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Author Topic: Help Building a special transformer ?  (Read 89506 times)
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
The transformer would require far more time effort and technical skill to make than the bloody boiler... I'm totally baffled by all this, can somebody with half-a-brain please explain to me what the hell is going on!

I believe what the hell is going on is called science, you see it is hard to dismiss the logic that if two beer cans can ring at X frequency and produce unusual phenomena then rather than tune the cans to a frequency we may tune the frequency to the cans, equal yet opposite. Rather than spend hours upon hours trying to tune the cans mechanically we simply tune them electrically giving us a great range of variability which is essential in the process of invention or when seeking answers to unknown questions which is science.

As well instead of spending endless hours trying to mechanically tune the cans we could spend all of $30 to buy two N channel 200v/50A and two P channel 200v/50A mosfets, a 200v/50A FWB, a 555 timer, two mosfet drivers and a few smoothing caps to build a 3Kw variable frequency AC/DC/pulsed DC supply -- add another $6 for variable output voltage. Now if a person wanted to get creative we could also use an Arduino usb microcontroller to simultaneously sweep one frequency range or multiple frequencies while monitoring a hall effect sensor which senses vibrations of the cans which are partially saturated by a permanent magnetic field. In which case we would simply program the microcontroller to automatically sweep through a massive number of frequency combinations and log the frequency(s) and the output from the hall effect sensor and possibly a temperature sensor in the serial monitor for number crunching in a spread sheet. All for less than $70 and which could also be used for many other experiments or projects as well, ain't science and technology wonderful.
I guess the first question we need to ask is what is our time worth?


« Last Edit: 2012-01-19, 13:26:50 by allcanadian »

Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
Now that's a nice post !You are also in agreement with the Ikea Boiler inventor,This VFO or whatever you call it will be useful in other ares of experimentation![the tK device was mentioned].

I believe the inventor feels there is much room for advancing the COP of his boiler ,and this transformer will allow others to contribute towards that advancement.[the" little Red Hen" thing gets old]

Group: Guest
And the madness goes on, and on. Wall... head...banging!
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052

 goes on, and on. Wall... head...banging!

Would you like to apply for the Overunity Prize??
Is that CCW OR CW Head banging?
what Hemisphere are you in?
Are you using batter  ies [MH loves Those]

Any Vids/Movies??
How can you prove t goes ON and ON and ON.............


I brought you a wesley movie

I find these really help maintain resonance with head bangers!!


Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
A multileaved caduceus coil:


Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
Nice movie..........
Somebody cut out the "Money Shot"??

Cosmolv Huh??
Group: Guest

What was that?  Coil soft porn?


My feelings are that this project to make a variable-frequency high-powered high-voltage AC power source is a further descent into the theater of the absurd.  I am betting that nobody you are associated with is remotely capable of doing this properly.  I am also wondering about how you are going to measure the energy into the device under test.  Perhaps a Kill-a-Watt meter expects 50 or 60 Hz and won't work at other frequencies.  Then you are royally screwed.  If you don't have a viable solution to measure the energy going into the device ahead of time then what the hell?

I seriously wonder if the Serbian guy is the free energy equivalent to a person that has an irrational compulsion to steal women's underwear off of clothes lines.  And when they finally catch him he has panties and bras up to the ceiling in his apartment.  How do you know this guy isn't a nutcase?  I know that I am repeating myself here but look at what you are doing!  This is a new development, another yanking of the marionette strings.  The data and information that he has been providing to you from the beginning has been ridiculous.  He has zero credibility.

Anyway, I am hot going to stop you, just express my exasperation.  This whole thing is going to implode.

Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
Poorly informed [you]!
Its not your fault ...We the willing have an almost savant like ability to juggle several renderings at once!!
You will soon graduate to over unity headbanging unless I explain [it will probably sound like I'm speaking in Tongues to you..........]

Here goes
In the beginning there was peter Davey thread  ,,,We OOOo ed And AWWWED and got all excited...During this time Slovenia made a friend in Serbia whilst researching the Davey heater.
This Friend said "Hey I know all about that "" I built something much better " I heat my home for  yrs now with it ,heres how you build one1
Slovenia starts a thread at Energetic ,Chet Joins in [of course] and we start scrounging for serbian beer cans [as per prof Savics  instructions] there was a brief period where slovenia found out the info was for his ears only.[we'll skip that]
Any Hoo Weeks go by [a few] and somebody shows up from the shadows and says "hey You don't need to sand beer cans " [silly boyz]
We can run it the other way around Find the frequency of the can and send it back.

So you see this is nothing new at all ...It has been this way for 10-12 weeks .improving all the time ....With Much Much more room for improvement!!
Movies are coming so are Transformer threads...So is open source!!


Group: Guest
During this time Slovenia made a friend in Serbia whilst researching the Davey heater.
This Friend said "Hey I know all about that "" I built something much better " I heat my home for  yrs now with it ,heres how you build one

The Serbian guy has heated his home for years with beer cans... Really? And told you how to do it... Really? And yet none of you can do it? Why is that then?

So rather than build it the way it is known (claimed) to work, you guys are now talking about building complex frequency variable transformers ??? 

This has got to be the biggest joke on these forums since the Fast Freddy saga. You people are continually bouncing back and forth between the absurd and the ridiculous... the goalposts are forever moving, and not one of you seems the slightest bit bothered by this. It is like you are all blinkered and blind to the reality of this. This is a side of human nature that I cannot fathom. You people are clinging to this for dear life, yet not one of you has a working prototype that has proved the claims. You talk it up, hype it up, and shirk our comments responding with quips as if we are the insane ones here. It is all wearing a little thin now.
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
I Never found the Serbian Can mentioned in Savics PDF [absolutely can't get one over here]
I don't have 220 50 HZ Where I live.

So given just those two problems I would be off to a half assed replication , Chester don't play that game [no time for Games or the resources to waste].
I chose to replicate the device that solves these problems for me,And I will!

The Aborigines went 50 thousand years with out discovering the wheel ,They never did......
I'm sure they were all good with that!

Some of us are different we learn to improvise ..... and others pay attention to those improvisations!!


Hero Member

Posts: 2735
So rather than build it the way it is known (claimed) to work, you guys are now talking about building complex frequency variable transformers

Variable frequency power supplies are actually very easy to build, perhaps the fact you have never tried to build one or do not know how is your problem.

This has got to be the biggest joke on these forums since the Fast Freddy saga. You people are continually bouncing back and forth between the absurd and the ridiculous... the goalposts are forever moving, and not one of you seems the slightest bit bothered by this.
Oh I have seen much sillier things in the forums and in the science journals and the news, it's all relatively silly and absurd.

This is a side of human nature that I cannot fathom
You mean innovation and creativity?, is that the part you cannot fathom?.

You talk it up, hype it up, and shirk our comments responding with quips as if we are the insane ones here. It is all wearing a little thin now.

We are all a little insane Farrah, however the ones who are truely insane are the ones who think they ain't.
And what would you have all of them do? should they follow your personal flavor of pipe dream or sit around watching TV all day?, what exactly are you arguing against here Farrah?, is it the fact that some people are trying to make a difference and have decided not to dedicate their life to screwing their fellow man for a profit?. You seem to have little purpose here other than to tell people they are stupid and misguided and that they should just do nothing which in my books is insane.

« Last Edit: 2012-01-21, 07:23:12 by allcanadian »

Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3030
Well said, AC:

what exactly are you arguing against here Farrah?, is it the fact that some people are trying to make a difference and have decided not to dedicate their life to screwing their fellow man for a profit?. You seem to have little purpose here other than to tell people they are stupid and misguided and that they should just do nothing which in my books is insane.

Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
I ask for advice and help here all the time,I am a man of limited means and I have no formal education in Electronics beyond what I had to learn 40 yrs ago to repair aircraft.
A lot has changed since then...........
I need and welcome all the help I can get Including MH and Farrah ,they have helped me over the years to use what little smarts I have for vetting out things that might have otherwise wasted my time.

  This Boiler is the culmination of that education..I have twisted and wrestled with many aspects of the device and chased down all manner of What ifs ,in regard to how it could be tricking meters and such.

It is the very first thing I have decided to build.

I have gained enough knowledge from the folks here vetting fakes as well as poor measuring techniques being responsible for most eureka claims.
Plus I have a ton of experience in test protocol and procedure.
That being said...   IT works!!..... I know it ....the man that Designs and builds Heat pumps for a living knows it [Mr.ikea].

And hopefully all of you here and elsewhere will know it soon enough.

Please don't quibble ..this is going to be Fun!!

We need not self destruct our friendships  ...or casual forum relationships .
All are here to learn ,Some are here to teach.
I am just happy to be here period.

Thank you all

Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
Hoping to have some info tomorrow.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink

He who succeeds has many friends...

Group: Guest
We are all a little insane Farrah, however the ones who are truely insane are the ones who think they ain't.
 You seem to have little purpose here other than to tell people they are stupid and misguided and that they should just do nothing which in my books is insane.

Are we here to kindly converse about chimera, to play with electronics stuff, or to build a machine that works and gives energy?
If the second point is our goal, then the physical reality put constraints against our imagination and we have to take it into account. We are all insane but there are differences in the level of insanity: accepting the constraints of Nature, or denying them. The second attitude never permits successful projects.

When we see a kid who builds a sand castel while hoping to stop the waves of the rising tide, we don't say him that he will fail. He will have fun, and we too by looking at his enthousiasm. And even if we said him that he will fail, he wants to do it anyway. Only later he will understand his mistake.

Now we are not kids. If someone said that planets attract one another with a 1/r3 force law, and that using this 1/r3 law could give free energy, and that we have no free energy because scientists won't accept that this law of 1/r3 is the right one, we must inform him that it is not the case, all observations until now show that the law is in 1/r2 and that if this law is false (and GR proved it is formally false), the falseness concerns only some far decimals. As well, if someone makes an experiment, shows us results and says it is free energy or the way to free energy, while obviously the results can be perfectly explained according to the current academic knowledge, he must be told that he discovered nothing and that he misinterpreted what is for a long time known by less ignorant people.

But when I said "we are not kids", I have doubts. Because in spite the fact that some are informed about their mistakes or their unfounded ideas, they don't want understand, they want absolutely build their sand castle to stop the rising tide while every one is expecting for them to invent the concrete tetrapod.

Group: Guest
Sometimes this stuff makes me think of a Nature documentary I saw once showing a migration of moose and their young calves.  It's late Spring and they come to a river crossing.  The river is wide and fast because of the Spring runoff.  The cows swim across with their calves.  If they loose contact and the cows can't find their calves, they will swim back.  Most of the herd gets across okay.  At the end of the day you are left with cows swimming back and forth, back and forth, hoping to find their calves.  As sad sight, a macabre dance of Nature with moose swimming back and forth and going nowhere.

This is not science, nor is it making a difference.  Like Exnihiloest stated, this is people not accepting the constraints of Nature.

And I am continuously baffled that PhysicsProf can endorse these cockamamie schemes that have no possible rational basis for working when you look at the basic physics behind them.

This is a waste of human potential energy on something that can't possibly work because of statements of hearsay made by people, some of them with no technical credibility at all.

My perspective is to just sit back and watch the show.  I have worries for the safety of people trying to build some kind of multi-kilowatt output device and for the possibility of being electrocuted.  However, they are all adults and if that's what they want to do, that's what they will do.

It's going to be a "really big sheww."

Group: Guest
accepting the constraints of Nature, or denying them.

Your algorithm is limited by the variables defined.

The second attitude never permits successful projects.

Not always correct. In most cases it forbids success. In a very few cases, it is the only means of success. In a few more cases, it improves the chance of success.

We must admit the chances of having any success when not accepting the 'accepted' constraints of Nature are extremely limited.

Just remember that a few folks consider a forced reading from the science scripture no better than the local religious cult member repeatedly knocking on his door.

Such a repeat knocking requires yet another slamming door.


Hero Member

Posts: 805
Various people know the "constraints" of Nature to varying degrees, and undertaking experiments to explore those constraints is what science is all about.   In fact, the silliest experiments might reveal something previously unobserved.  

For example, a few here are so sure that only a resistive type of power dissipation is occurring in these heaters, and not stopping to think that electricity facilitates chemical reactions that may or may not be exothermic, not stopping to think that perhaps rapid bubble formation is an impulse that can excite an acoustic resonant cavity, not stopping to think that varying pressures require various latent heats to vaporize water, not stopping to think that perhaps, etc...etc.. etc.. whatever else we never thought of...

For the sake of argument, let's say that nothing else is occurring, but simply resistive heating.  There are still so many variables to be learned by a careful exploration of this type of heating.  For example, I'm curious to know how electricity stops flowing when a bubble begins to form, because "obviously" vapor might not conduct electricity, so the varying resistance changes the current draw, and these changes could be impulsive, and thus not register on a typical watt meter which might expect a nice 60 Hz waveform.   Do you see what you can come up with if you let your mind wonder and ask questions?    

So don't be so closed minded, because that makes one look boring!


PS,  Regarding these forums, everyone should be thankful that others are willing to share the results of their experiments, no matter how silly, or how complicated.  That's free stuff for you which has cost somebody time and money, so the proper response is THANK YOU, and not YOU STUPID IDIOT, DIDN'T YOU KNOW THAT ALREADY!
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
If the second point is our goal, then the physical reality put constraints against our imagination and we have to take it into account. We are all insane but there are differences in the level of insanity: accepting the constraints of Nature, or denying them.

Here's a question, if the physical reality put's constraints against our imagination then why does our imagination remove them?. You see at one time it was physically impossible that a machine which was heavier than air could fly through the air then someone imagined an airplane, it was physically impossible that a person could fly in an airplane at high altitude then they imagined pressurized cabins, it was physically impossible that a craft could travel to the moon because there was no air for their propellers to beat against and then someone imagined a rocket. Our imagination has always changed the physical reality we believed to be true throughout our history and it seems comical that each and every generation believed that their generation was the one which had everything figured out, that they knew the truth and could not possibly be wrong about anything but they always are. Why should we be any different considering our history? You see we have overwhelming proof in our history that we have usually been wrong about damn near everything so why should we be any different?.

I think the confusion starts when someone proves something as a fact from their perspective and then tries to pretend they are detached from the situation and that there perspective does not matter. It goes like this --- I think I am 100% certain these are the proven facts and I think my thinking cannot effect the facts despite the fact my thinking determined them. It's denial and delusion in the same instance which is why throughout our history everyone has always said they were always correct about everything and in almost every case they have always been proven wrong. We are no exception ;D

« Last Edit: 2012-01-21, 22:12:39 by allcanadian »

Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Guest
That being said...   IT works!!..... I know it ....the man that Designs and builds Heat pumps for a living knows it [Mr.ikea].

But here's the thing Chet, and it's the key thing, the most important thing of all... and that is the fact that, YOU DON'T KNOW IT WORKS...do you? You are simply choosing not to believe that it won't work!

You have been told by total strangers that it works, but the REALITY of this is that neither you, or any of your buddies, actually have a working device. So why would you say that you KNOW it works?  ???

I may seem like the harbinger of doom and gloom with all my negative comments, but give me something to be positive about and you may see a different side of me. It's just that we've heard it all before - so many times - and some of us get frustrated by ridiculous claims that are never backed up by anything other than foolishness and hot air. It just gets annoying.  And irrespective of what the likes of AC, says with his fanciful posts, the reality is that none of you seem to exhibit even a modicum of science education or show any scientific or technical ability whatsoever. It’s a bit like watching an extended episode of the Muppets!

What would make a bit of difference would be if one of you actually posted something even remotely related to real science for us to work with. But this never happens. What does happen is exactly the opposite: multiple unrelated frequencies depicted, with no explanation of why or what they relate to; the total dismissal of resistive heating; bells, spoons, beer cans, Ikea flasks; the fact that you are trying to tune something in air, that you are then going to bolt into a container submerged in water… huh! You are all totally oblivious to the issues and furthermore you all choose to ignore our posts that point out these issues. And of course there's the neutrinos!  >:(

I say again Chet, you do not know this works... really, do you? You are relying solely on what people have told you, (I build heat pumps... so of course I have a working sonic boiler!) and you are trusting these people implicitly. However, the simple truth is this: although this device may work in 'Chet's World', in the 'Real World' it has not yet been proven to do so, and from what I've seen, I really don't see that changing in the near future.
Group: Guest
@EM, strangely enough I'm not in disagreement with your post at all, even given the likelihood it was generally aimed at me.

In fact if Chet, or one of his buddies, gave a little more thought to what 'might' be happening with this device and 'why', and threw in some supporting science that may relate to the device, then things might just progress a little more agreeably.  I myself have not dismissed the possibility of cavitation occurring, as I posted a good while back, but resistive heating clearly has to play a major role. But it is the Cloud-Cuckoo-Land brigade who seem to have no grasp on any kind of science whatsoever, and who have no intention of acknowledging any science whatsoever, and who serve only to muddy the waters with nonsense, that do the biggest injustice to such devices and their claims. 

Hence the problem is not the device per se. The problem - for myself at least - is the fact that someone is claiming COP 12 and saying ithe device is being energised by neutrinos, whilst failing to provide any supporting science to back up these claims - and of course the fact that no one involved sees issues with these claims or even questions them.  And it does not help the cause that the device itself appears to be in a continual state of flux with design parameters forever changing.

All I'm saying is that the uneducated ramblings and mindless postings all go to undermine the device, to a point whereby to my mind - whether it works or not - it has become a laughing stock.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Quote from: exnihiloest

When we see a kid who builds a sand castel while hoping to stop the waves of the rising tide, we don't say him that he will fail. He will have fun, and we too by looking at his enthousiasm. And even if we said him that he will fail, he wants to do it anyway. Only later he will understand his mistake.

But when I said "we are not kids", I have doubts. Because in spite the fact that some are informed about their mistakes or their unfounded ideas, they don't want understand, they want absolutely build their sand castle to stop the rising tide while every one is expecting for them to invent the concrete tetrapod.

Some of us built our castles of sand
on the beach just to see how the
tide and waves would tear it apart...

You know how boys are - we like to watch
things being demolished.  Or to break things.

There are lessons there too.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Quote from: MileHigh
And I am continuously baffled that PhysicsProf can endorse these cockamamie schemes that have no possible rational basis for working when you look at the basic physics behind them.

This is a waste of human potential energy on something that can't possibly work because of statements of hearsay made by people, some of them with no technical credibility at all.

PhysicsProf is indeed encouraging an unbiased
scientific examination of the various claims.
This is what professors do.  Encourage scientific
due process in order to ultimately discover the
truth in any matter.

While some may think of this as a waste of time
(in accordance with pre-judgment principles) is it
really?  Thankfully someone is willing to expend the
necessary time and effort to set matters straight
and in the process develop documented proofs.

True Science is testing all things and reserving
judgment until all of the "facts" are established.

We must set aside prior experiences and prejudices
and foregone conclusions in order to be truly

Quote from: MileHigh
My perspective is to just sit back and watch the show.  I have worries for the safety of people trying to build some kind of multi-kilowatt output device and for the possibility of being electrocuted.  However, they are all adults and if that's what they want to do, that's what they will do.

It's going to be a "really big sheww."


"Just sit back and watch the show" with a
large volume of sideline chatter.  Of course,
there is nothing necessarily wrong with that;
and your worries which find expression as a
doting mother would harangue over an errant son
are truly well intentioned it seems.

But, the day that MileHigh "just sits back" will be
the day!

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Guest

When we see a kid who builds a sand castel while hoping to stop the waves of the rising tide, we don't say him that he will fail. He will have fun, and we too by looking at his enthousiasm. And even if we said him that he will fail, he wants to do it anyway. Only later he will understand his mistake.

Let's have the same scenario with a twist.  This time you are being stuck in the sand with just the head sticking out.  lol This is more resemble of the reality situation. 
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