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Author Topic: What is going on in Min2oly's "Radiant Energy 101" clip?  (Read 70001 times)
Sr. Member

Posts: 336

There is a possibility that your analysis is spot on but your write up is sometimes ambiguous.  When I first read it I may have misconstrued ambiguity in your prose as flat-out errors.  Describing a process is tricky.


No.  Power flows through the transmission line, the wave has to have an electric and a magnetic component.  The rate of change of the electric field with respect to time will induce a corresponding magnetic field as determined by the impedance of the transmission line.

In a related matter, there is no such thing as "one wire energy transmission."  All of those demos rely on high-frequency AC and capacitive coupling always provides the "invisible second wire."



Thank you for answer my question. So, no hope then, just give up? :-)

I think your right on the second one, but not 100% right on the first one. If we apply only a voltage potential onto the line
and cut of the potential before any real current can flow, then I think nature will provide us with the magnetic component
and the current that creates it. Nature will always try to fill a void. If we use only a ultra short voltage spike then there will
be a lack of current and a magnetic field and nature will see that as a void. So when the pulse has traveled to the other
end of the line then there will be a current and magnetic component that gives us real power. That is the idea anyway.


Group: Guest
If we apply only a voltage potential onto the line and cut of the potential before any real current can flow...

GL & MH,

I hope you folks don't mind a comment from me. This question and the above statement fit into some of my favorite past research.

If you apply a potential and disconnect it before current can flow then that potential will not be on the wire. Current must flow for the potential to appear on the wire.<Unless we are speaking of electrostatic induction.>

If these thoughts are related to the story of Tesla looking into people being killed due to power being switched on a cable, then I think the thought has gone astray. I doubt it was ever a matter of opening the circuit before current could flow. I think it was making the time for the open cycle so short that the potential fall or trailing edge would fit within the length of wire.

When this is done you can have the most vigorous mechanical movement of unsecured wire. This may have been misconstrued as the effect of some special wave traveling down the wire in Tesla's day.

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Hero Member

Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...
If we apply only a voltage potential onto the line and cut of the potential before any real current can flow...

If we use only a ultra short voltage spike then there will be a lack of current and a magnetic field...

So when the pulse has traveled to the other end of the line then there will be a current and magnetic component that gives us real power.


The instant you apply potential to a circuit or even an open transmission line (TL), current begins. Remember you are charging a series L, and shunt C in the TL.

Keep in mind the relaxation time of an electron. You would need to switch ON and OFF your potential in much less that 10-14 seconds (100 fempto-seconds) before having any hope of disconnecting before any conduction current occurs.


"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa
Sr. Member

Posts: 336
GL & MH,

I hope you folks don't mind a comment from me. This question and the above statement fit into some of my favorite past research.

If you apply a potential and disconnect it before current can flow then that potential will not be on the wire. Current must flow for the potential to appear on the wire.<Unless we are speaking of electrostatic induction.>

If these thoughts are related to the story of Tesla looking into people being killed due to power being switched on a cable, then I think the thought has gone astray. I doubt it was ever a matter of opening the circuit before current could flow. I think it was making the time for the open cycle so short that the potential fall or trailing edge would fit within the length of wire.

When this is done you can have the most vigorous mechanical movement of unsecured wire. This may have been misconstrued as the effect of some special wave traveling down the wire in Tesla's day.


>>Current must flow for the potential to appear on the wire.

I agree on that one but I think that nature will provide that current because nature will not allow a void to exists.
To harvest free energy all you have to do is to create a void. Nature will always fill that void for you. The problem
is to actually create that void without using any real power.

Sr. Member

Posts: 336

The instant you apply potential to a circuit or even an open transmission line (TL), current begins. Remember you are charging a series L, and shunt C in the TL.

Keep in mind the relaxation time of an electron. You would need to switch ON and OFF your potential in much less that 10-14 seconds (100 fempto-seconds) before having any hope of disconnecting before any conduction current occurs.



I never said that it would be easy. :-)

Group: Guest

Are you thinking that there is momentum in the application of a potential? I think that is true but by then current is flowing and any conventional thoughts of momentum can no longer be applied.

So, this would be similar to striking the end of a very long rod with a single hammer blow. Such a 'wave' would be akin to a soliton or compression wave. A very hard one to demonstrate, I think.


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Hero Member

Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...
The question is:

Even if you were able to disconnect before those first few electrons collide with the next, haven't you still imparted some energy into those first few electrons? I think the answer to that is YES. And as such, haven't you imparted that energy from your source of potential?


"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa
Group: Guest
I must agree that no matter how short the pulse, the energy circulate that wire would comes from your input. 

Now let's say we have an LC circuit and injected some energy into it.  Let's also make this LC circuit superconducting.  Will the energy flow back and forth forever? 

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...
Provided both the L and C are ideal, and there is nothing else connected, YES.

"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
If we apply only a voltage potential onto the line
and cut of the potential before any real current can flow, then I think nature will provide us with the magnetic component
and the current that creates it. Nature will always try to fill a void. If we use only a ultra short voltage spike then there will
be a lack of current and a magnetic field and nature will see that as a void. So when the pulse has traveled to the other
end of the line then there will be a current and magnetic component that gives us real power. That is the idea anyway.

I remember one time back on the farm we had a 1/2 mile stretch of 2" ABS pipe from a pump in the dugout and this pipe went to the yard where there was a ball valve with a pressure guage. Now if I opened and then closed the ball valve really fast the pressure would fall below the 50psi standard pressure then spike to 100psi then fall to almost zero and this cyclic wave like process would slowly be dampened over time until the pressure was back to the original 50psi. I understand some might just say hmmm and just walk away however I was never that way and whenever I see something peculiar I am compelled to experiment until I fully understand the phenomena. As it turns out opening the valve and letting ten gallons of water spill on the ground is no more effective at producing the pressure waves than one ounce because the phenomena is not dictated by the magnetude of flow persay but how fast the valve closes. The faster the valve slams shut the greater the pressure developed and the longer the wave like motion persists due to this higher pressure.
Next there is a condition whereby one can "pump" the wave however it is not what one might expect, the most effective way to parametrically pump the sytem is when the pressure is the lowest at the guage. Now consider the mechanics here, we have a fluid in a pipe and a wave of pressure is travelling back and forth from one end to the other. When the pressure is highest at one end it may be at it's lowest at the other end, that is one end is above ambient pressure and the other below ambient pressure. To me it would seem rather silly to open the valve at the highest pressure because the pressure is what is responsible for the motion of the wave. Now if one opens the valve at the lowest pressure a given volume of water has been removed from the system making the already low pressure lower thus the difference between high and low is greater not less. As it turns out the most efficient way to maintain a high pressure wave involves the least amount of water leaving the system, go figure,and it also involves the least amount of pressure.

When I look back through the years it was always the subtle things from which I gained the greatest understanding, those peculiar little things which normally go unnoticed by the other 99% of people. For instance one time I had an inflatable pool 4' deep and 15' in diameter and when I pushed slowly on the side the familiar standing waves would emerge on the surface. I found it curious that with a circle one could push anywhere on the side and the waves would emerge from every edge of the pool simultaneously. However after many experiments regarding the frequency, magnitude and rate it was found that a quick hard slap on the side would produce a wave at the very center of the pool which was 10 times higher than any of the ordinary "ripples". A virtual geyser of water streaming upward sometimes as high as two feet and four inches in diameter from one single impulse. I have found many people have a good understanding of many things however many times it is the level of understanding which matters the most, the subtle little things which normally go unnoticed which can lead to a new way of looking at something, perspective matters


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Guest
Here's a very short clip I shot. It shows when I first energize the circuit the neon connected
between the drain of one mosfet and circuit ground flashes, also mostly when turned off as well.
It appears as though the leg of the neon connected to circuit ground is lighting only.
The supply is 12 volts and the circuit is switching to make AC at 90 Hz.


Being that I am very new to all this, I have some questions. I hope MileHigh doesn't mind me asking
them here, I think it's kinda related to the subject at hand.

Q1. How would i accurately describe what I'm seeing there ?
Q2. What is the cause of it ?
Q3. How do I stop it ?
It annoys me.  >:( If there is a problem with the setup at times it can cause the neon to flash even
during normal operation and that is an indication the mosfets will be heating up quick.

Q4. Could it be caused by too much dead time? EDIT: (Causing it to happen during normal operation at certain times I mean.)

Oh and Q5. How come it only ever happens with that mosfet and not the other one ? Even if I switch the wires around.  :-\

« Last Edit: 2012-02-16, 08:59:38 by Farmhand »
Sr. Member

Posts: 336
I remember one time back on the farm we had a 1/2 mile stretch of 2" ABS pipe from a pump in the dugout and this pipe went to the yard where there was a ball valve with a pressure guage. Now if I opened and then closed the ball valve really fast the pressure would fall below the 50psi standard pressure then spike to 100psi then fall to almost zero and this cyclic wave like process would slowly be dampened over time until the pressure was back to the original 50psi. I understand some might just say hmmm and just walk away however I was never that way and whenever I see something peculiar I am compelled to experiment until I fully understand the phenomena. As it turns out opening the valve and letting ten gallons of water spill on the ground is no more effective at producing the pressure waves than one ounce because the phenomena is not dictated by the magnetude of flow persay but how fast the valve closes. The faster the valve slams shut the greater the pressure developed and the longer the wave like motion persists due to this higher pressure.
Next there is a condition whereby one can "pump" the wave however it is not what one might expect, the most effective way to parametrically pump the sytem is when the pressure is the lowest at the guage. Now consider the mechanics here, we have a fluid in a pipe and a wave of pressure is travelling back and forth from one end to the other. When the pressure is highest at one end it may be at it's lowest at the other end, that is one end is above ambient pressure and the other below ambient pressure. To me it would seem rather silly to open the valve at the highest pressure because the pressure is what is responsible for the motion of the wave. Now if one opens the valve at the lowest pressure a given volume of water has been removed from the system making the already low pressure lower thus the difference between high and low is greater not less. As it turns out the most efficient way to maintain a high pressure wave involves the least amount of water leaving the system, go figure,and it also involves the least amount of pressure.

When I look back through the years it was always the subtle things from which I gained the greatest understanding, those peculiar little things which normally go unnoticed by the other 99% of people. For instance one time I had an inflatable pool 4' deep and 15' in diameter and when I pushed slowly on the side the familiar standing waves would emerge on the surface. I found it curious that with a circle one could push anywhere on the side and the waves would emerge from every edge of the pool simultaneously. However after many experiments regarding the frequency, magnitude and rate it was found that a quick hard slap on the side would produce a wave at the very center of the pool which was 10 times higher than any of the ordinary "ripples". A virtual geyser of water streaming upward sometimes as high as two feet and four inches in diameter from one single impulse. I have found many people have a good understanding of many things however many times it is the level of understanding which matters the most, the subtle little things which normally go unnoticed which can lead to a new way of looking at something, perspective matters



There are a couple of strange things I have observed with electronic circuits. Look at the attached circuit. It is a normal boost
converter I did made for charging lead acid batteries. When I did test this circuit I did by mistake put a depleted lead acid battery
at the input (left in circuit) and a almost fully charged battery on the output (right in circuit drawing). The depleted lead acid battery
was at a very low voltage (approximately 6 volt). The circuit oscillator did run and one should think that the circuit should have
drained the input battery even more and charged the output battery up a little bit more. But that was not what happened. The
input battery did start to charge and the output battery did start to discharge. So the energy in the circuit was traveling the
wrong way of what is logical. Anybody up to the task of explaining why that did happen?

Group: Guest
Anybody up to the task of explaining why that did happen?

An example of a rare but known action....

The key is the output transformer. When the oscillator runs 1 half of the cycle the transformer acts as a magnetic amplifier. This causes energy to flow from the output battery to the input battery, when the input battery voltage is low and the transformer is ran near saturation.

You can prevent the problem by using a physically larger transformer and sometimes by reversing the output circuit on the transformer output leads.

I've seen this issue claimed as verification of aether flow and Bedini's inventions  :)


I think this is a good example of nature abhorring a vacuum   ;)

BTW: Anytime someone with a 3(or more) coil JT starts to claim weirdness - the above is most probably the reason.
Group: Guest
Provided both the L and C are ideal, and there is nothing else connected, YES.

How can we make the L and C ideal?


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Hero Member

Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...
How can we make the L and C ideal?

With present technology, we can't.

"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa
Group: Guest

So how can we make it ideal...

Hero Member

Posts: 2735
So how can we make it ideal...
We have had sufficient technology to do this for decades however what most lack is understanding, research the Leedskalnin PMH, ---- http://www.leedskalnin.com/LeedskalninsPerpetualMotionHolder.html. Why is it the experts here cannot maintain a current nor oscillation for more than a second or so while the student at this site has measured a current for weeks on end?. As Ampere once stated --- "It costs nothing to maintain a field only to create it", so why is it none of the experts here can seem to maintain a field for more than a second or so?. I did research on this subject and built some circuits and found that in fact what most call efficient is anything but which unfortunately was no real surprise.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Guest
@GibbsHelmholtz We have had sufficient technology to do this for decades however what most lack is understanding, research the Leedskalnin PMH, ---- http://www.leedskalnin.com/LeedskalninsPerpetualMotionHolder.html. Why is it the experts here cannot maintain a current nor oscillation for more than a second or so while the student at this site has measured a current for weeks on end?. As Ampere once stated --- "It costs nothing to maintain a field only to create it", so why is it none of the experts here can seem to maintain a field for more than a second or so?. I did research on this subject and built some circuits and found that in fact what most call efficient is anything but which unfortunately was no real surprise.


Hey Thanks AC,

It's interesting that you can store energy like that.  It almost like current store in a coil and when disrupt it, the field collapsed.  How can it runs in there without loss to resistance though.  We can store energy in a cap, but there is no resistance in this case.  I see the PMH current go in one direction, wonder if we can make it go back and forth. 
Group: Guest
@GibbsHelmholtz We have had sufficient technology to do this for decades however what most lack is understanding, research the Leedskalnin PMH, ---- http://www.leedskalnin.com/LeedskalninsPerpetualMotionHolder.html. Why is it the experts here cannot maintain a current nor oscillation for more than a second or so while the student at this site has measured a current for weeks on end?. As Ampere once stated --- "It costs nothing to maintain a field only to create it", so why is it none of the experts here can seem to maintain a field for more than a second or so?. I did research on this subject and built some circuits and found that in fact what most call efficient is anything but which unfortunately was no real surprise.


Please post a link or a direction to where the current was measured continuously.

The last thing I read on it was his current meter needle was simply deflected by the magnetized metal. If that was wrong then something is up. If things are the way I researched, all of it is explainable with conventional information, albeit still not accepted by some academics. Usually, the types that Prof. Lewin mentioned as unable to really understand the basics of Faraday over Kirchoff.

Group: Guest
I think my question is this:

If we have an LC circuit with energy flowing.  Cap and coil resistance are zeros.  How can we extract that energy without touching the circuit. 

Hero Member

Posts: 2735
It's interesting that you can store energy like that.  It almost like current store in a coil and when disrupt it, the field collapsed.  How can it runs in there without loss to resistance though.  We can store energy in a cap, but there is no resistance in this case.  I see the PMH current go in one direction, wonder if we can make it go back and forth.  

That is an interesting question isn't it, I can take a pendulum on magnetic bearings in a vacuum and store energy as oscillations indefinitely, I can take a capacitor and charge it and store energy indefinitely however when I try to store energy as a static unchanging field in a coil of wire I must continually input energy to maintain this field despite Ampere's statement ---"It costs nothing to maintain a field only to create it". To prove this matter for myself I built a small electromechanical circuit and found that in fact the LC circuit most have assumed as being efficient is anything but and is a poor way of doing things. My electromechanical circuit could maintain it's oscillations and store energy hundreds of times longer than any equivalent LC circuit, which relates to my statement in regards to understanding and expertise. A person who never questions anything or seeks ways to improve it is no expert in my opinion.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Guest

Your questions can't be answered.  As a bare minimum you need a schematic and a description of what you think your circuit is doing.  Preferably you would include scope shots.


The depleted lead acid battery
was at a very low voltage (approximately 6 volt). The circuit oscillator did run and one should think that the circuit should have
drained the input battery even more and charged the output battery up a little bit more. But that was not what happened. The
input battery did start to charge and the output battery did start to discharge.

You are making the same mistake that I have just about given up on trying to educate people on.  If you have a 12-volt battery that's outputting 6 volts it's "beyond dead," it's very very sick.  Did you try measuring its output impedance?  Then when you see the voltage increase from 6 to 7 volts even through you know it is driving a load and discharging you say the battery is "charging."  That's nonsense, you know the battery is discharging.  The zombie battery voltage is starting to go up simply because current is flowing through it and chemical reactions are starting to take place and some internal heat is being generated.  Heat speeds up chemical reactions and voila you see more voltage at the terminals.

This idea that battery voltage is a reliable indicator of the state of charge of a battery is one of the blights that infects the free energy community like a cancer.  I wish that it could simply be cut out.  That's my 300th battery voltage rant.

I must have told poor soul Rosemary Ainslie that at least 10 times and she ignored it every single time.


Group: Guest
I think my question is this:

If we have an LC circuit with energy flowing.  Cap and coil resistance are zeros.  How can we extract that energy without touching the circuit. 

Gibbs, read this pdf. Its not long, but it can answer your question as for one way of doing it. ;]

Group: Guest

The key is the output transformer. When the oscillator runs 1 half of the cycle the transformer acts as a magnetic amplifier. This causes energy to flow from the output battery to the input battery, when the input battery voltage is low and the transformer is ran near saturation.

I don't know what's going on in your treatise.  There is a diode restricting the direction of the current flow on the output battery so I don't see any mechanism for the energy to flow from the output battery to the input battery.


From your link:

I originally began this project to demonstrate the possibility of perpetual motion while studying at Purdue University in May of 2002.

Researchers have continued to be interested in this device because it defies natural laws of physics and is unexplainable by conventionally excepted electromagnetic theory.  Modern science says it is impossible, but Edward Leedsklanin's theory says it is simple, natural, and that it's workings are misunderstood because there are some important aspects of modern science being taught in schools that are wrong.  

Perhaps more intriguing than the ability to store energy indefinitely, the Perpetual Motion Holder can act like a living thing; and because it operates on the principles of a theory with a sound base of understanding, Leedskalnin is able to use this device as a real working depiction of the atom and the earth.  Throughout his writings Leedskalnin points to a lack in a base understanding in all branches of science,  and is quite thorough in his disparaging of J.J. Thomson's electron invention.

I know that this has been dealt with in the thread already but I have to chime in.  Are the words above the writings of Leedskalnin himself?  How can you possibly fall for that clap-trap AC?

This is an example of how people can be led astray just like Min2oly has been led astray by the Bediniites.

Everything that is highlighted above is either utter nonsense or an absolute lie.  What is clearly shown in the prose above is that the person that wrote it has no clue, doesn't know his ass from his elbow when it comes to electricity and magnetism.   I have heard this name Leedskalnin many times.  This is this type of person that people in the free energy community are looking up to?

This is nothing more than a parlor trick done with magnetism.  I doubt it's ever even discussed in classes.  It sure as hell wasn't discussed when I was in school.

I am shaking my head.

Group: Guest

I can take a capacitor and charge it and store energy indefinitely however when I try to store energy as a static unchanging field in a coil of wire I must continually input energy to maintain this field despite Ampere's statement ---"It costs nothing to maintain a field only to create it".

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