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Author Topic: The Rosemary Ainslie Circuit  (Read 486243 times)
Group: Guest
One more comment about my simple example where an inductive current sensing resistor can show you false readings when it is connected to a Joule Thief output.  To repeat, the false readings can lead you to believe that a much higher current is flowing through the circuit than there actually is.

I can imagine Rosemary brushing that one off because her circuit is not like a Joule Thief.

Well, Rosemary, if you are reading then you are wrong if you are brushing my example off.  The output of a Joule Thief is a discharging inductor.  The good old discharging inductor that creates phenomena that most beginners to electronics don't understand.

The long cables between your batteries and your test setup create the same type of Joule Thief effects resulting in false current readings across your current sensing resistor.  The long cables have inductance, and as a result it's possible to have a discharging inductor effect making your current sensing resistor readings inaccurate.  By the same token, inductance effects result in your recorded battery voltage showing wild fluctuations.

In the cases of the current sensing resistor and the battery voltage, you are recording "Joule Thief discharge" type effects superimposed over the actual voltages.

The wires themselves are acting like discharging inductors.  Then you have the fact that you are using a high-frequency MOSFET switching device.  Put those two things together and they will wreak havoc on your attempts to get proper power measurements.

You have been told this over and over in different ways and this is just another attempt to reexplain the phenomenon using somewhat simpler terminology.

Group: Guest
Anyone get a answer on the "Raylite" battery size or part number ? or documented hours used in the durations of continuous testing operations on the batteries there seems to be unanswered questions all over the place from investors, students, academics, engineers, fools and replicators on this critical measurement or am I wrong this measurement is not needed for proof of Over Unity ??

The information on the load "fly back" diode is missing again which we all have been told for years this is a critical part of the system and always gives evidence of a gain .....

And the flyback diode is a critical part of the system.

BUT the flyback principle, whether with inductive resistors or resistors in series with inductors - always give evidence of a gain. It can be at any frequency tested between 60Hz all the way to and beyond 600kHz. All work - some with more efficiency than others - and at extreme frequencies - with losses rather than gains. It can use just about any variation of the flyback principles as described by gotoluc as a reticulated current. And it does not need the induced Hartley Effect to realise a gain. In other words you can get the over unity performance on periodic waveforms.

the need for the flyback diode is to prove the returning energy - not to exploit it.

Maybe this is why the SA javelin team is getting (undocumented) massive, huge, monumental able to see with the naked eye Over Unity results all over the place, and the rest of the world isn't getting squat ??

Group: Guest
The thing here guys, is for the life of me find the new "Load or Inductor" temperature profiling that was done for this new SA circuit  ....

Is this another item that's not required for calculations on a device that claims massive undeniable Over Unity ? or was what I did on a project shown in the attached images a 100 % total waste of time, money and effort ..... gee, I thought it was quite important  :-\

Group: Guest
Anyone get a answer on the "Raylite" battery size or part number ? or documented hours used in the durations of continuous testing operations on the batteries there seems to be unanswered questions all over the place from investors, students, academics, engineers, fools and replicators on this critical measurement or am I wrong this measurement is not needed for proof of Over Unity ??

The information on the load "fly back" diode is missing again which we all have been told for years this is a critical part of the system and always gives evidence of a gain .....

See post #359 here regarding a link to the batteries:  Best guess based on the pictures is Raylite 669 or 669P 50aH.
Personally, I don't agree (I'm actually with Rosemary here) that a battery drawdown test is important UNLESS we simply cannot get Rosemary to make an error-free measurement of input and output power...which appears to be very difficult to convince her to do.  AS long as the shunt is 8x more reactive than resistive and as long as the battery voltage is fed to the scope as if it was a 150VAC 1.5MHz quantity, the real-time multipled samples and their mean are completely worthless.

If she continues to use this deeply-flawed data she will convince a lot of folk who know too little to know better.  They will have to expend the resources and time and money to discover that, just like Bedini's stuff, in the end, the batteries wear down faster overall than they would obtaining equivalent output work using wires to connect from source to load.  The size of the batteries = the length of time she can fool herself and others.  Ever wonder why Bedini's lab has a monster bank of cell-tower backup batteries?

Regarding the diode.  No longer present or deemed of any value.  Each week, Rose has a new pet pixie to credit for her amazing results.  This week it's the anti-phase relationship of the drain voltage and source current, which of course is fundamental and present in every common-source (source grounded, load in drain leg) circuit whether MOSFEt, transistor ot tube.  Whether amplifier or oscillator or switching circuit, too.  She ignores this easily learned and readily observable fact and pretends it is some fantastic discovery that proves zipons exist.  All too sad and ridiculously comical if she weren't so damn serious about it all.

Group: Guest
Here is a post awaiting Stefan's approval and publication over at "the other forum" where Poynt's arduous and patient teachings are starting to get through to Stefan on some critical issues.  I thought I should post it here at my "home forum" as well.  It typically takes Stefan a day or two to release my posts, so Rosemary may well see it here first.  She reads here fastidiously by her own admission.  

I should note, to the full credit of (and my improving opinion of) Stefan's personal integrity, he has eventually cleared 100% of my posts since putting me on "censorship" status.  I, in return, have avoided all personal remarks, ad hominem attacks, sarcasm and ridicule (although it has been hard at times).  Years ago, Stefan "perma-banned" me for repeatedly attacking lies told by Ashtweth, so this is no trivial achievement.   ;)  It is no secret to him or to anyone reading that Humbugger and cHeeseburger are one and the same.

Re: Rosemary Ainslie circuit demonstration on Saturday March 12th 2011
« Reply #373 on: Today at 12:37:20 AM »Quote

Note: This message is awaiting approval by a moderator.

Now, Stefan and Poynt, we are converging on the truth finally.  The battery is a fixed DC potential with millivolts of actual ripple due to its internal resistance.  The battery voltage does not actually have the 150VAC 1.5MHz signal Rosemary is feeding the 'scope.

The importance is now properly focused on the shunt and the actual current flow there.

This demonstration shows the difference between the waveforms obtained across the inductive shunt and the resistive portion of same shunt.  The scale factors are identical (1V per division) on both traces.  Notice three super-important  things:

1)  The amplitude when we include the inductance is way higher and does not agree at all with the actual current measured just across the resistor.  The inductance allows a much larger voltage swing, fooling us into thinking the current is much larger than it really is.

2)  Look at the areas above and below zero.  In the larger (inductance included) trace, by eyeball, it looks like the areas are close to even or maybe even slightly more negative.  But in the real current trace it is clear that the area above zero is easily greater than that below zero.

3)  There is significant phase skew between the two waveforms and this will ruin the accuracy of any multiplied samples.  The true current (across just the resistive part of the shunt) does not peaqk at the same time as the false, inductor-polluted "current" trace and is in fact not always the same polarity at a given instant in time.  Notice the inductive shunt trace is approximately at its peak at the zero-crossings of the real current:  almost 90 degrees phase shift.  Basic fundamentls when the L vastly dominates the R of shunt!

So, the amplitude, waveshape and phase angle of the "current" signal Rosemary is feeding into the scope is by no means an accurate picture of the true current flowing in the circuit. When the "battery" voltage also has an enormous misrepresentation due to series inductance inside the measuring points, and we multiply the data samples point by point, the numbers are so far from any believable reality that it boggles the mind and the results could come out anywhere and are totally meaningless, sorry to say.

Here is a challenge for Rosemary:  Submit this post to your favorite Tektronix Applications Engineer.  He or she is a certified oscilloscope measurement expert and is called on all the time to sort out these kinds of measurement questions.  Ask him or her to write a paragraph about it, agreeing or disagreeing with what I have wriiten here, attach his or her name to it, and publish it here for us.


So the truth is laid bare and Rosemary has been challenged to take the matter to a fully qualified and very available (at no cost) expert who is a disinterested party.  Let's see how she responds to this.   O0


P.S.  For those just learning about inductance, notice how the inductive trace voltage amplitude corresponds to the rate of change of the actual current through it as seen on the pure resistance.  This explains why the inductive voltage trace can go negative while the actual current is still positive but rapidly declining.  While the real current is rising rapidly, the inductive voltage is at peak positive.  The voltage across an inductor is a pure function of the rate of change of current through the inductor.  The polarity of the voltage has nothing to do with the polarity of the current, but rather whether is is rising or declining.
« Last Edit: 2011-03-27, 04:03:50 by humbugger »
Group: Guest
Quoting Rosemary:

Well Poynty.  I hope this is still on the same page that we can still reference that RED ELIPSE.  You forgot to add those BIG SPIKES AT THE TRANSITIONAL PHASES OF THE SWITCH. Roughly 10 volts above zero and 30 volts below zero.  During THAT moment we have 10/0.25 = 40 amps from the battery and 30/0.25 = 120 volts being returned to the battery.  AS WE ALL KNOW the one spike never manifests at the same time as another.  THEREFORE over time 40 amps * vbatt was delivered and THEN 120 amps * vbatt was returned.  Factor that in together with the amount of time that the current was flowing during the 'ON' time of the switch or we'd be inclined to think that you're only looking at one side of your argument.

Now.  Assume that the battery average is applied during those spikes.  P = vi dt - therefore during those two moments we have 40 amps * 73.3 volts = a staggering 2 932.00 WATTS discharged and 120 amps * 73.3 volts returned = an even more staggering 8 798 WATTS returned to the battery.  And that's not all.  We then also have another problem.  The actual voltage during the flow of that 40 amps FROM THE BATTERY trends to less than 73.3 volts.  And the actual voltage during the flow of 120 amps BACK TO THE BATTERY trends to more than 73.3 volts.

Rosemary, you have to get real.  What you are saying above is in denial of what we have been trying to tell you about problems with the wire lengths and the inductance associated with your current sensing resistor.  Read Humbugger's posting above as many times as it takes.  Look at the two different waveforms and reference his text and follow it until it registers with you.  Read my somewhat simpler postings #367 and #375.  It just has to sink in.

I am not sure if you have even acknowledged these issues that have been mentioned so many times now.  Hum and Poynt are the ones with the real world experience here and they have the equipment.  I don't have much real world experience on the bench with respect to these issues but my qualifying skills are excellent and I can tell you that you are being told the absolute truth.  You are in denial, and it's getting ridiculous.  You are clinging to false data based on extremely poor measurement techniques.  You have almost no capabilities and experience on an electronics bench and you are arguing against seasoned people with a lifetime of experience on the bench.

Over the past two years, and without naming any names, I have seen you heap praise on people who were helping you.  I have seen you embellish their technical credentials to ridiculous extremes so that what you were saying about them was completely disconnected from reality.  Considering the fact that you worked for several months with your South African "experts" it's not difficult to imagine that they weren't really "experts" at all.  This is borne out by the ridiculous measurements that you have been clinging to for so long now.

If you were wise, you would admit that you weren't aware of all of the technical and measurement issues related to your setup.  You were let down by the people around you, or you just chose to believe that they were "experts" and that they knew what they were doing.  You know that there is a phenomenon on the free energy web sites where people sometimes refuse to discuss their educational, knowledge, and experience level with respect to electronics and physics and energy.  Perhaps the same dynamic was at play with your lab "experts" in South Africa.

Again, look at the excellent information that Poynt and Hum have provided you with.  They are speaking the truth.  It's over, and there was never anything special or anything to learn about the spontaneous oscillations associated with your third-generation setup.  For what it's worth, this phenomenon of misunderstanding what's going on happens all the time on the free energy forums.  It just happened on your very own thread with Magluvin.

I give you credit for your true desire to help the world with some sort of system to make better use of energy.  The simple fact is that the system you are proposing doesn't work.  I am 100% confident that proper measurements would bear this out.  By the same token I was 100% confident that Lawrence's Joule Thief sent to Poynt would be under unity.

Although I can't prejudge, it seems to me that the people that deserve the most negative Brownie Points are the people you worked with in the lab.  They should have known better and they should have been giving you sound technical advice.


Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...
I tired once again to help Rose understand, but interference from Stefan blew that chance.

Seems Rose has gone off on all sorts of tangents regarding the circuit I posted and the point I tried making. Also, she seems to want to deny that the shunt voltage mean computations may be in question.

Will she still make the battery voltage measurement? Perhaps, once the unit is operating again. But alas, even if she concedes that the battery voltage measurements she has been using are completely skewed, there's the shunt trace crutch that even Stefan seems delirious about.

If the truth ever does come out from her side, let it be known that she was advised many times and by many people, to do some simple tests, and consider some simple factors detrimentally impacting the measurements. She has been reluctant to heed most if not all of that advice, even in the face of simple logic.

Perhaps it is once again, time to write this off as a lost cause and focus our energy on things that matter.  ;)


"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa
Group: Guest


You are correct. Perhaps this thread should be left as a post mortem.

After 10 years of babble Rosemary Ainslie has been described as an old, near blind, sick, delusional woman.
Most forum readers envision her as rarely getting out of her pyjamas or leaving her dark, dusty house
and doing nothing other than to sit down on her computer to addictively seek attention.

She has neither said, nor produced, anything relevant, of substance or importance.
in all these years of thousands of posts and hundreds of thousands of words.

This woman, alone in her fantasies, has worked hard to earn her reputation of putting her nonsense to words.
She is highly adept at disconnecting and deflecting from reality when forced to confront it and changes the subject .

She has already explained in her own words that she spends most all of her day in the internet.
It does not require much calculation to conclude that she lives in her own rejected world
with no time left for personal relationships. So let her be. She makes sense to herself.

You can, however, expect her hallucinations to continue for a another half-life of 10/20 years.
She will soon discontinue her deceptions about her unremarkable circuit and move on to another fantasy.

I suggest that no matter what forum you belong to, feel free to post your own impressions here.
You wont be censored ..and what she may think of your comment is irrelevant.
As I said, after 10 years she has earned her reputation.


Group: Guest
I got a private email from a certain someone very angry and demanding I retract my lies regarding the current shunt being able to alter the balance of area under the positive and negative sides just because it has SOME INDUCTANCE.

They obviously don't understand inductance.  Here is another, even more clear example, using just a trapezoidal current generator that ramps up and down between zero and two amps.  The true current as seen on the shunt is never negative.  Zero area under the negative side.  Always zero or positive current flow.

Yet the scope trace including the inductance shows almost as much time and area in the negative zone as it does in the positive.  So indeed, an inductive shunt can make us think there is negative current flow (and plenty of it) when (as in this example) in reality there is never even one pico-amp of negative current flow.


« Last Edit: 2011-03-28, 00:00:36 by humbugger »
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
After 10 years of babble Rosemary Ainslie has been described as an old, near blind, sick, delusional woman.
Most forum readers envision her as rarely getting out of her pyjamas or leaving her dark, dusty house
and doing nothing other than to sit down on her computer to addictively seek attention.
Envisioning something is not a fact in any sense of the word, do you have anything in regards to actual facts.

She has neither said, nor produced, anything relevant, of substance or importance.
in all these years of thousands of posts and hundreds of thousands of words.
I'm not sure I would agree, I do not judge you based on the fact that you have neither said, nor produced, anything relevant, of substance or real importance in my opinion. We can say whatever we like and think we are all so wonderfully superior and intelligent but the fact remains that none of you are even remotely close to demonstrating a tangible free energy machine, in fact few have any idea where to start.  ;D, it kind of gives new meaning to the word relevant doesn't it.

She has already explained in her own words that she spends most all of her day in the internet.
It does not require much calculation to conclude that she lives in her own rejected world
with no time left for personal relationships. So let her be. She makes sense to herself.
I spend a great deal of time surfing as well, I read everything within my grasp, I research everything I find remotely curious, I seek information and knowledge on a scale most can understand --- so what?

So basically you have made this whole pointless, baseless, post because you cannot seem to handle the fact that Rosemary is different from you, does that about sum it up?.

Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Guest
Hi everyone,

@ .99 and Humm .... being a professional myself I believe you both have done your best to enlighten us and the open sourse community of the measurement errors to the best of "any ones" abilities and a testament to your knowledge and beliefs.
@ milehigh .... always there backing the believable questioning the nonsense, and gave me at one time excellent information on placing a test inductor vertically not horizontally because of the unknown questionable wave forms emitting from the inductor under test
@ Mookie .... couldn't have said it better other than adding the hurt that has been done to countless others she's touched in any way
@ Harvey .... hope some day this will all be good somehow

@ RA the tribal cult leader .... hope your lap puppies, close friends and relatives that are members at OU.com that helped deceive the open source community find comfort

@ all the others .... good luck your going to need all you can get

@ Stephan .... now that there has been a OU device you have seen the documentation and have undeniably approved the results the Over Unity "PRIZE" that you offer at your web site will be going to Rosemary Ainslie I assume being all your required criteria has been met. I'm also glad you banned me plus others and gave RA the only soap box in the open source community to stand on "again" uncontrolled .... says volumes to me.



Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...
@MookieEnvisioning something is not a fact in any sense of the word, do you have anything in regards to actual facts.
Mookie is entitled to his opinion, just as you are to yours.

I'm not sure I would agree, I do not judge you based on the fact that you have neither said, nor produced, anything relevant, of substance or real importance in my opinion.
Again, that is your opinion.

There is a big difference between not saying anything of significance (not saying Mookie that you haven't), and consistently making grossly unsubstantiated claims and countless errors and assumptions. Rose thinks she has conveyed useful information and that she possesses something significant with her MOSFET circuit, but I agree with Mookie, she has not, and does not.

We can say whatever we like and think we are all so wonderfully superior and intelligent but the fact remains that none of you are even remotely close to demonstrating a tangible free energy machine, in fact few have any idea where to start.  ;D, it kind of gives new meaning to the word relevant doesn't it.
Are you excluding yourself from your blanket "none of you" statement?

So basically you have made this whole pointless, baseless, post because you cannot seem to handle the fact that Rosemary is different from you, does that about sum it up?.
By similarity: So basically you have made several pointless, baseless, posts about how useless SPICE is because you cannot seem to handle the fact that you have had different results with it, does that about sum it up?.


"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa
Group: Guest
Can SPICE simulate this?

Meyl shows tesla longitudinal electricity transmission in 2003  (click link to see experimental demo)

Didn't think so  :)


Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...
Can SPICE simulate this?

Meyl shows tesla longitudinal electricity transmission in 2003  (click link to see experimental demo)

Didn't think so  :)

Can you do 3D Modeling with MS Word?

Didn't think so. :)

It would be prudent of you to compare apples to apples.


"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
Rose thinks she has conveyed useful information and that she possesses something significant with her MOSFET circuit, but I agree with Mookie, she has not, and does not.
I would agree that it is a matter of opinion, however in my opinion Rosemary has conveyed useful information to me. She did not hold my hand and tell me the facts of the matter but rather I read her work and considered the possibilities of it with an open mind. This led me to consider things in a different way than I may have in the past and I designed and tested new circuits based on a slightly different way of doing things. I learned that if a high resistance high inductance coil with proper turn spacing is subjected to a large potential difference having an extreme rate of change then the sum of potential differences measured per turn can be much greater than the potential difference across the inductive/resistive coil as a whole. I learned that this is when lumped sum inductance/capacitance calculations fail because it does not consider that any singular non-distributed effect could possibly occur between the two points normally considered. To be perfectly honest I learned a great deal when considering Rosemary's circuit conceptually than I have from anyone here because most are just repeating the same old textbook theory over and over. It was not so much that Rosemary taught me this directly, it was that she reminded me that I should always have an open mind and consider the other possibilities and for that I thank her, it's all about perspective --- some have it some don't.

By similarity: So basically you have made several pointless, baseless, posts about how useless SPICE is because you cannot seem to handle the fact that you have had different results with it, does that about sum it up?.
Not really, I understand that SPICE can never model the full extent of singular non-distributed reactions occurring in any given space or circuit because all the science journals state that there is no supercomputer nor modeling software in existence that is up to the task. My area of research and interest relates directly to these non-linear, non-distributed effects which is why I think that no simulator to date can work and the literature would agree with me on this point.

Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Guest

We await your new textbook complete with the new discoveries and perspectives gained by listening to Rosemary's stunning and profound revelations.  Just a sampling of her fabulous expertise in power measurement techniques and formulas would fill many chapters and probably inspire many readers like yourself to new vistas and transcendental plateaus of revelatory new knowledge.

Hero Member

Posts: 2735
We await your new textbook complete with the new discoveries and perspectives gained by listening to Rosemary's stunning and profound revelations.  Just a sampling of her fabulous expertise in power measurement techniques and formulas would fill many chapters and probably inspire many readers like yourself to new vistas and transcendental plateaus of revelatory new knowledge.
No textbooks or revelations here, my intent it to take the best of everyone I encounter regardless of who they are to better myself so I can help others, very simple concept -- you should try it.

Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Guest
@HumbuggerNo textbooks or revelations here, my intent it to take the best of everyone I encounter regardless of who they are to better myself so I can help others, very simple concept -- you should try it.

That is very altruistic of you and may in general serve you well.  I hope it does.  Just don't forget the value of discernment in your eagerness to see good wherever you look and positive value in every aspect of every person, you know?  Critical thinking often appears to the blissful believer as negativity.  A lack of it will always lead to delusion and a deeply flawed perception of reality.

My point is that no one can learn anything helpful or useful about electronic circuits or power measurements from Rosemary Ainslie.  The only thing I have seen Rosemary teach or demonstrate well is her ability to assert nonsense repeatedly and ferociously until many of her audience accept the nonsense as if it were the truth or useful knowledge.  I do not consider that to be useful in bettering myself or helping anyone, except as a clear example of what to avoid at all cost.

Group: Guest
@ Stephan .... now that there has been a OU device you have seen the documentation and have undeniably approved the results the Over Unity "PRIZE" that you offer at your web site will be going to Rosemary Ainslie I assume being all your required criteria has been met.

I'm very pleased that Stephan gives her the OU prize, even though the prize is far not enough to thank Rosemary Ainslie for her marvelous gift to humanity.
For having wrongly mocked her splendid work, I was banned from ou.com, and this was pure justice! Her majesty of free energy, pardon me! I'm full of shame and I repent!

Group: Guest
One last kick at the can for Rosemary:

You forgot to add those BIG SPIKES AT THE TRANSITIONAL PHASES OF THE SWITCH.  Roughly 10 volts above zero and 30 volts below zero.  During THAT moment we have 10/0.25 = 40 amps from the battery

Rosemary, you have been told that there is unwanted inductance associated with your current sensing resistor.  The inductance resists sudden changes in the flow of current.  This resistance manifests itself as.... guess what, something that looks like an increased electrical resistance of the current sensing resistor itself.  So apparent increased resistance will result in a real increase in voltage across the current sensing resistor for a short amount of time.

Supposing you suddenly put current through the current sensing resistor and the current goes from zero to six amps very suddenly.  What will happen is that you will get a BIG SPIKE (see your quote above) in voltage across the current sensing resistor when this happens.  It's the inductance in the current sensing resistor that is causing this.  It's a "fake out" because the big spike is NOT indicating a huge increase in current at all, it's just a characteristic of how inductors work.

So, if I recall correctly your heating element is about 11 ohms and the battery voltage is about 72 volts.  Therefore your maximum current is (72/11) = 6.55 amps.  Above you are claiming (10/0.25) = 40 amps from the battery.

It's NOT 40 amps Rosemary.  You are being faked out by the property of inductance in the current sensing resistor.  What's happening is perfectly normal.

There are NO MASSIVE CURRENTS Rosemary.  You are completely wrong.  The big voltage spikes at the transitional phases of the switch are completely normal and not indicative of large amounts of current flow.

So for all of these months where you were in development and rejoicing about the results you were getting.... It was all wrong, a big mistake.

You have been looking at a normal mundane MOSFET switching circuit and thinking that it represents something special that mainstream somehow overlooked and you are completely wrong.

If you still can't fathom how an inductor can create a voltage spike and are going to carry on so be it.

Do you remember seeing this formula:  v = L di/dt?  "The voltage across an inductor is directly proportional to the amount of inductance and the rate of change of current flowing through it with respect to time."  That's what's causing the "BIG SPIKES AT THE TRANSITIONAL PHASES OF THE SWITCH."

Quoting Humbugger:

Yet the scope trace including the inductance shows almost as much time and area in the negative zone as it does in the positive.  So indeed, an inductive shunt can make us think there is negative current flow (and plenty of it) when (as in this example) in reality there is never even one pico-amp of negative current flow.

Note no negative current flow but negative voltage.  When the rate of change of the current flow is decreasing but the current is still flowing in the clockwise direction you can get negative voltage across the current sensing resistor.

So Rosemary, negative voltage across the current sensing resistor but the current is still flowing in the normal direction and the battery is NOT BEING RECHARGED.  How about that, amazing eh?

Again, there are no "massive currents," you are being faked out.  The maximum current through the circuit is roughly (72/11) = 6.55 amps.

If there was "40 amps from the battery" then there would HAVE TO BE (40 x 11) = 440 volts across the heating element resistor.

Did you ever observe 440 volts across the heating element resistor?  I am assuming the answer is no.

This whole thing is nonsense Rosemary.

Sr. Member

Posts: 336
I have found that the best shunt resistor to use is the TO-220 size type.
The one in the attached image is 30 Watt when on a heat sink. It is
a non inductive resistor (well almost none ≤ 0.1 μH) and you can get them
in 100 and 200 Watt also.

Hero Member

Posts: 2735
That is very altruistic of you and may in general serve you well.  I hope it does.  Just don't forget the value of discernment in your eagerness to see good wherever you look and positive value in every aspect of every person, you know?  Critical thinking often appears to the blissful believer as negativity.  A lack of it will always lead to delusion and a deeply flawed perception of reality.

I think I am quite open minded and learn a great deal from everyone around me however the fact remains that if anyone built Rosemary's circuit and asked me to test it I would do the following. I would throw their damn oscilloscopes and simulators from a very tall building then I would build a precision bomb calorimeter for the actual circuit in it's entirety and measure the input over time from the source batteries with a hydrometer. You see at the end of the day we can theorize and diddle around with our toys all we want but reality will always be the deciding factor, either it does what it is supposed to do or it does not -- in reality.
In regards to critical thinking that is debatable, what you may be referring to is some people with an ego much larger than their IQ who tend to twist logic to justify their own personal opinions. I think critical thinking is quite comical actually because they tend to treat logic and reason like some kind of fanatical religion beyond reproach, that is their logic is self-reinforcing. The problem is they always use prior logic to reinforce new logic in a fashion not unlike a snake chasing it's tail and if at any point one point fails then all must fail. So of course this logic can wander off into pure delusion as they make every effort to hold their house of cards in place, I have found critical thinking to be very much like Overunity. :D
Humbugger if your a critical thinker then you may like the website Randi.org, they are just a barrel of laughs over there, it all fun until someone says anything out of the ordinary at which point they all turn into assholes and go into attack mode, critical thinking in it's finest hour.

I think Milehigh and Poynt99 are moving in the right direction however I think the only common sense way to approach this is the bomb calorimeter/hydrometer, because simplicity just works.

Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Guest
I have found that the best shunt resistor to use is the TO-220 size type.
The one in the attached image is 30 Watt when on a heat sink. It is
a non inductive resistor (well almost none ≤ 0.1 μH) and you can get them
in 100 and 200 Watt also.


These are fairly good shunts for low frequency work or if the shunt value is several ohms resistance.  The inductance of 0.1uH is actually not very low at all, though.  It represents a reactance much larger than a typical 0.1 ~ 0.25 ohm shunt resistance value at 1.5 MHz.  Using a shunt like this (similar in inductance to Rosemary's reported value of 110nH (which I don't believe by the way...it is probably much larger)), will produce a voltage report which predominantly shows the di/dt rate of current change and NOT  the actual magnitude of the current.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055

I think critical thinking is quite comical actually because they tend to treat logic and reason like some kind of fanatical religion beyond reproach, that is their logic is self-reinforcing. The problem is they always use prior logic to reinforce new logic in a fashion not unlike a snake chasing it's tail and if at any point one point fails then all must fail. So of course this logic can wander off into pure delusion as they make every effort to hold their house of cards in place, I have found critical thinking to be very much like Overunity. :D

Aye, there is a name for this tendency.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...
There is no perfect solution to power measurement AC, and hydrometer measurements are fraught with their own shortcomings. First of all, a specific gravity measurement only provides an approximate indication of the battery's state of charge, and the specific gravity of the electrolyte will vary with temperature, and the temperature inside the battery will vary with time due to self-heating.

How do you propose to convert SOC to an equivalent figure of output temp rise?

My point is that all methods have their challenges, and the results depend largely on how well those methods are carried out, and much less on the notion that one method may be better than another.

A better alternative to the hydrometer test, IMO, is to utilize the dual DMM/RC filter method to obtain the battery input power. An accurate Pin measurement is far more readily achievable this way than any other method, including hydrometer tests. Second, place the entire circuit into a heat chamber and use a master/slave-controlled load to match the temperature rise in a known load using DC current. ION presented this idea some time ago.

So here we have a happy marriage between an electronic method, and a thermal method, each providing a result they are well suited for.


"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa
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