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Author Topic: Help Building a special transformer ?  (Read 89505 times)
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How about we give this one until June 30th?  So by the end of the first half of 2012, will this be declared success or failure?  If nothing comes of it there will be no victory to claim.  It's just "normalness" happening again.  Whichever way it turns out, all can speak up and address the issue.  On some levels the world is really boring and for most living things Nature is short, brutal, and harsh.  I suppose that you could throw in "normal" also.

Who is "imagining better?"  It would be nice to hear the proponents and opponents chime in when the clock runs out.
« Last Edit: 2012-01-22, 08:35:31 by MileHigh »

Group: Administrator
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Posts: 3975

Buy me some coffee
the reality is that none of you seem to exhibit even a modicum of science education or show any scientific or technical ability whatsoever. It's a bit like watching an extended episode of the Muppets!

Farrah will you stop the insults, the above statement tags everyone and there is just no need for it.
What are you doing here on OUR really? Any useful research?
Group: Guest
Here's a question, if the physical reality put's constraints against our imagination then why does our imagination remove them?. You see at one time it was physically impossible that a machine which was heavier than air could fly through the air

This is a common misinterpretation of what Lord Kelvin (and also J. W. Rayleigh) said, a falsification of the History.
People were not so idiot or naive, even at the time of Kelvin: every one knew that birds fly and that birds are heavier than air.
What Kelvin said, after having calculated the weight of flying machines, is that there was no way to make fly a machine heavier than air, with the heavy motors of his time.
But we perfectly know that the improvement of the technology can allow machines that were not possible in the past. The impossibilities of the past can be realities of the present. It is a triviality.
Now it is one thing to "imagine" that objects will be perhaps possible and another to build them at the time they are imagined.
Nobody prevent you to do science fiction or futurology. But we are not here for that. We are here to produce real machines buildable with the means of our time. For this goal, imagination is not enough if one refuses to deal with the present reality, the constraints of Nature and our technological means. It is obvious that "machines heavier than air" were impossible at Kelvin's time. At the Kelvin's time, you would have said "it's possible". I'm sorry to say that at the Kelvin's time, your assertion would have been as useless as almost all the today free energy announcements not supported by facts.

« Last Edit: 2012-01-22, 12:13:28 by exnihiloest »
Group: Guest
This is what professors do.  Encourage scientific due process in order to ultimately discover the truth in any matter.

While some may think of this as a waste of time (in accordance with pre-judgment principles) is it really?

It is not a waste of time if it is really scientific. Unfortunately, we see very big flaws:
The "truth" never comes from premature annoucements with unfunded assertions, very questionnable measurement methods, and hypothetic facts not verified by third party.

Group: Guest
Farrah will you stop the insults, the above statement tags everyone and there is just no need for it.
What are you doing here on OUR really? Any useful research?

You consider that an insult? That is simply how it appears. And it doesn't tag everyone - the Muppets know who they are.

How about this; when Chet and the people playing about with this device actually start to talk some sense, I'll start to be nice.

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Posts: 3975

Buy me some coffee
Well it would appear that is has been found to be insulting to some as my response was a direct result from the mail i am getting about your post, and as you have just stated that you are not going to stop then that leaves me very little choice in how i can i deal with this.
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Making Sense............

Water is  very interesting ...It holds a charge which changes with temperature all by itself ...Its bonds are make and break at will ... Pressure greatly changes things too!

I propose a theory based on things others have shared with me .
A perfect storm!!

"Pressure" caused by resonance ,"Temperature" caused by movement  and a flow of " E.L.F. Electricity"!!

We beat up the water 10 ways to Sunday ... With a bit of extra Heat gained in the process .

 No "Hokus pokus"!

This is an experiment Farrah !!

Chet Draws another line in the sand.............

PS I see the post above from admin.
Let it be known ... I don't Like Bans or complain [PM] behind the scenes.............
Is Farrah Getting a "Time Out"??
I am going to start to build again [along with others] .
It is my hope we will get some help and guidance from the fellows who have done this! [Also some movies!;}

I also have an offer from Prof Savic on Custom made "Tuned" Sonic boiler!!

Lets Dance.....................

« Last Edit: 2012-01-22, 14:58:47 by ramset »

Group: Administrator
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Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...
You consider that an insult? That is simply how it appears. And it doesn't tag everyone - the Muppets know who they are.

How about this; when Chet and the people playing about with this device actually start to talk some sense, I'll start to be nice.

Hi Farrah.

Please tone it down a wee bit. Also, it is difficult at times to know to whom the poster is referring, so please be cognizant of that in the future. For a while there, it seemed the whole forum was being spanked  :-[

And a reminder to those making or supporting bold claims; ensure your case is rock solid before you do, or accept the fact that you may be entering into uncomfortable territory.

Cheers  :)


"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa
Group: Guest
The only person who can make a free energy machine before it's even possible is Chuck Norris, but he has more important things to do than saving the world.  ;D
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Posts: 4052
I hereby Formally rescind all Bold Claims made by others concerning a certain "Sonic Boiler".
Heretofore all such claims shall be considered Hearsay and not hold any validity in this venue!

I will however be following their suggestions [the claimants]regarding said claims ,and evaluating the feasibility of said claims as it may or may not apply to certain claimed "extra Heating" anomalies !
Any Hot air being generated by these Forum squirmishes [not a real word] will also be taken into consideration in the final Calorimetry..........

With all respect,

I would also consider any OU events attributed to "Chuck Norris"as Hearsay until proven otherwise by serious scientific Rigor........[whatever that means]
Group: Guest
Hi Farrah.

Please tone it down a wee bit. Also, it is difficult at times to know to whom the poster is referring, so please be cognizant of that in the future. For a while there, it seemed the whole forum was being spanked  :-[

And a reminder to those making or supporting bold claims; ensure your case is rock solid before you do, or accept the fact that you may be entering into uncomfortable territory.

Cheers  :)


Yea, there should be rules for no spanking, unless the spankee is found utterly guilty of some real offense.   ;) And the spanker should have to prove, in full, that the spankee needs spanked, before the spanking begins.  O0

And, it is a shame that there has to be an uncomfortable territory. But if we were only to post rock solid info, then these forums would be gone long ago. No?   ;)

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Posts: 4052
"Spankyou very much"


Group: Administrator
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Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...
And, it is a shame that there has to be an uncomfortable territory. But if we were only to post rock solid info, then these forums would be gone long ago. No?   ;)


You're only venturing into uncomfortable territory (possibly) if you don't have credible evidence at hand, and you are either making bold claims or supporting them just because you believe. Does that not make sense?

Outside of making bold claims, almost anything is game. Fair enough?

Examples of a bold claim:

1) I am getting 100W going back to my battery, even when I'm heating water to boil. I have COP = infinity!
2) I have a circuit that I've confirmed produces 100W more output power than input power.
3) I can light 600 LEDs forever with one 1.5V battery, and it surely is a new discovery.

Examples of interesting results that one might share:

1) I am measuring more output power than input power, and I'd like some feedback on my methods and circuit so that I may confirm my results.
2) I can resonate 50 tuning forks with just one tuning fork, am I getting OU?
3) Here is an idea for how the TPU might work. What do you think?

Get the picture?  O0


"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa
Group: Ambassador
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Posts: 4052
How about
I design and build heat pumps for a living , I have always had to maintain the highest levels  of Scrutiny for my systems to be competitive in the market place.
My test equipment as well as techniques have got to be ultra sensitive to observe even the most miniscule gains in performance.

I am Mr. ikea Hear me roar...................
The above is a ruff translation of the hearsay that lead me to make such "bold Claims"


Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...
How about
I design and build heat pumps for a living , I have always had to maintain the highest levels  of Scrutiny for my systems to be competitive in the market place.
My test equipment as well as techniques have got to be ultra sensitive to observe even the most miniscule gains in performance.

I am Mr. ikea Hear me roar...................
The above is a ruff translation of the hearsay that lead me to make such "bold Claims"

As long as you have no credible evidence at hand Chet (which to date I don't believe we've seen), then it shall remain and be presented as hearsay.


"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
Yes I understand....

A fellah once told me if a smack my hand with a hammer it would hurt!! Based on all I know about those things {hammers and hands] I took his word for it!
I have spent my life dealing with all kinds of fellows in some pretty shady businesses in NYC ...It became necessary for me to become a very good Interpreter of people ,There were times my life depended on this!

Speaking as I have, at great lengths to the inventor of this ikea Boiler . Its like a hammer Smack to me now....This is what he does ,its not his hobby ,he cannot explain what he sees ,nor does he try ...But I tell you one thing .... He completely understands how to reproduce it ,and does so at will!

With the help and guidance of the men and woman here and elsewhere we will proceed to build and test ...........

Group: Administrator
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Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...
Cheers!  O0

"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa
Group: Guest
My post wasnt against you in any way.  O0

I was just hoping that some may get the message that being nice to others is not so hard to do.
But for some, it seems that it is.  Why is that?
What is the root cause?  Just plain hatred of the hopes, happiness and excitement in Chet?  

Something Ive noticed lately is there is a lot less bashing at OU than there used to be. Except in 1 thread.  O0  :-X

And lets say that maybe the person in that thread really has nothing, and is just plain crazy, borderline retarded.  What is the great value it putting them down any further that one might think they already are?  Does it make ya feel good? Is it of utmost importance that you inform the "3 readers of the thread" that they may not falter into the sink hole? Save them! Their souls are at risk! AHHHH!      

 I picture some here that would make fun of someone in the street that walked funny from a disability, OPENLY AND OUT LOUD so that THEIR audience may notice their great victory over the crippled beast fool. How dare they show themselves in public, we must make it known that the freak walks funny and we must belittle them for all to see. A moral imperative.  O0

Gimme a break

Group: Guest

There is another perspective on the issue of claims based on hearsay or other things that are suspect or just blatantly ridiculous.  I think about two months ago a graph from "Mr. C," the alleged Serbian professor, that showed the performance of his device.

It was a graph with temperature on the vertical scale and current on the horizontal scale, and an associated curve.

Now, that graph makes no sense at all.  Considering that this is data coming from someone that is allegedly working with a sonic boiler and pitching the concept it's twice as bad.

Now, you are reasonably astute.  Could you yourself see how ridiculous and nonsensical that graph was?  If you did, did you connect the dots back to the person that supplied the graph and conclude that this person was in all likelihood not credible?

Now it goes without saying that nothing would be said on OU.  But here it is different.

If you did think the graph was nonsense then why didn't you speak up?  It's more of a hypothetical question that is generic and applies across the board.

How come people that are reasonably astute see what they know is ridiculous nonsense on free energy forums and say nothing?


Group: Administrator
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Posts: 3975

Buy me some coffee
It was a graph with temperature on the vertical scale and current on the horizontal scale, and an associated curve.

Now, that graph makes no sense at all.

I didn't see the graph what was wrong with it ?

Was he using a constant voltage source maybe mains supply so therefore power would be proportional to the current, so without looking into it i would imagine he was plotting the power required to raise temperature.
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Posts: 4052
I remember being perplexed by the graph [and saying so],I have since learned that the Cop event does not start to manifest until the temp gets to 90 C !

This is by no means a case of "don't confuse me with the facts my mind is made up"!!


Group: Guest
Here is the nonsensical graph.  I remembered the axes incorrectly, but it doesn't matter:

Group: Ambassador
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Posts: 4052
Oh But How wrong you are !!
It Posolutely [new word] shows that the COP event starts to happen at [about]90 C
I do remember remarking that I felt critical info was missing ,however the intent of the graph is clear now
Things start to happen at 90 C

I will give you the fact that its a tad confusing but MR.ikea Has found that his device sees the same thing ,and this transformer is for the "Mr. ikea" device

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...
Something Ive noticed lately is there is a lot less bashing at OU than there used to be. Except in 1 thread.  O0  :-X
That's because most of the folks who perpetrated the nonsense causing and participating in the "bashing" have not posted for a long time.

And lets say that maybe the person in that thread really has nothing, and is just plain crazy, borderline retarded.  What is the great value it putting them down any further that one might think they already are?  Does it make ya feel good? Is it of utmost importance that you inform the "3 readers of the thread" that they may not falter into the sink hole? Save them! Their souls are at risk! AHHHH!
In case you hadn't noticed, Rosemary is making demands that we pay her the OU Award/Prize. Not only that, but she continues to spread lies about me and the analysis that I have performed. Am I to stand by and allow that to happen, and also not make it clear what the conditions are to apply for the Award? I'd rather be playing my guitar to be honest, but the BS she propagates is unacceptable, at least to me. What would you do if I was posting demands to you and sending you emails asking for money of which I do not deserve?

I picture some here that would make fun of someone in the street that walked funny from a disability, OPENLY AND OUT LOUD so that THEIR audience may notice their great victory over the crippled beast fool. How dare they show themselves in public, we must make it known that the freak walks funny and we must belittle them for all to see. A moral imperative.  O0

Gimme a break

That's a sad picture you envision, and it is not me at all. I don't think anyone here is like that.


Edit: Removed "have"
« Last Edit: 2012-01-22, 23:35:51 by poynt99 »

"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa
Group: Guest
Fair enough

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