Hi C2, Sorry for the delayed reply, I´ve been mad busy lately with other things and haven´t checked this thread in over a week. Welcome to this fairly new forum. Fraser,
Nice work on the signal generator(s). I found your video on YouTube looking for new Arduino projects to study.
What brought me to Arduino is a means to control a DDS signal source, and here you have programed simultaneous control of three such devices with such a simple, yet eloquent interface. It is impressive to me.
Thanks for the nice words, I´m glad you like it! I'm wondering if you are interested in helping me with my development, mostly with Arduino code, which has proven to be the most difficult for me. would you be willing to share some of the code for the DDS control and jog wheel?
Sure, provided you aren´t going to use this in a commercial product you can use or modify my source code (I will open source it and post it here as an attached file). You should be able to rip out alot of my stuff and keep the core stuff you need, It´s fairly well commented but any questions let me know on this thread (then others can benefit from the info too). Yes to get a jog wheel running nice you need to employ interrupts, this enables real fast response so no jogs are missed. My initial project is to build a single output source with sweeping capabilities, level control, and an ability to phase lock to a GPS disciplined clock for absolute accuracy. Later I plan to work with a more sophisticated DDS that offers a variety of modulation capabilities.
Sounds interesting, is this for a homebrew radio rig you´re building? Level control, how will you implement that? with some digitally controlled potentiometer? Interested to hear more. Phase lock to GPS disciplined clock? again sounds interesting, any info on good chips and hardware to do this, I´d appreciate if you post it here. So seperate signal sources (over large distances) using this could mantain a perfect phase lock with no drifting whatsoever? I do look forward to seeing more of your triple source. Thank you
I´ll try and do a video soon of it running on a scope and listening to all three freqs on a SSB receiver.
« Last Edit: 2010-01-16, 00:54:25 by Fraser »