build, next I test individual aspects of the device and the interactions between components. Then I build the device and test it, probe it and then change operating parameters to see how one aspect of the device effects the other components, I use this procedure for all building and testing. To do this does not require that the device is authentic or that the claims have been verified or that it works or that there is any proof of any kind, it is irrelevant. When I built this device right after I saw the first kapanadze video's more than six or more months ago I saw it as a learning experience--period, how can you learn anything new if you never build anything? Personally I have found that what I "know" is important but what I "learn" is priceless because I cannot evolve my understanding of things unless I learn something new that is tangible, the moment we stop learning "new" things is the moment our development stops dead in it's tracks. That's my theory ;)

Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Guest
There is an interesting generic issue that is illustrated with that clip that supposedly demonstrates a Kapanadze device.

If we are going to assume that the inventor is open-sourcing his or her device, why is there so much that is shrouded in mystery?  It seems that there are almost always a few variations of the schematic available, and nobody knows if the schematic is complete or not or if a given schematic works or not.  Then there is usually a series of clips made by the inventor and the replicators, and almost all of the time they are unclear and there is almost never any attempt made to establish some credibility by panning the camera around to show that there are no hidden power sources, no hidden wires, etc.

In the clip linked to a few posts back, you basically see a rat's nest of wires and components on a small table.  There is never any attempt to show you that there is nothing under the device, nothing around the device, etc.  The overall presentation is pretty awful.  I think that I saw the original Kapanadze device clip also.  It looks like an outdoor garden party with a bunch of people standing around and it's impossible to tell what's going on.  There are lots of ways to sneak a mains power connection into the setup.

If the inventor wants to open-source his or her invention then they should be very clear with respect to everything.  Another thing that you almost never see is a timing diagram.  The timing diagram could show you how the device operates and show you the activity for all of the critical voltages and currents in the circuit.  In theory, there is no reason that the timing diagram could not show exactly where and when the over unity mechanism takes place.

On the actual Kapanadze thread in this forum, Poynt uploaded two schematic diagrams from J.L. Naudin that use a microwave oven transformer.  They are both ostensibly "self runners" according to the annotations in the schematic diagrams.  When I look at those two schematics I can see how they work as long as they are connected to the mains power, but once you disconnect the mains power they won't self run, they will be as dead as a proverbial doornail.  Some of you may disagree, so the question is "how can you explain the self-running?"

I notice that these two schematic diagrams are almost identical.  The earth ground connections may have a marginal affect on the circuits, but not much.  The circuits make use of high voltage, and sharp transients.  I know that some of you believe that high voltages and sharp transients will make something special happen.  As suggestion for a good exercise, why don't the Kapanadze enthusiasts try to make timing diagrams for those two Naudin/Kapanadze circuits?  This will be equivalent to dissecting the circuit to see what makes it tick.  I get the feeling that you are excited to replicate a given device and then try it out to see if you get over unity.  I am suggesting that you try to look inside the device to see what is going on first.  If you could do the timing diagram for the Naudin circuit, then for whatever device you plan on building, you could build it and at the same time try to do the timing diagram for it.  Bedini is another good example.  Bedini enthusiasts never make timing diagrams, but they talk all the time about "tuning" their motors for the optimum performance.  Having a timing diagram for a properly tuned Bedini motor would be a great help for someone trying to build one.

UPDATE:  There is something critical that I didn't catch about the two Naudin diagrams.  In the diagram "naudin_kapagen_one_ground.jpg" there is something very screwy about the main transformer.  The 90-turn coil and the 6-turn coil are in the same current loop.  Therefore for that schematic the transformer doesn't even work like a transformer, it simply acts like a series inductor.  The schematic "naudin_kapagen_one_ground_without_center.jpg" is the good one, that one will work with 90T/6T transformer functioning properly.

For the timing diagram, you could do it based on your understanding of how the device should operate, or on your actual measurements.  Some of your assumptions may be correct, some of your assumptions may need to be corrected and the timing diagram updated.  At the end of the process you could have a timing diagram that precisely describes how the device works.

To go back to my earlier theme, the enthusiasts should challenge the people that release these setups, like Kapanadze, to properly document what they are doing, and to make clips that are clear and unambiguous.  I suppose that's a tall order, a "wish list" item.

« Last Edit: 2010-10-13, 23:02:53 by MileHigh »

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
the two diagrams from Naudin look like the Kapagan version, and last I heard it was not OU, or even close.

The key to Kapanadze's device is probably how he obatains what he calls "auto resonance" in the excited coil.
Group: Guest

Thanks for the info.  Did Naudin ever get anything to do something interesting?

I found this .gif diagram of Naudin's:


You will notice one more time the main high-voltage step-down transformer built around the PVC tube is non-functional.  The primary and the secondary are in the same current loop that goes to earth ground.  Therefore it doesn't even work like a step-down transformer.  It just acts like a series inductor.  What that means is that if the spark-gap ignites, and let's assume that we still have a ways to go up the high-voltage sine wave, then the HV sine wave gets to conduct through the 1 uF cap, through the spark gap, through the useless PVC tube transformer, and then into the light bulbs.

I don't want to prejudge J.L. Naudin but it would not surprise me if he didn't realize this about the PVC HV "transformer."  As long as the HV output from the microwave transformer was rising and the spark-gap was sustained, in theory it was possible for AC mains power to make it's way to the halogen lights, hence the demonstration of high output power.

The key to Kapanadze's device is probably how he obatains what he calls "auto resonance" in the excited coil.

Well, this would have to be clearly demoed and clearly explained.  One more time we are in my "wish list" territory and I don't think that will ever happen.  If we assume that J.L. Naudin did a faithful Kapanadze device replication and his schematic is accurate, then you can forget about the "auto resonance," it's bullshit as far as I am concerned.  Perhaps the "big surprise" is that the PVC HV transformer doesn't even function like a transformer, it acts like a series inductor.

« Last Edit: 2010-10-14, 00:34:32 by MileHigh »

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948

Thanks for the info.  Did Naudin ever get anything to do something interesting?

I found this .gif diagram of Naudin's:


You will notice one more time the main high-voltage step-down transformer built around the PVC tube is non-functional.  The primary and the secondary are in the same current loop that goes to earth ground.  Therefore it doesn't even work like a step-down transformer.  It just acts like a series inductor.  What that means is that if the spark-gap ignites, and let's assume that we still have a ways to go up the high-voltage sine wave, then the HV sine wave gets to conduct through the 1 uF cap, through the spark gap, through the useless PVC tube transformer, and then into the light bulbs.

I don't want to prejudge J.L. Naudin but it would not surprise me if he didn't realize this about the PVC HV "transformer."  As long as the HV output from the microwave transformer was rising and the spark-gap was sustained, in theory it was possible for AC mains power to make it's way to the halogen lights, hence the demonstration of high output power.

Well, this would have to be clearly demoed and clearly explained.  One more time we are in my "wish list" territory and I don't think that will ever happen.  If we assume that J.L. Naudin did a faithful Kapanadze device replication and his schematic is accurate, then you can forget about the "auto resonance," it's bullshit as far as I am concerned.  Perhaps the "big surprise" is that the PVC HV transformer doesn't even function like a transformer, it acts like a series inductor.


Per the translation of an interview with Kapanadze, he says that there is a resonance between the green box and the coil.  He states that the energy comes directly from the environment.  When they pick up the components in the video, the items that remain on the table are not part of the circuit.  He does not mention the function of the second coil over the first coil.  The coil is mounted on a paper towel holder.

Looks like the receive side of a Tesla transmitter. Hmm...
Group: Guest

How often have we heard the phrases "resonance" and "the energy comes directly from the environment" bandied about?  If the energy comes directly from the environment then they should be able to place a few scope probes on their device and clearly show that process taking place in real time.

On overunity.com they are up to 4197 postings on the Kapanadze device.  I think that the thread was started about one year ago.  Several replication attempts must have been done on that thread by now.  If anybody had something real surely we would have heard about it.

For some reason this kind of stuff often comes out of Eastern Europe.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948

How often have we heard the phrases "resonance" and "the energy comes directly from the environment" bandied about?  If the energy comes directly from the environment then they should be able to place a few scope probes on their device and clearly show that process taking place in real time.

On overunity.com they are up to 4197 postings on the Kapanadze device.  I think that the thread was started about one year ago.  Several replication attempts must have been done on that thread by now.  If anybody had something real surely we would have heard about it.

For some reason this kind of stuff often comes out of Eastern Europe.


I hear the term "resonance" all the time and often to imply different meanings than the last person that used the term.  I take it to imply that one thing has been tuned or otherwise adjusted to produce the greatest effect when used with another thing.  I would not add more to than that.  In the case of Kapanadze, the green box has been tuned to achieve the greatest effect from the coils.   Vague, but that is all you can get from it.

Kapanadze explanations and recreations and all that have been around for over a year now and none of them appear to actually work and they are all different based on the builders interpretation of the many unknowns of the Kapanadze device.  The most informative video is the one where the device is demonstrated outside with the coil in clear view for all to see.  Can anyone study that video and determine how the system is wired?

Yes, you should be able to measure something around the device, but unless you measure it yourself, it is not definitive.

Looking at the Kapanadze system and what little he has said about it and it looks like the receive end of a Tesla Transmitter.  This means he is exciting a coil of many turns with hv pulses, at a rate that produces the strongest effect in the secondary which is the shorter thicker outer coil.  This means the two grounds would be on the primary coil ends rather than the secondary like a Tesla Transmitter.    One ground replaces the raised terminal.
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
If we are going to assume that the inventor is open-sourcing his or her device, why is there so much that is shrouded in mystery?  It seems that there are almost always a few variations of the schematic available, and nobody knows if the schematic is complete or not or if a given schematic works or not.  Then there is usually a series of clips made by the inventor and the replicators, and almost all of the time they are unclear and there is almost never any attempt made to establish some credibility by panning the camera around to show that there are no hidden power sources, no hidden wires, etc.

If I did not know anyone who is interested in investing in this kind of technology the first thing I would do personally is make some youtube video's with my email attached. I would give just enough information to get persons who are interested in investing in the technology reason to believe the technology is real but no more than is needed. This protects my interests as well as the potential investors, my potential market for investors is now anyone in the world with an internet connection. I thought it was perfectly obvious that Kapanadze had no real intention of open sourcing this in any way and Im not sure why people assumed he would. As well most all the schematics posted are based on his patents, video's or replications based on his patents out of Eastern Europe as such we do not know if any of them work exactly like what Kapanadze has demonstrated. LOL, I imagine Kapanadze found more investors ready to throw huge sums of money at this in the first week than he ever could have imagined, it's one hell of a way to drum up business on a global scale. Anyone who knows anything of this technology knows the internet is the place to find investors and that the investors and corporations are watching the internet for them, this relationship works pretty well.

Edit: corrected quoting syntax.
« Last Edit: 2010-10-18, 02:24:07 by poynt99 »

Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3030
I 've had a unit ordered since August and spoke with them today.  My unit should be shiped this week. The problem being is I've been promised at least 6 times to be shiped since October.  I will  let you know when and if I get it.

This was about a year ago.  So was the unit shipped?  or are this company and its claims bogus?  
(I didn't read the whole thread, just seeking an update.)
Group: Guest
Oh thats funny, every morning i drink my coffee and pop over to magnacoaster to see if its Christmas yet.

In his initial device he had a rotating disk with permanent magnets mounted in it.
The stator consisted of a permanent magnet mounted to a metal rod.
The metal rod had a solenoid coil around it.
The solenoid was energized for a number of degrees of rotation with a 12v dc source.
When energized it would null the field in the stator magnet allowing the rotor magnet to be attracted to the metal rod.
When the rotor magnet passed the rod a (spark gap) switch would break the 12vdc to the coil and suddenly the stator magnet would saturate the rod and be in repulsion mode with the rotor magnet - thus pushing it away with great force.

This seems like a foolish idea because your stator coil is energized for a great number of degrees or rotation.

I dont think this guy has any idea what he is doing.. However.. I think he inadvertently created a condition for a radiant event to occur.

My thinking is the high voltage flyback from the stator coil is moving through a rapidly transitioning magnetic field.

He suddenly had problems with very high but very brief high voltage high current spikes.

He has probably collected enough information to make it to a semi solid state device but im not sure he knows how to bring the effect he found to market.

I would think that when he transitioned from a mechanical switch to a solid state switch the effect greatly changed.

With his non-rotor ( no motor ) devices he had the coil in an oil bath because of the static charge it would create, this setup still used a rotary spark contactor - this is a good sign

When he moved to true solid state and did away with the rotary spark contractor he no longer needed the oil bath - this is a bad sign - i think

Group: Guest
One thing that gives me hope is that his solid state device started out with one collector coil on top of the solenoid coil, then he started adding more collector coils that appear to be identical, so he may be getting copies of the event by adding more collector coils and thus increasing the output for a given input.

One thing that makes me pessimistic is reading his earlier posts to other forums asking for help with mesfeet circuitry.

You find a bag of gold, its too heavy to cary it away, so your only choice is to share it for assistance, or sit on it.
Group: Guest
Magnacoaster looks like a fraud, and walks and quacks like a fraud.  There has been no word from them for over a year and apparently there is not a single known paying customer that has taken delivery of one of their devices.
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