And, it is a shame that there has to be an uncomfortable territory. But if we were only to post rock solid info, then these forums would be gone long ago. No? 
You're only venturing into uncomfortable territory (possibly) if you don't have credible evidence at hand, and you are either making bold claims or supporting them just because you believe. Does that not make sense? Outside of making bold claims, almost anything is game. Fair enough? Examples of a bold claim: 1) I am getting 100W going back to my battery, even when I'm heating water to boil. I have COP = infinity! 2) I have a circuit that I've confirmed produces 100W more output power than input power. 3) I can light 600 LEDs forever with one 1.5V battery, and it surely is a new discovery. Examples of interesting results that one might share: 1) I am measuring more output power than input power, and I'd like some feedback on my methods and circuit so that I may confirm my results. 2) I can resonate 50 tuning forks with just one tuning fork, am I getting OU? 3) Here is an idea for how the TPU might work. What do you think? Get the picture?  .99
"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa